Mr. Garrison: Chef, what did you do when white people stole your culture?
Chef: Oh, well, we black people just always tried to stay out in front of them.
Mr. Slave: How did you do that?
Chef: Well, like with our slang. Black people always used to say “I’m in the house” instead of “I’m here.” But then white people all started to say “in the house” so we switched it to “in the hizzouse.” Hizzouse became hizzizzouse, and then white folk started saying that, and we had to change it to hizzie, then “in the hizzle” which we had to change to “hizzle fo shizzle,” and now, because white people say “hizzle fo shizzle,” we have to say “flippity floppity floop.”
— South Park, “South Park is Gay!”
I find myself sympathizing with blacks a bit more lately. Not with the blacks of today, who have become spoiled children, but the blacks of the 1950s. I can now understand how annoying it must have been for blacks to watch honkies like Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly onstage performing music that was invented by them, making tons of money and legions of adoring groupies. I can imagine how they must have ground their teeth at the sight of people who did not love them, did not want to live around them, and often did not want to grant them equal rights stealing their cultural output to the cheers of millions.
I used to shrug off complaints from blacks about how “white people stole X from us.” I had no empathy at all. None, that is, until people started doing the same thing to white nationalists. More and more, I see people who call white nationalists ignorant evil scum using slang and memes that originated out of Right-wing circles.
It started with the Alt-Lite.
Now, this didn’t bother me. The Alt-Lite are frequent political allies on a lot of issues. Plus, many people come into white nationalism via the Alt-Lite, and I think using our slang and terminology opens people’s minds to new ways of thinking. I was fine with this.
Then I start seeing normie conservatives using our slang, to which I thought “Ehhh. . . okay, whatever.”
Before long, I start seeing Dirtbag Leftists dropping TRS memes, and I thought “I dunno. I mean, I guess some of those guys are okay. . .”
But then I start seeing BreadTubers using our slang: “Now, wait a minute! This is getting a little out of hand. . .”
But then I see freakin’ Antifa trying to talk like Right-wingers. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to put my foot down on this one. This has definitely gone too far!
Today, I stumbled upon something that absolutely takes the prize. There is an Instagram account called Low Effort Zionist Memes and it is true to its name. It just blatantly plagiarizes Right-wing memes and makes them pro-Jew and pro-Israel.
Here are some examples:
Come on! These people would kill every one of us if they could! They have no right to use our memes! They control the media and have armies of writers on their payroll, and they can’t think up their own memes?
I would like to issue an apology to the black race on behalf of all white people. I’m sorry for Elvis Presley. I’m sorry for Vanilla Ice. I now understand how hurtful that must have been for you.
It would appear that white nationalists are the new blacks. We are the most oppressed and reviled segment of society. Every day we strive to achieve equal rights. The right to free speech. The right to free assembly. Rights that are enjoyed by every other segment of society. People hate us, ridicule us, and some even call for us to be murdered in the streets. And yet many of those same people see nothing wrong with just blatantly ripping off our cultural and creative output.
But this development is a sign of progress. Whatever those people might say about us, for all their talk about small penises and mom’s basement, on a subconscious level, they realize that we are cooler than them. 20 years ago, people looked to hip-hop records for the newest and hottest slang. These days, if someone wants to try to look “cool,” they start talking like a Nazi.
Remember, before the Jews were able to get white people to start acting like blacks, they got white people to start talking like blacks. As you can see, white people are increasingly starting to talk more and more like white nationalists. Soon they will be thinking like it. Then they will be acting like it.
White nationalists should take heart. All young people want to be cool, and we are now the arbiters of cool. It’s not the blacks anymore. It’s us.
Now stand up straight, shoulders back, and hold your head up high. Say it loud: “I’m the new black and I’m proud!”
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You are aware that half of these aren’t originally from “Right-wing” circles anyway, right? Both “thot” and “based” were from (or at minimum popularized) by black people too, making your analogy hilariously ironic.
The internet is a mysterious and cruel place.
“Thot patrol” is from the right, though.
While originating on 4Chan; Virgin v. Chad obviously isn’t.
“Thot” is definitely from ebonics. It originally meant “that hoe out there.” If I’m not mistaken, the “patrol” bit came up from the same circles as those CTFU pages on Weird Black Facebook, which admittedly were often ran by chronically teenaged white shitposters.
That came from Beaver Patrol. An 80s phrase at least. THOT was an acronym that came from Ebonics long form That Ho Over There, most likely. However the acronym could be unattributed. FUBU might have been a Jewish branding Guru in origin.
I’m not going to claim this as a fact but Thot is a little close to Slut. “That Slut” isn’t far off a slurred drunken guy blurting out “Thot.” not that far of a black retard saying the same thing that way either.
I am wracking what’s left of my brain to find any black musicians who sounded like Elvis or Buddy Holly, and who clearly preceded them.
I believe the idea is that old-school rock & roll was preceded by rhythm & blues. Actually, the R&R was a marketing euphemism for the latter at one time. It’s also true that some of the early famous R&R artists got a lot of airplay doing covers of R&B songs. The originators didn’t get so rich and famous from that, so the article seems correct that it would’ve been a source of irritation.
Blacks didn’t invent the majority of genres and subgenres of American music they’re generally given credit for. The Blues was called such because it was generally seen as largely derivative of Bluegrass.
Elvis Presley did make a fortune covering “Hound Dog” which was originally recorded by some fat, Black Mami who’s name I can’t remember.
And was written by Lieber and Stroller, two Jews employed at the Brill Building in NYC. Lulz.
I really enjoy your stuff Mr. LeBlanc but please never counter-signal the great Robert Matthew Van Winkle again.
Got a kick out of Vaush saying the word “cucking.” Can anyone clarify the difference between the dirtbag left and breadtube folks? My journey through the libertarian to alt-right pipeline was one hell of a ride; I don’t have the psychic energy to sit through a vaush podcast and dirtbag left podcast to sift out the nuances.
Dirtbags generally reject identity politics in favor of class reductionism. They’re concerned with helping the working class and can be reasoned with. They also recognize how off putting degenerate culture is.
Breadtube fully embraces anything pozzed. They generally larp as “Marxist revolutionaries” all the while being fully backed and pushed by the globohomo system. They are extremely unoriginal, dumb and cringe. I suspect that’s why they try to steal so many of the dissident Right’s memes and lingo.
Thanks, Gaddius. Are the dirtbag more cognizant of the fact that “globohomo” are big corporations that they’re against than the breadtube folks?
The author’s “apologizing” to black people for ANYTHING, when they have appropriated, subverted, and defiled our culture beyond recognition is truly asinine. This is the same kind of indulgent, goofy, pathetic and weak White mentality that gives non-Whites the green light to stomp all over us and demand ever-escalating “reparations” for old grudges that they have been thoroughly and repeatedly compensated for.
The late Bob Whitaker (of National Review, B.U.G.S. and the notorious Mantra) said that the secret of power was creating memes (slogans, catchphrases and pithy labels for political concepts) that even one’s enemies began using. For instance, racist/racism is one such highly effective meme which the people who object to it still use regardless. He also said that memes spread best when unattributed, much like popular jokes, most of the people using the meme have no idea where it came from, how it originated.
Not an American, but the way I see things, negro had a bright future ahead until the first half of XX. century. If it weren’t for the left (which is not a menace that appeared out of nowhere in the 60’s, but it’s rather rooted in Christianity and all sorts of Quackeries, a revolting and hypocritical tikkun olams of some sort), a negro would be fully integrated and responsible member of American society.
Regarding Elvis and most pop music in general, his banality and vulgarity can’t touch the (although sentimental) poetry emanating from black horns.
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