Preparing for the Midterm Elections . . . & Worse to Come
QuintilianDe facto secession has already begun in America. Nationalist whites and non-globalist corporations are leaving blue states in droves for redder pastures. Former battleground states, such as Ohio and Iowa, are now reliably MAGA, and most MAGA states are increasingly so. Likewise, the gulags of California and New York more resemble their quondam Soviet counterparts with each passing day. De jure secession will take some time, but if history teaches us anything, it is that political changes occur functionally before they are recognized and ratified legally.
One of the main stumbling blocks to achieving our political goals is a sentimental attachment to an America that no longer exists and will never exist again. The American experiment has failed, and it is now time to form the basis of a new political arrangement. White people have become enslaved by liberal democracy, and we must embrace the freedom of illiberalism.
We deceive ourselves, however, if we think a new political structure will arise as the result of an “uncontested divorce.” Negotiations can only occur between rational parties, and our Leftist globalist opponents are anything but rational. Leftism is not so much a political ideology as a mental disorder. The Leftist worships at the altar of perversion and abnormality. The Leftist hates the family, despises biological normality, abhors beauty, and has great difficulty dealing with reality. Bereft of morality, the Leftist claims that there is no such thing as truth, and instead dissembles about multiple “truths” that are as evanescent as clouds.
The reality is that the struggle to attain our political goals will be fraught with danger and struggle. Not since 1775 or 1860 has there been a year with more potential danger and greater possibility for needed political change than the year leading up to the midterm elections taking place on November 8, 2022.
Consider the situation in which we find ourselves. The slow, steady hollowing out of America by the globalists and the Uni-Party was proceeding apace in 2016 when Donald Trump rudely interrupted the presumed coronation of Hillary Clinton. But consider for a moment what our country had endured for over five decades before.
First, there was the Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, a cynical dismemberment of the Constitution to ensure Negro loyalty to the Democrat party and to cover up for Johnson’s disastrous Vietnam policy.
Then came Richard Nixon’s horrific China policy, and his Mephisto-like foreign policy advisor, Henry Kissinger, began the offshoring of American jobs and manufacturing to Communist China’s cheap slave labor camps.
This was followed by the dim-witted Gerald Ford, who actually believed that inflation could be cured by wearing a WIN (Whip Inflation Now) button, and he was followed by Jimmy Carter’s thorough incompetence, which was so bad that he nearly lost the election to Ford.
Next came the affable but dim-witted Ronald Reagan, whose amnesty for illegal aliens turned the reliably Republican California into a Third World cesspool of street-shitters.
He was followed by George H. W. Bush, who managed to lose his reelection after attaining a 91% approval rating.
Then we had Bill Clinton’s reign, whose most lasting accomplishment was making it necessary for parents to explain to elementary school children what is meant by the term blowjob.
George Bush the Lesser gave us 9/11 and the Patriot Act, which annulled those parts of the Constitution that the Great Society hadn’t already destroyed.

You can buy Greg Hood’s Waking Up From the American Dream here.
This all led up to St. Barack Obama’s apotheosis, whose presidency was supposed to usher in an age of total racial harmony in which the lamb and lion would lie together in the field undisturbed — that is, if you define complete racial harmony as a Black Lives Matter riot.
In looking back, it is easy to see why Leftists went so berserk when Donald Trump was elected. They had had everything going their way continuously since 1963.
Being irrational and emotional beings, Leftists could not control themselves last year when they assumed power after the stolen election of 2020. They so overplayed their hand that they now stand on the brink of an electoral catastrophe of 1932 proportions. Recent polls show that the Democrats will almost certainly lose both chambers of Congress, with Republicans possibly picking up approximately 100 seats in the House of Representatives.
The Biden administration’s toxic mix of malevolence, incompetence, and ignorance has produced a perfect storm of disasters: soaring inflation; uncertain energy supplies as the winter season begins; a diminishing workforce; a supply chain so broken that some experts believe that it will not be able to be fixed until 2024; a Covid vaccination policy that has led to the vaccinated dying at higher rates than the unvaccinated (and in which the vaccinated are suffering from millions of injuries that do not afflict the unvaccinated); the criminalization of cheap and effective cures for Covid (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) while mandating ineffective, experimental, and dangerous mRNA therapies masquerading as vaccines; an agricultural policy that pays farmers one and a half times normal subsidies as long as they destroy their crops (while simultaneously having two million additional illegal alien mouths to feed); Third World-style lawlessness in Leftist-controlled metropolitan areas; a devastated military that is no longer capable of defending the country; a Department of Justice that views parents who attend school board meetings as domestic terrorists but supports Antifa and BLM; and an FBI that should be renamed the KGB.
Indeed, the Biden administration is mortally wounded, and that is what makes it so dangerous. Do not believe for a moment that the Left will politely give up the power that they stole in 2020. Consider what the Left did to gain that power in the first place. We now know that Anthony Fauci funded the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab where the Covid-19 virus was created. The virus was then unleashed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to disrupt the 2020 elections — whether this was “accidental” or intentional makes no difference. The Leftists in America exploited the pandemic as an excuse to bring in mass mail-in balloting with no signature verification, thus enabling mass voter fraud. As a result, we have a President who is literally non compos mentis and whose entire family is compromised by the CCP, leaving him easily controlled by his globalist and CCP handlers.
We must therefore anticipate what the Left will do in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections. There is no doubt that they will try another round of lockdowns, not only to harm the white middle class economically but also to provide another excuse for massive mail-in balloting. This may not work, as there is greater and greater pushback against lockdowns, and states with harsh restrictions are showing the highest rate of infections while states with few or no restrictions are showing the lowest.
Nevertheless, it seems that the Left has another pandemic in mind. Bill Gates has been suggesting of late that there is a possibility for a smallpox outbreak. Curiously, the federal government has just made a $113 million purchase of the obscure smallpox drug Tpoxx. Smallpox, however, was eradicated almost a half century ago, and the only remaining samples of it that exist are kept at the Centers for Disease Control lab in Atlanta, as well as its Russian counterpart. Does anyone really doubt that the anti-white genocidal regime in power would have any qualms about unleashing the smallpox virus on the population? Imagine the kinds of lockdowns the Biden regime could instigate.
The lethality of a smallpox outbreak could also lead to calls for canceling the 2022 election, and this would be supported by the institutional Republican Party, which would do anything to prevent the final MAGA takeover of the party. Since the only other samples of smallpox are controlled by the Russians, the Biden regime could blame the Russians for the outbreak — thus supplying the neocons with an excuse to go to war.
We can also expect that the Biden regime will make further attempts to restrict white people’s civil rights. Even though the vaccination mandates appear on the road to being completely overturned by the courts, the Leftists are still in control of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS. We should expect greater lawfare in the coming year against churches, Christians, gun owners, home-schoolers, PTA members, veterans’ organizations, registered Republicans, and small business owners. The Biden regime may also attempt to harass anyone who has stated an opinion online that opposes the Leftist narrative. VPNs are going to be essential for internet usage, since regime monitoring of dissident computer usage will undoubtedly increase. Also remember that the Patriot Act permits the federal government to monitor library usage. When possible, avoid American libraries. It is safer to purchase dissident books and share them with your like-minded friends in samizdat form.
The economy is so fraught that it could collapse at any time. We are at the beginning of a horrible period of stagflation, in which wages remain static or fall while inflation increases rapidly. If you lived through the Jimmy Carter years, you’ll know the true meaning of the “misery index.” It is vitally important that all on the Dissident Right get their finances on a firm footing and reduce debt. Money printing by the Federal Reserve is going to continue unabated given Jerome Powell’s reappointment to the chairmanship and the fact that the Fed cannot reduce inflation by increasing interest rates. A one-point increase in interest rates would make it impossible for the Treasury to cover the cost of servicing the national debt.
The disruptions to the supply chain are deeper and longer-lasting than the Biden regime is admitting. Likewise, agriculture throughout the world is in deep trouble. Demand for food increases as supply diminishes. Harvests throughout the world have not been great this past year, and many crops are rotting in the fields due to the artificial labor shortage created by the Biden regime’s disastrous economic policies. Members of the Dissident Right should be stocking up on shelf-stable food supplies that can last at least a month at minimum; a year’s supply is ideal.
Be very cognizant of the secondary and tertiary effects of supply chain disruptions. It’s not just the lettuce from South America that will disappear from the shelves. A disruption of spare parts causes machinery in America to stop working, thereby reducing the amount of products that can be manufactured domestically. The lack of a single small part can cause the most complicated piece of machinery to stop working. Your $80,000 BMW won’t run if doesn’t have spark plugs; even your Leftist neighbor’s electric Wokemobile won’t run if he can’t get batteries from the Chinese Communist Party. Members of the Dissident Right need to stock up on any parts or commodities they might need in the coming year.
Finally, as the Biden regime sees its power evaporating, it will encourage and support more Antifa and BLM violence. If you can, relocate to a less “vibrant” area. In general, de-negrify your life. The more de facto racial separation we attain, the easier de jure racial separation will be to accomplish. It is also important that nationalist whites separate from Leftist whites. Negroes are the poison, but white Leftists are the poisoners. Remember, without Leftist white district attorneys, Darrell Brooks is just another Negro hood from da hood sitting in jail — not a mass murderer.
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The CCP certainly has its claws in the Democrats and Biden, but more so the Jews. Kamala is married to a Jew, as is each of Biden’s dysfunctional kids. The Jews and China used to work together, but appear to have recently had an irreversible falling out. The Chinese probably always intended to betray them when the time was right. Interestingly, the Chinese COVID vaccines are traditional vaccines, not mRNA technology.
I agree that the most troubling aspect of an intentional smallpox outbreak would be that it could be used as a hysterical causus belli against Russia.
Regarding the smallpox: a sample was found in a hospital somewhere in Pennsylvania, I don’t remember all the details, but it looked like a CIA plot. (Counter-Intelligence Agency)
As for the regime wanting a war with Russia, I wouldn’t be surprised–round up all those dissenters and send them off to fight an old enemy.
The Regime failing thanks to internal loss of cognitive function is also highly probable; too many people work at jobs with a lot of responsibility (consequences), and because they have been avoiding the consequences of their actions for decades, it is high time that something is gonna snap.
The supply chain disruption will eventually have an effect on the Govt. itself, as qualified people leave their oppressive work environments and strike out for Redder pastures. We will need to organize and assemble into “Dissident Communities” that will be ready to action once the Regime has finally exhausted itself.
Excellent advice for dissidents and a good appraisal of our current political situation. Two points of comment:
1) “Next came the affable but dim-witted Ronald Reagan, whose amnesty for illegal aliens turned the reliably Republican California into a Third World cesspool of street-shitters.”
On a related note to Reagan, I think the massive electoral wins he gained via the “silent majority” has had the unfortunate side effect of keeping a lot of our people in their comatose stasis. I see a lot of people talking about how the silent majority is going to come out for 2022 and right the ship. In my opinion, the silent majority is implicitly refering to the white majority and of course, that’s not really the case any more. At least likely not enough to give the Republicans the kind of electoral mandate (for whatever thats worth) that Reagan had.
2) “Nevertheless, it seems that the Left has another pandemic in mind. Bill Gates has been suggesting of late that there is a possibility for a smallpox outbreak. Curiously, the federal government has just made a $113 million purchase of the obscure smallpox drug Tpoxx. Smallpox, however, was eradicated almost a half century ago, and the only remaining samples of it that exist are kept at the Centers for Disease Control lab in Atlanta, as well as its Russian counterpart. Does anyone really doubt that the anti-white genocidal regime in power would have any qualms about unleashing the smallpox virus on the population? Imagine the kinds of lockdowns the Biden regime could instigate.”
Thanks for bringing this up – I personally was not aware of it. If the Empire can’t move forward with smallpox, I’d also expect some kind of push for climate change lockdowns to be implemented, or at least attempted. Mother Gaia can’t stand all this White civilization polluting her earth after all.
All paths lead to the Bolshevik Jews.
‘[W]e must embrace the freedom of illiberalism.’
This the sort of reactionary thinking we don’t need. Just because our enemies used ‘liberal’ ideas to harm the White race does not mean that ‘liberalism’ is, itself, a bad approach. What is so bad about ‘liberalism’ that racial separation and racial consciousness cannot ameliorate or substantively correct?
It can be hard to escape the mental habits that come from living in a multi-racial, anti-White environment. But we need to try. View present policies and positions based upon our intended future, not our broken present.
‘The Leftist … has great difficulty dealing with reality.’
‘The Leftist’ obviously has some grip on reality. They’re seemingly unending string of victories suggests they have a firm handle on some aspects of reality.
The Right’s belief that it operates in conformity with ‘reality’ is a self-comforting superstition. The Right has been thinking that ‘reality’ will correct the Left’s excesses for, what, 50 years? A hundred years?
White Identity Nationalism does not need the Right. Its programs and policies are simply not very popular. Monarchy? Ending women’s electoral franchise? Yeah, those are real winning ideas.
‘[T]he Leftist claims that there is no such thing as truth, and instead dissembles about multiple “truths” that are as evanescent as clouds.’
What exactly does being beholden to ‘truth’ get White Identity Nationalism? Why should ‘multiple truths’ be inherently bad? Doesn’t ‘make your own truth’ serve WIN just as much as it serves our enemies? Why can’t ‘evanescent’ truths serve as effective protectors of deeper truths.
Notwithstanding these more abstract objections, there’s also the problem of the Left’s endless string of successes. If the Left don’t have a handle on some kind of functional equivalent of ‘truth’, the Right certainly does not.
‘Being irrational and emotional beings, Leftists could not control themselves last year when they assumed power after the stolen election of 2020.’
There’s no evidence at all that they have not been completely rational in a Machiavellian sense of ‘rational’. They rewarded their allies and punished their friends.
‘They so overplayed their hand that they now stand on the brink of an electoral catastrophe of 1932 proportions.’
Maybe this is true, but maybe it isn’t. But, even if it is true, the GOP is no better than the DNC in nearly every area of concern to Whites and voting for that results in ‘new boss same as the old boss’ ensures that whatever ‘overplaying’ they’ve done will not be substantively undone.
The reason the Left wins all the time is because they simply do not care whether their change is lasting. What matters – however briefly – it happened, it was manifest reality. Once something has happened, you’ve set a precedent allowing it to happen again or happen more vigorously.
‘The Biden administration’s toxic mix of malevolence, incompetence, and ignorance has produced a perfect storm of disasters….’
None of these disasters matter as far as electoral prospects are concerned because the GOP cannot fix them and will be left holding the bag for all that is to come. The GOP is going to win a 100% free vacation in the jaws of a bear-trap.
These ‘disasters’ are the culmination of over a generation of structurally bad policies which the Biden administration simply exploited. The large, interdependent infrastructure on which White America built it’s fortunes has been Negrified and Brownified into a Third World system: corrupt, incapable of self-maintenance.
‘[T]he institutional Republican Party…would do anything to prevent the final MAGA takeover of the party.’
This is a ‘new boss same as the old boss’ scenario. MAGA is the GOP with trannies. Also, it’s not going to happen. The National GOP is a private corporation. Like all private corporations, it doesn’t have to be responsive to it ‘customers’ unless it wants to. The Jews who run the GOP will rope-a-dope the MAGApedes, knowing they have no infrastructure outside the GOP (except the seemingly-ever-mutating MAGA Grift). MAGApedes have a short attention span and are easily distracted (like with ‘COVID/CCP’ conspiracy theories).
The GOP must die so that White America can live.
MAGA doesn’t change that.
‘We can also expect that the Biden regime will make further attempts to restrict white people’s civil rights.’
As if the GOP won’t do the same thing in the name of ‘anti-Semitism’ or some other Jew-friendly reason for abusing White people’s history and customs.
There is only one party with two wings: the Judeo-Right and the Judeo-Left.
All of this take about the Chinese Communist Party and bad ol’ China is just nonsense. White America’s enemy today is the same enemy it’s had since the 1840s: International Jewry.
All MAGA talk about ‘CCP’ is an attempt to deflect from the fact that Jews are over-represented in positions of power and they have completely smooched the pooch.
There is no upside for China to collapse the US. Only crazy Jews would do that in their implacable hatred for ordinary, decent White people.
Yes and no. Liberalism is suited for some people, but not others. It works for people who have a strong sense of fairness and duty, and at least reasonable intelligence.
Partially true; partially false. You have to identify those factors that will inevitably cause progressivism, and those that are compatible with a strong society. For example, I am not convinced that women’s suffrage is compatible with a strong society, because (white) women are more empathic than white men, and are less willing to embrace harsh but necessary actions. On the other hand, if men were strong they could likely lead the women to the correct choices. I’m honestly open on this issue, and on modern democracy as a whole. It’s clear that our voters make ill-informed votes, but it’s also true that they are inundated with false information. My best guess is that democracy is mostly illusory, but perhaps in more dire times it comes into its own, for better or worse.
The left does not win all the time. But when it wins, its wins have staying power. Once you grant citizenship to a group of people, you can not revoke it. Once you grant the vote to women, they are unlikely to vote to reverse it.
This is why a society must be extraordinarily careful about making irreversible changes to its society. The US has not done that.
No, progressive liberalism offers a false depiction of every facet of reality it analyzes or for whose change it advocates. Before the gigantic analytical lacuna among postwar American (and perhaps European) conservatives that has been race and its relation to civilization unavoidably opened up to widespread intellectual awareness, conservatives had spilled oceans of ink critiquing liberalism. I’ve read many of their works over the decades, and found them persuasive – and later confirmed by predictions. None of the goods liberalism promised has ever been realized (unless one reclassifies as ‘goods’ things like diversity, unformed or broken marriages, declining natality, chronic unemployment, welfare parasitism, gay rights, criminal ‘rights’ at the cost of dangerous streets, etc).
OTOH, the few times that some conservative policy recommendations have been legislated – a military defense buildup and more aggressive anticommunist policy to counteract Soviet expansion; the general, performative superiority of free market capitalism over every form of socialism and interventionism; marginal rate and capital gains tax cuts to stimulate business investment and development; longer criminal sentences and more proactive policing to reduce crime; monetary contraction policies [higher interest rates] to reduce inflation; privatization of moribund state-run commercial entities to make them profitable and self-supporting; rejection of unrealistic “renewable” and “alternative” energy sources in favor of fossil fuels or nuclear power; threats and the reality of greater border enforcement and illegal alien deportations to reduce illegal migrant flows; even limited restoration of traditional pedagogical methods to improve scholastic performance – they have proven conservatism’s worth.
Liberalism (I assume classical liberalism is not what’s being referred to here; I’m neither a classical liberal nor libertarian, but those ideologies, I must admit, are far more viable than the modern, progressive variety) simply misunderstands the real nature of man and society. Of course it’s true to say it would work better with higher quality (more ethical and intelligent) people, as well as with greater racial and cultural homogeneity, but so would any other ideological system. Setting aside the kinds of spiritual and theological questions over which so many conservatives have obsessed, but which are difficult to resolve due to the seemingly inherent limitations of the instrumentally evolved intellect of homo sapiens, and judging ideological effects solely from an empiricist perspective, conservatism better accords with both man the individual, as well as men in groups.
As mentioned, the big failure of the post-New Deal conservatives was in failing to give due weight to human diversity and its problems. For many of the earlier conservatives, who were implicitly theorizing about (white) men like themselves, diversity was simply not on their mental horizons – which was actually inexcusable, given the widely circulated work of the early 20th century race scientists (all over the white world, including the US), as well as the writings of those, like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard (and on the racial left, W.E.B. DuBois), who did see the dangerous future policy implications of being blind to racial matters. But this lacuna on race in no way invalidates the many dispositive critiques of those aspects of liberalism that conservatives did analyze.
Sorry to inform one and all, but the Ethnostate, especially in its future American iteration, is going to be a profoundly conservative place, albeit with a much greater emphasis on ethnocollectivist sacrifice, martiality, and nuclear family supremacy than that of the “liberal conservatism” of Reagan, Thatcher, and W.F. Buckley (and even of Russell Kirk). A hybrid of white nationalism and classical conservatism is both our likely future, and possibly the only viable option for our people in an ever-shrinking and non/antiwhite world.
“that has led to the vaccinated dying at higher rates than the unvaccinated”
Citation needed.
Those FDA studies referenced in your Youtube seem to indicate that the unvaccinated have a much higher chance of getting covid than the unvaccinated. Also I think that the unvaccinated covid cases are much more severe in terms of mortality and other long term effects.
Also I’m reluctant to place too much emphasis on unverified YouTubers. One can find YouTubers saying just about anything online. Can you provide any medical references that the vaccinated are dying from covid at a higher rate than the unvaccinated? I’m guessing not.
I think we’ll start seeing some sort of de-facto session if with this new SCOTUS abortion case the court overturns Roe v. Wade. All the more so if it’s a 5-4 decision with Roberts siding with the liberals.
I’m thoroughly convinced the Afghanistan debacle was done on purpose to create a refugee crisis. The actual people running the country, namely Biden’s cabinet lackey’s, aren’t stupid. They know what they’re doing.
Can anybody list all Red states east of the Mississippi?
I am not an American, so I don’t have enough knowledge to comment with any authority, but I have a number of questions (or “what if” conjectures) in my mind.
What if any attempt at lockdowns fail because people will revolt?
What if “patriots” in person monitor voting stations to prevent fraud?
What if the republicans win, and then it is the hysterical left who initiates secession?
What if we (we Whites, not we Americans) give them whatever emotional and irrational demand for divorce they make, and we just kiss them goodbye?
In this outcome, we will be left with a small enclave, a haven the size of Switzerland, which in a decade we will turn into a paradise. On the other side, the left’s new country will go the way of Haiti.
An enclave is not desirable at all. We need access to the sea, preferably the pacific or atlantic, although the gulf of mexico could work.
So Gates has been dropping sly little hints about smallpox? That’s dumber than a B-movie supervillain.
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