Twitterers of the World Unite!
The Digital New Left as Controlled Opposition, Part 2
Kerry Bolton
1,807 words
Part 2 of 4
Here We Go Again
The current use of the young generation for capitalist revolution behind the banner inscribed with left-liberal slogans is therefore a well-tried formula. A difference is that where it was once the CIA which co-opted “radicals” such as Gloria Steinem and Timothy Leary under a program directed by Cord Meyer, a co-director of the United World Federalists along with banking scion James Warburg,[1] the CIA programs have been replaced with those of the National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, Soros, and an array of often interlocking fronts, think tanks and NGOs.[2]
Cartalucci has exposed the background of a contemporary major youth movement that is analogous to the New Left of yesteryear, as well as cogently explaining the real purposes of this movement. The by-line of the Alliance of Youth Movements/ is: “Identify. Connect. Support.”[3] states:
We match members of our global network with necessary resources from the technology, media, private and public sectors as well as with each other in order to foster peer to peer capacity building. hosts annual summits, regional training events, and on online hub for best practices, lessons learned, discussion and news about the use of new technologies in social movements.[4]
The focus is on the use of digital technology, a feature of the “velvet revolutions”[5] from Eastern Europe, to Central Asia to the current turmoil in North Africa and Iran. calls their constituency “digital activists.”[6]
Whereas the CIA covertly channeled funds to the New Left during the 1960s, now the new generation of young revolutionaries proudly display the logos of their corporate sponsors. Under the category of “Sponsors” states: has leveraged its relationships with exciting movements in civil society to bring together some of the globe’s top technology and communications companies to share their knowledge and expertise with online activists from across the world. has received sponsorship and continues to be supported by global industry leaders.[7]
These corporate sponsors displayed on the AYM website are: Howcast, Edelman,[8] Google,[9] Music TV, Meetup, Pepsi,[10] CBS News, Mobile Accord, Youtube, Facebook, MSN/NBC, National Geographic, Omnicom Group,[11] Access 360 Media, and Gen Next.
The Public Partnerships are: Columbia Law School, and the US State Department.
Most of the logos on the AYM website link directly to the companies so that also serves as an advertising medium for corporate America. What is of interest is that the digital technology companies approve and support the manner by which their services are being used in the world velvet revolution. They are not only not indifferent; they are the sponsors of the revolutionaries. This is because the “brave new world” being created by their young “digital activists” will be one in which young consumers will emerge from the traditional societies that are now being overthrown. There will be a larger consumer market; more youngsters addicted to consumerism as they are in the West.
Howcast, the primary backer of AYM, has for example made a business empire out of “how to” videos based around the banality of the mass consumer, the subjects of wisdom being imparted including: “How to go on a date with someone you met on the internet,” “How to prevent a blister,” “How to headbang,” “How to enter and elegantly exit a car . . .”[12] . . . Not exactly in the same category as The Communist Manifesto or The Little Red Book, but fitting articulations of the type of revolution that neocon strategist Maj. Ralph Peters predicted would overtake the old order and reshape the world in America’s image by means of consumer addiction via what he called “creative destruction.”[13]
Howcast CEO Jason Liebman conceived the idea of the Alliance of Youth Movements/ His profile on the Howcast website states of Liebman: “Jason is also a cofounder of the Alliance of Youth Movements (AYM), a nonprofit organization that helps young people to effect nonviolent change around the world using 21st-century tools.”[14] Howcast is described as working directly “with brands, agencies, and organizations” such as GE, Proctor & Gamble, Kodak, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, and Ford Motor Company . . . [15] Howcast is therefore intimately involved not only with global corporations but also with the US Government. Liebman was previously with Google where he forged corporate relationships with Time Warner, News Corp, Viacom, Warner Music, Sony Pictures, Reuters, The New York Times, and the Washington Post Company.[16]
The other Board Members and Co-Founders are:
Jared Cohen is director of Google Ideas. “He is also an Adjunct Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he focuses on terrorism and counter-radicalization, the impact of connection technologies, and ‘21st century statecraft.’”[17] The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the omni-present foreign policy think tank that was founded in the aftermath of World War I by corporate interests in conjunction with academics and politicians, and is the prototype of subsequent think tanks.[18] Cohen is a director and founder of a youth movement that claims to be creating revolutionary change throughout the world, yet simultaneously he advises CFR on “counter-radicalization.” With this it might be discerned the actual purpose of that of co-opting and channeling youth dissent into acceptable forms. The profile for Cohen continues:
Previously, he served for four years as a member of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. In this capacity, he advised on the Middle East, South Asia, counter-terrorism, counter-radicalization, and the development of the “21st century statecraft” agenda. He is twice a recipient of the Secretary of State’s Meritorious Honor Award.
Cohen is author of the books Children of Jihad: A Young American’s Travels Among the Youth of the Middle East and One Hundred Days of Silence: America and the Rwanda Genocide. He has also written several articles, including “Diverting the Radicalization Track” (Policy Review) and “Iran’s Young Opposition” (SAIS Review).
Cohen has traveled extensively throughout Africa, where he examined issues related to democracy, governance, and genocide. He has also conducted research in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, looking at opposition groups, the spread of technology, and interviewing militants ranging from Hezbollah to several Al-Qaeda affiliated groups.[19]
The other corporate revolutionary Board Member and Co-Founder of is Roman Tsunder, founder of Access 360 Media, “the nation’s largest digital Out-of-Home media network focused on shoppers that connects to over 100MM consumers each month in over 10,000 locations through the communication platforms that matter most to them — In-store, Online and Mobile.”
In 2009, Roman created the PTTOW! Summit (, an invite only event bringing together 35 top execs from the world’s most innovative companies to discuss the future of the youth industry, representing every major industry category, including: wireless (AT&T), clothing (Quiksilver); gaming (Activision), social media (Facebook), technology (HP), online video (YouTube), beverage (Pepsi), athletes (Kelly Slater) and the US Government.[20]
Tsunder’s agenda is clear enough, as with others, being to create and expand the “youth industry” (sic) and that indicates how youth are perceived by the corporate revolutionaries: as consumers and potential consumers. He is also “a founder and board member of Gen Next (, a non-profit organization focused on ‘affecting change for the next generation.’”[21] Revolution has become another means of profit maximization. Gen Next is one of the corporate sponsors of
The Movement’s “Development and Corporate Partnerships Manager,” itself an interesting title for a supposedly idealistic youth organization, is Rachel Silver, who worked for Liebman’s Howcast, and as such organized the Movement’s summits in New York City, Mexico City, and London.[22]
AYM Summits
The Movement has held three summits so far. The 2010 Summit held in London, had as its keynote speaker Scott Heifferman from Other luminaries at the summit were Kristen Morissey from Google; Juan Zarate, CBS News; and Farah Pandith, Special Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of State on Muslim Affairs.
“Guests, hosts and sponsors” included representatives from Google, Rand Corp., Edelman, Howcast, Access 360 Media, World Bank, US Institute of Peace,[23] Global Engagement Group, and Center for Strategic and International Studies.[24][25]
Moderators and Speakers were from the National Democratic Institute,[26] Gen Next, Twitter, CBS, Meet Up, Google, World Bank, and You Tube. Farah Pandith and Jared Cohen represented the US State Department.
1. Cord Meyer was co-founder, with James P. Warburg, of the United World Federalists in 1947, to promote a World State. In 1948 Meyer was World Federalist president. “Opinion in a drawing room,” Time Magazine, 16 February 1948,,9171,794188,00.html
2. K. R. Bolton, “The Globalist Web of Subversion,” February 7, 2011 Foreign Policy Journal,
3. “Mission,”
4. “Mission.”
5. A recent article on the website of Radio Free Europe/Liberty states of this: “The work of groups like Canvas, combined with the proliferation of social-networking websites like Facebook and Twitter, and the coming of age of a wired — and increasingly disaffected — young generation have combined to create a perfect storm threatening authoritarian regimes from Europe to North Africa, to the Middle East.” “Exporting Nonviolent Revolution, From Eastern Europe To The Middle East,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, February 21, 2011,
6. “Mission.”
7. “Sponsors,”
8. Edelman is a leading “global” public relations firm, whose clients include fellow sponsor Pepsi.
9. Corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR “Corporate Membership,”
10. Corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR “Corporate Membership,”
11. Corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR “Corporate Membership,”
12. Howcast,
13. R. Peters. “Constant Conflict,” Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, Summer 1997,
14. Howcast, “Meet Our Team,”
15. “Team Board,”
16. “Team Board.”
17. “Team Board.”
18. Council on Foreign Relations,
19. “Team Board.”
20. “Team Board.”
21. “Team Board.”
22. “Team Board.”
23. US Institute for Peace, “established and funded by Congress.” USIP was created by Pres. Ronald Reagan in 1984.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is businessman, government appointee and CFR member J. Robinson West.
24. Center for Strategic and International Studies: “CSIS provides strategic insights and policy solutions to decision makers in government, international institutions, the private sector, and civil society.” CSIS was founded as a Cold War think tank in 1962 to assure America’s world primacy. CSIS, “About Us,”
Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR), the veteran Rockefeller protégé, “co-chairs the CSIS Advisory Board.”
Another familiar face is CSIS counsellor and trustee is Henry Kissinger (CFR).
25. for Youth Movements, “Attendee Biographies, Summit Details,” 2010,
26. National Democratic Institute has sponsorship from The National Endowment for Democracy; U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and Middle East Partnership Initiative; United States Agency for International Development (USAID); 18 Governments in addition to that of the USA; OAS, World Bank Group, United Nations organs; and the types of Foundations that one would expect, including Citigroup Foundation, Ford, Soros’ OSI., etc. NDI, “Who supports Our Work,”
The Chairman of NDI is former US Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, who also serves on the Board of Directors of the omni-present Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). “CFR Membership Roster,”
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