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Angelo Plume aka Pox Populi on the Ethnic Cleansing of Whites from Media & History
Angelo Plume
Pox Populi, who is now going publicly by his real name of Angelo Plume, recently recorded a short video on the ethnic cleansing of whites from the mainstream media as well as history. The interview expands upon points he first made in his essay “There Won’t Be a Shire.“ See below.
New Video!
Angelo Plume aka Pox Populi on the Ethnic Cleansing of Whites from Media & History
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Great work. Does he have a Twitter account?
This is good. A constructive criticism I have is the editing could be cleaner. Most importantly, is you could have made stronger ties to the need for us to maintain our identity.
For example the claim that, blacks were in Britain from the start is not just false. It is evil for it teaches the youth that they have no claim on their homeland. It normalizes their dispossession by teaching them that their birthrite to their island is not theirs. Just as conservatives must say no, we must make the best possible case why we must say no and show the evil in it.
Tie it together succinctly and explicitly. The historical and folkloric white erasure are a part and parcel of the physical dispossession of whites in our homelands.
That youth see this makes them defenseless and willing accomplices to their own dispossession and puts them in a world where they are the occupiers of black homelands. That is sinister. We must do a better job of pointing this out. If you do a re-release of this I will send this out to everyone I know, including family with young children watching this on TV. As it stands, without the explicit tying together of all of this, it isn’t as effective as it could be.
Thank for all you do Pox. I just think this needs a second version that is stronger. My family needs a bitch slap because they just can’t connect the dots. Our elite must do it for them.
Theodore Dalrymple on the choice of a black actress to play the part of Anne Boleyn on a television series about the life of Henry VIII:
“It is demanded of the viewer that he disregard and even fail to notice altogether the obvious historical absurdity of the casting . . . while at the same time the viewer must applaud the symbolic magnanimity and political virtue of the gesture of casting a black woman in the role, which requires that he notice it to the point of keeping it constantly in mind.”
The popular 2008-2012 series, Merlin, aimed at a young audience and popular all over the world, cast a negress as Guinevere, King Arthur’s wife.
The BBC. Of course.
As for the race-pimping swill ‘documentary’ Cleopatra, it’s all going very well for them, hilariously so at that:
Whilst largely on the right side of many subjects Dr Dalrymple (ne Daniels) is in his own characteristically subtle way playing at being English. He’s just much, much better at it. How many Englishmen know the true story of the Jews’ arrival with the Normans, banishment in 1291, triumphal return under Cromwell and then William of Orange, intermarriage with the aristocracy, Russian pogrom hoax facilitated influx in the 1880s and final defeat of the gentile resistance in 1945? I certainly never did.
When I see black actors in English and other European TV series, such as ‘Broadchurch’ or ‘Shetland’ and even on ‘Downton Abbey’– but so far not on ‘Doc Martin’ — I label the intruder as “The Requisite Black”. It seems that any otherwise clearly European character or just plain white story cannot be filmed without a black story being pushed into it, lest we forget that they and their stories exist as well. I understand there is now a black “Dr. Who”! Good heaves, whatever is the world coming to?
The black Doc Who is gay as well. Of course.
Why didn’t I see that as well! Of course, there will be “Requisite Gays” as well. My dear White fellow-travelers, we really have to get out and claim back our heritage. Gays are actually fine as long as they leave the sequins and feathers at home. We need their fine wr1iting such as Renaud Camus, who has given our finest battle cry:
“You Will Not Replace Us!”
Great video. I’d like to see the “representation” tactic challenged directly. Conservatives are so afraid to say they are against “more representation” when asked, and so they have difficulty challenging this stuff. The notion of “representation” is like the “inclusion” euphemism in that it’s used in a tricky way to describe white erasure in a way that sounds pleasing to many people.
Conservatives should be made to think about these things. When does a dedication to ever more “representation” and “inclusion” become suicidal? What are other ways of describing this “inclusion”? What is the end goal of it?
A big stumbling to getting conservatives to think clearly about racial issues is that many genuinely believe that race is insignificant and is akin to skin color. They do not understand the connection between race and culture. Why would people care about race when they don’t think it matters? When the connection between race and culture is more widely understood, it will be much easier to get people to think clearly about these and related issues and take appropriate action for preservation and survival.
Also, I would suggest that a note or message of some sort be added to the end of *ALL* videos reminding people to download (a local copy) of the video and to re-upload it to various platforms. Odyssey makes it easy to save such copies. People are more than 10X as likely to watch an embedded video (and then share it) than to click on a link to a video hosted on another service. And you could also ask the people to include a link to your Odysee channel when they re-upload the video elsewhere. It is better to have 100 people watch a video than to have 2 people click on a link to an Odysee page.
Just to clarify my comment about “embedding” videos, I mean that it is better to re-upload the file on Twitter, for example (and NOT just paste in a tweet a URL to a video hosted elsewhere, even if doing so would let the video play on Twitter in a little window inside the post). When videos auto-play on Twitter and users only need to unmute them, then users are MUCH more likely to actually watch the content. It’s hard to overestimate what a difference it makes. It’s a game-changer.
The top priority ought to be to get as many people as possible to watch the videos. Most people will never bother to join Odysee and subscribe and revisit the pages there, but they will use Twitter because it’s convenient. IMO every one of the videos you produce should be uploaded (the actual video FILE re-uploaded) on Twitter, and dedicated supporters should be encouraged to similarly re-upload in replies to big accounts as well. Twitter has longer video time limits now, and clipping can be done when needed. It just kills me to see so much great content on Odysee not being seen by the people who need to see it.
I remember JG Ballard saying that he thought that, if you looked at the Japanese with educated eyes, as he could (after having been in a Japanese internment camp for 2.5 years during WWII), they clearly thought themselves the most superior race on the face of the planet. Funny how, despite their obsession with American kitsch culture, 50s rock and such, they have retained their racial heritage, and are pretty racist, from what I have heard/read.
I think language is a huge factor in all of this shit: they do not have English as a first language, so don’t get subjected to American bullshit 24/7 and pick up on it. They’re far enough away from the epicenter to survive the worst insane excesses. That plus they didn’t enslave blacks, insofar as I know, so they don’t have that forever-insoluble thorny problem to deal with. Demented.
Something nice happened today that picked me right up out of my ‘anti-white doldrums’ which I had been experiencing recently while living in Los Angeles, where every other person I encounter does not ‘look like me’. My dear friend who does look like me but who is entranced with foreigners, especial from the Middle East, invited me to share her trip to the L.A. County Museum of Art (LACMA to the uninitiated) where she made a beeline to all things Persian etc. But I found an open door to an adjoining gallery where I glanced at a glowing Rembrandt self-portrait. Make My Day!
So I give you this small gift to lift your spirits and keep you on track in these times when so many detractors are trying .to push us off the road of life as we see it. Go to the nearest art museum which has any European and/or American Fine Arts. Just seeing ‘our kind’ from the glorious Greeks to the Renaissance beauties. and the simple Dutch skating in winter, making even the elements a fine field for them. These paintings and sculptures, my friends, are Your and Mine ANCESTORS even if portrayed anonymously. Please go see them, and I hope they lift you as they did me. See the beauty of US.
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