Tag: the Axial Age
April 26, 2019 Gregoire Canlorbe
A Conversation with Ricardo Duchesne, Part 3
As the Chinese “silent invasion” of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada continues, you may want to learn something about the Western academics who lay the intellectual groundwork for this invasion. In a prior article, “The Transcendental Mind of Europeans Stands Above the Embedded Mind of Asians,” we met two influential scholars calling upon whites to abandon their “failed” attempts to formulate transcendental truths for the sake of the more “profound” contextual approach of Chinese philosophers with their demonstration that all thinking is “embedded” to a time and a place. (more…)
January 16, 2015 Ricardo Duchesne
Karl Jaspers, l’Age Axial, et une Histoire Commune pour l’humanité
3,106 words
English original here
Du XIXe siècle jusqu’aux années 1960 et 1970, les livres de l’Histoire Mondiale reconnaissaient les divers accomplissements de toutes les civilisations dans le monde, mais la plupart des auteurs et des enseignants prenaient comme allant de soi le fait que les Européens méritaient plus d’attention en particulier au vu de leur influence incontestable (more…)
2,821 words
The idea of an “Axial Age” was a boon to the ideological drive after WWII to envision the history of all cultures as a “collective” undertaking between “connected” peoples. The behavior of Germany during Second War was testimony, apparently, of what happens when an otherwise modern culture refuses to join with the world of cosmopolitanism in defense of its ethnic integrity. (more…)
2,847 words
French translation here
From the nineteenth century through the 1960s and ’70s, World History books did recognize the varying accomplishments of all civilizations in the world, but most authors and teachers took for granted the fact that Europeans deserved more attention particularly in view of their irrefutable influence on the rest of the world after their discovery of the Americas, development of modern science and global spread of modern technology.