At first, the rumors had just seemed like sensational click-bait trash, but as the Algorithm steadily improved, my initial scoffing was replaced by a wavering shrug that at least it would never happen in my lifetime. (more…)
Tag: automation
November 18, 2019 Greg Johnson
Technologická utopie a etnický nacionalismus
English original here
Poznámka autora: Následuje přepis mé řeči, která zazněla na čtvrtém setkání fóra Scandza v Kodani 15. září 2018. Při svém minulém vystoupení na Scandza fóru jsem hovořil o nutnosti vytvořit zvláštní etnonacionalistické poselství pro všechny bělošské skupiny, včetně třeba fandů Star Treku. Následující řádky tedy budiž jakousi epištolou určenou „Trekkies“. Rád bych také poděkoval všem účastníkům i organizátorům fóra Skandza. (na videozáznam řeči se můžete podívat zde)
2,904 words
Czech version here, French version here, Russian version here.
This is the text of my talk at the fourth meeting of the Scandza Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark, on September 15, 2018. In my previous Scandza Forum talk, I argued that we need to craft ethnonationalist messages for all white groups, even Trekkies. This is my Epistle to the Trekkies. I want to thank everybody who was there, and everybody who made the Forum possible. (more…)
2,560 words
One issue that seems to have escaped analysis in this election cycle is the fact that Trump received wide support from American conservatives despite taking a surprisingly “liberal” stance on a wide range of economic issues. While many of Trump’s economic policies come from the Republican playbook, here are a few of the stereotypically “liberal” economic policies Trump has claimed to support: (more…)