Czech version here
Greg Johnson was scheduled to speak at the Scandza Forum conference in Oslo, Norway today. Over the last few days, the Norwegian antifa were on a social media campaign against Scandza and Greg in particular, claiming that he supports terrorism and was therefore a threat — ludicrous given Greg’s many diatribes against terrorism. Regardless, word about this apparently got to the Norwegian authorities, and he was arrested this morning before the conference on national security grounds. The police said that Greg was being deported, but he’s been held incommunicado since then, so we don’t know where he is now. Undoubtedly they will simply detain him until they can get him on a flight out of the country. This is the same routine that Jared Taylor and other thought criminals have been through before. The conference itself is proceeding and none of the other speakers or attendees were detained. Below is a statement that Greg wrote in connection with the accusations against him before his arrest.
Greg Johnson Responds to the Complaint
In connection with Scandza Forum’s conference in Oslo on November 2, 2019, Filter Nyheter is agitating to stop my entry to Norway. They have therefore put together a campaign of lies against me which they are now spreading on social media.
Filter Nyheter suggests that I promote violence as a political tool. The reality is quite the opposite. I have always consistently condemned terrorism. In fact, I do not know of anyone else who has so clearly and unequivocally spoken against Right-wing terrorism as me. At the Scandza Forum in Sweden earlier this year, I gave an entire speech in which I addressed the evils of terrorism, and I have written numerous articles opposing it as well. I have never supported Breivik’s crimes. These stories take quotes from my writings out of context, from an article in which I in no way defended Breivik’s crimes. In fact, it was a text that discussed Breivik’s own rationale for his crimes. At the moment, we are therefore looking at the possibility of taking legal action against Filter Nyheter.
The following are a selection of my statements that consistently condemn Right-wing terrorism:
Against Right-Wing Terrorism (speech at Scandza Forum in Stockholm, 2019), video below:
- Against White Nationalist Terrorism
- Understanding the El Paso Walmart Massacre
- Understanding the Halle Synagogue & Kebab Shop Shootings
- Author of The White Nationalist Manifesto Blames Trump for El Paso Shooting
- Understanding the New Zealand Mosque Massacre
- Understanding the Sikh Temple Massacre
- Understanding the Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
- Understanding the Charleston Church Massacre
- Understanding the Poway Synagogue Shooting
- Understanding the Quebec Mosque Massacre
- On the Necessity of a New Right
- Breivik: A Strange New Respect
- Anders Behring Breivik: The Neoconservative Rambo
As a further reason as to why I should be banned from entering Norway, Filter Nyheter‘s “terrorist expert” claims that The Nordic Resistance Movement had published a link to the conference on their own website. But this group has not, and never has had, anything to do with the Scandza Forum, nor is the Scandza Forum’s organizer aware of the alleged “advertisement” that Filter Nyheter claims is there. Maybe if, without their knowledge, I publish a link to Filter Nyheter, then their own journalists will receive travel bans?
Greg Johnson, Ph.D. in philosophy and author
Norwegian version:
I forbindelse med Scandza Forum sin konferanse i Oslo nå 2. november 2019 så agiterer Filter Nyheter for å stoppe min innreise til Norge. De har derfor satt sammen en løgnaktig bakvaskelseskampanje som de nå sprer på sosiale medier.
Filter Nyheter antyder at jeg fremmer voldsbruk som politisk virkemiddel. Realiteten er stikk motsatt. Jeg har alltid konsekvent fordømt terrorisme. Faktisk vet jeg ikke om noen andre som så klart og entydig har uttalt seg imot høyreorientert terror som meg. På Scandza Forum i Sverige tidligere i år, så holdt jeg en hel tale der jeg tok for meg terrorens ondskap, og jeg har skrevet talløse artikler IMOT høyreekstrem terror. Jeg har aldri støttet Breiviks forbrytelser. Ryktesprederne klipper og limer sitater ut av kontekst, fra en artikkel der jeg på ingen måte forsvarte Breiviks forbrytelser – det var en tekst som drøftet Breiviks egne PÅSKUDD for forbrytelsen. Akkurat nå ser vi derfor på mulighetene for å ta rettslige skritt mot Filter Nyheter.
Følgende er et utvalg av mine uttalelser som konsekvent fordømmer høyreekstrem terrorisme:
Against Right-Wing Terrorism (tale ved Scandza Forum i Stockholm 2019):
- Against White Nationalist Terrorism
- Understanding the El Paso Walmart Massacre
- Understanding the Halle Synagogue & Kebab Shop Shootings
- Author of The White Nationalist Manifesto Blames Trump for El Paso Shooting
- Understanding the New Zealand Mosque Massacre
- Understanding the Sikh Temple Massacre
- Understanding the Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
- Understanding the Charleston Church Massacre
- Understanding the Poway Synagogue Shooting
- Understanding the Quebec Mosque Massacre
- On the Necessity of a New Right
- Breivik: A Strange New Respect
- Anders Behring Breivik: The Neoconservative Rambo
Som en ytterligere grunn til at jeg bør få innreiseforbud til Norge, så hevder Filter Nyheters “terrorekspert” at “Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen” skal ha publisert en lenke til konferansen på deres egen nettside. Men DNM har ikke, og har aldri hatt, noe med Scandza Forum å gjøre. Arrangøren for Scandza Forum kjenner heller ikke til den angivelige “annonsen” som Filter Nyheter sikter til. Kanskje hvis jeg, uten deres kjennskap, publiserer en link til Filter Nyheter, så kan deres journalister også få reiseforbud?
Greg Johnson, dr. i filosofi og forfatter
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 604:
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Can White Nationalists Tank Trump?
Remembering H. P. Lovecraft (August 20, 1890–March 15, 1937)
Trump’s Great Betrayal on Immigration
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 602: Red Pill Report
Lame. I hope the Nords return him to an upright position when they are done being very very concerned by his ideas about Nords continuing to exist.
This is outrageous and needs to be challenged!
Those of you handling the media are doing a great job.
Thank you Greg Johnson for being one of the very best Europeans – a philosophical titan so feared are you that you are being arrested because you might say something that inspires people to speak up against oppression, dispossession and ruination of European homelands and peoples. Stay strong and continue to fight our intellectual meta political war
Wishing you the best and a safe return Greg. I’m sorry our people, our speakers, writers, our advocates and intellectuals have to endure this constant interference and harassment at all levels. Something has to change.
I wouldn’t worry about the bogus justification they gave for arresting you. We all know the real reason they arrested you. You don’t want Norway to turn into a cold version of Somalia, Syria, the Philippines, etc, and they do. They do not care about forever a wiping the likeness of Norwegian people from the face of the planet. They are psychotic monsters for that reason, and we shouldn’t be surprised that they lie about things you believe.
Also, I wouldn’t sue Filter Nyheter. They’re rabid foot soldiers. Find out who their financiers are if they have any. Challenge them to talk to you.
The more men like Greg Johnson refuse to take up arms the more jittery these political establishments become.
Erudite and sensible men are being enticed and baited to abandon the meta-political arena and consume themselves in a mad shooting spree.
Respect to Mr. Johnson for his perseverance.
Thank you to Dr Gregory Johnson for helping my intellectual journey and for all of his good works. This is a scandal of the highest perfidy.
Filter Nyheter is connected to PST in Norway. Its like the PSTs media.
They are trying to potray you as a violent man, just as they have done to the nordic resistance movement. Its just how they work.
The global establishment that is committing White Genocide has officially started taking political prisoners.
Greg is a brave man, the Socrates our movement.
“If you’re taking flak, you’re over the target.”
These outlandish actions against you further validate that we’re winning and unstoppable. You’re a brilliant man who’s provided us with an incredible platform for intellectual thought on White Nationalism and advocating for the preservation of our Ethnic-European heritage that’s under attack like never seen before. Setbacks such as what transpired in Norway should be expected — but also serve as an inspiration to never give up no matter what. Keep up the great work.
Outrageous. Where have my Vikings gone?
“Was arrested and is being deported on national security grounds.”
This is referring to a PhD in philosophy who runs a webzine about European high culture
More people are witnessing this madness and its not in the least because of the sacrifices you keep making.
Like they say, “If you’re taking flak, you’re over the target.”
Keep up the good work Greg. Get back safe.
Way over the target: CONFIRMED.
The enemies are vicious, vile, ruthless, shameless, and insane beyond imagination. Calling them a rabid dog would be a gross understatement and a disrespect for a stray dog. Greg’s arrest is the best attestment to the fact that they are in a state of panic, desperation, and demented exasperation because they kniow and fear we are winning more and more minds and hearts.
Pox on the evil and despicable enemies whose madness and brutality will only make us stronger, more determined and more united. Pray for Greg’s safe return to fight future intellectual battles. Grit, mettle, gumption, perseverance, resilience, unwavering goal, unflagging morale and unrelenting efforts = our ultimate victory. We will survive and we will prevail!
MONGREL DOGS is more like it…
The velvet glove is coming off, the Iron fist is exposed, the sharade of “democracy” is seen for what it is, an anti white, anti western dictatorship, hell bent on the destruction of white western peoples and civilization.
Those who make peacefull discourse impossible…
The proliferation of groups like Filter Nyhete and Hope Not Hate in Europe as well as the ascendancy of the ADL and its progeny in America will continue so long as these groups are allowed to operate with impunity.
I strongly suggest legal action against all of these entities by all who’ve been harmed by their actions. I urge lawyers and support staff to donate their time.
I’m volunteering if anyone wants to network on this – decades of CA civil law experience and I’m a fast study on other jurisdictions.
Lawfare is an unpredictable strategy. The black-robed gods of that battlefield are as corrupt, contrarian and capricious as those that meddled with Troy. But given the number of offenses and injuries, we’re going to win a few (see the Rise Against Movement’s exoneration in CA vs. the ongoing VA injustices). Given the magnitude of offenses, we only have to win a few to send these groups back into the shadows of the underground.
I suspect these sorts of pranks that the left likes to pull are rather easy in Norway where the violent outburst of right-wing extremism (or rather alt-lite or whatever Breivik’s weird nebulous Masonic positions really were) is still fresh in the national consciousness. This is exactly the reason why cell-based minority-group terrorism waged against a stable system does not work, and is detrimental to whatever movement espouses it. It failed for the Anarchists, it fails for the Muslims and it will certainly fail for whatever rightist group or individual begins to entertain ideas of lashing out haphazardly at things they do not like (or worse yet, their fellow whites.) Thanks to Breivik and his actions the state now has reason to believe any old Marxist earmite that whispers these ideologically motivated lies about the honorable Mr. Johnson.
The left is here again showing the right how it is done and how you fight a metapolitical war in the current stage of the struggle: not by shooting pistols but by using the weaknesses of your opponent against himself. Our weakness is optics, our persistent smearability, which we can fix through truth, debate and metapolitics, and is made worse by vigilante action like Breivik’s, which allows them to coerce a gullible state to move against us in their stead. Who can honestly say they wouldn’t have done the same to the lefties? Had there been some immense Marxist terrorist attack in Norway like what the RAF did in Germany, the right should jump at the opportunity to associate the rest of the sordid club like Antifa with the ordeal and have its Norwegian leaders arrested too.
The key is to condemn the inappropriate terrorism we’ve seen in recent years without waffling or erring on our ideals. Foreign invaders are still destroying white countries and the elite is still complicit in a slow genocide of the people of the Occident. And considering their success is made all the more likely by figures such as Breivik, Tarrant and Earnest, it’s easy to say that those who break the law and begin to murder out a misplaced sense of vigilantism are our enemy within, and need to be fought tooth and nail.
Hang in there Greg. Dissidents may have to improvise now by using teleconferencing, live streaming or by attending conferences as a mystery guest speaker.
Certainly there’s little point now in supporters dropping Anon status. We need to collectively strengthen our infrastructure/resources then work to restore freedoms of speech & association. Gonna take many years…
It may be more pertinent to support laws that protect workers from being fired or discriminated against on the basis of political affiliation or one’s lawful conduct off the job. A handful of states have laws for one or the other already, as do some cities.
I hope you make it through this swiftly and safely. I trust you will.
I just wanted to enlarge on my previous post, which was garbled as usual.
Dr Greg Johnson unlike many who hold a PhD, is a true Teacher of Philosophy: a man of letters but one who has had the courage to venture beyond academe to fight for a just cause: the preservation of European peoples and homelands.
Just as with Socrates and Giordano Bruno he has been arraigned for daring to the challenge the doctrines promulgated to the complacent masses by their corrupt masters. We all hope and pray that he will be returned safely to us: we know that he will refuse to kowtow in just the way that Socrates refused to be suborned in the Crito.
Many of us feel powerless in the face of the overwhelming might of the State and its corrupt inner circle. Let also take Socrates advice in eschewing law breaking that taints our cause and our souls. We can at least remain quietly steadfast and endeavour to support Greg and Counter-Currents in whatever way we can, even if only by acquiring his fine books.
If Whites really want to help this man, a minimum of 100 persons should be calling the office of his detainment and demanding his release. Tweeting and the like won’t do it. Take action.
This is troubling news. I pray you are safe and being treated well, and that your release is quick.
They fear your words, because you speak the truth. Take solace in that fact.
Shameful day for Norway.
This Just provides more evidence that the establishment is losing its grip and cannot win the arguments and therefore must resort to force/violence. nothing is more legitimizing to this movement then the violence from the establishment.
It’s becoming comical how Leftist media outlets such as the Commie News Network (CNN) have covered this story by continuing to defame Dr. Johnson as a “white supremacist” who was arrested at a “far-right” conference in Norway? Again, who are we trying to “rule” over?
Perhaps the ongoing false labeling and smear campaigns would justify legal action for defamation of character? Wouldn’t there be grounds for civil recourse since this involves the media rather than an online publisher such as in the case of Taylor v. Twitter?
Write to the Norwegian embassy: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
To couch your comments in Norwegian go to: Google/ English to Norwegian
Demand your Senators and Congressperson to petition for the immediate annexation of Greenland.
It’s people like this creature Johnson that haven’t the intellect to realize that human beings are exactly alike once you get past the skin. The only difference is the environment in which any individual human is exposed to while growing up from an infant. This simply no reason to isolate any race of people based on color. White people are inevitably going to become darker because the white gene is submissive to the dominate non white gene. That is because our orignial man was not white but olive dark skin like Jesus. I ask you a simple question. How can anyone live in 120 plus degree desert sun and be white? You see, back when man was first inhabiting earth they were in the deserts of Africa. Therefore, not a single one of them what white. White skin came from the result of not needing dark pigments in the skin due to the climates they lived in over time. Therefore, the entire idea of white supremacy is a fallacy. In the sense that the only reason white people are white is because they became soft due to evolving from having to stay outside in the heat and sun to living comfortably inside and in eastern European weather. Which is why most whites crave to be tan. White people are significantly weaker then the dark skinned people. You see it in sports. speed events and distance. Everywhere you look dark skinned people dominate once given the opportunity. So it’s no wonder Mr. Johnson’s weakness scare him into trying to convince others that there are threats among human beings. He is scared that he won’t be able to overcome the natural progression of dark skin, the dominant gene, overcoming what he has been taught all his life. Which is white people are superior. Sadly, he can’t reconcile that just the opposite is true. The recessive, submissive or even weaker white gene is being exposed for it’s true nature. Eventually, as Johnson says, white people will eventually become minorities because human beings love other human beings regardless of color. So inevitably white will become different levels of dark skin eventually. Just exactly how God intended it to be. The greatest depiction was the depiction of Jesus having white skin. For it is impossible for Jesus to have been white given where he lived and the people he lived with. Had Jesus been depicted in his true color white supremacists would have to find something else to be angry about. Luckily, Mr, Johnson and his ignorant followers are a small group of idiots that will only live for a few more decades at best.
Very funny that your first assertion is that humans are all the same under the skin and that your second assertion is that white people are genetically, that is, fundamentally, weaker than other races. You are either a malevolent deciever or a complete moron. Either way, you should cease making public statements.
It’s actually not really about the color of peoples skin. “Whiteness” is perhaps a misnomer that came into fashion in North America over the last couple hundred years to identity a group of people who are united by the common ethnic and cultural heritage of pre-colonial European civilization. It’s however not the actual color that matters, it’s the heritage and collective ethnic connections that do matter.
So for instance there is a certain Asian ethnicity (I believe from Korea) which has a skin tone that is very very pale, almost truly the color white. Even so this Asian ethnicity is not “White” because it is not from Europe.
Another consideration is that as a so-called “White” person, my skin is not actually white at all. It has red tones, peach tones, black dots all kinds of different tan and brownish shades and very little of anything which could be called exactly white except perhaps my teeth or the whites of my eyes. No doubt my skin is pale because I descended from Europeans, but again the color itself does not matter. What does matter is my culture and my European heritage.
Finally I’ll just point out that that white nationalism is not about marginalizing people who are not of European descent, but rather about coming together as Europeans to preserve our collective ethnicity and heritage out of love for all the beautiful cultural diversity which Europe has to offer.
Whatever you say, Cam.
Interesting argument. You falsely accuse Greg Johnson of being a “white supremecist” and in the same post share your racist views against white people. Brilliant.
Inshallah, Cam
Only a naive fool would think that there isn’t a difference between races.
Cam, evolution has happened (in fact, it’s accelerated about 100x in the past 10,000 years, if Cochoran and Harpending are correct), and so modern Whites are different from our distant ancestors. You’re attacking a straw man.
Lighten up chaps. We need satirists on the Right, and Cam is a genius at mocking the left/liberal ideology with reductio ad absurdum. Well done Cam, I was laughing at your depiction of left/liberal ideology from beginning to end.
The bible said dark skin is a curse. Not that I believe in the bible. Second, white people may be extinct but that will be more thanks to jews and ourselves than to our dark “superiors”. Our dark superiors are so superior indeed that both europeans and arabs enslaved them for a long time, also I see my dark superiors begging in the streets everyday.
“….human beings are exactly alike once you get past the skin.”
Good news! Now we can begin choosing our spouses by a roll of the dice. Except that beneath the skin of some races, you’re likely to see excrementitious matter looking back at you.
Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for your many years of work.
Whenever you get to read this, know that you have the sympathy of many during your time as a political prisoner / deportee.
This will only make you and CC stronger.
This Norwegian stupidity would be comical were it not for the fact that it puts one of the leading personalities of the American Right in jeopardy.
Donald Day (Onward Christian Soldiers) had nothing but contempt for the Norwegians’ behavior in the Second World War. Day had great respect for the Finns, though, for reasons obvious.
Anyone who has tracked Counter-Currents knows very well that Dr. Johnson has opposed vigilante justice even moreso than most others on the Nationalist Right.
I pray for the speedy release of Dr. Johnson, and his safe return to the USA.
Regards All,
Roy J. Street
Congrats Greg, you have now officially entered that illusterous group of dangerous thinkers!
A tradition that was probably begun way before the greeks, but has continued ever since… dangerous thinkers must be repressed.
No real deep and true thinker is complete without at least one arrest for his supposed thoughts!
Greg Johnson wrote the original reviews of the “Northwest Novels” in The Occidental Quarterly & the interview with Harold Covington in same. Facts not opinion.
It was only after that working relationship of Johnson with Harold Covington soured that Johnson came up with the ‘strictly non-violent’ position. Some of us have memories beyond the last 5 minutes, & the hardcopies of TOQ to prove it. I expect this comment/me to be banned (for stating facts of Greg Johnson’s, et al publication history).
You can read that review here at CC. It doesn’t mean what you claim. And yes, since you are dishonest, you are banned from further comments.
Well, if you are so obsessed with all human folk groups or ethnicities having their own home country, why don’t you start off by asking all white Americans to leave the United States? Or is that too difficult, so that in stead, you take your shit over here to Norway, to tell us what to do?
1. The White Race created United States, a country which did not exist as a sovereign entity until 1776, when it fought a war of independence from Britain. The USA came into being out of the original 13 colonies established by White settlers starting with Virginia in 1607 and Massachusetts in 1620. The North American continent may have been inhabited by Indians for thousands of years, but the United States was the creation of the White Race alone.
2. You say on one hand that White Americans should leave the USA, thus implying that this country doesn’t belong to Whites, and yet on the other hand, you insist that Norway and the other nations of Europe must accept the immigration of non-whites from all over the world. Tell us: Why should Norway belong to people of all races whereas the United States should only belong to the Indians? Do you believe any nation on planet earth should be inhabited exclusively by Whites, or should all indigenous White countries be forcefully diversified?
Here are the facts: the USA, and Norway, were created by White people and therefore belong exclusively to White people. Norway in particular was created by Ethnic Norwegians, who are racially White, while the USA was initially created Anglo-Saxons, although it later bought in other White ethnic groups from Ireland, Germany, France, etc.
Greg Johnson was invited to your country to speak on topics pertinent to the survival of your country. He has every right to do that, and you are a low life thug for trying to stop him.
The real shit you are taking is muslim refugees and black africans who created the beautiful Haiti. Also, I heard they managed to turn Detroit into a beautiful paradise.
Americans with norwegian forefathers would have to go to Norway then, I suppose? Calm down and read
The culture of critique, Macdonald.
White Identity, Taylor.
The white nationalist manifesto, Johnson.
(Bent: Well, if you are so obsessed with all human folk groups or ethnicities having their own home country…)
I wonder if you would have that same statement, if someone speak about tibetans, jews or palestinians right to exist as a etnic people and have their right to their own countries…
Why do you have a negative attitude when europeans wants to achieve the same rights for our own peoples?
Asia for asians, Africa for africans, Arabia for arabians, Europe for…everyone?
Anti-racism is just a codeword for anti-white.
Good comments in support from people who understand the problem at
but you’ll have to use to read them
Greg’s stint in the cross-bar hotel is internationally famous now. The Commie News Network and The Hill picked it up.
CNN: Norway arrests US white supremacist ahead of far-right conference.
Congrats to The Hill for being sufficiently concerned with truth and accuracy so as NOT to label GJ a “white supremicist”. Too bad the same can’t be said for the neo-marxists at CNN
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