There’s a guy I used to be friends with on Twitter a few years ago. He was Jewish, but you would never guess. He would only mention it in passing once in a blue moon.
He was politically nihilistic. He thought the Left and Right were both stupid and that politics was just all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. He thought we were ruled over by an “illuminati,” but he used that term more in a metaphorical sense than a literal tinfoil hat sense. He was open to conspiracies, but not particularly obsessed with them. There were some individual issues he cared about (pro-gun, anti-authority) but he did not identify with any particular political faction or ideology because they were all dumb.
He was, however, very passionate about manosphere issues. He was never a Frame Game Radio or Brother Nathaniel based Jew, but he was unwoke. For a while, he had a substantial following among the Alt-Right. He was never “us,” but he was funny, and he wasn’t them.
But during the Trump administration, this guy became radicalized. No, he didn’t get “redpilled,” nor did he become an SJW or a Bernie Bro. Rather, he became a hardcore Zionist. The transformation has been remarkable to witness. When I knew him, he was a too-cool-for-school individualist who refused to identify with any particular group. Now, I go to his Twitter and all the posts and retweets are about some antisemitic attack somewhere, about how Palestinians are all terrorists, about how anti-Zionism is antisemitism, about how the Dirtbag Left are all secret Nazis, etc.
In the same way that anti-whiteness has turned people into white nationalists, the antisemitism of the Dissident Right and anti-imperialist anti-Zionism turned this guy into a hardcore Zionist. Now, I can kind of understand why he would do this. He was never guilty of the kinds of things that we usually criticize Jews for: he wasn’t anti-white (and still isn’t), did not support SJW crap, and did not promote BLM or critical race theory. I know what it’s like to see your group shit on for things you are not personally guilty of yourself. It makes you want to fight back. I actually have more respect for him now. Zionism is gay, but nihilism is even gayer. I have more respect for someone who sincerely believes in something bad than someone who believes nothing.
Now, I’m not saying “We need to stop being antisemitic because it is creating more Zionists!” This guy was fairly atypical of Jews. However, it is worth noting that the knife can cut both ways. They can radicalize us and we can radicalize them.
But looking at this guy’s timeline has been an eye-opener. How does a group with so much conspicuous institutional power come to believe that they are under siege from all sides? Well, there are the usual anecdotes of this or that antisemitic attack on the streets of New York, spicy jokes about Israel from Bernie Bros, and anti-imperialist sentiments expressed by The Squad (“There are anti-Semites in Congress!”).
But going through his timeline, there is one name that Jews keep bringing up, again and again, the smoking gun that conclusively proves that they are living in an antisemitic world that is out to get them: Sarah Halimi.
I must admit, it is a hell of a story.
The short version is that Sarah Halimi was a 65-year-old French Sephardic Jew and devout Orthodox living in Paris. In 2017, a black Muslim immigrant from Mali named Kobili Traoré who lived in the next building over broke into her apartment and tortured her while yelling “Allahu Akbar!” He then killed her by throwing her out of a 3rd story window. Naturally, Jews immediately declared this an antisemitic attack. We’ll get into that later.
Anyway, here’s the real curveball. French authorities determined not only that the murder was not driven by antisemitism, but that Kobili Traoré was not criminally responsible for his actions because. . .
. . .wait for it. . .
. . . he was high on marijuana. Not guilty. Actually, more than just “Not Guilty.” They didn’t even give him a trial.
Just a fluke, right? Nope. Last month, the Court of Cassation, the highest court in France, upheld the verdict on appeal. Not one, but two French courts declared that being high on weed was a legitimate defense for murdering a Jew in her apartment. French law has a legal concept called bouffée délirante, which is sort of a temporary insanity plea. Because Kobili Traoré was delusionally high on weed, he could not be held criminally responsible for his actions.
To Jews, the Sarah Halimi case is proof that they live in a world where you can kill Jews with impunity. It’s open season on Jews. They’ve been getting pretty hyperbolic about it. A lot of Jews have been referring to Traoré as an “assassin” who “assassinated” Halimi.
That’s Jews for you. Always insisting on having their own word just for them. Hate another group, it’s “racism.” Hate Jews, it’s “antisemitism.” When other ethnicities collectivize, it’s “nationalism.” When they do it, it’s “Zionism.” Other races get “murdered,” but Jews get “assassinated.” Oh well. I guess I should be thankful that they aren’t calling it a “regicide.”
On the surface, this case does seem to be something of a head-scratcher for us white nationalists because it appears to fly in the face of a lot of narratives and what we believe about Jewish power. I mean, it is standard operating procedure for Western governments to claim that Islamist terrorists are merely apolitical nutjobs. That part’s not surprising. But letting them off the hook is not something you see every day.
Which is more powerful: black privilege or Jewish privilege? Certainly, Jews have more economic and political power. And yet we put up with crap from blacks that we would not tolerate from any other group. There are things blacks can say and do without consequence that would get anyone else “canceled” or possibly even arrested. On a social level, blacks can “get away” with more than anyone else. But get away with murder? Of a Jew? I knew blacks were privileged, but I didn’t think they were that privileged.
So let’s dig a little deeper into this story and see if we can make sense of the strange case of Sarah Halimi.
First, we have to figure out whether or not this murder (sorry, “assassination”) was actually motivated by antisemitism, or if Kobili Traoré was just a normal black person doing what black people do normally. The evidence is inconclusive. Some circumstantial evidence points to antisemitism, but with reasonable doubt.
Kobili Traoré was a 27-year-old immigrant from Mali. He was a known drug dealer, drug user, and had been to prison a few times for aggravated violence. So right off the bat, we can already put 3 checkmarks in the “normal black person” column. On top of this, his family has said he was not particularly devout and did not go to mosque.
On the other side of the ledger, Halimi’s children have claimed that Traoré had made antisemitic insults to her on the street. Her son (who lives in Israel) has said this and her daughter claims to have witnessed Traoré calling her mother a “dirty Jewess.” As far as I can tell, this is the strongest evidence for it being an antisemitic murder. If you are in the habit of believing things that Jews say, you can put a couple of checkmarks in the “hate crime” column. Or maybe just one. Calling her a “dirty Jewess” might have been an attack on her personal hygiene rather than an insult to her ethnicity. Look, I’m just trying to keep an open mind here.
Traoré’s family said that in the days leading up to the assassination that Traoré was acting irritable. Why is anyone’s guess, but some early reports suggest that he was in debt to his drug suppliers. Who knows? Doesn’t matter. But his family also reported that during this time he kept repeating the same word over and over: shaitan, an Arabic word that means “devil” or “demon.”
Additionally, the day before the assassination, Halimi had reportedly complained to the concierge about Traoré, saying that he and his brother were loud troublemakers and just generally making a nuisance of themselves. So the two were apparently aware of each other’s existence.
So now we get to the day of the assassination.
It was early in the morning on April 4, 2017. It was the 49th anniversary of MLK’s assassination, a fact I only know because of that one U2 song. Around 4:00 AM, Traoré argued with his family over God knows what. He left his apartment in a huff and then started knocking on people’s doors on the same floor, but no one answered.
At last, he is able to get into the #30 apartment. He tells the terrified family inside he needs a place to crash for the night. Because the family is not insane, they tell him to get the hell out of their apartment. Because Traoré is black, he starts threatening them, and so the family ran into the bedroom, locked the door, and called the police.
From inside their bedroom, the family hears Traoré praying and loudly reciting verses from the Quran. After some time, Traoré walks to the family’s outside balcony and manages to climb his way up to Halimi’s apartment one floor up.
From here, people report hearing loud screams from Halimi and Traoré shouting — “Shut your mouth!”, “Allahu Akbar!”, and “I killed the shaitan!” At this point, police had arrived on the scene, but being French, they lacked the courage to enter and confront the madman. Fearing that a terrorist attack was in progress, they instead called for backup from the elite terrorism unit and patiently waited.
Traoré, having completed the assassination, now started going for style points. He opened the window and yelled to the police standing on the street below “Watch out! This woman is going to commit suicide!” and then threw Halimi’s body out of the 3rd-floor window.
Having slain the shaitan and secured his reservation at the VIP section of paradise, Traoré then returned to the terrified family’s apartment and began praying again. At last, the police came in and arrested him. But instead of sending him to jail, the police sent him to a psych ward.
The killing was instantly a huge story throughout the “By Jews, For Jews” press: Times of Israel, Jerusalem Post, Tablet, Haaretz, etc. All the usual suspects. But the French media? They completely buried it.
Again, this would seem to run counter to our narratives. Why would the media, which even in France is still pretty goddamn Jewish, bury a story like this? You’d think they would be all over it.
Well, ask yourself “What else was going on in France in April 2017?” That would be the French presidential election, which by that point had come down to a runoff between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen of the Right-wing populist party Front National.
Once you plug in the Le Pen factor, this whole episode starts making more sense. The story was buried because it was thought that it would be useful propaganda for the Front National. You’ve got two politicians, one saying “Muslims are a problem” and the other saying “What are you talking about? Muslims are great!” and then this happens. Well, that’s mighty inconvenient for the establishment. Indeed, Le Pen was the only French politician to mention the killing of Sarah Halimi at the time.
This would also explain the lack of any trial, as it would be a huge news story, and details even more gruesome than the ones we already know would surely come to light and be seared into people’s minds like John Kerry’s Christmas in Cambodia. Again, this could have no other effect than to push people to the Right. I can’t see how it would make anyone more liberal. I’m not the first person to suggest this. Even some Jewish groups have accused the French government of covering up the killing for political and electoral reasons.
Now, we white nationalists are not big fans of the “Muslims are bad because they are mean to Jews/gays” argument. I mean, that’s true, but our primary grievance with Muslims is that they are bad for whites. To use gays and Jews as human shields against accusations of Islamophobia just reeks of cowardice. It’s also nothing people don’t already know.
However, whatever we might think of that argument, it is interesting that the French establishment apparently believes that that argument might be persuasive to some people.
You know what? I’m feeling generous today. Fine, Jews. You win! The assassination of Sarah Halimi was probably motivated at least in part, if not entirely, by antisemitism. It’s not often that you hear me say that the Jews are right, so savor it while you can.
But the fact that Kobili Traoré was not prosecuted for the assassination is not evidence that the French establishment is antisemitic. That, dear Jews, is evidence that the establishment is anti-white. Le Pen was proposing to do things that would be beneficial to whites, and the establishment had to sacrifice Sarah Halimi on the altar of diversity to prevent that from happening. If anyone should be outraged by this story, it should us white nationalists.
But one cannot help but notice the irony. Jews promote multiculturalism and anti-whiteness. Jews import blacks and Muslims. But the problem is that they did both of those things too well. So then when a black Muslim kills a Jew, the establishment is so brainwashed by anti-whiteness and so committed to multiculturalism that they refuse to do anything about it.
Part and parcel, Jews. Part. And. Parcel.
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Your comment about the French police being cowardly brought up an intimation that I have mulled over in the past–namely the emasculation of French men, and French culture. You are not the first to allude to this phenomena; it seems that the last gasp of greatness of French manhood was under Napoleon Bonaparte. What happened to the French, and are we American men headed to the same fate? This is important because, non-whites (blacks, and browns) inculcate machismo, and masculinity into their young men.
A man’s manliness is incomplete if he fails to honor the following three things:
His Creed
His Motherland
His Womenfolk
Unfortunately, the Occidental man would not pass the above test. He abdicated all three duties a long time ago.
I am beginning to agree more and more with this perspective.
I don’t think it’s an innate feature of Whites. White males are usually incredibly honorable men, and throughout history (in my opinion), and I particularly admire American men. But something went awry the past 200 years all over the Western world and it’s heartening to see so many people addressing it in pages like CC and elsewhere.
Everybody else takes care of their own. Once Whites begin to place Whites’ interests and well-being ahead of everyone else’s, I shudder for the rest of the world.
I think your conclusion is premature, and despite your admiration for Islam and its adherents, I have seen first hand the deficits of your religion and culture. Like others who seek to take advantage of the West, your motives are not honorable in the least. If it was, you would leave us and return to your own nations.
Let me ask you an honest question; why don’t you leave us alone and return to a society which is more conducive to your beliefs ? Why do you take advantage of our kindness and abuse it ? This is not the way honorable men behave. … You post on CC, yet you offer no solutions to White nationalism except to rile people up about Judaism. It’s hard to take your religion seriously and honestly when facts and experience show otherwise.
Yes, there is that inconsistency between #2 (motherland) and the fact that so many Muslims want to live in the West and destroy it because #1 (creed).
And regarding #3 (womenfolk), Muslims treat their women like s___. But then again, they treat all women like that because #1 (creed).
I don’t give Muslim men any points for consistency or clarity, but Muslims are loyal to Muslims wherever they go. And they need to go home.
Firstly, I was not talking about Muslims. It’s a general observation applicable to anyone.
Secondly, of course, he is not a man, whether Muslim or not, who sees his own soil from a disgusting prism of profit & loss, leaves it when the chips are down, and treats his women ‘like s___.‘
Thirdly, as for this statement >> “But then again, they treat all women like that because #1 (creed).“, well, notwithstanding the gross thickness on display here which I forgive since an average westerner being ignorant of Arabic or Persian relies on (((dubious interlocutors))) to get familiarity with Islam, the Muslim majority societies have the capacity to check the satanic tide of feminism than the reportedly ‘progressive’, ‘free’, and ‘enlightened’ West where (((corporate slavery))) takes precedence over the sacred duties of motherhood.
Lastly, to make well-grounded inferences from a comment, it’s sometimes wiser to not get preoccupied with a commenter’s name.
I am familiar with Islam, sir. And also ancient Persian history, which is fascinating. Readers on this site tend to be informed.
Muslim men treat women like ____, even when she is honoring her “sacred duty of motherhood.” In fact, if I recall correctly from my time volunteering in L.A. with battered women, the most righteous and pious of Muslim men were some of the most abusive.
I regret responding to your initial comment above and poking the fire. Lesson learned. I just don’t like Islam — or Muslims.
OK, so it looks like an offhand comment in my article inspired the biggest thread in the comments section.
Look, when I said that because the police were French that they lacked the courage to confront the killer, that was just a hacky throwaway joke. You know, the whole “cheese eating surrender monkeys” meme. I did not intend it to be taken so seriously. It was just a dumb joke. So lemme clarify.
Peter Quint said “it seems that the last gasp of greatness of French manhood was under ‘Napoleon Bonaparte'”. I would strongly dispute this claim.
In the Great War, the French fought with maniacal courage until after the Nivelle Offensive in 1917. The Nivelle Offensive was a suicide mission that never should have been launched. Failing that, it should have been abandoned once it was clear that it could not meet its objectives (which was almost immediately). The subsequent mutinies in the French army which followed were perfectly understandable given the reckless disregard for human life shown by the French high command.
F. Scott Fitzgerald referred to the battles of Verdun, the Somme, and Passchendaele as “the love battles”. His elaboration was that those battles were so brutal and hellish that they could only have been fought by people with a deep and sublime love of their country, people, culture, and history.
IMO, France’s conduct in WWII was also justifiable, especially in hindsight. The French came out of WWII (a war they supposedly “lost”) a hell of a lot better than they did WWI (a war they supposedly “won”). Yes, they could have continued a guerilla warfare campaign and yes, they still had a huge empire to draw from but I fail to see how they would be better off today if they had kept fighting.
Ryan Faulk has a good video defending France in WWII:
Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up seeing that my offhand comment was taken a lot more literally than I intended. Lemme say that the French are great and courageous people. I am of French stock myself. I thought that line would be considered self-deprecating humor but I guess not. My apologies to any Frenchmen I offended.
IT. WAS. A. JOKE!!!!
Perhaps we can take some cues from the Jews? Call everything which negatively impacts us anti-White and anti-Whiteism. Be a Westernist and advocate for Westernism.
Put our detractors and attackers on the defensive and stop being victimized. Every White man, woman and child who is victimized needs to be held up as a 24/7 media martyr.
He was Jewish…He was, however, very passionate about manosphere issues.
Why am I not surprised?
I wonder…did he practice what he preached? Or did he just prescribe misogyny for the goyim?
That the Jews now suffer themselves the consequences of their anti-White promotion of immigration of Blacks and Muslims is a beautiful example of the Law of Karma. What is the Hebrew translation of “Karma”?
The Hebrew translation of Karma: When Pets Attack.
Not only is this a case of Jews getting blowback from their open borders/Great Replacement activism (as you pointed out) but it’s also karma for 60+ years of Jewish legal activism throughout the West.
How many times have we seen Jewish judges and lawyers freeing black savages who commit heinous crimes against whites based on the flimsiest legal pretexts?
Now that a Jewish victim was involved The Tribe no longer thinks it’s a laughing matter.
This video is not exactly a propos, but these students are suing the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) on the irrationality of capitalising Black, but not White.
Anybody with an extra buck should support these kids.
This has got to be the stupidest thing that French jurisprudence did since letting the big-name leftist schizo Louis Althusser walk on a celebrity pass after strangling his wife. For that matter, I’m still waiting for feminists to denounce him for violence against women – what’s the deal with that one?
Other than that, the Zionists may think that they’re worlds apart from everyone else, but the minorities they’ve riled up don’t see things that way. This is going to bite them in the tail very badly, and the sooner they realize it, the better it will be for everyone.
As for Sarah Halimi, I’m appalled at what happened to her. As for the lack of response by the MSM, this is an example of them throwing one of their own under the bus for the sake of The Narrative.
Jews are indeed more vulnerable than most people realize. They are only a very small percentage of the world’s total population, but just about everyone everywhere dislikes them–intensely. This matters.
In the former republic still called the United States of America, I think both Blacks and Jews are, uh–how to put this politely?– screwed after Whites break off. Once the East Asians and Hispanics/Mexicans gain more power, Jews and Blacks will be relegated to where they belong. Nobody else cares about the transatlantic slave trade or the “Holocaust” of WW2, especially since we all know that far worse things have happened to far greater numbers of other people, and are happening right now.
It’s amazing to watch Jews in Europe welcome Muslims by the numbers. Like that is going to go well for them (especially since Israel is hell bent on toasting the Middle East with Jewish love). I think Jews are just giving a middle finger to the Europeans, and they don’t seem to care if they go down with the ship, too. Moronic.
Just discovered this site after a right wing kinna-sorta white nationalist site censored my comment about how simps on the right for ashley saint clair and laura southerland are almost as cringe as simps on the left. (Only “almost” because they neither hate white men nor advocate against us — at least not as bad as the leftist simps.)
Anyway, the info about the former one on this site is disturbing though I’ll reserve judgement on its accuracy because I am entirely unfamiliar with this site.
Being of jewish descent myself I find it hard to believe that someone named saint clare is any more jewish than milo but I honestly know nothing about her beyond seeing her be sucked off by thirsty simps when she reported from the trump rushmore thingee.
My local comment though is to tell y’all what i assume you already know but may not fully believe, which is that jews who actually identify as jewish beyond utilizing the term for their own purposes are very much NOT the ones importing muslims or excusing violence against non-jewish whites. So unlike that broad in ohio(?) who got herself killed by one of the non-whites she adores, jews like this woman likely advocated against islamic integration into france. In fact, these (orthodox) jews are incredibly vocal against those jews-in-name-only who tend to be quite…what’s the word? Liberal means tolerant and leftist means bernie’ism, so I’m not sure what to call these folks exactly. Is there a commonly accepted term?
As an aside, I was aware of ILAN Halimi, whose story is so disgusting as to drive almost anyone who hears it into a mad rage, but I hadn’t heard of his female namesake.
You’ve probably seen the voting maps of nyc where the only “red” neighborhoods are the orthodox jewish ones. (My own grandfather is a recent exception. I haven’t asked if he voted in 2020 but 2016 was the first time he didn’t vote in 70 years because although he liked trump’s stated policies he couldn’t tolerate what he considered to be an alnost psychopathic immorality on trump’s part.)
Of course orthodox jews aren’t white nationalists (nor am I, what kind of loser wants to join a club that advocates against his own skin?), in fact they don’t even know any non-jews or even or reform jews. But for the sake of accuracy alone I’m pointing out that while the jews you’re thinking of are the ones that have some actual power (most orthodox jews just talk to each other), orthodox jews’ are the ones who have 4 jewish grandparents and when they have descendants thise tend to be jewish too. So in some ways its silly to call someone jewish who has no real loyalty to jewish causes while discounting those that really do.
The anti-nationalist jews are also generally (statistically, famous people may vary) quite publicly anti-likud and in many cases outright opposed to the state of israel.
That’s it, some info in case you find it of any interest.
One more thing though that I would say just as a dude alive on the planet though is that overly focusing on things that bother you probably won’t improve your day. It’s a pretty human failing but (as I advise everybody with a political chip on their shoulder) it’s usually not really helpful to care too much about things you can’t do anything about (which is why I don’t bother to vote).
If you’re enjoying writing here then it’s totes good for you (I’m not engaging with whether it’s good for me or society or whatever) but if it only primes your brain to notice bad things and to be paranoid about people then I generally advise people I know in real life to leave their homes and to feed other interests than those which make them depressed.
That’s all he wrote.
Oof. I didn’t know my comment would be collapsed into a single paragraph.
To Peter Quint etc:
I ask you to stand up to a muslim or any other protected ahem group. Before you can say hello you are charged with a hate crime.
There was a retiree in the german town of Sittensen. He had surgery to both his knees and was therefore crippled at that time. Five gypsies broke into his house, held a gun (plastic not real but the retiree didnt know this) at his head and tortured him.
The gypsies tried to open the safe and started a burglar alarm and they ran away. The retiree broke free, got his gun and fired four shoots into the direction of his torturers. Four shots -One hit – shot into the heart.
(And it is nearly impossible to get a legal gun permit in Germany. Claudia “Fatima” Roth, a german green member of parliament and gun-hater carries a loaded .357 in her handbag)
At the first trial he was spoken free but then the gypsy family and the local greens made a harassment campaign “Remember …(no, i dont want to remember his name)” and “Grandpa must pay!”. After some pressure the higher court opened another case against the retiree and he was found guilty of Totschlag (homicide / manslaughter) and sentenced to 9 months prison with 2 years probation.
The harassment campaign lastet 4 years.
Yes, the other four gypsies got a few years prison, but only for breaking in not for the torture.
Torture is a crime against humanity and that should be life in prison.
Actually, I have stood up to blacks, and browns, that is why for over 30 years I have been vilified, ostracized, and isolated. That is why I pump iron five days a week, and carry a Para-Ordnance, high-capacity .45 cal. everywhere I go. Do not preach about the perils of standing up to non-whites to me, for the most pressing adverse effect in America is to be subjected to a whispering campaign, and ostracizing by your fellow whites, who are always virtue-signaling to non-whites–I haven’t held down a job in years.
This is part of the plan. They have always wanted to force Js to flee to their made up homeland, and populate its ethnostate.
They have always wanted to force Js to flee to their made up homeland, and populate its ethnostate.
So they can later emigrate to USA as evidenced by the growing number of Israeli-Americans?
Yesterday in Los Angeles, a car full of Palestinians, flying their flag, drove by a Jewish Temple and yelled threats, etc., and when the Rabbi came outside, they chased him through the parking lot — caught on security camera — and then sped out of there. No one hurt, but from press reports, you would have thought it was the beginning a an entire new Mideast conflict on our doorsteps. The news named the Rabbi and let us know he was a ‘father of 6’ and upstanding member of the community, etc. and was ‘nearly killed’. So, here we go. I am sure the leftist, multicultural sob-sisters are in a dilemma as to who to support of the two equally poor, downtrodden peoples of the Israel/Palestine continuing, never-ending saga of these ever-whining peoples.
As I see it, they have been at it forever — many wandering Semitic tribes in the Arabian Desert, incessantly squabbling and warring, and one tribe — the Hebrews — writing it down as they continued to wander and war. Then, along comes Mohammed in the 6th Century AD who added his two cents by somehow organizing enough of the small warring tribes by including all of their insane laws and rules of behavior and rituals, into a book called the Koran, after convincing enough of them that he had been conversing with t new God named Allah. And the battle between the two ‘lawgivers’ continues to this day. All this was going on while the White race was growing and prospering far away in the Northern European hinterlands. So, we don’t have a dog in their fight. And let’s leave it that way. Our only quarrel is when they set upon us and want to destroy us — they we have to take note and head them off
And let us take note of that Rabbi in L.A. and his 6 kids– why are we not having 6 kids? Six kids is what it is going to require of us if we ever want to win this battle.
I thought this was a very well written and even suspenseful. The final conclusion, that the media response was mostly about the French elections reminds me of another similar story.
In the early 2000’s the BNP in England gave evidence to Sky News of the Rotherdam rape gangs. Sky news found the evidence credible and was preparing a big news exclusive. Now this was in the run-up to the parliamentary elections. Rumor has it, I don’t know if this was confirmed, that Sky news got a call from the Blair government saying if they ran the story, thus giving the BNP credibility, the government would come down on them and no Labour party member would ever give them an interview again.
Sky news dropped the story and we would have to wait another decade for the truth to begin to come out. Also we would have to wait for another several hundred young girls to be prostituted and raped.
I’ve noticed that in some dissident right circles, the idea is being pushed around that somehow Zionism represents the solution to the Jewish problem and that identitarians of all stripes should seek common ground with the interests of the so called nation state of Israel.
This is a misunderstanding. Zionism isn’t “Jewish ethnic nationalism”. It is the supremacy of Jewish cosmopolitanism using the military resources and legal power of an independent state as a lynch-point. It is not a healthy sense of national self determination but a psychopathic ethnic pathology that is causing tremendous global harm. There can be no real moral compromise between Zionist ideology and with any other group belonging to the rest of humankind. In any such a relationship, the outside party, that is to say, non-Jews will be be played for fools.
No, Zionism really is Jewish ethnic nationalism. But as long as some Jews remain in a diaspora, they will of course want to have it both ways. White ethnonationalists should encourage the completion of the Zionist project. Ethnonationalism for everyone is an equitable solution for all parties.
In Los Angeles, in the entertainment industry, all the Jews (none excepted as far as I could tell when I worked there) support the state of Israel and its existence, but not all were “Zionists.” Some rolled their eyes about Israel, but it’s the symbolic home country. And my sense was that none of them had any interest in visiting– let alone living in– Israel. So I wonder what will come of the “Zionist project” if quite a lot of prominent Jews don’t want to live there, and we don’t want them to live among us anymore.
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