As I argue in my piece, “The End of American Democracy,” multiparty democracy depends on the willingness of different factions to trade political power. In effect, one has to be willing to hand a loaded gun to one’s political opponents every few years. Obviously, though, you would not do that if you thought you would be immediately shot with it. Multiparty democracy breaks down when we believe that it is no longer safe to give political power to one’s opponents, no matter who got the most votes. America is already past that point.
In 2020, the Democrats stole the US Presidential election because they were convinced that Donald Trump was too dangerous to be allowed back in power, the voters be damned. The Democrats would have stolen the 2024 election as well, but their internal polling indicated that Kamala Harris would lose by a wide enough margin that cheating would be impossible. Cheating only works in close elections. There is credible evidence, however, that the Democrats did steal several close elections in 2024. Basically, they can be trusted to steal any election if they think they can get away with it.
Stealing elections is only the first step, though. After that, one side or the other will cancel inconvenient elections. Eventually, elections might be banned altogether or simply turned into Soviet-style farces. The first side that does this will create a one-party state. Until a couple weeks ago, I was convinced that only the Democrats were capable of such a move. Now, with Trump’s decisive return to the White House, I am no longer sure.
Most Republicans are also convinced that the Left is too dangerous to be allowed back into power, no matter who gets the most votes. If you are undecided about this issue, consider the following. The Democrats are the party of DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As I argue in my essay “How Diversity Destroys,” DEI does not mean looking for the best person for any given job, regardless of race. Every job has a goal, function, or point: the military protects the country; the fire department puts out fires; doctors heal the sick. The point of a job is the standard by which we measure excellence. The best doctor heals the most patients. The best fire department extinguishes the most fires.
Whenever institutions pursue diversity, however, they introduce another goal that can only compete with their original points. Instead of the best doctors or firefighters, we now need doctors and firefighters of every size, shape, and color. In the end, DEI dismantles all objective standards of achievement, so that non-whites, women, and handicapped people are better represented in every profession. For instance, after the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, it was revealed that under the Biden administration, the Secret Service’s DEI mandate included recruiting physically handicapped Secret Service agents.
How can physically handicapped people protect anyone? That’s not the point.
Now, in the aftermath of a mid-air collision near Washington DC that cost 67 lives, it has been revealed that the Biden administration was zealously promoting DEI among air traffic controllers: the very people who are supposed to prevent midair collisions. There is no proof (yet) that DEI played a role in this crash, but it is likely, because there is an acute shortage of air traffic controllers, which means that the existing controllers are overworked. Why is there a shortage? There is no shortage of people applying for jobs, but they are overwhelmingly white men, and that’s not what the Biden Administration was looking for. This is what they were looking for instead:
That’s right: the US government is passing over qualified white men in search of the blind, the deaf, the retarded (“severe intellectual disability”), the insane (“psychiatric disability”), epileptics, dwarfs, the partially and totally paralyzed, and people without limbs. One wonders if a blind retard or a schizophrenic dwarf would be even more likely to be hired. This insanity is in addition to systematic discrimination in favor of non-whites and women. In such a system, a black crippled lesbian would be the most prized employee, regardless of her qualifications.
“Sorry, bro. It doesn’t matter how qualified you are. We haven’t met our dwarf quota.”
How will this make air travel safer? It won’t. That’s not the point.
Thus, I submit, that the Democratic party is too dangerous to be allowed back in power again, no matter how many votes they get. If Democrats come back, airplanes will literally fall from the sky, and more cities will burn.
But before the Right starts stealing elections or canceling them outright (nothing is off the table), let’s see if we can just dry up Democratic votes. Here are 12 suggestions:
- Non-white voters will vote for crippled dwarfs as air traffic controllers 70% of the time. They will vote for deaf female Secret Service agents 70% of the time. This is why the Democrats support mass non-white immigration. Halting then reversing the Great Replacement is thus the #1 way to fortify elections. Reversing the Great Replacement is, however, a long-term strategy. It won’t bear many fruits by 2028.
- Illegal immigrants actually do vote in elections in some states, so expelling them will make a difference. But it is far more important to go after legal immigrants who have their citizenship. People who gained citizenship on fraudulent grounds can be stripped of their citizenship and deported. Thus immigration paperwork needs to be carefully scrutinized.
- Focus special scrutiny on immigrant voters in swing states, where strict immigration enforcement is most likely to shift electors from blue to red.
- When it comes to dispensing federal favors, pamper the swing states where such largesse is most likely to shift electors from blue to red.
- It is no secret that employees of the federal government disproportionately vote for DEI. Thus Trump would be wise to relocate federal agencies to deep red states, where these blue voters will no longer be able to change the outcomes of elections. At the very least, such policies would flip Virginia from blue to red.
- Elections need to be federalized. Mail-in ballots must be banned. Voting machines must be banned. The United States needs a national ID card, which must be presented to vote. We can only hope that voter IDs really are “racist,” given that non-whites have a strong preference for putting limbless epileptics in charge of air safety.
- Election fraud needs to be vigorously prosecuted, especially in the case of the 2020 election.
- Defund all Leftist NGOs that focus on registering Democrat voters, harvesting their ballots, and getting voters to the polls.
- Investigate the UK Labour Party’s attempt to influence the 2024 election. Vigorously sanction foreign actors and prosecute their American collaborators.
- A stiff tax on foreign remittances will encourage some recent immigrant voters to return home.
- Deporting illegals will also encourage at least some recent immigrant voters among their families to return home. Family reunification can work for us for a change.
- Some recent immigrant voters are quite wealthy. They might vote once, but their wealth might sway large numbers of other voters. Abolish exit taxes, and wealthy immigrants might take their votes and their money back to their homelands.
Please share your thoughts and suggestions below.
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I vote in Texas, so I discuss the TX process. 1) A photo ID is required. Almost everybody has one and I use my driver’s license. Or use your passport, if preferred. The election monitor looks you up on the voter roll and removes the sticker with your name. You are directed to the Vote machine. 2) Electronic Voting machine is used to select candidates. 3) After you finish voting, press the Print out button.
4) Check your print out. I found no mistakes. Place paper copy in the slot on the lock box. And you are finished. Texas is flooded with illegals but Trump won Texas. Kicking out illegals is beneficial to lower crime and employment of American citizens. We must remain steadfast that illegals can never vote.
I am satisfied with the Texas voting system and the safeguards.
I would like to hear about other states.
I worry that Federalizing the voting process is a bridge too far. Perhaps what we need is Minimum Standards or Best Practices Guidelines. The dems of course will fight viciously against closing the loopholes that they exploit. The loophole I hate is the election that drags on and on for several days and the dem candidate always wins. Is there an exception?
Solid comment. In theory, I, too, oppose Federalization of elections. Yet I (and my little Hard Right friends email group) have been calling for just such Federalization of elections since 2020, and I personally used to wonder and worry for decades about one issue wrt elections above all : how do we know how legit ‘inner city’ votes really are, especially when mostly white GOP monitors, such as there ever are (I’ve never seen any monitors where I’ve voted in the past in NY, DC or CA), are simply too {understandably} scared to enter into hardcore ghetto precincts where they usually won’t even have guaranteed safe indoor parking? Would you be a 2024 GOP/Trump election monitor in the more questionable ‘hoods of Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, or maybe even Phoenix (I’m taking examples from ‘blue’ cities in swing states that Trump indeed won)?
Since the 2020 steal I and nearly all my friends have been taking it for granted that – if Trump or a Republican should win in 2024 (hurray!), and they should have a GOP Congress, as I expected (again, hurray!), which ‘trifecta’ I had, however, thought unlikely, until it happened (hurray, hurray!) – the absolute Top Two Trump initiatives must be 1) making permanent a secure border, along with mass deportations of the Biden influx (and all the rest of the illegal riff-raff), and 2) what my group has been calling for years now “Secure Elections Reform”. Without these two policies, rooted in new legislation (not just admirable but ephemeral Executive Orders), the country is gone – and I don’t mean as WE PROWHITES think of it (the True America, which is OUR America, the country that existed when my parents were married, and which even still existed when I was born in ’61, but which will never again exist unless we achieve the Ethnostate). No, I mean America as a still barely tolerably prosperous, civilized and free First World country. If Trump does not deport the 30-40 MILLION illegals (that is the real number, not {laugh, laugh} “11 million”, as the globalist propagandists keep saying), ineluctably and eventually, some Democrat trifecta government will put 90% or more of them on a “path to citizenship”, which means the end of white electoral power and the possibility of any rightist (ie, correct) reform legislation -> which in turn means the guaranteed end of capitalism, even marginally representative elections, Constitutional liberties, and America as a First World nation.
But if Trump/GOP do not also make it radically more difficult for wokesters, marxoids, and minority supremacists to steal elections, then we will still eventually see America fully decivilized, as the margins of GOP Presidential victories are naturally now extremely close, and today’s Democrats, being modally less ethical and virtuous in every way than conservative whites and Republicans (honorable libtards like Adlai Stevenson, Hubert Humphrey and Jimmy Carter are almost all dead now), think nothing of stealing (this “ethical deficit” is arguably the Left’s most potent weapon: they “fight dirty”, while too many of our people still place a higher value on “fighting clean” than actually winning – a moral and psychological luxury Whites and those who wish to preserve the West can no longer afford).
Yes, agree with Lord Shang, a very good post.
I am uncertain of the value of federalization of elections. There may be unintended consequences here.
The fundamental problem, however, is that Democrats think that any warm body should be voting (especially the most brain dead) and that merely having election officials asking their name at the polls is tantamount to “voter suppression.”
The GOP, by contrast, think (correctly) that only U.S. Citizens are eligible to vote ─ but then they go off into nonsense and wish to erect impediments that make voting less convenient so that it discourages those with less agency from bothering (i.e, the Democrat base).
So, for example, mail-in ballots are bad in the eyes of the GOP because you don’t have to take time off from work, fight traffic, and then stand in line to cast your vote in person at the polls.
I reject the idea that mail-in ballots are necessarily fraudulent, but more on that later.
The important point is 1) that there should be Federal and State laws that mandate that each voter is checked for Citizenship and eligibility (you don’t get to vote more than once, or in another district, Paco) and 2), that this Citizenship and eligibility is demonstrated by valid identification practices like Voter ID, Passports, or the new “Star” Driver’s Licenses or Real-ID that you now need for domestic airline travel, etc.
Arizona, for example, has long required documentation of citizenship to obtain a driver’s license in the state, in contrast to states such as New Mexico before Real-ID compliance, where any Beaner with a heartbeart and a foreign tongue could legally drive. In addition, Arizona has required Voter ID for the last thirty years.
So why did Trump lose AZ in 2020? It wasn’t ballot fraud in Arizona.
The short answer is Covid and the lockdowns. The state is on the Purple cusp to begin with, but in the Spring before the Summer of Floyd, the White retirees and snowbirds that have long kept the state Red and inti-immigrant, packed their RVs and fled back to their roots in Blue-State Minnesota, which is why they voted there instead of making an electoral difference in Purple/Red Arizona.
The voter registration process and absentee balloting system in 2020 was also in chaos, so that option was effectively blocked. Most Snowbirds simply hadn’t returned to vote in person in Arizona, and they mostly did not vote there by mail that year either.
The George Floyd rioting did not affect Arizona that much. There had been a few nights of broken glass directed against pricey boutiques in downtown Scottsdale, but the local constabulary put these down pretty quickly and even had armored cars hiding in the sidestreets in the adjacent neighborhoods and ready to pounce.
As far as Phoenix itself, though in the hands of Democraps and with a New Mexican-born and Harvard-educated Jewess as mayor, Phoenix is not that dangerous except at night in the more skidrow downtown areas after the suits have gone home.
I could elaborate further. My Uncle got stabbed in the neck by a homeless guy of the Sub-Saharan persuasion while ill-advisedly using a downtown transit alley after dark. The swarthy offender was beating and chasing his Mexican girlfriend, and in a blind rage bumped into my Uncle and stabbed him. The fact that there were so many other homeless people parked on downtown sidewalks with free Obama phones calling 9/11 probably saved his life. My Uncle still uses a lot of public transportation, but he does not do any urban walking at night anymore.
But in the daytime during Covid, I was taking advantage of the lack of downtown Phoenix traffic (and virtually no smog to boot!) to traipse all over the various watering holes in Phoenix checking out all the urbanite hipster restaurants that could not afford to close during Covid. There were plenty of (mostly white) hipster Libtards that I find incredibly objectionable, but the touristy haunts were pretty interesting with the unique Covid lockdown off-season feel.
By “off-season,” well, in Phoenix mostly only locals will avail themselves of sidewalk cafes when the temperature is 110 degrees anyway ─ but the fact that there was very little car traffic and smog made it almost magical even with the high percentage of Seattle-style hipsters living downtown in “walkable housing” who were still there.
Trump’s handling of both the rioting and the lockdowns was uninspiring, yes, but the Left were far better organized in 2020 than in 2024 when every Democrat knew that Kamala was an awful “hail mary pass” candidate with very poor chances.
This brings me back to the mail-in voting issue. I think credible scientific polling had pretty much demonstrated that the Trumpster would smash the 2024 election at least a month before November 5th.
I think that is why establishment media organs were starting to work on damage control in advance, and were at least resigned for their grim reality and not as enthusiastically plugging for Kamala, nor suprised by the Trump outcome.
The half-Jewish Democrat political comedian Bill Maher has been making the case about Democrat overreach and Conservative blowback for years. Trump’s win was not a huge surprise, and I think the better pollsters knew it.
However, if the polling were shown to the public on a reliable basis to actually predict elections, then the credibility of the system itself would be undermined because people would not even bother to vote any longer since the polling statistically predicts the outcome in advance. Therefore there is always a deliberate muddlement in the media with polling data to try to keep the horse race aspect as a credible toss-up until after the election.
Mail-in ballots might blur the distinction of a crisp election-day election outcome since they are allowed in advance. But I don’t think this is really a problem issue but simply one of how scientific polling works before all the votes are ultimately cast.
In Arizona, the mail-in ballots are issued per registered voter who requests their ballot by mail, and each ballot has a serial number for a specific voter, whose name and eligibility has been verified by Real-ID in the registration process.
If your ballot were lost ─ say a dreadlocked porch pirate swiped it ─ then you would report this and the election precinct would simply invalidate that ballot and issue you another, or make you vote in person with Voter ID.
The weak link with mail-in voting here is systems in states where they do not register or identify voters properly ─ and it is not the fact that some ballots were sent in the mail.
White people do have more agency getting to the ballot box center on election Day than the melanated who do it for the wings and the malt liquor at the Baptist church (thank God almighty!) after the organized bus ride to the polls, but I happen to like the convenience of voting by mail some weeks in advance.
Thanks. (I gave you a couple of replies you might find of interest over at Kessler’s White solidarity post.)
I see your points here, and perhaps we can say that, yes, if we have all your precautions, then mail in ballots could be justified for their convenience value. But however much AZ has gotten its act together, CA sure as hell has not. Now that may not matter Presidentially (Dems don’t have to cheat to win CA), but CA laxity wrt voter legitimacy could matter very much in House races – and several here were only decided after many days of tabulation, and with razor thin margins (and nearly all of those went Dem). This could have grave consequences for the Trump agenda, given the also super-razor-thin GOP House majority.
I myself am one of those conservatives who, of course, fundamentally opposes democracy (I used to have an envelope stamper saying in blue and red ink, “We’re a republic, not a democracy!”), both philosophically for all time, and pragmatically for America today. And this does include ease of casting ballots. I also believe that the harder it is to do so, the better quality the eventual outcome. Democrats seem to believe so, too, albeit in reverse: the easier it is to vote, the better for Dems. I don’t know if the data bears that out, but I’d bet it does.
Anyway, the larger point is not ease or difficulty of voting, but the security and legitimacy of the ballots. I want to see the Trump/GOP trifecta pass Federal Secure Elections legislation making it as hard as possible to cheat (as I believe Dems, not Republicans, are the ones to benefit from ballot fraud), at least for those races which affect national politics (Presidency, Senate, House). If such security measures also reduce the total number of ballots cast, so much the better.
Yeah, strongly agree that the Founders created a Republican form of government and not a Democracy. The word “Democracy” does not appear anywhere in the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence. Even the father of the modern Democratic Party, Tom Jefferson, actually originallty called themselves Democratic-Republicans.
For all its faults, the Electoral College is extremely helpful as it gives rural states a slight boost in Presidential elections. Also, I think one of the reasons that the Senate no longer does its job riding herd on foreign policy and moral crusades is because the 17th Amendment now allows for the direct election of Senators. It would be better if the state legislatures chose these.
I would support laws that help get the corrupt cash out of the election process, especially for Congress, so that politicians know they are supposed to be working for their actual constitutents ─ and not Wall Street bankers, oil or tech tycoons, or whatever.
The Democrats were able to “fortify” the 2020 election, in part, because of the street violence of their base. It was a classic “color revolution” – mainstream media propaganda, social media censorship, intelligence community covert operations, but at its most basic level, successful street violence.
If Trump’s supporters could be hinted for sport in the streets of Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and Washington DC, then Trump was the weak horse. When people see a weak horse and a strong horse, they will, by nature, admire the strong horse.
In 2024 the Democrats were unable to “fortify” the election because Gaza caused a deep rift in their ranks. The Neocons, ADL and establishment Democrats couldn’t rally the leftist true believers, because the leftist true believers were revolted by the genocide which the establishment Democrats were perpetrating.
This dynamic reached its apogee on the day before Trump’s inauguration. Trump and his envoy Steve Witkoff successfully forced the Israelis to agree to ceasefire in Gaza, something which the Biden/Harris administration never had the stomach to do. In addition, Trump saved TikTok, the most pro-Palestinian social media site, from the ADL. Trump delivered red meat for the leftist base, young people under 30 and Blacks who disproportionately support the Palestinian cause. This helped to ensure a nice quiet inauguration, in stark contrast to 2017.
We should lean as hard as we can into this and every other wedge issue which separates the two leftist tendencies – the authentic egalitarians on the one hand, and on the other hand the Jewish supremacists posing as egalitarians (Culture of Critique).
The Jewish supremacists are far more powerful and dangerous, so we should emphasize as much as possible our points of agreement with the authentic egalitarians (immigration moratorium = higher wages and lower rent; non-interventionist foreign policy = world peace and a free Palestine; protectionism = more union jobs).
Also, Trump needs to continue to simply reward supporters and punish enemies. His pardons so far have been great, but there are still many other right wingers in prison who never should have been convicted, or who received excessive sentences for political reasons (“exemplary sentencing”). Maybe the J6ers can form themselves into a lobby for the purpose of releasing more right wing political prisoners and clearing their records. Conversely, there are many Antifa militants who committed serious crimes but were never charged (“prosecutorial discretion”). The statute of limitations has not expired on many of these crimes. Prosecute these people before they have a chance to “fortify” the 2028 election. Trump has been punishing members of the intelligence community who persecuted him personally, but it is more important to go after those who illegally targeted his supporters and other right wing figures.
Why do you want to “fortify” ZOG? How about fortifying ZOG’s destruction with Red State secession instead?
Because I’d like my ZOG without DEI-engineered plane crashes. Do you prefer your ZOG with airplanes falling from the sky?
I think blue state secession is still more likely than red state secession. The Left has more will to power, and they feel under siege now. Calexit would be a huge gain for whites.
Greg Johnson: February 1, 2025 Because I’d like my ZOG without DEI-engineered plane crashes. Do you prefer your ZOG with airplanes falling from the sky?…
American Airlines has been nototious for pushing DEI in its hiring, including its pilots. It has been reported that the AA pilot that crashed with the helicopter was a female, race unspecified, with limited experience. Was she also a non-White DEI hire? Looking at the faces in this AA promotion piece of its DEI policy, White males need not apply: Making culture a competitive advantage – About us – American Airlines
It’s not just AA’s DEI bullshit anti-White policy but the federal government’s. What to know about the suit against FAA diversity policies critics blame for crash – Washington Examiner
Scrutiny on the Federal Aviation Administration after a deadly midair collision in Washington, D.C., has brought renewed attention to a class-action lawsuit alleging that the agency committed racial discrimination in hiring policies.
The lawsuit was originally filed on Dec. 30, 2015, in Washington, D.C., federal court during the Obama administration. The complaint argues the FAA denied jobs to upward of 1,000 qualified applicants to meet diversity hiring targets, a policy critics suggest played a role in the staffing crisis in air traffic control…
Andrew Brigida, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit represented by Mountain State Legal Foundation, or MSLF, contends that the FAA’s focus on diversity initiatives compromised safety by sidelining highly qualified candidates.
Brigida, who now works at the FAA as a program manager, told the Telegraph he hoped Trump would “immediately” work to fix the apparent staffing crisis…
The lawsuit alleges that under former President Barack Obama, the FAA replaced a skill-based hiring system with a “biographical assessment” aimed at increasing minority representation. Brigida, who says he scored 100% on his air traffic controller training exam, claims he was denied employment due to his race.
In early 2022, Brigida achieved a major victory before U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who approved the class-action certification of Brigida, Matthew Douglas-Cook, and other aspiring air traffic controllers who scored well but were unable to proceed due to what MSLF calls the FAA’s “effort to skew the hiring process along racial lines.”…
During a White House press conference on Thursday, Vice President JD Vance addressed the Brigida lawsuit directly.
“If you go back to just some of the headlines over the past 10 years, you have many hundreds of people suing the government because they would like to be air traffic controllers but they were turned away because of the color of their skin. That policy ends under Donald Trump’s leadership because safety is the first priority of our industry,” Vance said.
DEI and some forms of “affirmative action” in government exist without question, and are very dangerous when they involve positions of high security, and supported by corrupt Union leaders working with management. But, it would be wise to ignore “brainless running mouth” in attributing all our growing failures primarily to this DEI. Our problem which has been primary with increasing accidents has been a failure to support regulatory agencies – of industries – (DCMA, FAA, and others supporting all military branches, commercial aircraft and NASA), by under funding and decreasing personnel in the last 2 decades. They save money and redirect blame and they have only begun the damage now that they have taken over the legislature. Boeing has 3 times the casualty rate of competitors, and even when their own whistleblowers take a stand, they are murdered. The ATC are understaffed and the QA policies and procedures are incontestable without penalty.
I suggested a plan to undermine ZOG:
A friendly stance towards the pro-Palestinian protesters.
Pardons for right wing political prisoners.
Prosecution for Antifa criminals.
In practice this requires two important action items:
Right wing outlets need to criticize Trump when he attacks the Palestinians – for instance, when he threatens to cancel the student visas of peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters (but not violent Zionists), when he floats the idea of “temporarily” removing Palestinian civilians from Gaza, when he removes the sanctions on extremist West Bank settlers, when he removes the restrictions on 2,000 lb. bomb shipments to Israel, and when he designates the Houthis as a “terrorist organization” (even though they never attacked Europe or the American homeland).
The families of the J6ers formed themselves into a pressure group which successfully lobbied for the J6 pardons. They should stay organized as a pressure group to lobby for the release of all remaining right wing political prisoners, and to lobby for the prosecution of Antifa criminals.
I am all for canceling the visas of Palestinians, protesters or not.
I am in favor of cancelling all long term visas for all foreigners. Jobs in the USA should go exclusively to American workers, not to H1-B visa holders. American university slots should go exclusively to American students, not to foreign student visa holders.
But just as we prioritize the deportation of violent criminal illegal immigrants, even though we intend to eventually deport all illegal immigrants, we should also first cancel the visas of violent foreigners. The pro-Palestinian protesters have been notably non-violent. The worst instances of foreigners being violent at political protests in the past year have been Israelis. For instance, the worst physical violence against a human being during the Columbia University protests was a student with Israeli citizenship who used a powerful “stink spray” chemical weapon against a Palestinian who had US citizenship. (She lost 14 family members when Israel bombed Saint Porphyrius Church – no wonder she protests!) The worst instance of political street violence in the past year was the ultra-Zionist mob which attacked the peaceful pro-Palestinian protest at UCLA. According to the reporting from Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone, the core of the Zionist mob consisted of Israeli expatriates with Israeli citizenship, while most of the pro-Palestinian protesters were US citizens. Antifa members should also have their student visas cancelled before peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters do, as should Al-Qaeda sympathizers who cheered when Al-Qaeda conquered Damascus. In fact, peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters are the very last foreign students whose visas should be cancelled, after all other foreign student visas are first cancelled. They are literally the only group of foreigners in the entire history of the USA who have truly done a job that Americans won’t do – protesting against the Israel Lobby’s control of American foreign policy.
For once Jews are in favor of deporting antiwhite nonwhites, and still there are people in our ranks who are complaining.
If Keith Woods had a student visa, this executive order would cancel it.
Would it? If so, a small price to pay.
I’m not an expert, but in my limited observations of campus protests since October 7, 2023, it looks like it’s largely the same BLM and Antifa agitators from the 2020 protests, plus some considerable ZOG minding to keep the anti-White or anti-Colonial rhetoric free of “anti-Semitism.”
The Palestinian plight might divide Liberal Jews somewhat, but it gives remarkably little traction for the JQ let alone for WN.
Jews are overwhelmingly far more likely to support Blue in a Red/Blue state “split,” and that is nothing new.
I don’t think the Palestinian Question really affects the ZOG dynamic in the USA (and maybe other Western countries) as much as some of our guys keep suggesting. TRS seems obsessed with this chesnut.
Also, student visas are the least of our immigration worries. As usual, Fuentes has botched the messaging.
Currently and in post 9/11 USA, if a red – blue split were to occur, the chosen Middle East state would much more likely lose the rump blue state support while retaining post-split red state support. Zionists would have a significantly shrunken financial reservoir from which to suckle.
If things continue in senior federal levels of government as they have recently, change may be more likely. I stand corrected as Trump appears to be more of a wild card, potentially trusting people from certain quarters compared to his whole first term. Being anti-Zionist to the point of becoming highly emotionally invested – when the reality is that we have a negligible level of influence – doesn’t make much sense. I am just enjoying the spectacle.
Agree very much with your final paragraph, but just want to make sure you understand that Trump’s pardoning power does not extend to the many of those political prisoners (eg, Derek Chauvin) wrongfully convicted in state courts. We need to elect implicitly prowhite governors in places like Minnesota, ones with Roman character, if we want to secure justice for our rightist political prisoners (and instead MN has give us weird Tampon Tim Walz).
There are still some right wing political prisoners in jail on federal convictions.
For instance, members of the Rise Above Movement were convicted on federal racketeering charges because they crossed state lines to attend right wing events, and then defended themselves from violent Antifa attackers.
In an ideal world, Trump would hire Sam Dickson to assembled a full dossier of wrongly convicted and excessively sentenced right wingers to be given pardons and commutations.
A couple of nights ago, I watched the Netflix documentary about the Boeing fiasco where the two 737-max planes crashed. One in Indonesia and one in Ethiopia.
As I’m sure most of you are aware, Boeing created a new “angle of attack” sensor and system that was designed to negate potential stalling that might occur due to their powerful new jet engines, and the need to reposition the engines on the wing. I’m no aerospace engineer, so I’m not completely literate on what happened, but the catastrophes occurred because they created a SINGLE POINT OF FAILURE with no redundancy. I am an engineer in another field, so I do fully understand the foolishness of that mistake.
But the biggest mistake of all was their failure to retrain pilots on these new systems, because retraining pilots would have incurred enormous costs for the airlines, so the easiest way to remain competitive with Airbus was to hide the system and hope for the best. Training is absolutely essential when it comes to a single point of failure system (that shouldn’t have been in the first place), because inevitably a failure requires pilot skill and quick thinking to override those systems.
Now this failure cannot be directly blamed on DEI. Greed is ultimately the motivation by their decisions. However, one can clearly see that Boeing would have been a much more competitive company all along if they had been able to retain only the best and most talented people to design, build, and test their equipment.
When a company is compelled to employ mentally deficient lesbian dwarfs to tighten the bolts on the fuselage, that company is compelled to also add extra expenses to make up for their employee’s shortcomings. I can imagine all sorts of accommodations that have to be made. Not to mention the burden of the internal bureaucracy that such ideas create. For every mentally deficient lesbian dwarf, you have to employ a schizophrenic obese transgender to manage the HR paperwork that insures compliance, and a deaf-mute safety coordinator to acquire specialized safety equipment to accommodate their handicaps. You also have to employ 5 extra medical personnel to be on staff with expertise in a variety of mental and medical conditions. Oh yeah, and of course the DEI staff that goes along with it.
Can you imagine all the cost that goes into creating these DEI programs? It is astronomical .
I’d like to reply to my own comment with a note that I don’t 100% believe that companies should only be hiring “the best possible candidates”. This opens up the globalist can of worms that gives them liberty go recruit all manner of foreign nationals, on the premise that they aren’t able to find enough qualified Americans to do the job.
The notion that there aren’t enough Americans is preposterous, but we must face that it’s an argument that companies can make for not limiting your hiring pool to domestic candidates, because undoubtedly there are some brilliant non-whites living in other countries.
Here’s the problem. Modern American public schools are also saddled with diversity and DEI bullshit, whereas schools in Asia are not. Our schools are just as inefficient and detrimental to the nurturing of young minds as a corporate HR department. Even high schools have started investing more resources into recruiting black athletes to play on their football teams than they are in teaching students.
Many will say that planning for the next election begins the day after any election.
The biggest threat is fractioning of the base. Endless purity tests saying this or that agenda isn’t against this or that issue enough until they don’t give a damn and sit out.
I’m sure the DC collision is just the tip of the iceberg. Hiring, promotions, and funds diverted to DEI initiatives have been so out of control that no one will really have a sense of the scope until the Trump admin has hit the pause button long enough so that some actual accounting can be done on what has happened the past 12 years.
— the Democratic party is too dangerous to be allowed back in power again, no matter how many votes they get. —
I consider this inarguable, but with a caveat: there must be two credible parties at the minimum. Thus, if the Democrats must be expunged, a new party with credible electoral prospects must arise. Otherwise the GOP, freed from competition, will degenerate under the dynamic of politics, which gives the corrupt and the power-obsessed a tailwind in the contest for high office. Never trust any political party unconditionally!
In Romania the presidential elections were already cancelled, on the argument that one of the candidates was pro-Russian. There was no evidence produced yet for such allegations, instead it was proven that one of the main parties promoted the said candidate in order to steal votes from the opposition. That, combined with the politics of a foolishly arrogant government, resulted in the situation where in the final round of the elections people preferred two outsiders instead of any of the main party candidates. So, they just cancelled everything.
Not long after all that, the EU Commission bragged that they did it in Romania, and so they will do it in Germany as well if needed, a declaration made in connection to the “AfD danger to democracy.”
So the election cancelling is no longer a theoretical supposition, it is a tested and embraced precedent.
The last I saw, Amazon’s careers site has the exact same goals of hiring physically and mentally handicapped people. Amazon.
One of the ironies is that the tech industry is adamant about never hiring B players. The reason isn’t that the B player is necessarily incompetent, it is that they chase off A players. The result of this isn’t just the incompetence it is that Americans, and I mean the Christian Europeans of 1492 – early 20th century pioneers, explorers and risk takers, are turning their back on the society. I suspect the rising counter-elite understands just how close they are to having 40-70% of Americans turn their back on this country entirely. Talk about a legitimacy crisis.
Another thing that explains the energy we see is just who started getting burned by the Jim Snow/Reconstruction 2.0 revolutionary pogrom of the Obama era. Have a look at the Twitter feed of Sean Maguire. He is a CalTech Phd in astrophysics and a very senior partner at Sequoia Ventures. At some point he was at Google when he was told that despite being outstanding his ascendancy at Google was being halted because he wasn’t diverse enough. He went postal on Twitter.
Step one is to harness the energy of these people. I suspect the energy of the Trump admin is explained by this person and the many others who finally go burnt.
My suggestion is that while we must spend energy in opposition, like opposing immigration, we must spend even more on positive and constructive endeavors. I think we need to both oppose Musk and the H1B project but also work with them to build castles and create training programs for Americans. It is known that tech hiring is completely broken. You have very qualified people who go through an interview process of problem solving tests that have nothing to do with the job. Yet, there are skills and skill development things one could do instead that would bridge great engineers in moving from the web property skills of the past 20 years to the physical/digital era we are moving into.
The next step for us is to build patrimony within our people and then in cooperation with industry. It isn’t enough to oppose immigration and be seen as a problem or an obstacle. We have to challenge Musk and other industrial captains to work with our emergent patrimony networks. The Regime’s diversity project is really a loyalty/patronage project. It threatens segments of the oligarchy. We must coordinate with the counter-elite and offer them a loyalty/patronage project that also feeds them a rising class of skilled Americans.
We can circumvent using college as technical training with much more efficient skills development and certification programs that are targeted and then provide feeder mechanisms to industry. Indians effectively have that by owning the software interview training and feeder mechanisms. Americans need to build these in many industries. We must also do so in a way that doesn’t choke off our true genius, a genius for invention and innovation. The battlefield is ripe with opportunity for us to build up our own training programs that work in cooperation with friendly oligarchs not purely in opposition to them.
Americans are turning their back on the country because The Regime turned its back on us. This threatens the entire system. We must step in the breech and take the bull by the horns in developing skill/employment patrimony networks. We must negotiate with amenable oligarchs.
We can’t find you handicaps. However we can find you highly competent Americans of the stock that split the atom, conquered a vast wilderness, built rockets, landed on the moon and monitors probes it sent into deep space.
For too long we sat around and waited for the system to tell us what the future looked like and took the individual choice route. We have been routed by more organized hungry and aggressive people who saw the opportunity when our government put us at the end of its bayonets. That climate is shifting and we need to seize the opportunity to have something on offer.
You can have the Left’s patronage/loyalty network or you can build loyalty by working with our networks. Powerful interests have the incentive now and I bet we could work together to restore freedom of association and build feeder networks of certifiably skilled Americans. This would crush a Left castle and build a new one for us. Step one is to build these networks. Perhaps we can get support/funding by working with the amenable oligarchs.
I actually think it’s noble to favor hiring physically and mentally handicapped people … as long as they can still do their jobs, and doing so does not threaten the well-being of others. Having handicapped Secret Service agents or firefighters is actually an evil risk imposed on innocent people, as well as a waste of tax dollars.
Very interesting comment otherwise. Power must be countermanded by other power, so it’s good if people like Musk come to align their personal interests with our political ones. Maybe Trump is creating, intentionally or just by the happenstance of events, a counter-elite which increasingly sees its interests aligned with ours. But regardless of whether such forces are in motion, proWhites do need to seek out, help and always favor each other over others. If I had hiring power, I would hire a technically less qualified proWhite (as long as he wasn’t a total moron who could cost me my position), than a more qualified POC or antiWhite. ProWhites need to network and ‘nepotize’ as the Jews do.
Hi Lord. Yes. It wasn’t long ago that the highest functioning and most noble of our people did provide meaningful and appropriate work for people with mental and physical handicaps. It is a noble and humane endeavor that recognizes their worth without demeaning them and provides a place for them in society. That practice speaks to the nobility of our people’s soul. Ironically, when charity became welfare which means stealing from a broader society to give other people other people’s money, this practice seems to have abated.
A point I didn’t make in my verbosity is this. There is a fine line between patrimony and nepotism. Sometimes it is a distinction without a difference. We need to shun labeling everything as nepotism. We need to bring back the notion of patrimony and we need to understand and honor the Latin root of the word. We are maintaining our lineage and passing from father to son and within the houses of our forefathers.
Ironically I read this article right after seeing the mayor of Philadelphia give a press conference about one of the crashes. This is the same black female who couldn’t spell the word Eagles. Lord help us all.
Some positive points from the German way of doing elections:
Every voter is automatically registered and receives a letter he has to bring to the election along with his passport.
The electoral districts are so small that a group of usually ten people can administer the process manually in half an hour after closing.
Anyone can volunteer to help and anyone can watch. In some villages, the whole village watches the counting. As random admins do the job together it is hard to conspire: last election we had a dispute in our district and it turned out the 6 leftists didn’t know who the remaining 3 on their team were and got surprised by harsh critique by them.
The police on election night is on standby for calls into the counting stations and they really come when you call them.
No electronics. The counting stations have a strong desire to get it right and be quick as they might be called out on national TV when late or wrong and then late for recounting.
The people watching the counting can take the local numbers they witnessed and immediately check if they were clocked in correctly in the federal election system.
Are there downsides? Not really from the system but very much from the dormant trusting populace not using their rights of controlling the process. If just half the AfD voters went out to make sure it is done right, a typical counting station (Wahlbezirk) with around 1000 voters and ten people counting in a small venue would have 5 AfD voters doing the counting and 100 AfD voters watching the counting. In reality is often zero or a handful. Our own fault.
Yes, Johan, all nice and tidy and very German and efficient… until the f**king EU steps in and cancels the AfD.
Greg Johnson: February 1, 2025 I am all for canceling the visas of Palestinians, protesters or not.
Had determined White separatists the authority to cancel or deny visas, which we haven’t, I wouldn’t distinguish among various Semites. Send them all back to Semiteland. All we can control are our own exclusively White communities.
With due respect, when you speak of ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), it’s not the Palestinian Semites that control or occupy the U.S. government, the mass news and entertainment industry, Madison Avenue, academia, banking, the political process and politicians, etc., etc. — it’s Jew and Gentile Zionists, including Donald Trump & Co.
What exactly do Palestinian Semites “occupy” in the U.S.? Not much — they barely occupy a sliver of their former nation. That’s why there’s no acronym for Palestinian Occupation Government in America.
I prefer the more accurate acronym JOG that puts the blame for alien control where it belongs. Eliminate all Semites from our living space, and their influences on our eventual exclusively White communities. Nobody said that will be easy, but if we can’t conceive that goal it cannot happen.
White Living Space
In spiritually healthier times our ancestors took as theirs those parts of the world suited by climate and terrain to our race: in particular, all of Europe and the temperate zones of the Americas, not to mention Australia, New Zealand, and the southern tip of Africa. This was our living area and our breeding area, and it must be so again. After the sickness of “multiculturalism,” which is destroying America, Britain, and every other Aryan nation in which it is being promoted, has been swept away, we must again have a racially clean area of the earth for the further development of our people. We must have White schools, White residential neighborhoods and recreation areas, White workplaces, White farms and countryside. We must have no non-Whites in our living space, and we must have open space around us for expansion.
We will do whatever is necessary to achieve this White living space and to keep it White. We will not be deterred by the difficulty or temporary unpleasantness involved, because we realize that it is absolutely necessary for our racial survival. The long-term demographic trend toward a darker world, which the disastrous policies of the last century have caused, must not only be halted; it must be reversed.
An Aryan Society
We must have new societies throughout the White world that are based on Aryan values and are compatible with the Aryan nature. We do not need to homogenize the White world: there will be room for Germanic societies, Celtic societies, Latin societies, Slavic societies, Baltic societies, and so on, each with its own roots, traditions, and language. What we must have, however, is a thorough rooting out of Semitic and other non-Aryan values and customs everywhere. We must once again provide the sort of social and spiritual environment in which our own nature can express itself in music, in art and architecture, in literature, in philosophy and scholarship, in the mass media, and in the lifestyles of the people.
In specific terms, this means a society in which young men and women gather to revel with music created by White artists and composers, but never to undulate or jerk to negroid rhythms of any kind. It means pop music without rap overtones and art galleries without Jewish-inspired ugliness and sickness. It means films in which the appearance of any non-White face on the screen is a sure sign that what’s being shown is either archival newsreels, foreign news, or scientific footage – or an historical drama about the bad, old days. It means neighborhoods, schools, work groups, and universities in which there is a feeling of family and comradeship, of a shared heritage and a shared destiny. It means a sense of rootedness, which in turn engenders a sense of responsibility and energizes a moral compass, so that people once again know instinctively what is wholesome and natural and what is degenerate and alien. It means spiritual feeling coming from the soul and unencumbered by superstition or dogma, soaring free and reaching far above today’s priest-ridden, church-bound spirituality.
A Responsible Government
The size of a government is less important than whose government it is.
We must have a government wholly committed to the service of our race and subject to no non-Aryan influence….
Read more of what’s doable, here: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance
Wow! Those are some inspiring words!
Right now, at this very moment, the best thing we can do to fortify the 2028 election is to call our Republican senators and ask them to vote to confirm Tulsi Gabbard as DNI.
Overturning or reversing much of Plyler v. Doe (1982) and cutting off benefits, including the $18,000 max EITC/ACTC and SBA loans for which white entrepreneurs are blatantly, unconstitutionally excluded, will be a huge step forward in getting them to go home and keeping them over there. Trump appointments in the Federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court, and sweeping regulatory action followed by law can make this happen. The Wise Latina has been experiencing health problems due to the cumulative effects of type II diabetes and is not expected to last four more years.
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