Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “The Last Boy Scout,” on the imminent end of the Boy Scouts. (more…)
Tag: sexual abuse
May 12, 2024 Jim Goad
The Last Boy Scout
It’s official: There will be no more Boy Scouts.
Don’t panic: There will still be Scouts who are boys. There will also be Scouts who are girls.
There will also continue to be Girl Scouts who are boys, so long as they identify as girls. And there will still be Girl Scouts who are biological girls.
Just no more Boy Scouts. (more…)
I am not ashamed to say that I cried throughout this entire movie. It’s those who see it and don’t have to at least fight back a few tears who should be ashamed. Indeed, the wildly different reactions provoked by this film reveal a great deal about our ever-deepening cultural divide — and how some of the most vocal and high-profile people on one side are really just downright evil. But you had probably already come to that conclusion.
As everyone knows by now, Sound of Freedom — the film’s title contains no definite article — is the story of Tim Ballard, a special agent for Homeland Security Investigations who sets off on a crusade to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. (more…)
I attended Catholic high school at Cardinal O’Hara in Broomall, Pennsylvania from 1975 to 1979. I’d estimate that at the very most, 20 priests taught there while I was a student. At least six of them — Father Jones, Father Giliberti, Father McCarthy, Father Cannon, Father Gallagher, and Father Close — subsequently faced multiple allegations of sexually abusing schoolboys there. (more…)
2,768 words
It is no secret to those of us from the UK who have not been vaccinated against reality that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is politically biased. Despite an apparent failsafe in its charter requiring it to stay neutral, it is about as non-partisan as a rabid sports fan bellowing in support of his team. (more…)