Tag: 2022 US midterm elections
The only genuine traditional form of society: one ruled by a nobility that is guided by a priesthood.
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The following is the text of a talk that was given at the recent Counter-Currents Spring Retreat. The video can be seen here, or below.
Cyan asked me to speak on this topic, and before I begin, I just want to clarify something, because when it comes to these matters I’m overly pedantic. But historically speaking, ethnonationalism and religion don’t go together. This is because the nation-state itself, which was born out of either the French Revolution or the Second English Civil War, depending on who you ask, has always been secular and opposed to any mixing of politics and religion. (more…)
Each year, Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance names a “White Renegade of the Year,” a tradition begun by Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration. The white renegade of the year is someone who could have used his position to help whites but instead chose to do the opposite. In the same spirit, Counter-Currents is inaugurating a “Non-White Ally of the Year” series, to recognize non-whites who have used their position to help whites.
In 2022, Kanye West — whose popularity and reach came as quite a shock to me — received enormous coverage for wearing a White Lives Matter t-shirt. (more…)
On November 24, 2022, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) tweeted a Thanksgiving message starting with, ”This year has been tough in many ways . . .” (more…)
When I headed to the nineteenth American Renaissance conference last weekend (held once more in the beautiful Montgomery Bell State Park in Dickson County, Tennessee), I was uncertain as to what the mood would be. I was hoping the conference would energize me — but the opposite result was also possible. (more…)
Victor Hugo famously said that nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. Unfortunately, that also applies to bad ideas. Daniel Patrick Moynihan reportedly quipped that affirmative action is a bad idea whose time has come. I feel the same way about Donald Trump’s third run for the White House. (more…)
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The US midterm elections have come and gone and not much has changed in the world because of them. The consensus among my esteemed colleagues here at Counter-Currents is that the GOP’s lackluster performance reflected its lackluster nature. Aquilonius’ devastating rhetorical body blow sums it up best: “What is the one thing that is less cool than a dude who cut off his own frank and beans? Answer: A stuffy Republican in a suit droning on about the free market and political decency.” Indeed, the GOP performance was uninspired, uninspiring, formulaic, and above all, boring. Call me old-fashioned, but a revolution against an evil ruling class should be at the very least mildly entertaining. (more…)
I am not in the least bit susceptible to depression, but I have to admit that as Tuesday night wore on, I found I was getting depressed, and on Wednesday I was really down. If you watch conservative media, you were expecting a red wave, and there was even talk of a paradigm shift as the GOP was projected to attract new constituencies: suburban whites, blacks, and Latinos were supposedly gravitating to the GOP. (more…)
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Greg Johnson and Kevin MacDonald were the guests on Saturday’s broadcast of The Political Cesspool with James Edwards, where they discussed the 2022 US midterm elections, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Ron Johnson. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Ron Johnson. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
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As I write this, the final results of the 2022 midterm election remain in doubt, but it appears that the Republicans will win a bare majority in the House and gain half the Senate. Georgia’s Senate race will be determined in a runoff. Regardless of whoever wins there, Georgia will not produce a very good Senator. (more…)
The Alt Lite is looking to seize the end of the Trump moment to put an end to any genuine Right-wing resistance in America.
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It would appear that, once again, the Republican Party has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, leaving the unlearned and forgetful masses somehow wondering how this could be. To me the answer is quite obvious. The kosher Right is very quick to throw accusations around about election fraud, to lament about unmarried women, and even, surprisingly, to talk of the “brown wave” at odds with the “white wave.” (more…)
We have no idea what the final outcome of the US midterm elections will be, with several crucial races having yet to be called, and nobody is promising anything until next week — and even then, the Chairman of Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is saying, “Don’t hold me to it.” (That’s code for “Ignore this shady stuff and please don’t do another January 6, okay?”)
In the meantime, let’s take a look at four of the most interesting Republican candidates and one who flopped. (more…)
It is Friday, November 11th, 2022, and if America is the greatest nation in the world, why do we still not know the final results of Tuesday’s midterm elections? (more…)