If you’ve ever wondered about what’s actually being taught in Women’s Studies classes, perhaps the truth might come as a surprise. Radical feminist writings in general tend to be soaked in bile, especially those written for initiates of The Sisterhood. (more…)
Tag: homosexuals
Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “The Virgin Queen Chihuahua Has Spoken!“, responding to Nick Fuentes’ attack on his feature from last week, “Rich Snobs vs. Poor Slobs: The Schism Between ‘Racist’ Whites,” as well as Jim personally. (more…)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Whenever someone hears something that had nothing to do with them and decides to take it very personally, you know you’re dealing with a woman on her period. (more…)
Peter Duesberg, a molecular biologist who presented compelling evidence that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS in the 1980s — but whose work has been suppressed by Anthony Fauci and the medical-industrial complex.
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Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Anthony Fauci was appointed director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1984, just in time for the AIDS epidemic. That same year, Robert Gallo, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, announced that he had discovered the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a disease primarily afflicting gay men and IV drug users. The cause, Gallo announced, was a retrovirus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). (more…)
There is a deep, hermetic lore known only to cultural insiders, a small circle of academics, and a handful of social rogues[1] — namely, the lore of the often-tense relationships between white gays and blacks in those urban neighborhoods that exist in the liminal realm between “ghetto” and “gentrified.”
I first noticed this as a child going to work with my dad in the early 1990s. Several neighborhoods in Columbus, Ohio were undergoing a sort of transformation. (more…)
It’s June, and what was once Bride Month is now Pride Month. So that means it’s time to celebrate, everyone! Mothers and fathers only get one day each every year, but 175ers get 30 days — and surely that must be faaaabulous! (more…)
Todd Field’s Tár is the story of the rise — or perhaps I should say “social climb” — and fall of Lydia Tár, a pioneering ethnomusicologist, conductor, and the first female Music Director of the Berlin Philharmonic, who is brilliantly played by Cate Blanchett. Shot on location in New York and Berlin, Tár very effectively conjures up the world of contemporary classical music, from the concert halls and conservatories to the journalistic latrine flies. (more…)
Sam Brinton, who the Biden administration thought was the perfect choice to protect the United States from nuclear disaster.
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I believe that blind people have a right to be employed — but not as military snipers or crossing guards.
I believe that deaf people are entitled to a living wage — but not as record producers.
In the same spirit of fairness teetering toward cruelty, I believe that people who suffer from gender dysphoria and have lingering resentment toward a world that has bullied them their entire lives probably shouldn’t be in charge of deciding where our nuclear waste gets dumped. (more…)
If one day I were to find myself in the improbable situation of being so well-heeled and immune to social ostracism that I convinced a Hollywood studio to produce a romantic comedy that was sympathetic to the KKK, you would find it incredibly undignified if I were to whine that no black people showed up in theaters to see it.
But that’s precisely how Billy Eichner is reacting to the fact that his new homo-positive romantic comedy Bros tanked at the box office during its debut last weekend. (more…)
Brad Schneider, US Representative for Illinois, who appears to have part of his face around the bridge of his nose and near his eyeballs crudely stitched onto his head Frankenstein-style.
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Hunter Biden, Crackhead of the Apocalypse
In late 2020, when news broke about a laptop with incriminating evidence that Hunter Biden had carelessly dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop, the story was viciously suppressed by the mainstream media, a collective act of censorship that may have had an influence on the presidential election.
Last weekend, hackers from 4chan claimed to have wormed their way into Biden’s iCloud account and began posting images and video footage from what they’d found. (more…)
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The pioneering pornographer Al Goldstein, publisher of Screw and similar refined journals of onanistic art, was famous for many things. Foremost, he was a notorious culture-distorter. (I’ll credit him with at least being an honest one; he said very plainly what he was all about.) Also, he was so liberal that it hurts. In light of that, it’s quite odd that his interview in the April 1978 edition of Hustler, conducted by Larry Flynt, is remarkably politically incorrect. (more…)
A new off-Broadway musical called Black No More depicts a machine that turns black people white. Photo credit: Monique Carboni/The New Group
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Liberia Celebrates 200 Years of Magnificent Failure
To assert — as does the entire modern racial-justice-industrial complex without any hesitation or equivocation — that any disparities regarding income, health, and longevity between black and white Americans are due to white maleficence is to ignore how blacks fare when they are entirely quarantined from the foul clutches and nostril-searing stench of white supremacy. (more…)
You have to give the Left credit. They never take a day off. The eye of Sauron never blinks. They are frenzied and relentless in their attempts to overthrow our civilization. They softened us up for a long time, rotting away our character and identity by promoting vice, cynicism, and nihilism — all while playing the victim. Now that we are too weak to resist and too deracinated to care, they have launched a ferocious campaign of iconoclasm against our forefathers’ heroes: Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, etc. (more…)