1,706 words / 12:51
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It took a couple centuries, but Whitetown, USA has been successfully integrated, meaning that the blighted streets of Philly’s notoriously low-rent, white-trash Kensington neighborhood are now a place where everyone, regardless of race, can share needles and drop dead together like a righteous coalition of rainbow-colored flies.
Fifty years ago, Kensington was a rough-and-tumble but nearly all-white neighborhood about five miles northeast of Center City. It’s now a multicultural open grave. Its crumbling streets are littered with zombie amputees limping around while so doped up that they’re higher than cosmonaut chimpanzees. It’s like a concentration camp where no one is able to concentrate.
There are now countless YouTube channels devoted exclusively to depicting Kensington’s endlessly ghastly waking nightmares. Simply search the word “Kensington” on YouTube, and you’ll likely have to scroll through several pages before you see anything about the high-rent London area from which Philly’s Kensington stole its name.
Kensington, until very recently unknown to most Americans, has become such an infamously emblematic American hellhole that it was mentioned in the same breath as Chicago’s south side last week in the Republican presidential debate by the hyperactive, brown-skinned, Brahmin boy wonder Vivek Ramalamashimmyshamma.
Chicago’s south side and Kensington are both open-air shooting galleries. The difference is that in Chicago, people shoot each other up with bullets, whereas in Kensington, they shoot themselves up with narcotics.
Although never posh and always trashy, the people who lived in Kensington used to be proud, crass, flinty, and cocky. In a listicle published last year by 78-year-old Kensingtonian Harry Hallman called “101 things I did Growing up In Kensington, Philadelphia- 1944-1972,” he mentions such quintessentially Philadelphian customs as eating Scrapple, playing stickball, soaping windows on “soap night,” bribing bums to buy you liquor when you’re underage, and how he “sledded down the hills of McPherson Square” during those bleak and slushy winters.
Local yokels now call McPherson Square “Needle Park,” and it’s where addicts shoot up and nod out in broad daylight. It’s where everyone is a bum except for the occasional paramedic who tries to summon limp-bodied overdose victims back from the dead.
Kensington has become saddled with such monikers as “Philadelphia’s Skid Row,” the “Walmart of Heroin,” and “the largest open-air narcotics market on the East Coast.” Over the past couple of generations, its hapless and hopelessly doomed residents have repeatedly downgraded their favored intoxicants. They went from hard-drinking Irish barflies . . . to meth-snorting, gap-toothed cardiac casualties . . . to smacked-out blue-collar junkies . . . to fentanyl fiends . . . and finally, to scab-addled, brain-dead centaurs hooked on xylazine, a highly addictive horse tranquilizer known on the streets as “tranq.” A 2021 survey by Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health found that “90% of street opioid samples contained xylazine.”
Xylazine leaves its users in trance-like, frozen-yoga states, standing up but folded at the hip like pocket knives with their heads nearly touching the ground. Even more charmingly, tranq leads to bleeding open sores that get infected with germs and infested with fleas. Then comes rotted flesh that stinks all the way to New Jersey, exposed tendons and bones, and, if you’re really hardcore, amputation of fingers, toes, and entire limbs.
I shudder to think what new drug will occupy the step below tranq on the stairway to hell. Probably some kind of sedative for blue whales that decapitates you in one minute — but it’s the best minute of your life.
Kensington wasn’t always this way, but then again, nothing in this country was always this way. So what happened?
Some will blame the Democrats, forgetting in their haste that the greatest politician in Philadelphia’s history — and probably world history — was the mighty and illustrious Frank Rizzo, who was the city’s police commissioner from 1968 to 1971 and its mayor from 1972 to 1980. Rizzo was a Democrat.
Sure, some blame can be placed on latter-day, soft-on-crime Democrats who at first allowed Kensington’s burgeoning homeless population to camp out in a railroad gulch and under train trestles near the intersection of Kensington and Lehigh Avenues. Then they raided those camps, only to push the homeless-junkie population to seek out refuge elsewhere, finally landing in places such as Needle Park and outside the elevated subway station at Kensington and Allegheny Avenues — known as “K&A” to locals — which is now the nexus of most of those junkie-porn videos you see on YouTube.
Speaking of junkies, porn, and YouTube, there are entire channels devoted to surprisingly sympathetic interviews with young-but-bedraggled women who calculate how many daily paid “dates” they have to arrange with men to support their drug habits. If there are no factory jobs anymore in Kensington, and really no jobs to speak of, how else are all those young ladies going to pay for their dope apart from giving blowjobs?
A long, long time ago, there used to be jobs in Kensington beyond prostitution and drug dealing. Since the area is close to the Delaware River, much of the early available employment centered on seafaring ventures such as fishing and boatbuilding. In the early 1800s, things shifted toward steel and iron manufacturing. After the War Between the States, Kensington became one of the world’s leading hubs of the textile industries, especially carpeting but also yarn factories, woolen mills, cotton mills, and dye works. If you’ve ever seen a Stetson cowboy hat, you may have assumed they were made in a cowboy-friendly place such as Texas. Well, they are now — but from 1865 to 1971, they were manufactured in Kensington.
Then came the Highways Act of 1956, and with it the rapid development of suburbia. After that came the globalization of the American economy. Between 1955 and 1975, three-quarters of Philadelphia’s industrial jobs had vanished.
Compounding it all was the Great Migration of blacks from the South into Northern and Midwestern cities from around 1910 to 1970, as well as a huge influx of Puerto Ricans into Philly in the 1950s. By the time most of the jobs were gone, you had a whole new crop of colored people angling for the remaining jobs. Never forget that all the endless chitter-chatter about “racism” and “diversity” was often little more than a cynical cover for the importation of cheap labor, the exporting of factories, and a way to keep the proles at one another’s throats.
The Philadelphia Inquirer recently described Kensington as one of “the poorest neighborhoods in the nation’s poorest big city.”
Of course, there will be self-appointed judges, juries, and executioners who say that every last rotten Kensington junkie whose worthless flesh falls to the ground in bloody, maggot-infested scraps is a dysgenic lump of street trash who deserves a slow and harrowing death. But if I’m known for anything, it’s my boundless compassion. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I believe in the law of cause and effect. I’m not such a simpleton that I think the only reason Kensington went from a bustling, nineteenth-century factory district to a postmodern hellscape is that one day a bunch of incurable losers woke up, rode the subway to the K&A station, and decided to act like a bunch of complete jerks.
But neither am I saying that these repulsive addicts are innocent. I don’t think anyone is innocent, and that includes your grandmother.
Republican Philadelphia mayoral candidate David Oh is fat and Asian, but for now, I won’t hold those things against him. He proposes a fierce crackdown on Kensington’s junkies using drone surveillance and a newly-invigorated police force:
If we get rid of Kensington Avenue as a place that exists in this region, the better off people will be. . . . The most important thing is to communicate to them [is] that these things will not be tolerated. No more open-air drug dealing. No more public injection of heroin or other drugs. No more public nodding off and being out of control. No more wandering into the streets. No more living in and defecating on people’s property.
Okay, but should the whole “get rid of Kensington Avenue as a place that exists in this region” thing be taken literally? Is he just going to drone-bomb it off the map? It reminds me of an infamous incident in May of 1985 — about a month before I left Philly for good — where the black mayor Wilson Goode ordered bombs to be dropped on a Black Nationalist compound in West Philly, and in the process killed 11 people and torched two city blocks.
Assuming that the obese Chinaman’s plan doesn’t directly involve killing all of Kensington’s junkies, what does he plan to do with them? Teach them how to code? I don’t think there are many jobs left in Philly, or America in general, for steel and textile workers. I’d love to be wrong about this, but I suspect that automation will eventually, possibly in our lifetimes, render everyone’s job obsolete. Once the machines take over, they may decide that we’re all useless eaters, so I’d caution you all not to get so uppity.
Or perhaps the sinister Mr. Oh is simply an agent of China’s barely-concealed plan to wreak vengeance against the West for the Opium Wars?
A friend recently sent me a picture of people riding the Moscow subway these days. It definitely looks cleaner and more functional than Philadelphia’s Market-Frankford Line was even when I used to ride it back in the early 1980s. It looks more orderly than any American city does nowadays.
And things rapidly seem to be getting worse. After COVID and riots and inflation and a nation where most of its inhabitants have nothing in common with another, is it fair to even call it a “nation” anymore?
I would love to be optimistic about where this country is headed. Optimism is nice — in theory. But is it realistic? Can we grin our way out of this mess?
Kensington may just be the tip of the iceberg — or the tip of the needle.
Maybe I’m just in a bad mood, but it feels like it’s midnight in America, we’re driving without headlights, and all roads lead to Kensington.
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I’m not even American, but merely from my recent trip to Minneapolis, I can see the decline of the American city.
I always take the train downtown. There were always sketchy stops, but it’s far worse now. Every stop from the Seward and Phillips areas to the Somali neighborhood of Cedar Riverside are full of meth heads flailing their arms, loud, confrontational blacks complaining about racism, and junkies who hold their syringes with their teeth.
Even the once pristine downtown is getting worse.
Also, completely unrelated, does scrapple taste good? I’ve been wanting to try it.
Scrapple basically tastes like sausage if it was crispy on the outside and mushy on the inside.
Note to self: Procure scrapple.
Slice the scrapple about a quarter-inch or a little thicker. Into a HOT pan and fried until you remember to flip it. Browned and crisped on both sides and voila! I put a red relish on it -sometimes called “hamburger relish”- but I’m the only person I know who does that. It’s primarily a breakfast thing and substitute for sausage or bacon. Pig offal in lard. You can actually get it on Amazon. Habbersett’s is the most preferred brand.
Well meaning public health types have some role in this. Just as they went overboard with shutdowns during COVID, their approach to drug addiction is ‘treatment’. Fine. But I if usually follow Mencken’s adage that complex problems don’t have simple explanations there is an exception here… You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make them drink (look at that, I used they/them pronouns).
Whenever you point out that there doesn’t seem to be enough incentive for addicts to get clean, some progressive will get all sanctimonious and in your face and say, “You idiot, do you think anyone wants to live this way?”
I would suggest it doesn’t matter if they ‘want’ to live that way or not… addiction is keeping them there, and there ought be some consequences for repeatedly declining the option to get clean, continue to shit on the sideway and commit crimes to pay for drugs.
And thanks for mentioning the Opium wars, a slice of modern history not enough people know about. Is all that fentanyl a form of revenge against the west? Perhaps it’s a low priority for the Chinese government to put a stop to when they aspire to suppress the diverse views of the Muslim Uighurs.
Sanctimonious limo lefty: “You idiot, do you think anyone wants to live this way?”
Any dumb f who says anything close to that I can guaran-fing-tee you has not spent 5 minutes in the game because the answer is a resounding and categorical, “Yes!”
I hear the “all roads lead to Kensington” and ‘Kensington may just be the tip of the iceberg — or the tip of the needle” angle. The town I grew up in has been going downhill for awhile now. The local grocery store has a security guard because of all the tweekers that frequent it. It seems like every year I go to visit my folks I notice something worse and worse about as the years go on. Last year it was the tranny at the cashier at the local supermarket. Now it’s seeing the tenement housing being built right in the heart of what should be zoned for single family housing. Meanwhile iconic town shops are closing. It’s one thing to see a building here and there boarded up from running out of business, but whole strip malls? I’ve seen tents for homeless people lining street blocks both in the town I grew up in and in the city near the town. I think the craziest thing I’ve seen is a guy strung out on heroin right outside a playground for kids. The sign outside the park said that adults have to be accompanied with a child in the park. Basically the park is for families to take their kids, not for drug addicts to do drug deals.
It seems like the town has sold its soul and birthright for more hot stinky federal grant money. A housing project here, more money to help settle “migrants” there. Something’s rotten in the State of Denmark and it ain’t the blue cheese.
You could be talking about Toronto, or Vancouver. Canada is quick on the heels of the U.S.A. in going downhill….fast. Americans used to marvel at how clean Toronto was. Now it’s just another metro North America diverse, corrupt, lib left shithole.
What a coincidence that Jared Taylor and his indispensable and incandescent co-host mentioned Kensington on yesterday’s Radio Renaissance podcast. Great minds think alike!
The US is well underway with it’s managed and self inflicted decline. It’s very disconcerting to see so many cities such as mentioned and others like SF and Portland and large parts of other major cities absolutely ruinous. Good luck to mayor in clearing up such a problem. The attitude of the former black mayor, piling in on MOVE was bold. I can’t see any appetite today for even manhandling street shit out of the way let alone dropping bombs.
In a climate that gives millions of dollars to BLM protesters because of rough treatment by the police (source: AMREN – Denver paid out millions to street terrorists) I can see a situation if the authorities did try and move these zombies it would result in many casualties, real or imagined and given their fragile state, deaths at the hands of the police and anyone else who moves them.
As for travel, I aim to head to Nashville next year – on the face of it it seems safe enough to visit. I hope I’m correct.
It’s interesting how BLM protestors get money while the Charlottesville protestors have to give money.
I recommend the book Let It Burn! as a good account of the MOVE saga. I read it more than 20 years ago but still remember a few of the many wacky anecdotes about the group. My favorite was when a black cop who lived on the same block as MOVE was dragooned by the DA into taping the bullhorn/loudspeaker rants coming from the MOVE rowhouse. Just before Christmas one rant was repeatedly punctuated by “MOTHERFUCKER [sic] SANTA CLAUS,” according to the transcription. The transcriber had to be wrong, they must have said “motherfuck Santa Claus,” it’s just that the transcriber was a sheltered type who didn’t know MF could be used as a verb. I felt smug reading it, because I knew, via the Philly rapper Schoolly D, who started his career in the MOVE days, that you could use it as a verb. In “No More Rock and Roll,” Schoolly memorably announces “Fuck Bon Jovi, fuck Cinderella, and MOTHERFUCK Prince, man!” MF as a verb might have originated in the city of brotherly love.
Is your name an homage to Schoolly D’s Saturday Night?
Yes. My favorite Schoolly D song, by the way, is not “Saturday Night” but “Smoke Some Kill.” I don’t know what drug “kill” is supposed to be, but it makes you “kiss the dog and call your mom Rover” and get sexually aroused when watching The Brady Bunch.
“Kill” is just Philly slang for “killer weed.” I didn’t know Schoolly D mentioned Cinderella. I knew Tom, the singer from Cinderella, as a kid. He wound up marrying one of my best friends’ sisters.
I have both Smoke Some Kill and the 12” of Saturday Night b/w Dedication To All B-Boys on vinyl. Love me some old school Schoolly D.
There is an answer, adopt Chinese laws for drug dealers. Death penalty. Pick up the addicts and put them to work on road gangs until they’ve been off the junk for awhile and you’ll save a few. Lower the drinking age back to 18, I’ve met kids who find it easier to score drugs than to get a six pack. Alcoholism is better than drug addiction. Seal the border. A few easy steps that anyone could come up with. So it won’t be done. US will soon resemble one of those old Neal Stephenson novels.
Just because AI has been leading us on a trajectory to point zero doesn’t mean we have to accept it.
I’d LOVE to hear your 101-Point Plan of Resistance. How do you plan to “not accept” AI taking away everyone’s jobs? Do you just say, “I don’t accept this” and expect the machines to say, “Cool—no prob”? Do you come at AI with machetes? The floor is yours.
I remember a sci fi comic I read at least 50 years ago.
The story dealt with a dystopian AI run future, or as they put it in those distant far off days, robots and computers running amuck.
The youthful hero of the story had a very simple remedy – he simply pulled the plug out of the socket.
Another brilliant video essay from Mr. Goad, that also raises many interesting facets worthy of discussion for White Nationalists.
When I was studying Electronic Engineering Technology in College forty years ago, we had some hearty discussions and debates about the future problem of automation.
The conclusion was that the machines did not make themselves. And you don’t build machines that can’t be unplugged.
We humans had to learn Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and that it was in our human power to create and to maintain the world and the civilization that we needed. There would be plenty of new jobs doing these things, and nobody missed working in the coal mine with Devo. (Sorry, I was never a fan of punk music.)
So whilst it was possible to build computers that would check out your groceries for you, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we should. These are political and social questions.
The self-checks are fine and dandy for small lots of items that don’t involve coupons that won’t scan, or otherwise require a manager to come over and delay the queue ─ but for larger shopping baskets everybody prefers a competent human checker, hopefully one earning full benefits, and likewise assisted by a kid bagging the groceries part-time when not in school.
I don’t see AI as that big of a deal unless pop art or AstroTurfed art is inherently better than real art. I will leave that question to those who are better artists and musicians than me. I barely know the difference between the cheap house wine at the chowder house from the expensive stuff.
However, I do see Globalization as a serious issue and I think that is the fundamental one. I am also old enough to know by experience that minimum wages in the United States have not kept up with inflation since 1968.
Forty or fifty years ago you could walk into an electronics plant like Motorola in the Phoenix area with a High School Diploma and they would even help you out with tuition to study Electronics or Engineering on the side.
Today, where would an engineering student go to work building microchips if not overseas somewhere? Other than some demonstration plants used for administration or for training Pajeets, all of that is manufactured overseas now.
In the mid-1990s I went to the corporate headquarters of Motorola one time to pick up my Uncle when he got off work and we were going to try out the nearby Indian restaurant that everyone recommended. I got there right about quitting time and I was appalled to see that almost all of their engineers were foreigners of the dot-headed persuasion.
Phoenix has a few decent Indian restaurants, and maybe that explains why there was one directly across the street. I was a bit resentful too because these tech giants had zero interest in my resume, while my Uncle (who was nearing retirement) had gone straight out of college to work on things related to the Apollo program in the 1960s (and making very good money to boot).
And it isn’t just manufacturing and technology. Put your Kaczinsky away, and go to any hospital in the United States and do a survey of the ethnicity of the doctors who will be treating you. Americans today would never even get through medical school unless Daddy was a doctor and they know the ropes ─ and once they do start practicing medicine, they will be competing with the H-1B visas.
Who is to blame? is a complicated question, but I am all for having that frank discussion.
I used to be a IBEW Union Steward when I worked in TV broadcasting as Bill Clinton was on the rise to the Presidency. I naïvely assumed that Democrats would be pro-Labor, but I could not have been more wrong.
They were pro-Globalization and an economy based on financial institutions who favored that “giant sucking sound” and the trickle-down theory as much as the Reaganites.
I thought about getting a law degree after winning and losing a few grievance claims for employees that I represented. But I realized then that a Union can’t prevent your job from being outsourced to cut costs; all it can do (or at least do now) is promote anti-White “inclusion.”
Things have not gotten better in the last 55 years, which I acknowledge. These new Democrats were more interested in homely interns with blue dresses than guys who carried lunch pails and supported families. They were nothing like the Frank Rizzos, who actually understood what it meant to work for a living and to govern the gritty streets.
The above being said, and as someone who was run over by a drunk junkie who survived but will never quite be the same, I may be jaundiced about the matter, but I am extremely loathe to see the junkie problem addressed without at least some kind of nuclear option or equivalent to Wilson Goode’s bomb. How else do you clear out the Warsaw Ghetto?
The junkie problem is not exactly new ─ Geraldo Rivera used to show off on TV in the 1970s by walking the streets and picking up used hypodermic needles by the bagful. Now we have imported fentanyl and an overdose crisis. I am tempted to say that this might be eugenic but I won’t go there.
Another Uncle ─ this one without any fancy higher education who had once worked for Motorola building circuit boards about forty years ago ─ he was in the plutocratic section of town doing some things after sundown and was on the wrong street at the wrong time.
He was stabbed in the neck and nearly killed by a Negro junkie who was chasing his Mexican girlfriend to beat up, and happened to bump into a pedestrian and stabbed him in the neck. Fortunately some “urban campers” saw the fracas and used their Obama cellphone to call 911. My Uncle actually laid out the Black guy before he passed out himself from blood loss, so the perpetrator was captured but the police/courts did absolutely nothing.
However, the last I checked this no longer mattered because the guy was doing a long prison sentence for a subsequent aggravated rape ─ and “Reggie,” as I call him, does not have a model disciplinary record in the joint.
Arizona recently refurbished its gas-chamber at the state prison in Florence. I hope they start making regular use of it, but our current Democrat Governor is a bimbo lawyer that only wants to talk about Abortion rights.
Straw poll ─ which motto at the penal camp gate do you like better?
Jedem das Seine :
everybody gets their due
Arbeit macht frei:
work frees you
[1123 words]
I’ll have to get back to you on that. 😂 😆 🤭 😂
Very sad. I have ancestors who lived in Kensington circa 1850s, later in Tacony working for Henry Disston.
It sounds as if watching YouTube pictures of the street people shooting up and sinking down on the sidewalks of Kensington is a new form of pornography, at least in America. This sort of viewing the pure acting out of despair and death wishes in action is a signal to me of a further fall from grace of the White race, sorry to say. What can we do to help our own?
Reflects the values and mindset of our wonderful, oh-so-special Jews.
Don’t you talk shit about my grandmother, Goad. That woman was an angel.
I was talking about your other grandmother.
Oh, I see. That one. Fair enough. Carry on.
The renowned comedian W.C. Fields (1880-1946) was celebrated for making disparaging remarks about his hometown of Philadelphia. To be more precise, his memories were colored by being raised in Kensington, which even in the 1880s and 90s was noted as a rough-and-tumble neighborhood of lowlifes. Of course, the Kensington of Fields’ youth would be considered paradise to what it is now.
Apparently the epitaph on WC Fields’s gravestone reads: “On the Whole, I’d Rather Be in Philadelphia.” I suspect if he’d seen the state of the city today, he might posthumously revise that assessment.
Claude William Dukenfield (W C Fields) was actually born in the hamlet of Darby (Delaware County), just outside Philadelphia. 1880 census shows his family then living in Woodland Ave in southwest Philadelphia. Later the Dukenfields moved to North Marshall St in Hunting Park, a neighborhood in North Philadelphia, where his father James Lydon Dukenfield, a Civil War veteran, died in 1913.
(Less pertinently: The Lydon/Dukenfield family were of Irish and English background and immigrated to Philadelphia from Sheffield, England, in the mid-1850s. James’s father John then went west to San Francisco, where he died in 1888.)
My Aunt Marion, who was my favorite relative and also the funniest woman I’ve ever known, lived at 63rd and Paschall, one block south of Woodland Avenue back when the area was paradoxically more thriving but less vibrant.
Nothing will change in our country, it will only get worse until Jewish supremacy is discussed at the national level.
When you dont know the hows and whys of something–blame the jews!!!!
If they weren’t the cause of the majority of White man’s problems, they wouldn’t be brought up so much.
Thanks for your reply to David Cavalls remark about my post Walla Walla. I would like to expand on it a bit.
George Soros, funds over 75 DA’s in our major cities to let violent criminals loose. They harm our citizens and cause destruction and chaos.
Neo-Cons such as Wendy Sherman, and Victoria Neuland, have instigated the war in Ukraine. Since most of the Biden administration is Jewish, and whoever isn’t is afraid of the Jews, our government has no problem giving over $100 Billion dollars in “aid” unaudited! to the Jewish gangsters who are running Ukraine. Zelensky, his Vice President, all of the oligarchs, are all Jewish.
What could we do for the people of Kensington with that money? For the people in East Palestine PA? Hawaii? What about the inflation that this theft of taxpayer money causes?
Soros, Janet Yellen, Neuland, Sherman, Mayorkas and his open borders that are the main source of the influx of all of these drugs. They’re all Jewish.
So who do you want me to blame David? Who am I supposed to blame? Ourselves I guess.
Why do we let them do this to us?
First thing I noticed about the Moscow photo, as I’m sure was apparent to most of us, was that the people are all Aryan White Russians…something our Juden owners have sworn to destroy.
I noticed that too. Perhaps it’s the Boomer in me, but I yearn for a strongman who will once and for all ship tattoo artists to the Gulag. Too many nice-looking kids marred for life with this filth.
In the UK, ‘Kensington’ refers to one of the choicest, poshest and best neighbourhoods in London.
There were no ‘cosmonaut chimpanzees’.
The Soviets – the bastards! – to their eternal shame and much deserved karmic kick back sacrificed a few dogs in their ‘pioneering’ rocket launches.
It was the USA which used chimps as rocket research subjects – not that chimps elicit any sort of sympathy response in me.
The monkeys mostly returned safely, if I remember correctly, and that was a primary NASA goal.
Today you can visit the grave of Ham (1957-1983), the first chimp in space (31 January 1961), at the Alamogordo space museum in New Mexico, where von Braun’s team launched captured V2 missiles for the U.S. Army after the war.
“Ham in a can,” as the Mecury astronauts used to say ─ at least according to Tom Wolfe.
The Soviets knew from the start that the dog Laika was going on a one-way mission.
A long, long time ago, there used to be jobs in Kensington beyond prostitution and drug dealing. Since the area is close to the Delaware River, much of the early available employment centered on seafaring ventures such as fishing and boatbuilding.
Nothing lights a 5th generation mutant drug ho’s fire like the prospect of facing down the Furious 50s on the ice-slicked deck of a whaler.
Well done.
For once the Cuckservatives are actually mentioning something meaningful and tangible to this drug problem. Intervening against Mexican cartels directly affect this. It’s no different than miscegenation from white land whales. Proximity is the cause of the vast majority of this from people with too much time on their hands.
The answer is called a Pea Farm.
They had them here in Atlanta about 60 years ago and ,without looking, I bet Philly had them too. And they had a Poor House for the ladies too. The one in Atlanta is still standing . Chandler Patk I belive. The homeless or drug addicted have the right to shambles but they must only shambles where society can best put them.
The Pea Farm.
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