Including Audio Version by Jim Goad!
The Virgin Queen Chihuahua Has Spoken!
Jim Goad
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Whenever someone hears something that had nothing to do with them and decides to take it very personally, you know you’re dealing with a woman on her period.
Despite his high-pitched voice and flamingly effeminate mannerisms, the diminutive podcaster Nick Fuentes is probably not a biological woman; he merely acts like one.
He took an article I wrote last week straight to his weeping heart and, in a cunty 18-minute act of shrieking vengeance, he made several personal attacks against me.
As someone who’s known for unapologetically bitch-slapping women who deserve it, allow me to proceed.
The article that he took very personally was called “Rich Snobs vs. Poor Slobs: The Schism Among ‘Racist’ Whites.” It was first published on Counter-Currents and picked up by The Unz Review.
When I woke up yesterday morning, people were messaging me about Fuentes’ response to the article. He’d spent a full 18 minutes kvetching about what I’d written — but mostly about me — on his show Tuesday night. He’d also implied that I was somehow afraid to mention him by name:
I go on Unz Review and I’m scrolling through the articles and I see Jim Goad, who is sort of like one of my old enemies. He wrote an article about this Oliver Anthony thing. . . . So he does this article about Oliver Anthony and all this. And basically the whole article is just a screed against me.
You can read the article; I linked to it twice above. This “article about this Oliver Anthony thing” didn’t mention Oliver Anthony once. I still haven’t even heard the song that gained him some temporary notoriety, nor have I mentioned him until now.
But the self-absorbed “it” girl of the waning TradCath movement pivots and says the article wasn’t really about Oliver Anthony at all — it was all about him!
As should be clear to anyone who actually read the article, I’ve been talking about the chasm between “White Trash” and “White Cash” since the mid-‘90s, but leave it to an extremely online, self-absorbed fem-boy with a high-pitched voice who wasn’t even alive in the mid-‘90s to make it all about him:
I do “command find” on my computer and there’s like 20 mentions of my name in the comments, everybody else, so it’s not just me everybody recognized it was basically the piece was a subtweet about me. . . .
No, you yipping Taco Bell mascot, the article had nothing to do with you. But because you took the article so personally, and since you’re such a vain blushing orchid, you felt the need to lash out against me:
The guy’s like a militant atheist and he’s one of these Gen X punk rockers these insufferable Gen X punk rockers that still in their 60s can’t get over how fucking cool they are with their Converse and jeans.
I guess I should take it as a compliment that I come off “cool” to someone who’s always seemed like a pint-sized nerd to me. But I’ve never claimed to be an atheist, much less a “militant” one. I’ve never been a “punk rocker.” I was born in 1961, which makes me a Boomer according to those entirely arbitrary goalposts. As one of these meme-addled gullible morons who buys into the idiocies of generational astrology, Fuentes couldn’t even get that fact straight.
The Virgin Queen Chihuahua continues:
And here’s a guy who, the little I know about his background, maybe could have had some degree of mainstream success or something. . . . Here’s a guy that for no reason other than his own bad decisions wound up a resentful, seething old guy that nobody’s ever heard of.
He’s been doing the same high-school-cheerleader “nyah-nyah, I’m more popular than you” thing for as long as I’ve been aware of his existence, which is about six years.
If popularity and wealth were the sole gauges of merit, then Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, and Ben Shapiro — all of whom Fuentes has incessantly whined about — are vastly superior to Nick Fuentes.
I realized a long time ago that when people attack you personally, they tend to come blazing at you with things that would hurt them. For example, if someone thinks you’d be mortified if they revealed embarrassing personal details about you, they’re actually signaling that this is a sore spot for them.
So the greasy little twink brat apparently thinks the whole “nobody’s ever heard of him” thing will bruise me irreparably. In doing so, he’s signaling something about himself. More on that in a moment.
I guess it never occurred to him that mainstream success was never my aim. If popularity or wealth were ever goals of mine, I obviously would have gone about things differently.
Part of the reason I’m not wealthy or more successful is clearly due to bad decisions I’ve made in my personal life. I wrote a whole book about it.
Another reason is that speaking plainly has always been far more important to me than being popular or successful. I realize this is incomprehensible to a shallow bullshit artist who’s addicted to e-fame and money.
Yet another part is that I sincerely miscalculated how much the average person values truth.
He then goes on to contrast me with other men of my age who are lavishly wealthy:
You look at some of the most successful people in the world today, some of the most successful white men. And probably the majority of them have a story about how they came from poverty, parents were abusive, they underwent some hardship. . . . That is probably true of at least half or maybe the majority. It’s a good percentage when you go and you read into any of the most successful people or you watch 60 Minutes about them or whatever. . . .
Oh, he gets his statistical evidence about how many of the “most successful people in the world today” came from “poverty” and “hardship” from watching 60 Minutes. Yeah, we’re dealing with a real rhetorical wizard here. A downright Brainiac.
And although [Goad] wants to write and say that we should feel pity or sympathy for the plight of the rural whites or Appalachian whites or so-called white trash or something, because they were destined for this by circumstance, by the system, by the economy. . . . [His article] says, “Oh, you know, the poor white people, we can’t blame them because they are victims.” And it is so poisonous to our prospects of achieving even that grim scenario when you have white people saying, “It’s okay if we lose because the world isn’t fair. It’s okay.”
Nowhere in the article did I say anything from which a remotely intelligent or honest person would infer, “It’s okay if we lose because the world isn’t fair.” I clearly said that white solidarity is impeded by affluent whites shitting repeatedly upon less affluent whites and saying it’s all their fault.
Li’l Nicky, maybe you actually read my article and realized you have no effective retort for it. Maybe you’re fundamentally as dishonest as I suspect you are and decided to completely misrepresent what I said. Or maybe you were so busy name-searching yourself in the hundreds of replies to the article — which, again, never mentioned you or Oliver Anthony — that you didn’t even read it.
Instead, you distill it all down to misleading soundbites that are digestible to people who are too online and/or stupid to grasp anything more complicated. You know — the lonely, barely adolescent virgins who are so historically illiterate that they probably think you invented the slogan “America First.”
It’s easy to see how soft you are. From your chirpy voice that apparently will never deepen to your swishy hand gestures. How absurdly weak and spoiled. How your life has been one giant marshmallow pillow. How a five-mile-an-hour wind would flatten you.
You can also tell how some actual adversity and hardship would crush you like a bug. Jeepers, you’ve had the “indomitable will” to survive being banned on Twitter. Oh, the horror!
For all you whine about others whining, it hasn’t stopped you from whining about Boomers. From whining about Jews. From whining about single moms. From whining about atheists. Or from whining about women in general for the fact that you’re such a screamingly obvious closet case.
Unlike Fuentes, I’ve actually been with women. I showed my wife, who is entirely unaware of his existence, a short clip of him speaking. I said, “What do you think of this guy?” Without missing a beat, she said, “Gay. So gay. Like, his butthole must be this wide . . .”
Like the much-missed Davis Aurini, he’s apparently the only person in the world unaware of how gay he is.
About a half-dozen years ago I had a cordial discussion with Fuentes on my podcast about the “Boomer meme” and how it was stupid. I’d never heard of him until about a week earlier, when I saw him call someone a “fat Boomer faggot” on a podcast, but he’d clearly heard about me and had been reading me for years.
He didn’t strike me as particularly bright and was a complete lightweight at debating, and I easily bested him on every logical point that we discussed. When he posted a link to the discussion on Twitter, he called me “brilliant.”
But in my subsequent interactions with him, he’s had to drag about a half-dozen guys along with him just to pretend that he’s capable of keeping up with me without a cackling cacophony of his doofus sycophants by his side.
The only other two times I’ve conversed with him after the initial “Boomer” debate were when he and about a half-dozen other Nicksuckers shouted over me on two successive livestreams because I’d defended a white woman after she was raped by a black guy. That was the only reason I went on those streams, but they never seem to mention that part.
These virgin, incel oddballs are so twisted about women, such reflexively anti-white Kanye West-slurping wiggers, that they took the black rapist’s side without knowing any of the facts.
And when it turned out that the white woman’s rapist was convicted and sentenced to 25 years based on the DNA evidence that they were certain didn’t exist, the members of his All-Anonymous Boy-Groper Army sure as hell shut the fuck up about it.
That’s because they have zero honor. They are the empty and ephemeral effluence of the digital age.
Many have pointed out how Fuentes made some clearly “insurrectionist” statements outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021 such as these:
It appears we are taking the Capitol back from the police right now! Keep marching and don’t relent! Never relent! Break down the barriers and disregard the police! This Capitol belongs to us now! . . . These politicians don’t represent us! They betray us! And we are forcibly evicting them from the people’s house! They must live in fear of the American people who they have betrayed over and over again!
. . . but how odd it is that he emerged with no legal charges, while people who said and/or did far less are now in federal prison. Many have accused him of being a federal agent. I try to stay away from “fed” accusations because I think they’re poisonous and foster a climate of distrust that the federal agents must absolutely love.
It’s also telling how this wannabe future leader seems to discard those in his inner circle again and again and again.
One by one, they all see through the charade and realize you are even further up your own ass than Richard Spencer ever was. If you can’t even keep your pizza delivery boys in line, good luck trying to rule the world, Little Caesar.
Your whole TradCath shtick has lost steam as most of its influencers have been outed as closet cases, rapists, and pedophiles.
Over a year ago, I relished watching you get eviscerated by Mr. Metokur, who has more talent in just one of his cancer cells than you do in your entire shrimpy body.
There’s a certain level of fame where one refuses interviews with people because they don’t have the time or interest. And then there’s the point where they pick fights with “nobodies” because they’re on their way down.
And that’s where Nick Fuentes is after merely a half-dozen years in the spotlight. He peaked about three years ago. Now he’s fading, and fading fast — picking fights with a “nobody” who wasn’t even thinking about him until he did an 18-minute stream about me.
Even your armies of online anonymous virgin/incel/FakeCath harassers have dwindled significantly.
You’re a hollow salesman. You grift off lonely virgins who are as clueless about women as you are. But increasingly, the people aren’t buying what you’re selling. People are gradually realizing that I was right about you all along.
Enjoy your fleeting e-celebrity, little lamb. I’m sure that somewhere, after you’re done using the blacklight to search for cum stains from your latest right-hand Yes Boy as you bask in your own afterglow, you realize that you’ve already peaked.
Your streaming site bled nearly 20% of its viewership last month alone.
Meanwhile, I’ve written exactly what I mean for longer than you’ve been alive. That’s my measure of success, one you’ll never come close to matching.
As the hilarious dead Jew Don Rickles used to say: “You were a big star once. But face it — it’s over.”
As the morose dead German Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “That which is falling should also be pushed.”
This is me pushing you.
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The world would be a lesser place without Havana browns, Peterbalds, Pixie-bobs, Ragamuffins, Toybobs, American shorthairs, and mountain lions, but it is still a cat-fight when they mix it up.
Good Lord, that right there is beautiful writing. You get praised a lot for your funny stuff, but this is the gold standard of ass-handing.
Fuentes calling you an “enemy” of his is him wishing he was on your radar. I bet he regrets it now. Oof!
This is gold. And your wife is very funny.
She is. She’s also beautiful.
My hat is off, sir.
Damn right. My compliments. Past time for you to have some good luck.
Wow!! She’s a stunner!!
I’d like to see a debate between Goad and Fuentes about this and any other matters that arise.
I’m sure Fuentes would agree, he is “Nick the knife” of internet bloodsports fame after all. Unless of course if the knife has become dull and rusty…or if his federal handlers advise against it.
As I said, he only agreed to a single one-on-one chat with me, and that was back in 2017. Subsequently, realizing he couldn’t keep up, he had to bring a half-dozen morons such as Baked Alaska and Beardson Beardly along to keep shouting over me and distracting from the point of the discussion, which was that they were defending a black rapist against the white woman she raped.
There may actually be a moderated debate between just me and him tonight. I’ll keep you posted.
Since all he can do is deflect and is incapable of staying on point or avoiding the basic logical fallacies—his “critique” of my article is living proof of that—a good moderator would set him up for slaughter at my hands.
I, too, would love to see such a debate with the 2 combatants on either side of a slap fight table. Jim can have one slap to each of his five. C’mon Jim, pay to view, bitch-slap the bitch out of this horrible pooftah.
The next time he brings up my age—which will be within two minutes of talking to me—I’ll just say, “OK, let’s box.”
Fuentes would hit the mat as hard as Joe Joyce did yesterday against Z. Zhang.
I’m a millennial who just recently found your work and I’m enjoying your content. The whole reason I got interested in politics was because I love my family and I just happen to come from a rural southern working class family and I was tired of us getting shit on by our government and culture. I agree with Nick on a lot and I think he’s a great speaker but if he hates me and my family just because we are uneducated wagie tradesmen how am I supposed to support that? It kind of defeats the purpose if he hates us just as much as the foreign hoards pouring in and the tribe in government rubbing their hands at thought of our genocide. It’s one thing to tell people to have high standards and to aim high but it’s another thing to have no empathy for your own and to have open disdain and contempt towards your own kinfolk who have been targeted for destruction. How is a movement like that ever supposed to grow? I agree with your article.
You, Sir, are far from “uneducated”.
To put it in trad-Cath terms, you biblically smoted him. Let’s see if he can come up with something even 5% of “Nicksucker”.
At the end of the day we all can agree that Fuentes and his ilk are insufferable little shits.
Whether or not Nick Fuentes wakes up a few white people by accident (and that does happen) I don’t see him as truly effective in the grand scheme of things.
I saw an interview with him about 6 months ago where he suggested that the Unites States needs to be at least 80% or more white in order to function properly, he then went on to say silly things like “Not because blacks and Mexicans are inferior, or anything like that!”
When I hear things like that, I’m inclined to believe that you’re simply another cuckservative who only sees race as skin color or an eye shape, at the end of the day. If that’s the case, and there are no genuine differences between the races, why would it matter if whites aren’t a large majority of the population, and in charge of all of its institutions?
If Demographics are destiny, and they are, you need to have the bravery to clearly identify WHY whites need to be a large majority in this country and any other country that they built, and WHY non-whites need to be very small or non-existent numbers in order for the USA to work. If different demographics produce different results, it ostensibly means that non-whites are different. Why is this so difficult for people like Nick?
I would ask Nicole if we need 80% majority white in America in order to function properly, then why does he promote this toxic, women hating incel bullshit to his many young men followers? Instead of spending all of their time online playing video games and jacking off to porn, he should be encouraging them to better themselves and find good women to make more white babies with.
My guess is that he was being snarky and ironic when he said that.
he suggested that the Unites States needs to be at least 80% or more white in order to function properly, he then went on to say silly things like “Not because blacks and Mexicans are inferior, or anything like that!”
That’s pretty much the WN position. We believe that a “diverse” state can’t work because different races are fundamentally incompatible, not necessarily “inferior”. Thus the need for a white super-majority.
You are basically complaining he didn’t go out and call blacks and mestizos “inferior races” like some bonehead.
Whoa Nellie, easy does it. Let’s do stay out of the ditch.
I am not going to say that Asians and Mestizos are INFERIOR Races ─ many of them are friendly, intelligent, hard working, and in my experience, make great neighbors ─ but the fact is that they have their own countries, as do we.
So the White population being maintained as North of 80 percent sounds pretty decent to me.
Now, if we are talking about the Blacks ─ I am no expert on this, but it seems to me that any demographic greater than maybe one or two percent sub-Saharan in a sea of functioning White people is asking for Big Trouble. Capital B and it rhymes with Capital T.
Some higher percentage is simply unsustainable. And the Negroes are already off the plantation.
Furthermore, sub-Saharans can keep Africa, which is chock full of resources to use and sell. No Whites today, not even scary raycists like me, are in favor of slavery or colonialism. That did not work out so well for our nations.
Wholesome demographics for White nations can be incentivized in ways that do the least harm. But the longer this sorry situation goes unresolved, the less likely those paths get taken.
[207 words]
I love the voice impersonation Jim.
If you’re reading this Nicky, this is Lee in Omaha letting you know you’re a fag.
I was only peripherally aware of Mr Fuentes until reading this. So I watched him speak in some clips from you tube.
A young, chattering, vaguely desperate Liberace comes to mind.
This is the leader of a movement?
Jim Goad is an absolute treasure! I truly enjoy his writing style, superb intellect, and wicked sense of humor!
Never quit, sir!
I very much enjoyed the opening paragraph.
I don’t get where the commentators on unz got the idea that you were referring to Fuentes in your rich slob poor slob article. Maybe it’s like the idea of the police having a line up of suspects, the detective saying, “whoever did this crime must be a real sicko” then one of the suspects saying, “hey! don’t call me a sicko!” Maybe Fuentes felt incriminated about either ragging on poor whites in a podcast or just having ill will towards them.
So weird being a “tradcath” but courting “based” catbois. I honestly don’t get it. Then there’s the defending the black rapist over a white woman… what was the deal with that? It’s weird to me that he would try to pick a fight over something so… beyond petty. Hence the woman on a period metaphor.
Has Fuentes even written a book? I have a good portion of the Goad canon. This is probably all projection from his website numbers falling and not to mention the insanity of looking for stains with the black light. It seemed like he had potential, he was at an Amren conference, he was talking all about good optics, he was courting actual politicians. I think ultimately though he enjoys the e-celeb status and internet drama.
In any case, Fuentes sowed the wind and he sure reaped the whirlwind. I think there should be the equivalent of a Friar’s club for people on the dissident right. Fuentes would be the ultimate guest of honor for a comedy roast. Then again, Goad already roasted Fuentes to a crisp with this article right here. God damn!
“Then there’s the defending the black rapist over a white woman… what was the deal with that?”
This kind of sentiment is of absolutely no surprise to anyone familiar with the loathsome internet cult known as the Manosphere. Their psychotic hatred of women overrides everything else. Some of these psychopaths have even said that they want to see the West conquered by Islamic fanatics just so that women will suffer!
I never believe an accusation from a woman. I know them too well. However I feel the same way about blacks. So I’m that case, I’d usually side with the woman if no money was on the table.
The difference between Jim and Nick Fuentes is, that if Jim wanted to be, he could be much more popular than he is.
Well, little limpwrist spurned lover boy here got the attention he wanted from his big bad daddy. Sad stuff indeed.
Gay? I thought he was married to Daisy?
I’m with Mrs. Goad on this one.
I enjoy some of Fuentes’ broadcasts and he has a following of sorts I guess. He’s not really my cup of tea, but if he causes some people to lean our way then good for him. I don’t like E. Michael Jones much either, but he does go after the Jews and lots of people are attracted to his traditional Catholic POV, even though I find it weird and tendentious. Even so, in our existential fight against the Jews we kind of need every ally we can get. Not everybody opposes Jewish power for the same reason, but the more of us who do oppose it, for whatever reason, the better for all of us.
we kind of need every ally we can get
The was the point of my “Snobs v. Slobs” article—which had nothing to do with him but which the vain little twink made all about himself. If one goes out of their way to alienate the white working class, you’ve lost the largest potential pool of allies—also, it should go without saying, the best fighters.
I agree with you.
“If one goes out of their way to alienate the white working class, you’ve lost the largest potential pool of allies—also, it should go without saying, the best fighters”.
The only person Nick is interested in is Nick – particularly in relation to his own immediate situation. He’s not interested in politically helping Whites of whatever social background – in fact he’s not interested in politics at all – and I’d wager to argue even for his own long-term benefit. I think that he has no long term plan for himself or for that matter an intermediate one. He thinks purely in the here and now. A parasite latching himself onto the prevailing right-leaning populist moment of the mid to late ’10’s; his amorality in all probability genetically hard-wired into him given his juvenility when he first bobbed to the surface of public attention. Like a turd that won’t flush down the toilet, he’s trying to stretch his fifteen minutes out for as long as he can. By attacking the White working class, he thinks he’s getting back at the people he thought were harming him in whatever way he imagined. Was it social rejection or ridicule? Physical violence? Who knows.
What are he specific examples of him attacking working class whites?
A quick search of “Nick Fuentes” and “working class” on Google yielded this video. Yeah, it’s from “Right Wing Watch,” but it’s a clip from his show. It doesn’t specifically mention whites or the working class, but it gives you a general idea of his position.
The people of this country are furious. They don’t like my hatred for the poor. They don’t like that and I don’t know why. I don’t get it. Uh, but I don’t care because I do fuckin’ hate the poor and I hate poor people and I hate poverty and I’m sick of lying about it.
I’m not gonna pretend that I don’t, okay? I love the rich. I don’t have any animosity for the rich men of America, okay? I want to be one. I want all my friends to be rich. I want all white people to be rich. I want to emulate them. I want to be one of them. I want to be among them.
He doesn’t specifically mention the “working class,” but there are an estimated 25 million whites living in poverty in America right now—more than any other race. So he “fucking hates” 25 million white people. Well, and all the white women. And all the whites over 25. And all the rural and Southern whites. And all the white non-Catholics.
It’s also more proof that his Christian shtick is as fake as he is.
A quick search of “Nick Fuentes” and “hillbillies” yields this Tweet and accompanying video:
Nick Fuentes repeatedly attacks rural/Southern Whites—calling them “rednecks,” “hicks,” and “hillbillies”—before condemning a superchatter for being anti-White.
Since I’m currently working on other things, I invite anyone else to pick up the ball and run with it.
I was on a podcast yesterday at the same time Fuentes was spending two hours talking about me on his podcast. Here’s my appearance. The host asked me right off the bat about him, so I answered.
There was an audio video from around about the back end of last year, or maybe very early this year and very probably on this site; I can’t find the link anymore, perhaps somebody can? In it, Fuentes states that way back, blacks originally picked up the anti-social characteristics and tendencies that they not infrequently display from prolonged contact with poor rural whites. He mocks the latter group for living on trailer parks and in public housing developments, doing spoof/cartoon rural white American accents –
“Jayyydunnn!….. Shanetelle!….. Zultahnnaaahh! …..Quit playing right now!…..Supper’s ready!….. Baked bean and tuna fish pizza!….. Cosmic brownies for dessert!! …..Come and get it!!”
Clearly the spirit of Bill Hicks lives on. He then went on to big himself up by saying that he was from “towns’ people” – urban-based, small independent business entrepreneurs – Italian descended shoe-makers and such the like. If this is not a social climber and vulgarian of the highest order, then I don’t know what is.
I remember when Fuentes and his army of pansies invaded a certain social media site. Fuentes and his limp wristed stooges were fond of harassing women and threatening to rape them personally or merely communicated their hope they would be raped by a pack of more able ferals. I had to set an account to “private” mode to avoid the near daily ‘you deserve to be raped’ brigade. Fuentes is a disgusting human as are his minions.
Fuentes feels like that awful Lex Fridman creature; whiny, weak, and inexplicably ubiquitous for his lack of talent, i.e. propped up. By what or whom, I can only speculate. But one can imagine what sorts of powers at play would want to smear a message of white class collaboration.
Jim has answered the Fuentes Question.
Here’s the video version of this article. It’ll be posted separately here on Sunday, but it’d be cruel to make you wait:
This annoying little shit clearly picked the wrong guy for a fight.
Is there a time stamp on Fuentes’ show when he goes on his tirade?
Jim- I don’t think it ever reflects well on you to go after another person so viciously as you did here, provoked or not.
I disagree.
I agree. It seems to be something Jim and Nick have in common. I’d consider both of them “whiners” and childish from time to time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t tune in. There are some strange personalities on this side of the great divide because it’s suicide for your reputation. You have to be at least a little bit crazy to try to make a living out of race realist commentary. It all makes Jared Taylor look that much more amazing.
I think the way that Fuentes went about this, given that he’s so left field trying to link Goad’s rich slob/poor slob article as a dig to Fuentes warranted an article of this nature. Especially what with the whole glorifying being an incel. That being said, at this point Fuentes is low hanging fruit, no pun intended.
Damn! Savage, Goad. But the little snot deserves the verbal whipping. Those tiny thin effeminate fingers, he is so annoying.
Slap the little moon-faced twinky boy brat!
What a beautiful day for slapping the moon!
MOON, slap slap, MOON!
Some of us talk about ideas. Some of us talk about personalities. You can learn a lot about a person by looking at which side of that line they stand on. Fuentes encapsulates the worst of the Gen Z culture of celebrity-for-the-sake-of-celebrity. He’s a trivial boy saying and doing trivial things.
Well, I am certainly glad I have passed the ‘time of the periods’ in my life, so I can’t be involved in this shouting match. Fuentes sound like a freak to me, though I have never heard him ‘live online’, so I’ll leave this squawk fest behind me.
I would, however, love to see the “White Trash vs. White Cash” post. Money always speaks to me. Enjoy the free-for-all fest with Fuentes!
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