The Video of Jonathan Bowden’s Final Lecture:
Charles Maurras, Action Française, & the Cagoule
Jonathan Bowden

A photo of Bowden from 1991.
89 words / 52:45
The following is the video of the last public lecture Jonathan Bowden ever gave in his life, and it has been difficult to find online. The topic was Charles Maurras and the Action Française, and it was given at The London Forum on March 24, 2012 — only five days before his death on March 29. The audio quality is not the best, particularly during the first couple of minutes, but it does improve. A transcript of the lecture can be found at The Jonathan Bowden Archive, here.
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The Video of Jonathan Bowden’s Final Lecture:
Charles Maurras, Action Française, & the Cagoule
1 comment
Very nice but…no Cagoule!
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