In the debate about Christianity and ethnonationalism it is too often forgotten that Christianity is a religion and not a political or cultural doctrine. Religion is coeval with man and its function is to mediate between the soul and the divine, (more…)
Author: Asklepios
“The conflict which is going on regarding the true view of man and the world will be brought to an issue rather by men of the prophetic type than by dogmatists and philosophers.”
–Heinrich Weinel, 1903[1]Throughout Mein Kampf, Hitler describes what he calls a world-concept, or Weltanschauung. In its usual sense, the word basically means worldview, but when Hitler uses the term it means an all-encompassing social, philosophical, and political idea that has become politically organized. (more…)
It has been a cliché for a long time now that Christianity is fundamentally a religion that seeks to unify mankind and do away with all distinctions between men, (more…)
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“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live. . .”
–Deuteronomy 30:19
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After the recent debate on Andy Warski’s YouTube channel between Greg Johnson, the Academic Agent and others, the Academic Agent posted a series of videos arguing against Greg Johnson’s positions. In one of them, childishly titled Greg Johnson Doesn’t Understand History,[1] he tries to explain historical progress from a libertarian standpoint. (more…)
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Today marks the fifth centenary of the Protestant Reformation. In Germany, October 31 is an annual public holiday in five states, but this year a nationwide holiday has been declared in all states to celebrate the Reformation. A search for books about Martin Luther and the Reformation on Amazon shows that a vast number of books about him have been published in recent months. It seems right to commemorate this pivotal event in the history of Germany and all of Europe, and the man responsible for it. (more…)
Part 2 of 2. Part 1 here.
Schleiermacher’s Philosophy of Mind
According to Schleiermacher, the task of philosophy is the “immersion of the Spirit into the innermost depths of itself and of things in order to fathom the relations of their [spirit and nature] being-together.”[1] Schleiermacher’s philosophy, like German idealism in general, was very influenced by, and a reaction to, the critical transcendental philosophy of Immanuel Kant. (more…)
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Early Life and Career
Adolf von Harnack was one of the most eminent scholars in Germany of his day, and his reputation as a Church historian and New Testament scholar was unparalleled in Europe. He was born in 1851 in the town of Dorpat in Livonia, a province of Russia (today, Tartu in Estonia). He died in 1930 in Berlin.
Harnack belonged to a Prussian nationalist elite that ruled his Russian-majority town. His father, Theosodius Harnack, was a theology professor at Dorpat, and was a strictly orthodox Lutheran. (more…)