Author: Julius Evola
April 17, 2023 Julius Evola
Kousnutí tarantule
March 22, 2023 Julius Evola
Východ a Západ – gordický uzel:
kniha Ernsta Jüngera Der gordische Knoten2.395 slov
English original here
Jméno Ernsta Jüngera si postupně získává takřka celoevropskou proslulost. Význam tohoto spisovatele coby filozofa se však pojí především s raným obdobím jeho života i tvorby. Tento veterán 1. světové války se po jejím skončení etabloval jako mluvčí generace, už ve své době označované za generaci „vyhořelou“. Jeho ideje nemají původ v abstraktních, za psacím stolem spřádaných spekulací, ale v prožité hrdinské zkušenosti, odkud postupně dospěly až k problému smyslu lidské bytosti ve věku nihilismu a všemocné techniky. Jeho ústředními pojmy jsou „heroický realismus“ a etika „absolutní osoby“. (more…)
125 words
We are pleased to present scans of a previously unpublished exchange of letters between the Swiss neo-fascist activist Gaston-Armand Amaudruz and Julius Evola that were discovered among the former’s papers. The letters are dated from 1958 and are in French. If anyone with a knowledge of French is interested in volunteering to transcribe the letters, please contact us here. And please do not start work until you have heard from us, to avoid unnecessary duplication. (more…)
September 30, 2022 Julius Evola
Le secret du Véda selon Aurobindo
741 mots
English original here
De 1914 à 1916, le périodique Arya [en sanskrit signifie noble] — imprimé à Pondichéry en un nombre limité d’exemplaires et maintenant quasiment introuvable — publia une série d’essais de Srî Aurobindo sur le secret du Véda. Ces essais ont été réédités en un volume sous le même titre, Le secret du Véda (Cahiers du Sud, 1954) [réédité par Fayard en 1975]. (more…)
September 2, 2022 Julius Evola
Otto Weininger o židovské otázce
Übersetzt aus dem italienischen Original: “Sui presupposti spirituali e strutturali dell’unità europea.” Veröffentlicht in: Filippo Anfuso (Hrsg.): “Europa Nazione.” Rivista Mensile, Rom. 1. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, Januar 1951, Seiten 48–54.
Durch die Macht der Gegebenheiten ist heute auf unserem Kontinent das Verlangen nach europäischer Einheit lebendig geworden. (more…)
Translation and commentary by Cologero Salvo
In “Roma e il natale solare nella tradizione nordico-aria” (La Difesa della razza, 1940), Evola writes:
Very few suspect that the holidays [i.e., Catholic holy days] of today, in the century of skyscrapers, radio, great movements of the masses, are celebrated and continue . . . a remote tradition, (more…)
611 words
Translation and commentary by Cologero Salvo
In “Roma e il natale solare nella tradizione nordico-aria” (La Difesa della razza, 1940), Evola writes:
Very few suspect that the holidays [i.e., Catholic holy days] of today, in the century of skyscrapers, radio, great movements of the masses, are celebrated and continue . . . a remote tradition, (more…)
In a short text [“Imperium britannicum, ovvero: due diritti”] published in this periodical [La Vita Italiana] at the time of the sanctions (November 1935), we have attempted to characterize the physiognomy of the so-called British “empire” from the point of view of the typology of forms of civilization.
On that occasion, we showed that the British Empire is no more than a caricature and a counterfeit of a true empire. (more…)
September 18, 2018 Julius Evola
The Swastika
Various authors have written about the symbol that the new Germany has made into its emblem. We take up the subject here only to treat it from a special point of view, essentially considering the primordial traditions and the universal higher meanings potentially contained in that symbol.
First of all, where does the swastika come from? (more…)
Today, more than ever, one must understand that social problems, in their essence, are rooted in problems of ethics and world-view. Anyone who thinks that social problems can be solved through purely technical means, is like a doctor who only wants to treat the patent symptoms of a disease, rather than examining and treating its deep causes. (more…)
2,894 words
Czech translation here
One of the most interesting, and yet least known, profiles of the Jewish soul was sketched several years before the First World War by Otto Weininger. Its importance lies in its superiority over the stereotyped formulas of the majority of militant anti-Semites, and in its effort to define the Jewish problem in universal and spiritual terms, prior to being a national, social, or even strictly racial one. (more…)
1,043 slov
English version here
Považujeme za vhodné zabývat se na tomto místě několika novými německými iniciativami, vytvořenými s úmyslem převzít jistým politickým způsobem úkoly „kvalitativní“ výchovy, které byly v předchozí éře svěřeny několika málo soukromým institucím. Začneme nástinem tzv. „Napol.“ (more…)