I met Béla Incze at the very intense sports camp of Légió Hungária (LH) in Hungary, as I previously wrote about. Béla is part of the group’s leadership. I was intrigued by his organization and its activities. I think a similar one could work in other European countries. Béla’s life story is also interesting, so I decided to interview him. We discussed sports, Hungarian politics, nationalist activities in Hungary, combat sports, the Hungarian youth, women, destroying a BLM statue, historical Hungary, holding demonstrations, and Viktor Orbán. I think we will hear more about him in the future. (more…)
Tag: irredentism
November 12, 2021 Spencer J. Quinn
Русские корни нацизма:
Белоэмигранты у истоков Национал-Социализма 1917-1945English original here
Переведено Vasyl Palko
Michael Kellogg / Василь Палько
The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and the Making of National Socialism, 1917–1945 / Русские корни нацизма: Белоэмигранты у истоков Национал-Социализма 1917-1945
Cambridge University Press / Кеймбридж Юниверсити Прэсс, 2005Рецензия Спенсера Дж. Квинна (more…)
June 15, 2021 Beau Albrecht
The Oded Yinon Plan & American Foreign Policy
Arabic version here
In 1982, a foreign policy white paper appeared in a fairly obscure Israeli quarterly, which informally became known as the Oded Yinon Plan. That much wouldn’t have been too momentous, except that the author certainly wasn’t a run-of-the-mill policy wonk. Oded Yinon held a high post in the Israeli foreign ministry, and also seems to have been close to Ariel Sharon. More to the point, his far-flung agenda bore a remarkable resemblance to the future of the Middle East, and in particular, the last two decades of the USA’s fine messes therein. (more…)
Michael Kellogg
The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and the Making of National Socialism, 1917–1945
Cambridge University Press, 2005With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. (more…)