I have confidence in the Right as the political entity we know today largely because Right-wing extremism has proved to be less insidious, murderous, and destructive than Left-wing extremism. This has been the case for the last 250 years. Nothing can compare to the hideous wake left by the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet terror famines and gulags, the mass starvations of Mao’s China, and the crimes committed by the North Vietnamese, among other atrocities. The Nazis at least waited until wartime to commit their acts of barbarism. The worst of the Left had no such compunctions, and were deadlier to boot. (more…)
Tag: neuroscience
C. R. Hallpike
Ship of Fools: An Anthology of Learned Nonsense about Primitive Society
Kouvola, Finland: Castalia House, 2018C. R. Hallpike’s Ship of Fools should prove to be an embarrassment to the scientific community — the most fascinating, righteous, and gratifying embarrassment there could possibly be.
Armed with his many years of hands-on experience as an anthropologist, Hallpike thoroughly refutes a number of popular scientific theories about primitive societies. (more…)
Part 1 here
Richard Haier begins his fascinating 2017 work The Neuroscience of Intelligence with a question: Why are some people smarter than others? From this he brings the reader up to speed on what neuroscientists have discovered about the genetic and physiological underpinnings of intelligence. This seems like a vast topic, but it really isn’t given how many neuroscientists shy away from the “controversial” topic of intelligence. (more…)
1,266 words
Last week, doddering President-Elect Joe Biden nominated a black female lawyer named Kirsten Clarke to head the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division. Referring to the Brooklyn-born daughter of Jamaican immigrants as “one of the most distinguished civil rights attorneys in America,” the CIA robots who control Biden’s cyber-brain transmitted the following words through his thin, dry, cracked lips:
“The Civil Rights division represents the moral center of the Department of Justice. And the heart of that fundamental American ideal that we’re all created equal and all deserve to be treated equally.” (more…)
TWIST ENDING: What if you woke up on the precipice and realized you were about to punch or murder a Nazi over a biological quirk?
I know, you thought I was fixing to say “The best way to win a civil war is not to play!” and really, that’s kinda true too. (more…)