Atheism and agnosticism are associated with Leftist, anti-white politics, but there is no reason why this must be so. As discussed in my previous Counter-Currents article, “Christian Nationalism Has Made Me Agnostic,” much of the white Western world, including countries such as France, the Czech Republic, and Australia, is becoming irreligious. (more…)
Tag: ethnos
1,297 words
1,297 words
The Washington Post made a surprising announcement last week: it will now capitalize “White.” This seemingly minor change speaks volumes about the changing discourse on white identity and how whites fit in a multicultural America. (more…)
November 8, 2015 Giuliano Adriano Malvicini
Dugin sur l’Ethnicité contre la Race
English original here
Puisque le libéralisme, en tant qu’idéologie fondée sur les droits de l’individu, appelle à « la libération vis-à-vis de toutes les formes d’identité collective en général, [et est donc] entièrement incompatible avec l’ethnos et l’ethnocentrisme, et est l’expression d’un ethnocide théorique et technologique systématique », l’« ethnocentrisme » et l’affirmation positive de l’identité « ethnique » sont vues par Dugin comme une base potentielle pour la résistance au libéralisme. (more…)
October 3, 2014 Giuliano Adriano Malvicini
Dugin sobre Etnicidad vs. Raza, Parte 2
October 3, 2014 Giuliano Adriano Malvicini
Dugin sobre Etnicidad vs. Raza
Traducción por A. Garrido.
Enlace original en
Ya que el Liberalismo, como una ideología fundada sobre los derechos del individuo, llama por la “liberación de todas las formas de identidad colectiva en general, [y por lo tanto es] completamente incompatible con el ethnos y el etnocentrismo, y es una expresión de un teóricamente sistemático y tecnológico etnocidio”, el “etnocentrismo” y la afirmación positiva de la identidad “étnica” son vistas por Dugin como una potencial base para la resistencia al Liberalismo. (more…)
September 18, 2014 Giuliano Adriano Malvicini
Dugin on Ethnicity vs. Race, Part 2
3,439 words
Part 2 of 2
Spanish translation here
The ethnos continues to exist as the substratum of traditional societies. For example, the pre-Indo-European ethne continue to exist as the third function of Indo-European societies. Dugin explains the emergence of traditional civilizations through the emergence of nomadic pastoralism, that is, the appearance, from out of autochthonous agricultural society, of small, nomadic groups of war-like herdsmen.
Since liberalism, as an ideology founded on the rights of the individual, calls for “the liberation from all forms of collective identity in general, [and is therefore] entirely incompatible with the ethnos and ethnocentrism, and is an expression of a systematic theoretical and technological ethnocide,” “ethnocentrism” and the positive affirmation of “ethnic” identity are viewed by Dugin as a potential base for resistance to liberalism. (more…)