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Last week the simulacrum President of the United States put up his middle finger to white America and announced his intention to nominate a black woman to replace Clinton appointee Stephen Breyer, who is retiring from his seat on the United States Supreme Court. Nobody seemed to be surprised at yet one more “historical first” on the way, courtesy of a corrupt white Democrat.
One of our major parties is happy about it. The other is protesting just enough to preserve the fake virtue in its false image as the “conservative opposition,” which shows that the ruling class doesn’t feel it has to hide the fact that it presides over an apartheid state anymore.
Given the abject failure of Republicans to defend the interests of their white voting base, to now expect Republican senators to block the ascent of a black woman to the Supreme Court would be, as H. L. Mencken once said of marriage, “the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” After all, no greater fear hath a Republican politician than to be called a “racist.” It’s Republicans who now roll out Martin Luther King’s “content of their character” head fake –except that 50-plus years after this plagiarizing, womanizing empty suit was killed, they still haven’t figured out that “character” was not something that the “Reverend” himself would recognize if God pointed it out. When someone cites MLK as moral inspiration, you know you’ve been conned.
Counter-Currents readers may recall that in the Democratic primaries for the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden was heading for the exit ramp when it turned out that he was a complete bust with Democrat voters who recognized boring and incoherent when they saw it. This was only the case until he cut a deal with South Carolina Congressman James Enos Clyburn, however. Clyburn agreed to get all the black church ladies to turn out to vote for Biden in the South Carolina primary. “My buddy Jim Clyburn — you brought me back!” was one of the few honest statements uttered by Biden during his campaign.
Jim Clyburn is nobody’s buddy unless there’s a payout for Jim Clyburn. That’s just how the “buddy-system” operates in our Capitol City. In exchange for his good buddy’s support, Biden agreed to pick a black woman as his running mate. Granted, he didn’t say publicly that she had to be “black,” but wink-wink, everyone understood that was the deal — which is how we got Willie Brown’s cackling ex-concubine currently tanking in her role as Vice President.
Since Jim had Joe by the short-hairs, he also figured that he could make this deal a twofer: a black woman VP and a black woman on the Supreme Court. With all the decrepitude on the bench these days, it was a good bet that Biden would get that opportunity.
So now the speculation begins: Who is that “highly qualified” black woman going to be? I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that it will be either Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris. A Huffington Post piece that was published shortly after the announcement jumped into the speculation and discounted both women on account of their ages: 58 and 57, respectively. But hold on! The federal government is run by a geriatric oligarchy. For octogenarians like Clyburn, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein — a youthful 88 — who call the shots, late-fifties means you are a kid. Anita Hill at 65 is still a youngster by ruling-class standards. A recent recipient of a Joe Biden apology, Hill said, shockingly, that “it wasn’t enough.” Don’t count her out as a longshot possibility. Either Michelle or Kamala could give the Democrats 24 years on the bench and still be younger than the departing Breyer.
Because Harris is an embarrassment as Vice President and her own party desires to find a face-saving exit for her, I’m going to predict that she would be Biden’s first choice. As Jesse Jackson might put it, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, this bush league mamma’s gotta go!” This way Biden can move her out of the White House and into a position where she can do damage to America for decades to come.
If not Harris, then it will be Michelle Obama. Obama may even have been in on the negotiations with Clyburn and Biden. Who knows? But Biden certainly owes Obama big-time. Black Democrats own Biden. Since white people used to own blacks, well, turnabout is fair play. Biden does whatever he’s ordered to do, particularly if Obama is calling the shots.
Michelle is a Harvard Law graduate and absolutely adored by the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the glitterati everywhere. Imagine the media extravaganza upon the announcement of her nomination. Imagine her Senate confirmation hearing and the Republican senators fawning over her, competing with each other to show how thrilled they are that the former First Lady is going to be on the bench.
The one caveat is that Michelle is lazy and a party girl. Her only work as a lawyer was as a junior associate at Sidley & Austin (now Sidley Austin LLP) for about three years after graduation from law school. She was never made a full partner. After she married Obama, she floated around doing “public-service-oriented” work — “diversity,” work-free jobs for the well-connected — until The One ran for President.
Michelle may not want a full-time job, of course. Still, she wouldn’t have to work all that hard. Her law clerks would do all the research and write her opinions. It would be mainly a ceremonial post, and she’d be in the limelight for decades with the mainstream media slobbering over every decision she makes.
There is one other longshot possibility: Barack Obama. Yes, most of us still believe he is not a woman, but perhaps President Biden might reconsider that part of his promise, particularly for his ex-boss. There is a precedent for an ex-President moving to the Supreme Court. In 1921, President Warren Harding appointed former President William Howard Taft to be no less than Chief Justice of the Court where he served until a month before his death. Once on the Supreme Court, Obama could continue to fulfill the promise he made on the brink of his election in 2008 to bring about a “fundamental transformation of the United States of America.”
Whoever Biden’s nominee is, contact your Republican Senator, if you have one, and tell him that you won’t vote for him again if he votes to approve. We will never have a real opposition party that defends our interests until we punish the fakers.
“Punishment is justice for the unjust.”
Saint Augustine
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No, it’s going to be an unknown. A Supreme Court position is an ideal environment to create another “historic personage of color” because once you are on the court, it doesn’t really matter how you perform. The decisions are basically subjective, and you will have a staff of supremely(pun alert) competent law interns to carry out the clerical and litigious aspects of the job for you. The only way she could flub up would be to appear obviously drunk in the job or something egregious like that. It’s the perfect place for an Aa mediocrity.
They wouldn’t do something nepotistic. Justices are usually chosen from academics. Are there any black female academic profs at the major law schools? Probably not. I think they will choose someone from an elected position, such as the judges in major black metropolises or perhaps mayors.
Would the former first “lady” fulfill the black woman mandate?
Hahaha. In their eyes is would!
Just a question. Didn’t Michelle concede her law license? Or have it revoked? Wouldn’t that make her ineligible?
No. You don’t have even have to be a lawyer to be on the Supreme Court.
For what it’s worth every fact checking site I looked up said that both Obama’s surrendered their law licenses in 2009 with the intention of never practicing law again.
I don’t think it’ll be Kamala Harris. She’d be seen as abdicating her duties as VP were she “kicked upstairs to the Supremes”. Of course, she’s wildly unpopular in her present role: but think of how much more unpopularity she could garner in a lifetime position as a Supreme Court Justice. Also if the Cucks (aka The Stupid Party) win in Nov 8, 2022, they might impeach President Biden. Then Kamala will be called upon to fulfill her defining role and step in as Presidente, should Biden be removed from power.
Thus like a rotting tooth in one’s mouth; she’s best left alone until a permanent solution can be found.
I don’t think she’d accept it in the first place. All she is concerned with is being the first female president, and her race will only be a bonus in the eyes of progressives.
I don’t have a problem with a black woman on the court, so long as she respects the Constitution and is qualified. That being said, we all know what kind of a nominee she will be. An laughably under qualified, angry proud KWEEN.
I’d rather see a dog nominated, how’s that for a “historic first”?
Personally I’ve always been a cat person although I like dogs too. This reminds me of a similarly-qualified Emperor: Caligula, who is rumored to have made his horse a Roman senator. Unlike the times of Caligula tho I don’t know that the USA has another 4&1/2 centuries to blunder on as an Empire.
No one knows the mind of Geriatric Joe, but I will go out on a different limb and say not a chance of either of these nominations happening. To nominate Kamala would be hugely embarrassing, to the black community as well as Biden. “You mean there wasn’t one single other qualified black woman, so we had to lose the VP?” etc. Moreover, people like Cruz (and there are others) in the Senate hate her, and would have a field day grilling her over her minimal knowledge of Constitutional history. She is not remotely on his cognitive level; nor even on that of Lindsay Graham, who would also get in on the act. Her guaranteed awful nomination performance would remind everyone of Joe’s original poor judgment, and reinforce the already widespread recognition of his ineptitude.
As to the Obamas, they are both very lazy. They love being fawned over, while not actually having to work. I imagine they would both find the job of a Justice incredibly tedious. That job is not just a matter of signing law clerk-written opinions. Justices have to sit through oral arguments, and then participate in discussions and internal debates. No way around that. They would also have to go through confirmation hearings, where again a Cruz, a Mike Lee, a Graham, would love to expose both of their gross ignorance of the law. Why would the Obamas want to subject themselves to ridicule and risk diminishment in public standing?
Moreover, unless appointed the Chief (which is not the current opening), the newest addition to the Court has a certain amount of gruntwork the others don’t – and it stays that way until there is a newer member. There is unlikely to be a new member for the next 3 to even 10 years (or longer!). I cannot imagine Michelle putting up with this – and a former President?! Just to be one vote of 9, and in this new case one of 3-4 rarely having the opportunity to be in the majority?? A Justice Obama will not for years – if ever – have the chance to write a sweeping, historic progressive-leftist decision. What in the world is in it for either of them?
Finally, both Obamas are raking it in – becoming extremely wealthy. If they go back into public life, some of that largesse will end. Undeniably, their income will plummet. Again why? For “public service”? Because they love their country? Please.
Seems like he’s considering nominees from the various federal judges who are themselves appointed by the president. That would be most appropriate. Some appear to be part Jewish, like judge Kruger. That would be a smart move as it would scratch two itches with on motion, politically speaking.
They both seem like far-fetched candidates. The way these things usually turn out is someone even less qualified than those two will end up on the bench.
Since it’s going to be a color-by-numbers contest and knowledge of the law doesn’t have much to do with it, then I propose Beyonce or Nicki Minaj.
I think his proposed nominees have knowledge of the law. The thing is, they don’t respect the law and I believe they got where they are at with the goal of undermining the law. This is what is dangerous and disturbing.
Ha ha good one! I actually like Nick Minaj. Well, a few songs.
The Babylon Bee has a thought-provoking list: https://youtu.be/IgHIuaa5YDI
Excellent article. Someone, I don’t know who, said a second marriage is “The Triumph of Hope over experience”.
I also heard, but I am not sure about it, that Michael Obama failed his bar exam at least twice before finally passing.
“Dr. Laurence J. Peter in The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong, wrote in the early 1960’s of the “lateral arabesque”, describing how companies promote incompetent employees sometimes by sending them to another department or division to get them out of the way of progress.”
LOL, maybe Kamala Harris will be lateral arabesqued to the supreme court.
Quote source: https://berkonomics.com/?p=684
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