Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 415 Greg Johnson Presents The Uppity White Folks Manifesto
Counter-Currents RadioHave you done your homework? Greg Johnson tried something new on the last installment of Counter-Currents Radio. Bowing to the many requests to create audiobooks, he read his essay “The Uppity White Folks Manifesto” from his book, White Identity Politics. He also discussed the essay with the audience and, of course, answered YOUR QUESTIONS, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
The Uppity White Folks Manifesto
Use plebiscites?
Problems with the welfare state
Forcing the enemy to live up to his own standards
The trucker convoy
White identity in multicultural America
90% white nationalism
Should we let the liberal portion of whites die out?
China or Russia?
Thoughts on stoicism
How to guard against bitterness
A message to people who disdain intellectualism
Good arguments vs. censorship
Normative homogeneity
To listen in a player, click here. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.”
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I thought this format worked very well. I read the essay when it was published and enjoyed returning to it. I would certainly appreciate more episodes like it.
Slightly off topic but I hope still pertinent, I use Google Podcasts on an android device to listen to podcasts in the car. The Counter-Currents podcast updates on the subscribe list but never plays. It might be censorship, but the V-Dare and Amren podcasts are not affected, so perhaps it’s a technical issue.
If any of the other people posting here have any recommendations for a podcast app for dissident right material, I’d be very grateful!
Greg seems very embittered against spencer and others of the rest of the white nationalist community as well. For those of us on the outside, who don’t personally know the people involved, that’s how it appears. I mean there may be very strong reasons for it, which we haven’t directly experienced, but politics is the art of appearances.
Spencer has done a huge amount of damage. I make no apologies for calling him out. Whatever hypothetical damage that did to my psyche is dwarfed by the damage he did to our cause and people who got involved in it.
I don’t know any of them either, and my perception is limited because, being English, I don’t follow the ins and outs of US politics very closely. My politics are probably closer to those of an uppity white person than to Greg Johnson’s. The generally civilised approach taken by Greg, Jared Taylor and people of that calibre are (in my view) far more likely to attract and influence people than the antics of Richard Spencer and co.
This is such a good format. I love it!
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