Having a Mencken-like disdain for America’s ruling class, I would like to put forward what I have entitled Quintilian’s Postulate 1: conservatives are stupid and lack courage; liberals are stupid and lack self-awareness. Donald Trump is a unique politician, I believe, because he possesses both courage and self-awareness.
Tag: 2016 US Presidential Elections
5,003 words
Author’s Note:
This talk was given at the Fourth Meeting of the Northwest Forum on Saturday, June 24th. I want to thank everyone who organized and attended this event.
Does hope lie in the proles, as Winston Smith asserts in Nineteen Eighty-Four? (more…)
2,521 words
One of the many interesting things about the election of Donald Trump is how spectacularly wrong the mainstream media were in their predictions. In part this was, quite obviously, loosely (?) coordinated psychological warfare designed to intimidate and demoralize potential Trump voters. But their predictive failure was also the result of a more organic phenomenon, one ultimately rooted in the same maelstrom of Jewish culture war that produced these coordinated efforts, but expressed in the concept of preference falsification, defined by the Turkish-American economist Timur Kuran (more…)
Last April, I wrote an article for Counter-Currents called “What Would a Trump Presidency Mean for Europe?” In it, I — like so many others in our neck of the political woods — predicted that Trump would win the election, and I discussed the impact I thought his victory would have on the situation in Europe.
With the election of Donald Trump, the white race has won an important battle in the War of White Dispossession. Without exaggeration, this moment is very likely to be recorded by future historians as an important turning point, as a watershed moment, one of several fateful moments in the course of our history when the white race was saved in a desperate situation, on a par with Battle of Tours or Siege of Vienna. (more…)
Well. Well. We now have a so-called Nazi president. During the campaign, I got two mad e-mails from a young Italian gigolo pal spanking me for being a Trump supporter. I soon confessed to working the phones at the local Trump Office. Then, when I got promoted, I further confessed to being Media Spokesman at Trump HQS in Philly. That’s right. By the time the election was over, I was Minister of Information at Trump’s fort and brain-trust in the heart of Hillary Country. (more…)
2,512 words
As thrilling as it was to watch Donald Trump take the White House on November 8th, things aren’t as bullish for the Alt Right as they seem. Despite his comfortable 74 electoral vote spread, Trump won not because he called upon an insurmountable mass of white voters to overcome the opposition at the polls. In absolute terms, he drew fewer white votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012 despite the slightly increased white turnout in 2016. Trump won because he ran a smarter, more energetic campaign against a corrupt, low-charisma opponent in Hillary Clinton who was foolish enough to believe her own hype. (more…)
924 words
It hasn’t really sunk in yet, has it?
I tried to avoid the internet for most of Election Day. As my readers know, I expressed confidence that Trump would win. But that was a bit of a lie — a noble lie, said to bolster my readers and get them to the polls. Secretly, I feared that the Forces of Evil might triumph once more. I was prepared to be bitterly disappointed, and that is why I wrote “After Trump.” It was an attempt to get my thoughts together; to steel myself for the worst, and soldier bravely on come November 9th. (more…)
Sunday afternoon, I had a rather exhausting conversation with a friend who is supporting Hillary Clinton. She was well-versed in Hillary’s various policy proposals, but I did not want to argue those points, simply because Hillary’s real problem is not what she proposes but the fact that she can’t be trusted at all. So I focused on the issue of Hillary’s sincerity vs. Trump’s. I had some success, so I think it is worthwhile to summarize the gist of my arguments here. (more…)
November 7, 2016 Lawrence Murray
The Conservative Case for Trump: A Final Appeal
Well it’s come down to the wire. You were probably hoping to pull the lever for Jeb Bush right about now. Some of you are writing in John McCain to signal your piety towards the 2000-2008 Republican party line. (more…)
Author’s Note:
This is the English original of an interview published in Italian on the nationalist webzine Il Primato Nazionale. I want to thank the Francesco Boco for conducting the interview and Il Primato Nazionale for publishing it. (more…)
As I approached the Trump rally’s venue, I came upon a group of young women who were marveling at campaign slogans written on the sides of tractor trailers. One read “Keep Mexican Drugs in Mexico.” It almost seemed like the slogan’s creator had originally intended for the middle word to be omitted. (more…)