George Lincoln Rockwell Discovers the Jewish Problem
George Lincoln RockwellEdited by Andrew Hamilton
From George Lincoln Rockwell’s autobiography This Time the World (Arlington, Va.: Parliament House, 1963), pp. 76–81.
But this was also the time [1951] that General Douglas MacArthur was being summarily fired by the midget of history, Harry Truman, in the most humiliating manner; while Senator Joe McCarthy was belting away at the coterie of reds, queers and pinkos in Washington who were basically responsible for the general’s dismissal. I began to pay attention, in my spare time, to what it was all about. I read McCarthy’s speeches and pamphlets and found them factual, not wildly nonsensical as the papers charged. I became aware of a terrific slant in all the papers against Joe McCarthy, although I still couldn’t imagine why.
I had known and respected Douglas MacArthur, and we have since corresponded. I thought he would make the greatest president of the United States. When there was a campaign to get him the Republican nomination in 1950, I wanted to do what I could to help. I read a letter in The San Diego Union from a woman who lamented that no one would help her get a MacArthur rally going, so I called the lady, whose name I have forgotten, and offered what help I could give. She was very grateful and invited me to her little cottage where she lived in retirement with her husband. I started to tell her all the things I thought could be done, but she smiled with a patient, sad smile and stopped me.
“No,” she said, “you can’t get a hall so easily, even if you pay. They won’t rent one!”
“What do you mean?” I blurted. “Who won’t rent one?”
She looked queerly and quizzically at her husband, clearly asking him with her eyes about something. He just shook his head.
“Who won’t rent you a hall?” I repeated, looking from him to her.
She took a deep breath, looking pained, and said, “The Jews.”
“The Jews!” I exclaimed. “What have the Jews got to do with it? What do they care whether you get a hall or not?”
“They hate MacArthur!” she said, and started to say something else when I interrupted her.
“Hate him? That’s silly! I suppose some of them do, but certainly not all of them, and certainly none of them hate him enough to stop you from hiring a hall for a MacArthur rally!”
She took another deep breath, looking hurt. “It’s true,” she said. “They all hate him! Look at this, for instance.” She handed me a copy of The California Jewish Voice. There it was: “MacArthur Approaches: Hitler Enters the Chancellory!” The paper went on to rave about how General MacArthur was a threat, another potential Hitler! I couldn’t believe it.
“That’s only one paper!” I countered. “It’s probably just an extremist sheet. I’m sure the Jews don’t imagine MacArthur is really another Hitler!”
She showed me another Jewish paper. Its tone was more dignified, but same message was there. She showed me still other Jew papers. In most of them were vile pictures of Joe McCarthy, terrible charges against him and MacArthur and unmistakable venom for both these men.
This is the experience which awaits every honest American, but is usually hard to come by, as might be imagined. I had suddenly been exposed to a whole secret world which the average American never even imagines and never sees: the world of the Jews. In the same Jewish Voice I saw the headlines by the editor, Sammy Gach: “Thank God!”–the day the Soviet Union got the A-bomb!
I saw hundreds of similarly treasonable items, but our people are too insulated and easy-going to look into this Jewish press. Sooner or later, no matter how long the average American is kept in the dark or keeps himself in the dark by imagining that discovering treason against his country and people is ‘bigotry’, he will find the naked evidence of this unified, alien, fanatical Jewish world in the midst of his own people—implacable, hateful, spiteful, bitter and diabolically clever at appearing to be only a persecuted religious group.
The whole thing, however, still didn’t register with me. It was too fantastic. I felt sure there was some misrepresentation, somehow. But the lady gave me some books and papers to take home to study and I left.
When I got home, I looked at the first paper. It was called Common Sense and the headline was “Red Dictatorship by 1954!” I figured right away that I had found the source of this monstrous ‘Jewish scare’ which the lady had told me about. The story was all about a Jewish world plot and I couldn’t finish reading it. It seemed too silly and disgusting for an intelligent man to waste his time on. But in the few lines I did read, Common Sense gave what it claimed were startling “facts” about the Jewishness of Communism and the ‘Russian’ Revolution. It listed as the sources of some of these unbelievable facts The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia and various official U.S. Government documents.
This seemed like an excellent opportunity to spike such a fantastic idea as that of Communism being Jewish and I decided to check out these supposed “facts”. I went over to the San Diego Public Library in Balboa Park and dug around in the volumes mentioned in Common Sense. Down there in the dark stacks of the library, I got my awakening from thirty years of stupid political sleep, the same deadly sleep now closing the eyes of our people and making them cooperate with their enemies in their own destruction—all in the name of ‘good citizenship’, ‘brotherhood’ and all the rest of the shibboleths of ‘nice’ people—the same hypnotic sleep which we are breaking up with our calculated and dramatic Nazi tactics!
I found that Communism was not only Jewish, but the Jews boasted about its Jewishness in their own books and papers! Rabbi Stephen Wise, for instance, the acknowledged leader of American Jewry for many years, openly and arrogantly laid claim to the Jewish nature of the Communist doctrines with his oft-repeated statement in regard to the Jewish religion: “Some call it Communism; I call it Judaism!”
I found, in unimpeachable documents and intelligence studies by our own U.S. Government that the Russian Revolution was not ‘Russian’ at all, but almost wholly led by Jews! In the Overman Report to President Wilson, for instance, it said: “. . . out of 388 members of the first Soviet Government, sitting in the Old Smolny Institute in Petrograd, 371 were Jews and 267 of these Jews were from the Lower East Side of New York City”! Not even Russian Jews, but New York Jews!
I learned, from the article called “Khazars” in The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, published by Jews, that most Jews are not even Semites or descendants of the Hebrew people of Palestine, and thus of Christ’s people, but mostly the descendants of a semi-oriental tribe in central Russia called “Khazars” or “Chazars”, whose king, Bulaban, in the sixth century after Christ, ordered his people en masse to become “Jews”. I discovered that these ‘Jews’, called ‘Ashkenazim’ in the ‘trade’, as distinguished from the real, Semitic Jews, called ‘Sephardim’, constitute the bulk and the leadership of the people we call “Jews”. It is swarms of these ‘Khazars’, with their oriental heritage, who are pushing us around, forcing integration on us, degrading our culture with their filthy ‘art’ of chaos and pornography and, worst of all, spreading the disease of Communism – all the while hiding in the robes of the Jewish ‘religion’.
[Rockwell here endorses the Khazar theory of European Jewish origins. The weight of the genetic, anthropological, and historical evidence is against it.]
I went on to find, in old copies of The New York Journal American, that Jacob Schiff, then head of the gigantic financial empire called “Kuhn, Loeb & Company” and grandfather of the woman who now owns the super-left-wing New York Post, “sank over twenty million dollars in the Russian Revolution”, financing another Jew, Bronstein, alias Trotsky, in the murder of the masses of Christian and anti-Communist White Russians!
Most surprising and revealing of all was the often invisible connection between a seemingly pure Gentile Communist and the inevitable Jew, lurking just behind. Lenin, not a Jew [Lenin was a quarter-Jew], was married to Krupskaya, a Jewess [Krupskaya was apparently a Russian non-Jew]. Stalin, also not a Jew, was married to the sister of Lazar Kaganovitch—Rose, a Jewess. Stalin’s son married another Jewess and it turns out that Khrushchev was the protégé of this same Jew, and married another Jewess in the Kaganovitch family!
The pattern was the same in the United States: Alger Hiss, a non-Jew, was the protégé of Felix Frankfurter, a Jew, of course. Elizabeth Bentley was the mistress of Jacob Golos, supposed to be a ‘Russian’, but actually another Jew. Frederick Vanderbilt Field, the Gentile millionaire Communist, again, was married to a Jewess. Whittaker Chambers, another Gentile Communist (who recanted), married to still another Jewess!
In the satellite countries, it was the same. More Jews! Even that sacred ‘friend of America’, Tito, is the protégé of Moise Pijade, another Khazar Jew, who does the ‘suggesting’ for the strutting Mr. Tito.
In the U.S.A., the F.B.I. was catching hordes of Jew spies: Rosenberg, Greenglass, Soble, Coplin, Moskowitz, Weinbaum, Fuchs [Communist atom bomb spy Klaus Fuchs was reportedly German], Golos—the names alone were unmistakable, although some were changed, as in the case of John Gates, editor of The Daily Worker [the newspaper of the American Communist Party], whose real name turned out to be Israel Regenstreif! But the pictures of these camel-like faces were more than enough to identify these Jew spies!
Out of forty-one workers with Communist records at our secret radar laboratories in Fort Monmouth, thirty-nine turned out to be Jews! Out of fifteen Americans convicted of espionage for the Soviet Union since 1946, thirteen were Jews. Out of twenty-one convicted of Communist conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Government by illegal force and violence, eighteen were Jews. When the F.B.I. nabbed the “Second-string Politburo” of seventeen, fourteen of the traitors were identified as Jews! Out of the “Hollywood Ten” who took the Fifth Amendment when asked if they were Communists, nine were Jews! [Three of the Ten appear to have been non-Jewish: Ring Lardner, Jr., Dalton Trumbo, and Adrian Scott.]
I looked into The Daily Worker and found the atmosphere to be strictly ‘kosher’. There were touching “In Memory of” ads to “Our dear Mother” from Bernie, Abie, Izzy and Nathan Ginzberg; notices of picnics at “Weinbaum’s lovely Grove”, etc.
In Russia, where I had understood anti-Semitism was running rampant, I found the Jews boasting that the head of Soviet propaganda was a Jew: Ilya Ehrenburg! With all the Jews being caught red-handed as Red spies, is it surprising that the Jew, Ehrenburg, head of Soviet propaganda, wishes to spread the idea that the Communists are “anti-Jewish”?
Even in Japan and China, I found the early planters of the Communist seeds were Jewish. In Japan there was an Anna Rosenberg, and guess who turned up in China as advisor to Sun Yat-Sen? Good old George Sokolsky, our ‘conservative’ columnist!
To an intelligent man, the facts were undeniable. They might be explainable, but they were simply undeniable. Communism was Jewish! And the Jews in the United States were almost unanimous in their venomous hatred and suppression of anybody who so much as asked about this fact. Even noticing the number of Jewish Communists and race-mixers brought the unfortunate victim an hysterical campaign against him as a “hate-monger”! The same people who screamed the loudest for ‘academic freedom’ to preach Communism were the ones who were most merciless in their campaign of suppression against anyone wishing to discuss the Jews in anything but the most fulsome and disgusting praise. The Jews were unanimous in hating McCarthy and MacArthur, with one or two negligible exceptions—which I later found were planned so there would be exceptions, such as Joe McCarthy’s “Rabbi” Shultz.
I found this exciting, interesting and frightening, but also very depressing. Far down in my soul I could feet the cold dread of our fate, if what seemed to be going on was going, on. I, too, had been brought up never to say the word “Jew” right out, but always “Jewish person” or “person of the Jewish faith”, because of what the Bible calls “fear of the Jews.” I could imagine the result of my own temperament and my reaction to a challenge if I were to find out that there really was a Jewish plot against my country and my people!
I went back to the papers and books the lady had given me and read them carefully. The tone of the articles, in most cases, repelled me. They were loose in their charges, poorly gotten up, and full of rabid sensationalism, but they kept revealing new pearls of fact, which I found checked out. And when I put all the facts together as best I could, there was no question about it: There was a Jewish plot of some kind or another and it definitely involved Communism and moral subversion.
I went back to the lady and we talked some more, with me doing the listening this time. She was mixed up and confused in many ways, but she knew there were dark forces at work to destroy her country and our White people, and she had the fundamental ideas right. She asked me if I wanted to go hear a man named Gerald L. K. Smith. I remembered the name vaguely, as some kind of horrible radical or other. But she said he was a great American patriot and a great speaker, and gave me a ticket to a speech he was making in Los Angeles.
I was afraid to go, since I was in the Navy, and the whole thing seemed so wild and radical and dangerous. I went to the F.B.I. office and asked to see an agent. I was ushered into a private little chamber and seated opposite a handsome, Nordic-looking man. I told him about Smith and asked if it would be all right to go to his lecture.
“Yes, if you don’t participate,” he said.
So I went to the speech, and what a thing that was! Few Americans today have ever heard an orator. They have heard talks, speeches, even ravings, perhaps, but it is doubtful they have ever heard an old-fashioned, roof-lifting, earth-shaking, soul-shattering oration. Gerald Smith is the master to end all masters of the human voice. Whatever else he may be, he can seize you by the lapels of your soul, jerk you out of your seat and hold you helpless and spellbound as long as he wants. He does not just roar and bellow. He whispers, he sighs, he wheezes, he coos; then he blasts with the power of a locomotive roaring through a tunnel. He laughs, he cries, he howls, he cajoles, he mimics, he screams, he begs, he goes back to whispering, sneers, leers, yells, bursts into hysterical laughter, then whimpers some heart-rending bit which leaves you limp. I sat in the balcony, literally on the edge of my seat. If Smith had said suddenly, “Jump!”—I think I would have done it.
I have not heard him for almost ten years, now, and he is perhaps losing his steam. He will have nothing to do with me any more and hides under an assumed name in the Congressional Hotel when he comes to Washington, D.C. But he is still the grandest master of the spoken word alive today, and I would walk twenty miles to hear him again.
But it was not just the way he spoke which captivated me—it was what he said. When you peeled away all the emotional overtones of his speech, and got down to the raw meat, you found the basic elements of recognizable truth, beautifully put together to show, at last, the clear pattern of what it is the Jews are trying to do with their conspiracy.
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JFK told Gore Vidal that Harry Truman was only elected President because jews literally gave him a bag of money to recognise israel.
“This is the experience which awaits every honest American, but is usually hard to come by, as might be imagined. I had suddenly been exposed to a whole secret world which the average American never even imagines and never sees: the world of the Jews. ”
Yes, this a truly startling experience. Like Rockwell, I also found it depressing in a way, but also exhilarating in that I’m part of a tiny minority that sees the truth. Great Article.
“[Rockwell here endorses the Khazar theory of European Jewish origins. The weight of the genetic, anthropological, and historical evidence is against it.]”
Back before this study was published, I surmised that the prior studies “confirming the close genetic kindred of all Jews”, were in fact politically motivated by Zionists or Zionist funded entities to combat the conclusions of anti Zionists such as the man who wrote Invention of the Jewish People, which argues on historical grounds that European Jews are an amalgam of different groups such as Khazars. You see, while I am not intimately familiar with the scientific methods, I think they are actually quite subjective. A major organizing principle of the state of Israel is that the Jews were expelled from it and therefore have a right to it. This is battle for the hearts and minds of the Israeli Jews themselves. The concept that Ashkenazi Jews are really some sort of European imperialists weakens the internal solidarity of the state.
The truth or falsehood of the Khazar theory is of no practical importance from my point of view. Only if one thinks that the Jews have some special relationship with God does it matter if the Ahkenazim are “real” Jews are not. Not believing in the Jewish God, it is just not an issue for me. But it is an issue for Christians, British Israelites, etc. From my point of view, the Jews of today are our principal enemy, and that is in no way affected by the degree to which they are biologically related to the Jews of the Old Testament.
The truth or falsehood of the Khazar theory is of no practical importance from my point of view. Only if one thinks that the Jews have some special relationship with God does it matter if the Ahkenazim are “real” Jews are not.
These two statements are contradictory. Since the groups that think Jews are strongly preferred by God include tens of millions of American dirt-eating Protestant imbeciles and warmongers, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Jews, the Republican party, the American foreign policy apparatus, usw (and yes, I realize these groups overlap somewhat), then logically turning real Jews into either a) just another tribe of displaced Palestinians or b) Khazar usurpers or c) both would tend to throw a spanner into the works of International Jewry. From my note below, we can see that International Jewry is willing to risk showing a fat, stinking tentacle out in public for everyone to see simply because of some studies linking them to Palestinians. If they hate this, we should promote it. We also know that International Jewry hates, hates, hates the Khazar hypothesis. Thus, we should promote that as well. What does the study of Jewry teach? Bet on every horse. So long as it harms Jewry, the Lord won’t mind.
Who knows how much damage widespread publicization of both hypotheses might be? – to Jews, to Protestants, to American foreign policy. I think it is the truth of either hypothesis that is ‘of no practical importance’. Causing intense internicene quarrel in Jewish circles could aid us by bringing feuding Red Sea Pedestrians into public notice, by diminishing admiration and respect for Jews among xpians (“These diseased camel peddlers aren’t real Jews . . . they’re just Turks who had a bris!”) and – fantasy wish fulfillment, I admit – create partial turncoats like Paul Gottfried. PG gave up all the historical goods on how, where, and when Jews took control of the Rupublican party because he was passed over for some promotion by the Cabal and is eager to make them pay. Now, as we know, every Jew is a ‘bit of concentrated hate’ (ee cummings) so why not work to aim their cosmic biliousness against itself by seeding confusion in the enemy camp? It should not be forgotten that, even though Paul (the apostle) did wish to lay low Gentile civilization as Nietzsche describes, he also just as earnestly wished to obliterate Judaism (“the curse of the law”). What we need are more Apostle Pauls that Gentiles won’t listen to, but Jews will.
Let’s try that again: The truth or falsehood of the Khazar theory is of no importance to my opposition to Jews, which is based on their behavior here and now toward my people. Of course it is relevant to Jews and people who think that the Jews have some special relationship with God. Let them fight among themselves about such matters. The more mischief the merrier. But as far as setting forth a rational position on the Jewish question, debates about the Khazars just don’t matter. It only matters to people who have irrational convictions about the special relationship of the Old Testament Jews to God. That is a lot of people, unfortunately.
Having met many, many Jews, and travelled around Israel, I would conclude that my empirical observations match exactly the gene study. Jews seem to absorb the indigenous populations they live with, whilst at the same time maintaining their Jewishness.(If you ever meet Ethiopian Jews, they look 100% Ethiopian!).
I also think it’s important to have this general discussion because, to the outsider, the fact the Jews are so miscegenated, so diffused, enmeshed in so many areas of society and culture, but at the same time still managing to remain allied and wielding massively disproportionate influence, only serves to create confusion to people seeking to understand the greater question.
Furthermore, I also think it is worth emphasing to Jews that they’re mostly Goyim because it of course raises the question of how could their all powerful God have allowed them to become so miscegenated?
In their minds, however, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re the chosen people and that everyone else has to think in their way.
This is an interesting topic, which I have given some thought to.
“This Time the World” is a must read for everyone. In his book GL Rockwell points out many things that face us today and in fact are exactly the same.
GL Rockwell talks about how in his early days of the movement he would come across men that must of been much older and thought they knew more. These men would tell George, son I have been doing this while you were still wearing diapers, so sit back and keep quite and watch me. Rockwell figured ok the country is in far worse shape then it was 30 years ago so you must be going about it the wrong way. How many of us have heard that? The whole I have been at this for ever speech.
GL Rockwell also adresses the Birchers and similar groups that act like relief valves for the awoken. GL thought and he was right that these groups do more harm then good. They take a persons energy about doing something, allow them to vent with others that are also in the know, pass notes back and forth to one another and actually feel good like they acomplished something, when in fact they did nothing but relieve their energy and frustration and go absolutely nowhere. With they piece he wrote, he hit the nail right on the head.
GL Rockwell also discussed ‘The winning of Hearts and minds” This is probably the most important.
Reading Rockwell years ago ( Listen to me, I have been at this for along time. LOL) really opened my eyes and mind. I agree with most of what GLR said, but I am with Dr. Pierce on the part of him saying he is a “Nazi” GLR shouldhave known that there was no such thing as a Nazi, the Germans never used that word to describe themselves.The word Nazi came from some Bolshevik propeganda man to de-humanize the Germans and make them sound more menacing. The whole armband bit and brown shirt bit, theatrics as William Pierce called it was not very appealing to the Amerikan masses.
Anyway if you haven’t done so, please get and read the book and when you are done please pass it down to someone you know that will actually read it.
For those here who give credence to “scientific” studies of Jewish genetics, simply recall that every single issue of the journal which linked Jewish genetics to modern day Palestinians was recalled and destroyed. I doubt one in ten thousand White advocates have heard anything about this – certainly the “scientific” community cauterized both the offending knowledge and the knowledge of the supression of the offending knowledge. Possibly some “scientist” somewhere is having niggling doubts on the matter. He’s pretty sure that the chocolate ration was 20 grammes last month.
As a challenge for students here, I invite the interested to see if Google turns up results from this incident. I’m curious how long they take to find, and at what sort of site they are preserved.
Jews also made a recent and very well researched book on the sacrifice of Gentile children – the so called “blood libel” – disappear. It caused surprisingly little consternation among the purveyors of “international opinion”, who ordinarily are quite outspoken about such things.
You are referring to the paper “The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with other Mediterranean populations” by Antonio Arnaiz-Villena.
Be careful who you cite. Arnaiz is part of the Black Athena crowd and thinks that the Basque tongue is the key to all ancient epigraphy. Wikipedia has the details.
As for GLR, I quite like his overall tone. I remember hearing in one of GLR’s speeches on youtube about how he felt the Blacks had been harshly treated and should be repatriated and given funding to build their cities back in Africa. The problem with this entirely commonsensical solution is that it would strengthen white nationalism in Western countries and therefore weaken the Judeo/Liberal grasp on power.
Jewish origins are worthwhile to understand. There is sufficient evidence to work with to be able to draw meaningful conclusions, even if subsequent evidence enriches or alters our knowledge.
The more one objectively understands Jews, the better one is able to deal with them. Plus, knowledge is valuable in and of itself.
Of course, people draw different judgments and normative conclusions from any given set of facts.
But whether Jews are a Semitic, Near Eastern people in origin, or are converted Turks, does not matter in terms of my response to their behavior and influence today.
Genetically, they are what they are—whatever it is.
It cannot justify their present-day behavior and power. If one considers them divine “children of God,” or semi-divine, as 99% of Gentiles of all races do, then one subscribes to the Evil Principle in the universe.
There are gray areas in morality, but this is not one of them. Genocide, mass slaughter, assassinations, torture, thuggery, the theft of others’ lands and sustenance, destruction of families and civilizations, and the rest of it is not the work of a good God. Justice cannot condone Jewish behavior.
Where is the evidence that Rabbi Stephen Wise made that quote? I think it may be another hoax just like Israel Cohen’s “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century.”
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