Author: Christopher Donovan
527 words
I write because I can’t stand what’s happening to whites.
It’s personal and it’s political. It’s as small as the chicken bones strewn in the gutter of the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, and it’s as big as the future of the United States and the rest of the West. It’s about the kind of world my white children will grow up in. It’s everywhere I look, so it’s no use trying to avert my eyes. I hate what I see, and I have to scream.
Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
Race Course: Against White Supremacy
New York: Random House, 2009Is a revolutionary’s work ever done? Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn can rest easy: theirs is.
Another family gathering has reminded me of the always-depressing shape of too many White family trees — a family of five children that begets two grandchildren, a family of three children that begets none, and so on. We are a race that has been sapped of our very will to exist — concerned with the continuation of every living thing on earth but its own people. Could the irony of this ever be pointed out to a childless, 40-something White couple who work for an environmental advocacy group? (more…)
2,126 words
Is age 36 comparatively too young for me to be dispensing life advice?
But I’ve seen enough misery among White friends, relatives, and co-workers who are in their 30s and 40s that I’m motivated to write. A lot of the misery, I’m convinced, is caused by the death-inducing lies fed to Whites by the popular culture — a culture that is heavily influenced by consumerism, pharmacology, misguided White liberalism and our Jewish ethnic competitors.
298 words
In this video, speaker Dan Buettner reviews three world spots — Sardinia, Okinawa, and Loma Linda, California (home of a community of 7th-day Adventists) — where people regularly live to be 100.
He throws in some political correctness (like claiming that the Adventists are racially mixed, which I question the extent of), but the biggest conclusion is: You live long by having a connectedness with your fellow humans, as well as a sense of both daily and ultimate purpose. (more…)
Christian Lander
Stuff White People Like: A Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions
New York: Random House, 2008Does Christian Lander have our number? For a wide, mostly liberal swath of the white Western world, the answer is “yes.”