Part 2 here
While doing a deep dive into Richard Haier’s illuminating textbook, The Neuroscience of Intelligence, I was reminded of something Academic Agent said during a particularly interesting episode of Millenniyule 2021:
I still maintain a number of criticisms I made of the Alt Right back then. If you remember, back in 2017, everybody talked, non-stop, almost 24/7 about IQ, right? And I am still, even to this day, not convinced that that talking point brings any relevance whatsoever to anything at all.
I think it’s equivalent to the scientific facts about COVID. The normie public do not care. And if you talk about IQ, they just switch off.
But also, the realities of race are not contingent on IQ differences. Okay, the realities of race are contingent on ever-hard facts, like in-group preference, for example, or like, for example, how can I say, you know, if I were listening to one of your conversations with Jim Goad and he was saying, like, you know, you can have this attitude that you don’t see race, but they do. Right? To me that is a more compelling point than just saying, like, well, on average, this group is 83 and this group is 96 and this group is 110. Okay, so what does that tell me? Let’s introduce a whole pint of Chinese into this country. It doesn’t mean anything to me.
I sympathize with this perspective, of course. Within the context of Dissident Right political thought, it would be a mistake to boil most of our politics down to IQ. As we all know, IQ, like most human traits, forms a statistical bell curve when distributed across a population. An ethnocentric platform must be willing to accept and cater to the entirety of a racial or ethnic population, regardless of IQ.
To place IQ over ethnos, as Academic Agent correctly states, would defeat the purpose of White Nationalism, since high-IQ people of all races would flood traditional white nations just as low-IQ non-white people are doing right now. Further, IQ worship, as I call it, brings with it the danger that it might allow high-IQ non-whites into our nations as a sort of Trojan horse, and then they would in turn enable low-IQ non-whites to enter later. Many high-IQ non-whites are quite ethnocentric, after all. Blood rather than intelligence, it seems, is the stronger civilizational adhesive.
Still, something about this utter dismissal of IQ didn’t sit well with me. Yes, normies may well “switch off” when they hear talk about IQ. But how much of that results from psychometrics or statistics in general being incomprehensible, or simply dry and uninteresting for most people? I’m sure the most engaging YouTuber would have a hard time keeping viewers when trying to explain why, in the matrix algebra of factor analysis, the number of subjects must be greater than the number of variables; or how restriction of range can conceal the predictive power of SAT scores at universities, or how the Raven’s Advanced Progression Matrices tests may be a better estimator of the g-factor than IQ. As with anything technical, there is plenty that is boring about the subject if you’re not already into it.
And if hearing about IQ too often becomes a turn-off, well, can’t you say that about anything? Would Academic Agent feel the same way about blood and soil nationalism if he had heard people on the Alt Right blathering on about it non-stop back in 2017? I think the problem is more about people discussing IQ to the exclusion of other important topics than about discussing IQ at all. This is what I took from this portion of Academic Agent’s appearance on Millenniyule, at any rate, and it’s a fair point.
But still . . . I find myself always coming back to IQ.
As I’ve stated before, noting the inherent difference in intelligence between blacks and whites is what started me on the road to dissidence. And nearly 100% of the people I’ve brought along with me, I red-pilled the same way: by demonstrating that IQ is real and that intelligence is not bestowed equally among the races. It seems that once a person accepts this, he automatically becomes a dissident, since race-realism necessarily rejects the racial egalitarianism which is the linchpin of all modern Leftist dogma. Much of current globalism falls apart without it — which explains why globalists so vehemently suppress race realism. And since the days of race-realist socialists like Jack London are long gone, the farthest left such people would dare creep today would be into the culture-spaces dominated by the likes of John Derbyshire and Stefan Molyneux. As far as Overton windows go, this is excellent.
This is why I think that IQ rejection — that is, rejecting the importance of IQ and intelligence in forming dissidents and their politics — is every bit as problematic as IQ worship. Race-realism should play a role in any ethnocentrist platform, but certainly not the only role. And how important this role is often depends on location and the populations in question. When demarcating distinctions between neighboring ethnicities with similar IQs such as, say, Romanians and Bulgarians, then cultural elements such as language, tradition, and religion could very well trump IQ. This is why the IQ question should rarely enter any conversations about petty European nationalisms.
On the other hand, when a white diaspora finds itself sharing a country with millions of sub-Saharan Africans whose IQ is a standard deviation lower than theirs and whose temperament is far more violent and impulsive, race realism becomes a necessity for survival. This was a no-brainer a century ago, when the Left hadn’t yet completed its long march through our institutions. During this time of — for lack of a better term — white supremacy, black-on-white crime was much lower than it is now.
Here’s Jim Goad with an example of modern black-on-white crime which could have been avoided with a healthy dose of race realism:
In contrast, from the years 1996 until 2008, there were an estimated 271,224 black-on-white rapes in the US. Since blacks have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted disease than any other American group — they account for 42% of all HIV cases alone — I think it’s a safe bet that over that 13-year period alone, black rapists gave white Americans enough sexually transmitted diseases to kill at least 5,000 of them, and I’m probably lowballing it.
Such statistics would have been unheard of a century ago, because race-realist folkways and customs found everywhere in the West protected whites from the manifest danger brought about by free black populations. That there were fewer black police chiefs, bank managers, and brain surgeons back than was a small price to pay for a generally safe and orderly society.
But now that the Left has not only completed its march through our institutions but is in the process of destroying them, obfuscating racial differences has become its top cultural priority. In the past 50 years, the Left has brought this about mainly through legislation, integration, propaganda, and affirmative action. Race realism, when expressed in scientific and psychometric terms, becomes the best defense against this four-pronged attack because it undermines all of them. And describing the obvious physical differences between the races just isn’t going to cut it. No, we have to go to the genetic level.
This can be accomplished in two ways: demonstrating racial differences based on the genetic source of criminal impulsivity, and demonstrating racial differences based on the genetic source of intelligence. Tall orders, both, but progress is being made. For example, Nicholas Wade, in his 2014 work A Troubled Inheritance, writes of a gene called MAO-A:
As it happens, the promoter for MAO-A is quite variable in the human population. People may have two, three, four or five copies of it, and the more copies they have, the more of the MAO-A enzyme their cells produce. What difference does this make a person’s behavior? Quite a lot, it turns out. People with three, four or five copies of the MAO-A promoter are normal but those with only two copies have a much higher level of delinquency.
Basically, the number of MAO-A gene copies a person has correlates positively with impulse control. After citing a study which helps prove this, he writes:
If individuals can differ in the genetic structure of their MAO-A gene and its controls, is the same also true of races and ethnicities? The answer is yes. A team led by Karl Skorecki of the Rambam Health Care Center in Haifa looked at variations in the MAO-A gene in people from seven ethnicities — Ashkenazi Jews, Bedouins, African pygmies, aboriginal Taiwanese, East Asians (Chinese and Japanese), Mexicans and Russians. They found 41 variations in the portions of the gene they decoded, and the pattern of variation differed from one ethnicity to the next, revealing a “substantial differentiation between populations.”
Then for the coup de grace, Wade offers a study led by Michael Vaughan of Saint Louis University from 2012 which demonstrates that five percent of the black men they observed possessed only two of these MAO-A promoters. The researchers then compared the members of this group’s life histories to those of the blacks with three or four promoters, and found that the former group was much more likely to be arrested or imprisoned. Wade notes drily, “The same comparison could not be made in white, or Caucasian, males, the researchers report, because only 0.1% carry the two-promoter allele.”
This is great. Here we have scientific evidence which refutes Leftist egalitarianism and the absurd claim that it is racial oppression or “white supremacy” which puts so many black males in prison. No, it’s not on whitey. It’s on genetics. Watch as I do some armchair mathematics.
According to this article, the US Census in 2013 counted 18.5 million black males of all ages living in the United States. Assuming that 20% of these men were either too old or too young for prison, we’re left with a population of 14.8 million black men who could potentially be incarcerated for a crime. Also as of 2013, there were approximately 745,000 black men incarcerated in local, state, or federal prisons. 745,000 divided by 14.8 million is 0.0503, or 5.03%.
Ain’t it funny how that works?
So 5% of black males carry the two-promoter allele and 5% of the prison-eligible black men in America are currently incarcerated. I know it’s not nearly as simple as this. The Saint Louis University study is only one, and there are many other factors which determine incarceration rates. A lot more work still needs to be done in this field, I’m sure. And the 20% figure I came up with was little more than a reasonable guess based on this census document. Basically, in 2013 there were around 45 million black people living in the United States, and approximately 7.2 million of them were nine and under (16%) while 1.61 million of them were 75 and older (3.5%). So, 19.5%, rounding up.
Not exactly exact, but still, at first blush, the predictive power of the MAO-A promoter gene is uncanny, to say the least. So is its power to undermine Leftist egalitarian dogma.
There ought to be an ICQ (impulse control quotient) test which could measure impulsivity in the same manner as IQ. As it stands, we cannot quantify impulsivity as well as we can psychometrically quantify intelligence. Furthermore, our quantification of intelligence directly correlates not only with real-world consequences — from socioeconomic status to deaths from automobile accidents — but also to physiological processes and structures which can be observed and mapped with a great deal of accuracy in the brain.
This is the main thrust of Richard Haier’s The Neuroscience of Intelligence, which lays to rest any doubts about the reality of IQ. Exactly how this happens and how this knowledge can be applied to a dissident ethnocentric platform will be covered in future installments of this series.
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Important issues are raised but there are no easy answers, nor much incentive for governing bodies to find them. It’s hard to envision an impulse control test because different people are triggered in different contexts, which cant be replicated in a pen/paper test. You have the Hare psychopathy checklist, which takes the tack that past history of bad behavior predicts future acts.
If a test is only positive in 5% of the population of interest, there will be contribution of many other genes, or as the left will explain it, 95% of the problem is that society put him at a disadvantage, which contributed to the crimes (see Gee Officer Krupke!). The legal system has no incentive to get behind such testing, as defense lawyers will try to get every prisoner out of jail into a hospital (even though prisons have doctors).
While IQ is a verboten and significant topic, despite it being one of the most reproduced findings in all psychology, it doesn’t explain all one’s success or failures in life. Maybe you’re a great athlete, musician, nurse, politician, soldier… There are a lot of smart people who get held back by low motivation, personality issues, low resilience and persistence. But when all other things are equal, best to have some smarts.
I agree thoroughly with the thrust of this post. IQ is a part of the truth that must be acknowledged, but it is not the whole story.
There is a lot of subtlety in human nature that arises from a few basic concepts, depending on how they are arranged, much like the endless varieties of materials that arise from the arrangements of the 3 fundamental particles of the atom.
As one simple example, I think it’s very likely that Asians do indeed have higher IQs than whites. This is to their credit. However, I do not want to be part of an Asian society, even though I like Asians, enjoy their company, and respect their societies.
I have noticed that Asian (both northern and southern) software engineers tend to produce solutions that are more pragmatic and practical, whereas whites gravitate towards elegance. I worked with a Chinese guy that was better at algorithms than I was, but I felt his code was verbose and hacky. He likely thought that I wasted too much time making it clean and brief. In it of itself, this means nothing, as the same types of differences occur between people across and within races. But if it truly is a pattern, then it implies that the societies these people build and enjoy would be different.
“I have noticed that Asian (both northern and southern) software engineers tend to produce solutions that are more pragmatic and practical, whereas whites gravitate towards elegance.”
I have noticed this too. Asian programmers tend not to care about elegance. They’ll gladly do something in a thousand lines of code which could be done in 250. Their programs will work but won’t be terribly portable.
We may not be lagging behind Asians as much as you think. The Asians who have emigrated tend to be from the upper ranks of ambition and skill. They aren’t representative of what you will find in the bulk of the East, where everyone isn’t a doctor or ace programmer.
This is also true of other immigrant groups. Modern blacks from Africa outperform US blacks descended from slaves (Sailer has written about this, plus you will see it yourself if you pay attention). Of course, this is where the Left starts lying about how immigration is great for the economy – they’re talking about the ones coming for jobs waiting for them, not the ones who need extra money spent for interpreters or a language specific curriculum.
Migrants illegally crossing the southern US border are a different lot. These are not middle class successful Mexicans, or a Trump said it in a not so nice way, They’re not sending their best.
@J Webb
”This is also true of other immigrant groups. Modern blacks from Africa outperform US blacks descended from slaves (Sailer has written about this, plus you will see it yourself if you pay attention”.
This very true not only that they outperform Asian Americans aswell. Many Nigerian Americans for example have some of the higest scores in the US. Even if you look at UK and Canada many african groups like Nigerians, Ghanians, Kenyans, Sierra Leonians are among the highest academic performers. Wheter we like it or not there is a correlation to possibilities and poverty. If a country is poor people have lower quality education, but if country is rich the quality of education increases. China, South Korea are perfect examples of this. Many Asians many decades where never considered ”smart or intelligent”. That whole narrative came in 70s, 80s and 90s when the upper echelon of the Japanese and Koreans in large numbers came to study in ivy league universities. I have studied with all types of groups of people Europeans, North Americans, Asians, Africans, Arabs, Carribeans. And to me many White Westerners where lazy in group projects wanted to get work done fast so they can part around, smoke and have good time. Asians had very bad social skills and low emotional and social intelligence to interact with diverse group of people outside their little ”Chinese” or Indonesian or Korean or Japense bubble. Africans where very quite and didnt talk to much but they where vey observable and assertative, high social and emotional intelligence and understood global developments better then all of us in class. We really have to be careful with our assumptions of people in general.
I largely concur. While the research on IQ is solid, as you mentioned, many immigrants come from the upper echelons or are more motivated. Asian immigrants are not representative of Asia in toto. Educated Nigerian immigrants are not representative of descendants of slaves, who were sold into slavery by other African conquerors.
America is slipping in part due to motivation and a sense of entitlement (and I do see it from time to time in some of the writing here). We shouldn’t just give up the keys to the kingdom, but we have to work at it too. I blame the left more than the right and especially the subsection of feminists that is obnoxiously entitled and wants to spread the word. Sadly they weren’t apparently good in math, because their projection numbers don’t seem to add up to prosperity.
Worth checking out is “American Factory”, a documentary about the culture clash when an Ohio glass factory is bought and managed by a Chinese group with a very different ethos on productivity. Surprisingly, it was funded in part by the Obamas. It shows the cracks in leftism, where they are obliged to support entitlements and affirmative action, but they themselves are uncomfortable with the direction the US is headed. Essentially the Obamas spent their own money to quietly talk about stuff they couldn’t say while in office.
Academic Agent, for all his more-English-than-thou attitude, is half-Iranian, so there’s a reason for his not embracing blood and soil identitarianism.
He does talk slightly funny, doesn’t he? That aside, I think his IQ comment was an attempt to compete with Philosophicat.
IQ realism is important for dissidents to understand, but since it has sub zero chance of becoming the basis for governance, I’ve tuned out. In my humble opinion, any de-facto pro-white policy is better than yet another IQ study or high brow article. Of course they’re not mutually exclusive but the hour is late and resources are limited. Bottom line, I feel Southern Brazil is more of a model than fantasies of returning to 1950s America.
I have found that white people are the most turned off by talk of IQ and test scores. Most whites are mediocre. The SAT and ACT were created as weapons to pit white against white. If they could have foreseen that blacks would do so much worse and Asians so much better compared to whites, I doubt our elites would ever have created them! To bring up IQ and scores reminds most whites of how the system declared them inadequate. We all want to believe that there is something mystical we can call upon and that the tests do not determine our worth. As Steve sailer says, most race politics is about whites wanting to fight with other whites. Actually, I’ve grown to believe most whites are similar in mental ability because our brain volumes are similar. We simply use it differently. Some have excellent clerical skills and some are good with their hands. The difference between black and white is impressive however.
The IQ difference between whites and Asians is real, but not nearly as large as the gap between blacks and whites.
Five points vs fifteen.
The SAT/ACT difference might be larger, but we all know Asians cram more than whites. Asians care more than any other racial group about academic achievement.
If SATs were made as a weapon against white people, why are institutions abandoning them?
Blacks do terrible on SATs and Asians don’t bring the right kind of diversity to colleges. This is why academia is scrapping them.
Perhaps these tests were initially made to pit whites against each other, but they mostly just weed out blacks.
That’s what I said; if elites realized that blacks would do so poorly on the SAT, they never would have created it because they want us to think that the races are equal. They didn’t foresee this issue, and now that it’s here, they are trying to do away with the standardized tests. Several rounds of dumbing down the SAT were tried, and that still didn’t have any effect on racial outcome differentials. Note, I’m not saying we should get rid of standardized testing, far from it. I’m simply stating how people react to it. It’s an imperfect world.
There is some evidence that east Asians mature more quickly than whites, and so their SATs, taken at age 17-18, reflect this. But if these tests were taken again at age 25-26, the differences won’t be as striking.
That maturity difference is certainly cultural.
Really? Can you cite an authority for this claim? I only ask because I’m sure that, perhaps a few decades ago, I read something to the effect that Asians (what does that mean, btw? are we certain that all discussions of “Asians” are referring to Orientals only, or might some include Indians, Pakis, Arabs, etc?) matured the slowest of the races (and blacks the earliest).
Regardless, I have also heard (you, too, probably) that East Asians have a higher modal IQ than whites, but that the white distribution (“bell curve”) has longer tails, meaning that whites produce more retards and geniuses than Asians, which could obviously explain a lot about the differences in cognitive accomplishment between the two races. Of course, there are likely a host of other, non-genetic reasons contributing to the historical intellectual superiority of whites relative to Orientals.
Hasn’t a lot of this ground been trod already by the likes of Charles Murray, Michael Levin, Richard Lynn, and Rushton? As Levin pointed out a quarter century ago, the main use of IQ for white preservationists is to undermine the obviously race-hustle element in the claim that black academic (and other) failure is due to (white) discrimination rather than impersonal factors, like genetics. Beyond that, however, IQ-realism will not win us our white homelands (at most it will somewhat increase the number of whites who can be expected to correctly conclude that they would be better off sharing the same homeland and polity only with groups who are at least of similar and thus compatible modal intelligence). The push for white separatism requires political shrewdness (in setting up, sotto voce, the conditions that will enable us or our descendants to win racial freedom and sovereignty when circumstances shall have become propitious), and a new ethics justifying those coercive measures necessary for white preservation.
That was a “theory” back in the early twentieth century when Jews were taking the academy by storm as well. If you’ve read Alfred north whitehead, he talks about the idea that Jews are precocious compared to aryans, but aryans have a higher final plateau. Funny how the mind falls into the same excuses in different contexts! Asians supposedly have higher average brain volumes, so maybe they have a slight IQ advantage. Maybe they lack a variety of brain types or some barrier against creativity.
I would have guessed that Asians mature slower than whites since I remember from Levin’s “Why Race Matters” that blacks mature faster than whites. Since we know that Asians have higher IQ, lower Crime, and more sexual restraint than whites, it seems that since whites have higher IQ, lower crime, and more sexual restraint than blacks, Asians should in keeping with the other 3 parameters, mature slower than whites.
“The IQ difference between whites and Asians is real, but not nearly as large as the gap between blacks and whites.
Five points vs fifteen.”
That’s still enough to make an argument that we ought to replace small-brained, low-IQ round-eyes with big-brained, high-IQ Asians.
Those of us concerned with Asian and Jewish group competition against Whites have reason to be reluctant to focus on IQ.
@Joe Gould
“The IQ difference between whites and Asians is real, but not nearly as large as the gap between blacks and whites.
Five points vs fifteen.”
This hard to belive and who came with such a conlusion ? By Asians who do you mean ( Japanese, Koreans and Chinese or Vietnamese, Filipinos or Indonesians. Asians are not a monolith group nor are we whites. Germans in general observation are more intelligent then Bulgarians. Same can be said about blacks because do you mean ”Black Americans” or Nigerians,Kenyans or Ivorians. When we discuss IQ and race there is alot ungrounded and psuedo intelectual generalizations. Each ethnic group operates very different based on educational system, philosophy, ecudcational policies etc. they come from. The Chinese 50 years have changed fundamentally due to fundamentally changing their education policies and look today they outperform the West in R&D, technology, artficial intelligence, cybersecurity etc. Nigerians and Ghanians for example have proven time and time again that they are are very high performing group in the UK, US, Ierland and Canada operating in high paying functions in (politics, medicine, governance, finance, tech/IT etc. While Somalis in general are on welfare and have many community problems. Dynamics between Indians and Pakistanis are the same, Indians high performing….Pakistanis alot of community issues and underperformance in general.
The middle of The Curve gets no love from Quinn. 🙂
Since the modern gospel is equality, IQ is the easiest way to prove equality is a false idol. It’s no coincidence that in America, a group’s mean IQ is almost directly correlated with its per-capita income. If you can prove that people aren’t equal, the rest is easy.
I don’t see why we keep having to fight on the liberal/left’s preferred battleground about their particular hobby-horses.
The most disarming thing with liberal/left is to use their own emotive ontology against them by asking them ‘Why don’t my feelings matter to you?’.
This is a ‘Have you stopped beating your wife’ question.
There’s no good answer.
Once you shift the discussion to one about feelings, they’re sunk.
If they deny you have the right to those feelings, you can point out that such a position amounts to emotional abuse and a denial of your lived experience and very being. It’s facilitating genocide.
If they accept that you have those feelings but you shouldn’t, that’s also also denying your lived experience and very being and facilitating genocide.
If they accept that you have those feelings but want to help you to not have them, they’re back to denying your lived experience and very being and facilitating genocide.
If they accept that you have a right to those feelings, they’re sunk. They have to grant you that have the right to act on those feelings as would any other person in the world.
And your feeling is that non-Whites and Whites should be separate now and forevermore.
The left continually tries to advertise explanations for differences in cognitive performance. Structural racism, deprivation… I just saw a new one, research on “Sleep equity”. It might explain the headline about black women being so damn tired.
The IQ Bell Curve of US Blacks was very important in solidifying my racial attitudes. In a group with average score of 85, fewer than 3% of them have the g intelligence necessary for a real university degree. And given that they are only 1 out of 8 of the US population, that n would be very small. This info makes the currently virulent form of the longstanding racial Potemkin Village we see on our TV/computer screens, where the world is chock a block with high status Blacks, clearly a fraudulent lie.
However, I know that pace Aristotle, Homosapians are an irrational species for whom facts are never as important as tribal/group identities. And for most Whites, it is to the tribe of “I Don’t See Color” Nice Whites that they have fled in vain hope of moral armoring.
The role of IQ for most Nice Whites can be summed up in a comments exchange I read some years ago.
Bad White: “The Black average IQ of 85 makes very few of them capable of achieving a place in the professions, so it is not so-called racism that keeps them out, it’s ability.”
Nice White: “But I have a neighbor, a nice Black man, who is an engineer!”
Bad White: “Good. Go over and ask him to explain to you the meaning of “average.”
Good one! I’m so sick of fuzzy-headed liberals who don’t understand WTF an average is. They believe an outlier or two invalidates the general observation. I’m beginning to wonder if the educational system is dumbed down to keep people from thinking for themselves.
Homosapian would be a great name for a gay Armenian band.
It is vain to advance such arguments, for leftists will accuse you of reinstating the sinister pseudoscientific racism that led to the Holocaust. See for example the recent book Superior by British science journalist Angela Saini, which was lauded to the skies by the liberal media — Guardian piece here. Adulatory reviews and the attendant ‘bestseller’ publicity can elevate tendentious polemic to received opinion. Hence the widespread belief that IQ is totally discredited as a measure of intelligence or that ‘Cheddar Man’ — a Mesolithic individual from the British Isles who may have had a dark complexion — ‘proves’ that sub-Saharan Africans are indigenous there!
The Left’s answer that IQ is “pseudo-science” is as convincing as its dogma that “race is a social construct”, which is increasingly challenged by science itself. See for example David Reich’s book <i>Who we are and how we got here</i>. The Left may try to entrench itself in its ridiculous <i>Lysenkoism</i>, it will make itself only irrelevant. Its dominance is entirely artificial and based on political black-mail which will ultimately fail.
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