Marcus “The Golden One” Follin is a young star of the European New Right (see his previous appearances at Counter-Currents here). He has already published two books, written countless reviews, and is an entrepreneur, managing a line of clothing, nutrition, and other products through Legio Gloria. He is dedicated to the development of his body and spirit. (more…)
Tag: fashion
Now here’s a picture that tells you all you need to know about our current situation.
Biden and Bibi look like they were dressed by the same mother.
Back in the day, the saying on Wall Street was “Think Yiddish, Dress British”: i.e., have some class, or at least some taste. The strivers like Gordon Gekko were a bit “out there” — I remember the colorful suspender fetishism — but still look like Beau Brummel compared to these slobs. (more…)
As regular readers might know, I am a little finicky when it comes to consumer goods, ranging from food to clothes. Owing to my tactile hypersensitivity, I have problems when it comes to wearing certain types of material, most of them synthetic or unnaturally smooth, or perhaps even too rough. Since synthetic materials are legion in the modern world, even in self-proclaimed high-end fashion, I find myself more often than not raiding vintage clothes stores, searching for garments of bygone eras which do not irritate my delicate skin. (more…)
The Yuppie Handbook‘s cover illustration is brimming with nostalgia. The tawdry insides are brimming with dreck.
Has it really been 40 years since The Yuppie Handbook? No, its copyright page says it came out January 1, 1984. But the book was so drenched in early-‘80s sensibility that it was already looking dated on its publication date.
Coming back to it today, one gets a pungent whiff of nostalgia and wonderment. (more…)
Max Ernst, The Virgin Spanking the Christ Child before Three Witnesses: André Breton, Paul Eluard, and the Painter, 1926
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Trans. G. A. Malvicini
One of the most indicative signs of the influence of the regressive processes that we have described in the preceding pages of this book [L’Arco e la Clava] with regard to customs and tastes, is the enjoyment of vulgarity, with its more or less subconscious undercurrent of pleasure taken in degradation and self-contamination. Related to it are the various expressions of a tendency towards deformation and a taste for the ugly and the base. A few observations with regard to this matter will perhaps not be devoid of interest.
The woman in the center of the photograph, which was taken in the 1950s, is Ashraf Pahlavi, an Iranian princess who died recently in Monte Carlo. She was 96.
The attractive women beside her are also members of the Iranian royal family. (more…)
James J. O’Meara
End of an Era: Mad Men and the Ordeal of Civility
San Francisco: Counter-Currents Publishing, 2015Doing your Christmas shopping early? Here’s a great stocking-stuffer for you: James J. O’Meara’s End of an Era: Mad Men and the Ordeal of Civility. There are other books aimed at Mad Men fans, of course, but it’s a pretty safe bet that your friends and relatives haven’t seen anything that analyzes the Mad Men series at quite this cockeyed angle.
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“I like killing guys when I’m wearing a tux. Makes me feel like James Bond.” — Brock Samson, The Venture Bros.
Joel: You can bet that anybody seriously interested in world domination is going to end up looking like a real snickerdoodle. (more…)
September 6, 2013 Alex Kurtagić
Κύριοι του Σύμπαντος
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Part 1 of 2
Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston
(2010) Director: Whitney Sudler-Smith
(2011) Director: Billy Corben
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Robert Stark interviews James J. O’Meara about his new Counter-Currents title The Homo and the Negro: Masculinist Meditations on Politics and Popular Culture. (more…)
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Editor’s Note:
The following text is excerpted from chapter 5 of James J. O’Meara’s book The Homo and the Negro: Masculinist Meditations on Politics and Popular Culture, forthcoming from Counter-Currents.
Many of today’s “alternative” Rightists aspire to a pre-modern, even Traditional worldview that they hope will return us to the vital sources of our civilization. (more…)
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Reviewers of the new Batman movie on various alt-Right sites have been reasonably led to ask why comic books — excuse me, “graphic novels” — have come to dominate Hollywood. Since both industries were founded by and are dominated by You Know Who, the answer seems easy — ethnic networking — why pay royalties to the goyim?