“If Guénon exposed the spiritual deceptions of the Theosophists and the Spiritualists, I consider it my duty, if I am serious about following him, to subject [Dugin] to the same treatment.” — Charles Upton (more…)
Tag: Alexander Dugin
Greg Johnson
Graduate School with Heidegger
San Francisco: Counter-Currents Publishing, 2020
220 pagesThere are three formats for Graduate School with Heidegger:
- Hardcover: $40 (including postage; add $13 for postage to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & the Far East)
- Paperback: $25 (including postage; add $13 for postage to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & the Far East).
- E-book: $5.
Mark Collett
Mark Collett
162 words / 1:59:14
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Greg Johnson talks to Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative about current events, Patriotic Alternative’s work, and your questions. Topics include: (more…)
262 words
262 words
Fróði Midjord’s DECAMERON Film Festival has been going on for close to two weeks now. Fróði and his range of special guests have been discussing the films and shows that light a fire inside our imagination, stories that we turn to for comfort and inspiration during trying times that keep us indoors, (more…)
Mark Sedgwick, ed.
Key Thinkers of the Radical Right: Behind the New Threat to Liberal Democracy
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019Mark Sedgwick is an English scholar of Western Esotericism and Islam. He is Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies at Aarhus University in Denmark. (more…)
World-infamous Russian geopolitical theorist and philosopher Alexander Dugin, who has been called “the most evil man in the world today,” joins Fróði Midjord in the latest episode of Guide to Kulchur to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. This is the first of a two-part special on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which is also between the East and the West, in a geopolitical sense. (more…)
Part 4 of 4
The Radicalizing Logic of Modern Individualism
With the formation of nation states in the modern era, as liberal institutions were emerging in the form of constitutional rule, freedom of religious expression, and representative bodies in which members of the bourgeoisie were included, (more…)
Ronald Beiner
Dangerous Minds: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Return of the Far Right
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018Ronald Beiner is a Canadian Jewish political theorist who teaches at the University of Toronto. I’ve been reading his work since the early 1990s, starting with What’s the Matter with Liberalism?[1] I have always admired Beiner’s clear and lively writing and his ability to see straight through jargon and cant to hone in on the flaws of the positions he examines. (more…)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.Greg Johnson interviewed by a professional philosopher who is researching a book on the New Right. Topics include: (more…)
2,012 words
Moscow and Peter’s grad, the city of Constantine,
these are the capitals of the Russian kingdom.
But where is their limit? And where are their frontiers
to the north, the east, the south and the setting sun?
The Fate will reveal this to future generations.
Seven inland seas and seven great rivers
from Nile to Neva, from Elbe to China,
from Volga to the Euphrates, from Ganges to Danube.
That’s the Russian kingdom, and let it be forever, (more…) -
March 31, 2016 Greg Johnson
« Nord-américanisme » : Un récit édifiant
English original here
Imaginez qu’en 2025, les Etats-Unis tels que nous les connaissons disparaissent. La corruption interne et la surextension impériale ont rendu le régime incapable de traiter un certain nombre de crises : croissante incessante de l’administration : stagnation économique continuée ; sécheresses, inondations, et séismes ; conflit racial exacerbé par une immigration non-blanche massive, discrimination anti-blanche flagrante, et pénurie économique désespérée ; (more…)