Tag: Jared Cohen
October 21, 2011 Kerry Bolton
Twitterer der Welt, vereinigt euch!
7,452 words
Übersetzt von Deep Roots
Part 1: English original here
Ein aufschlußreicher Artikel von Tony Cartalucci [1] mit dem Titel „Google’s Revolution Factory – Alliance of Youth Movements: Color Revolution 2.0“ ist von Global Research veröffentlicht worden [2]. (more…)
March 3, 2011 Kerry Bolton
Twitterers of the World Unite!
The Digital New Left as Controlled Opposition, Part 21,807 words
Part 2 of 4
Here We Go Again
The current use of the young generation for capitalist revolution behind the banner inscribed with left-liberal slogans is therefore a well-tried formula. A difference is that where it was once the CIA which co-opted “radicals” such as Gloria Steinem and Timothy Leary under a program directed by Cord Meyer, a co-director of the United World Federalists along with banking scion James Warburg,[1] the CIA programs have been replaced with those of the National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, Soros, and an array of often interlocking fronts, think tanks and NGOs.[2]