Carl Schmitt can illuminate American politics and jurisprudence by offering an outside perspective from continental Europe. First, his idea of the state of exception can help describe how the United States Constitution was rewritten in the Civil Rights era. And secondly, his description of the sovereign and of political theology explain in part why American conservatism has been a spectacular failure. (more…)
Tag: Political Theology
May 28, 2015 Greg Johnson
Schmitt, Soberanía & el Estado Profundo
English original here
En Teología Política, su pequeño libro sobre el concepto se soberanía, Carl Schmitt afirma que: “Soberano es quien decide en la excepción.”[1] La soberanía significa la suprema autoridad política, en oposición a la subyugación política. Dentro de una sociedad, el soberano es el gobernante, en oposición a los gobernados. Una nación soberana se rige a sí misma, en oposición a ser gobernada por otros.
August 27, 2014 Greg Johnson
Schmitt, Soberania e o Estado Profundo
English original here
Em Teologia Política, seu pequeno livro sobre o conceito de soberania, Carl Schmitt afirma que “Soberano é aquele que decide sobre o Estado de Exceção” [1]. Soberania significa autoridade política suprema, por oposição à sujeição política. Em uma sociedade, o soberano é o governante, por oposição ao governado. Uma nação soberana se governa, por oposição a ser governada por outros.
Translation: Portuguese, Spanish
In Political Theology, his short book on the concept of sovereignty, Carl Schmitt states that: “Sovereign is he who decides on the exception.”[1] Sovereignty means supreme political authority, as opposed to political subjection. Within a society, the sovereign is the ruler, as opposed to the ruled. A sovereign nation rules itself, as opposed to being ruled by others.