2,214 words
Ruuben Kaalep recently gave an interview to a Portuguese researcher sympathetic to the cause of nationalism. Presented here is their conversation. (more…)
2,214 words
Ruuben Kaalep recently gave an interview to a Portuguese researcher sympathetic to the cause of nationalism. Presented here is their conversation. (more…)
On April 10, 1955 — Easter Sunday — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin collapsed and died of a heart attack in a friend’s Manhattan apartment. He was 74 and had done nothing more strenuous that day than take a stroll through Central Park. (more…)
Scott Howard
The Plot Against Humanity
Quakertown, Pa.: Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022
Scott Howard’s third book for Antelope Hill is an examination of the push by hostile globalist elites to bring about a transhumanist-informed, bio-digital age. This will be a new era of nightmare in which humanity will be wired into a vast, interconnected, AI-managed system that will see us sorted, surveilled, monitored, and controlled — and that’s if we’re lucky. (more…)
1.265 slov
English original here
Potrhlý Izraelec Yuval Noah Harari je rasista v tom nejryzejším slova smyslu: jako cestu kupředu vidí eliminaci celé lidské rasy.
Zatímco se řada z nás do roztrhání těla snaží zastavit velkou výměnu, Harari s málo skrývaným uspokojením hovoří o náhradě rozsahu nesrovnatelně masivnějšího – tedy druhu Homo sapiens přístroji a algoritmy, které je uvádějí do pohybu. (more…)
1,399 words
Czech version here
The squirrelly Israeli named Yuval Noah Harari is a racist in the purest sense: He sees the elimination of the entire human race as a sign of progress.
While many of us busy ourselves fretting about the Great Replacement, Harari speaks quite fondly of an even Greater Replacement — that of Homo sapiens with machines and the algorithms that drive them. (more…)
The Writers’ Bloc had their good friend Hwitegeard over for a friendly, low-intensity chinwag with host Nick Jeelvy, where they also answered listener questions, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:07:00 How does one speak Anglo-Saxon and what does it sound like? (more…)
Pox Populi was host Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, where they talked about Elon Musk’s efforts to purchase Twitter and answer your questions, among other topics, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
On the latest episode of The Writers’ Bloc, host Nick Jeelvy welcomed Pox Populi (Substack here) to discuss various grounds for trucker convoy skepticism and problems with the Right in general, and of course YOUR QUESTIONS, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
On yet another episode of Counter-Currents Radio, host Greg Johnson and frequent Counter-Currents contributor Thomas Steuben were joined by special guest American Krogan to discuss his BioShock video series, as well as answer YOUR QUESTIONS, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
1,549 words
Imagine a world where people live so devoid of happiness that it becomes a popular pastime to compensate by simply watching recordings of people smiling. The need is so severe that when making these recordings, no one even bothers to build in a plot—they just get right to the action of depicting images of people smiling, utterly devoid of any further context or deeper meaning. (more…)
Part 2 of 2. Part 1 here
Transhumanism — The Final Showdown
The West, in its essence, is neither a human nor a natural society. The current debate – is gender real? – is not directed at finding truth but is instead a program of action – “we will make it so that there is no such thing as gender.” Masculinity and femininity, their polarity, will be abolished. (more…)
In the popular video game Half-Life 2 and its sequels, the players fight against the Combine Empire. This empire may be fictional, but it has many aspects that are all too real. The universe of Half-Life 2 has been created with patience and a lot of work, as one can guess from the number of tryouts for designing one of the game’s most important buildings. The result is a very well-thought, sometimes subtle universe that goes often unseen because players are more concerned with solving a particular riddle or fighting a particular battle. (more…)
3,924 words
English original here
Z tempa technologického pokroku se nám může snadno zatočit hlava a navykli jsme si očekávat nekonečný proud rychlejších a výkonnějších zařízení. Budoucí vývoj takových technologií slibuje stále sofistikovanější stroje, které zpochybní základní premisu lidské nadřazenosti. Je vynakládáno velké úsilí na dosažení dystopické budoucnosti strojů, nadaných úžasnými schopnostmi, jejichž samotná existence možná způsobí nahrazení lidstva. (more…)