Podcast No. 20
Interview with Charles Upton, Part 2
Counter-Currents Radio
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Greg Johnson and Michael Polignano conclude their interview with Traditionalist author Charles Upton on his most recent book, Vectors of the Counter-Initiation: The Course and Destiny of Inverted Spirituality (San Raphael, Cal.: Sophia Perennis, 2012).
Other books mentioned in this podcast are:
- Charles Upton, Folk Metaphysics: Mystical Meanings in Traditional Folk Songs and Spirituals
- Charles Upton, Who is the Earth? How To See God in the Natural World
- Charles Lindholm and José Pedro Zúquete, The Struggle for the World: Liberation Movements for the 21st Century
Podcast No. 20 Interview with Charles Upton, Part 2
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OK guys, I’ve always been entertained and stimulated by CC. But I have also been mildly skeptical about your “old right vs. new right” and your “politics vs. metapolitics” distinctions. But this interview has me convinced that you are doing something very very RIGHT here. You are playing a very long game, and playing to win.
Because, unless my ears deceive me, you have created a space where an old hippie (a very bright and learned old hippie) felt safe and comfortable enough (once the Man Against Time was set aside) to talk about the importance of racial purity (Swedes, Watusi, and Mayans) and the “genius of the white race.”
And, unless my ears deceive, Upton was clearly emotionally choked up by these topics, unlike the others where he was quite composed, probably because these were topics that he had never felt comfortable discussing publicly, much less with scary radicals like us.
First Charles Krafft, then Mark Dyal, now Charles Upton . . . how many more will you get to step over the line and into this new space? And it is all about creating the spaces where white consciousness and then white action can emerge, like the spaces in Dresden and Leipzig that emerged and brought down Communism. Because, as Mike P. pointed out, our people today no more believe in multiculturalism than the Germans believed in Communism. But we are all intimidated into thinking that we are alone. But when we have the space to discover that we are not alone, something can congeal and grow very quickly.
Seriously, congratulations and thanks. I am so impressed with what you are creating here. And yes, I will help out with some money too, not just some suggestions about more work for you guys to do.
^ This is a great comment.
At the risk of sounding like a brown-noser, the greatness of this site is that it puts race into a proper context by emphasizing nuanced cultural manifestations and ideas that are mostly European to the point where talking about race doesn’t feel “dirty” and “mean-spirited,” but completely natural and healthy. It’s quite an undertaking and I’m amazed that it exists.
CC is the seminar that never ends. grad school for people like me who always wanted to go but never could.
CC is the seminar that never ends. Grad school for people like me who always wanted to go but never could.
Sorry about the previous comment with the gibberish. My son came over and decided to bang on my keyboard as I was about to post.
That’s cute.
I thank Mr. Upton for his clear and precise language and graceful conversation with Dr. Greg Johnson. Also, was happy that you mentioned you married a Orthodox Christian, pardon me but I can’t help but wonder why you haven’t converted. I founded both of these interviews and your youtube videos to be enlightening though I have a hard time believing that a man of your erudition could believe in interdementional, or interdenominational if you will, visitation. It seems too far fetched; like two steps away from believing in Zombies.
Some Muzzies’, as they are colloquially known in the British Isles, version of Islam appear to gladly omit all of the Anti-Christian and philosemitic stances that actual Mousoulmanoi rulers are have taken in history. The Turkish Harach Poll Tax on agricultural goods on it’s Christian subjects.
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