Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 124
Interview with Ann Sterzinger
Counter-Currents Radio
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Greg Johnson talks to novelist, essayist, and publisher Ann Sterzinger. Topics include:
- Trigger Warning, her new project with Rachel Haywire
- Her intellectual journey to the Alternative Right
- How the collapse of higher education spawns Social Justice Warriors
- Why “Cultural Marxism” is a meaningful concept
- Her novel Girl Detectives
- Her novel NVSQVAM
- Her novel The Talkative Corpse
- Her science fiction novel in progress, Lyfe
- The difficulties of writing science fiction
- Her publishing company Hopeless Books
- Robert Ignatius Dillon’s Beyond the Bush
- Why is, on balance, not evil
- Ann as “bad” libertarian
- Paul Bingham and Emril Krestle’s Black House Rocked
- Her time as Editor of TakiMag
- Working with David Cole, Gavin McInnes, Kathy Shaidle, and Jim Goad
- Chip Smith and Nine-Banded Books
- Andy Nowicki
- James O’Meara and the art of the book review
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 124 Interview with Ann Sterzinger
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This was really an enjoyable interview. Although I am not a libertarian, I understand where they are coming from. The thing about Catholics is their obsession with sex and lust. One of the 7 deadly sins which I guess is the most lethal for they are forever going on about it. I suppose they want to bore us to death about the sin of lust. I recently read E Michael Jones’ book on the origins of Horror. You guessed it. LUST!!!! While he is a wonderfully clear writer, I am afraid I have the protestant doubt. The devil is in the details. Well, according to him, Martin Luther was consumed with lust. Here I thought it was about corruption in the church and personal conscience.
I doubt the sincerity of anti-natalists who fail to off themselves. If life is inevitably filled with so much suffering as to offset the rewards of living, why carry on? I know the anti-natalists have a stock answer for this, but I find it unsatisfying. Despite life’s inevitable hardships, I for one am happy to have been born. Still, I can find some entertainment value in anti-natalists like Sterzinger and Ligotti even if reject their doctrine. I can rarely be bothered to watch television, but bought the first season of True Detective on a friend’s recommendation and loved it. The black comedy would have been another ho-hum crime drama without the character of Rust Cohle who cribs most of his philosophy from Ligotti. As an aside to weird fiction fans, Laird Barron does a thinly veiled send up of Ligotti in his collection ‘The Beautiful Thing that Awaits Us All’. I can’t tell if it’s a good natures jibe among friends or not, but I got a kick out of it, nonetheless.
Ms. Sterzinger’s new blog, Trigger warning is certainly edgy. Trigger Warning states that its job is “to bring back the radical edge to the intellectual world,” and the first two articles I read do not disappoint. However, it threw me back to my despairing Marxist youth (which I despise) and which I have been running from for over 25 years. But now, I guess, there is no running after swallowing an extra strength red pill.
Indeed, both “Slavery Forever” by James LaFond and “Your Stupid Questions Have No Answers” by Sterzinger herself, when read together, make you realize that the central goal of perhaps the last 400 years of western history have simply been a waste of time. Edgy and depressing: and for those of us who are out of work and only able to make fleeting comments on obscure websites like this, very bleak.
Congratulations, Ann!
And thanks! Now I can happily go and find the bridge I will live under for the rest of my life.
I have to agree with the other posters about the ridiculousness of anti-natalism. “boo-hoo life is so bad that it would be immoral to reproduce.” Of course it’s only white people who think like this and our race is going extinct as a result. Seriously, how can you even care about the future of humanity when you refuse to take part in it?
Other than that, a very good interview. It’s absolutely critical that we have white nationalist novelists, artists and musicians. The moment when people appreciate our art regardless of our politics is the moment our politics can actually take off.
PS Metal is awesome and most certainly NOT a parody of itself. lol
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