Karolina Huebner-Makurat (top right), who was killed by a stray bullet from a gunfight in Toronto in July 2023, a victim of the city’s growing “cultural enrichment.” (The photo is from the GoFundMe page for Karolina’s family.)
1,338 words
Every now and again I like to have a peek at the most-wanted lists across my insane country. If you look at some of the police websites from the major cities across Canada, you might notice a few things about the type of people that populate them: There are a few white people who have done questionable things, even awful things. That’s because the white majority, although dwindling, is still present here. But it is glaringly obvious in places such as Toronto that the most violent offenders wanted for murder, for example, are blacks, Arabs, and Asians. What’s happening? If you’ve been paying attention over the last few years, even just a bit, you’ll notice that every white-majority country on the planet, with a few notable exceptions, is being flooded with non-white troublemaker immigrants.
These paragons of virtue are responsible for the vast majority of crimes, disproportionate to their number. Although they are low achievers on IQ tests, they are high achievers in terms of violent crime. People are not the same even though our rapacious neo-liberal ruling class would have us believe that everyone from the Horn of Africa, Punjab, and the desolate deserts of Arabia are all just stamp-collecting brain surgeons in disguise. I always imagine what type of very white hobbies they might have, if that were true. Perhaps in his spare time he enjoys the contemplative solitude of miniature painting before he sets off for an evening at the gentleman’s club for a snifter of port with his book club colleagues; this week’s selection is James Joyce’s Ulysses.
Could it be that these newcomers might be biologically different? Yes, this is true. Is it possible that they were marinated in violent, corrupt societies where you have to kill, scrounge, and fight just to get your daily bread? Yes, this is also true. Race is culture and culture is race.
The insane population replacement regime in my homeland of Canada continues unabated. Our current immigration minister announced that Justin Trudeau’s federal liberal regime is pushing family reunification, which is euphemistic language for chain migration. Chain migration is something that already occurs in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and every other amenable white-majority country whereby once a non-white foreigner gets his foot in the door, he is allowed to send for everyone else in his extended family. A huge number of these non-white newcomers, many of whom are criminals, end up in Toronto.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.
The Toronto Police Department is quite good at compiling statistics and galleries of the worst criminals the city has to offer. If you have a look at Toronto’s most wanted, it’s like looking into the depths of multicultural hell. These people’s vacant expressions are a perfect fit for such a rogue’s gallery. The Toronto Police Service’s most-wanted page “lists those who have been identified as being allegedly responsible for the crime but have not yet been arrested.” They are a motley crew of dangerous criminals who are at large, on the lam, and overwhelmingly non-white. They are here for a reason: to sow discord, run amok, commit crimes, kill innocents, serve as voting blocs, and ultimately to replace us. Their criminality is useful to our genocidal overlords, after all.
Yasir Mohamed, a 27-year-old black male, along with his partner-in-crime Mohammed Abdullahi, a 34-year-old black male, are wanted for the murder of one Mohamed Ahmed. It is amazing how prominent the name Mohamed is amongst this trio. They might just be Somalians. On July 25, 2023, reports of gunshots were heard by conscientious citizens in the area of Sherbourne Street and Shuter Street. Police responded, and found Mohamed Ahmed dead of a gunshot wound in his car. The aforementioned duo who are suspected of the murder are still on the run. They’re most likely holed up somewhere, desperately trying to finish their advanced correspondence degrees in nuclear physics.
Next on the most-wanted list is Michael Bebee, who looks like he has some white admixture, although I hesitate to call him white. It is increasingly difficult in Canada to find racial descriptors of crime perpetrators. The mainstream press is reticent to provide accurate descriptions beyond age, height, weight, and their manner of dress. The only way police departments and news outlets are able to bypass this politically-correct sensibility is by posting the non-white criminal’s picture online — but I digress. This fine gentleman is wanted for murder as well. On July 23, 2023, police responded to a call reporting shots fired. An altercation culminated in the discharge of a firearm with a man being struck by a bullet. Police and paramedics attended the scene where the male victim was treated, but he succumbed to his injuries nevertheless. On August 4 one of the alleged perpetrators, Mohamud Farah, 34, was apprehended and charged with second-degree murder. Michael Bebee is still at large, however, and is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for second-degree murder for his involvement in this incident. The victim was 29-year-old black man Shamar Powell-Flowers.
On July 7, 2023, Karolina Huebner-Makurat was walking along Queen Street in the Leslieville neighborhood of Toronto while on her way to pick up lunch when she was struck and killed by a stray bullet. Her death is another tragic example of an innocent white person being caught in crossfire. According to Toronto police, an altercation between three males escalated to the point that guns were drawn and fired; Huebner-Makurat was shot by accident. She was transported to a hospital, but nothing could be done to save her. The three perpetrators fled on foot. Damian Hudson, 32, was arrested and charged with second-degree murder; while Ahmed Mustafa Ibrahim, 20, was apprehended as well and charged with manslaughter, robbery, and failure to comply with probation. The third member of the trio is still on the run: Ahmed Ali, 19, who is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for manslaughter and robbery with a firearm. The description of Ali is vague: “He is described as being between 18 and 25 years old, thin build and long hair often worn in a pony tail.” Notice the complete lack of any racial or ethnic details. Luckily, however, photos are provided. It is noteworthy that there was no national outcry after this incident occurred – no months-long riotous looting spree where white people took to the streets looking for vengeance.
Even though such crime is not as serious as gunning down innocents on a summer afternoon, it is equally important to have a look at robbery investigations, especially if there are any images of the perpetrators released. For example, two criminals are currently being sought by police after a January 31, 2024 robbery. You can see just by looking at them that their phenotype is as prominent here as it is on the list of Toronto’s most wanted. Police are looking for one Phillip Eghe-Ose Anene, a 33-year-old black male, and his compatriot in crime, one Mohammad Rahim-Zada, a 25-year-old denizen of Middle Eastern heritage. Again, nothing about their race is indicated in the reports. This brazen pair of diversity representatives robbed an unfortunate commuter on public transit. It turns out that they followed their victim onto a Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) bus, assaulted him, attempted to steal his phone, and then fled on foot. The police released images of the pair on the bus at the time of the violent interaction.
The recrudescence of reckless, lawless behavior in Toronto — after a period of relative quietude from 2004 to 2014 — is a direct result of the increase in Toronto’s non-white population. So many of these non-white criminals do not hesitate to use indiscriminate and disproportionate violence to get what they want. The ones described above are just a few examples of this phenomenon. Whether we are discussing Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, or any other white-majority country, mass immigration, multiculturalism, and its concomitant criminality are weapons that are being used against you every day.
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Thank you, Mr. Alfredsson. This is another excellent article by you. American Renaissance had recently posted an article about how the Interior Minister of Bavaria Germany stated that 40% of suspects in crimes in Bavaria are foreigners and that they should be deported. To quote your final paragraph in your article here:
“So many of these non-white criminals do not hesitate to use indiscriminate and disproportionate violence to get what they want. The ones described above are just a few examples of this phenomenon. Whether we are discussing Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, or any other white-majority country, mass immigration, multiculturalism, and its concomitant criminality are weapons that are being used against you every day.”
Yes, add Germany to your list.
A commenter on the Amren.com website for this story also posted the link to Toronto Police Services Most Wanted Homicide Suspects. I clicked on it thinking I knew what to expect. Boy, was I wrong. It is as you wrote here:
“it’s like looking into the depths of multicultural hell. These people’s vacant expressions are a perfect fit for such a rogue’s gallery.”
These are ugly, soulless people. I can’t imagine having to deal with them on a daily basis but that is what our leaders want, these are who our leaders are transferring our wealth to, that is why our leaders are genociding us. Your article also reminds us that the homicides are one thing, this same caliber of cretins also inhabit the most wanted lists of robbery and other needless crimes.
There is a section in the Toronto Police website showing racial crime statistics. Wow, do they tie themselves in knots trying to soften the data, almost to the point of uselessness.
I’ve been to Toronto once, back in the early 2000’s or, the “period of relative quietude,” as you call that better time. It was a beautiful and clean city with what to me, seemed like quiet strength and potential. It has always been for me a shrine as Toronto is the birthplace of my favorite band, Rush. Flying into Toronto’s international airport, I listened for the airport’s IATA code, the famous YYZ.
Thank you, Shadow, I really appreciate your kind words. And you’re quite right about how racial crime statistics are presented by the Toronto police (and so many other police forces). The rhetorical pretzels that they weave are to obfuscate the obvious about race and criminality. As you point out, too, the official from Bavaria is spot on.
PS I forgot to comment on the absolutely huge difference between the beautiful Karolina Huebner-Makurat family and the mug shots of the majority- minority homicide suspects. Thank you for including the family picture. It is a reminder that, as J. R. R. Tolkien wrote, “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” Each loss of each white person at the hands of evil people really hurts. It also has an easy-to-identify cause: our leaders hate us.
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