Possible Noose Rumored to Be Found Near Suspected CIA Facility
Jim Goad1,435 words
On Monday, The New York Times published what may be the vaguest and most indistinct “news” article in world history. Titled “C.I.A. Director Issues Warning After Possible Noose Is Found Near Facility,” it hints and alleges and tiptoes around the idea that an object that “appeared to be a noose” — and which may therefore constitute a racist threat against the Central Intelligence Agency — was discovered “outside” of a “secret facility used by the agency in Virginia”:
Questions surround the incident. The object was found near a small agency facility located in a building that houses businesses and other organizations. Some people briefed on the incident said it was not entirely clear that the object was even meant to be a noose, or if whoever placed it there knew that the C.I.A. secretly operated in the building.
One would think that the CIA, being the CIA and all, would already have far more information about the alleged incident than the little puffball of informational nothingness they tossed at the media, but CIA Director William J. Burns was apparently so concerned about this perceived threat to the agency’s commitment to racial equity that he “issued a warning to the agency’s work force last week.” The Times did not reveal the substance of the warning, but I assume it was something in the vein of, “Please don’t lynch the Negroes.”
CIA Press Secretary Susan Buikema-Miller released the following stern admonition to whomever it was that may or may not have placed what was or was not a noose somewhere near what no one but CIA members know is a super-secret facility for the lavishly-funded and preposterously secretive agency:
C.I.A. has zero tolerance for actions or symbols of hatred and treats any such incidents with the utmost seriousness. Our values and our vital national security mission demand that we uphold nothing less than the highest standards of inclusiveness and safety.
Although more than a quarter of the estimated 4,743 lynchings committed in the United States between 1882 and 1968 were of white people, the very sight of any kind of knotted rope device triggers understandable terror and agony among black Americans in the same way that water hoses, German shepherds, and police cars give them the heebie-jeebies.
The cynics among us may note in their inimitably bratty way that there have been so many deliberate and accidental hate panics caused by the sight of knotted rope devices over the past couple decades that this may be another full-on hoax in the vein of this one or this one or this one or this one — in which various mendacious Americans of Blackness either placed rope nooses or drew pictures of nooses in the apparent hopes that they could cultivate sympathy, garner attention, and amplify anti-white hatred. Or maybe it was the result of mass racial psychosis in which people brainwashed to see Klansmen lurking behind every tree mistake “remnants of paper lanterns,” a nylon parachute cord, and a “packaged leather shoelace” for nooses. Or maybe it was similar to the 2018 incident at the Mississippi State Capitol where numerous nooses and “hate signs” were left hanging from trees by anti-racist activists to illustrate that it’s immoral to leave numerous nooses and “hate signs” hanging from trees.
Of all those options, and at the risk of being placed in a dark, cramped, moldy mind-control torture chamber for the rest of my life, I’m leaning toward the idea that if there was a noose-like object placed anywhere near a rumored CIA facility at all, it was placed by benevolent CIA operatives to foster inclusiveness and safety by unnecessarily stirring up even more racial animosity in a nation that is already foaming-at-the-mouth rabid with racial animus.
The Central Intelligence Agency, just like corporate America and almost the entire American educational system, has plunged balls-deep into woke orthodoxy. As Glenn Greenwald noted in a brilliant 2015 essay, the United States routinely generates pro-war propaganda under the guise of protecting gays and women in enemy states such as Afghanistan while it looks the other way when a “friendly” nation such as Saudi Arabia treats its bitches and fags far worse: “Support for Western aggression and policies of imperialism is now manufactured by parading them under the emotionally manipulative banners of progressive social causes.”
Last year, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a report lamenting the fact that only 12.3% of civilian employees in US intelligence agencies were black, despite the fact that blacks comprise a robust 12.4% of the overall population. The report wailed, gnashed its teeth, and rended its garments at the fact that at senior pay levels, blacks only filled 6.5% of the positions, when everyone realizes that blacks are just as qualified, and probably far more qualified, than whites in matters of intelligence.
Also last year, the CIA faced a mild wave of scorn after releasing a series of promotional videos under the rubric “Humans of CIA,” a recruiting campaign that aims to encourage all manner of non-whites and non-males to apply for positions in which the fate of the nation rests in their possibly spiteful and vengeance-seeking hands. This video features a 36-year-old Latina CIA agent wearing a very professional and serious-looking pink woman’s power fist T-shirt and talking about how her role in the CIA will not impede the fact that she joyously identifies as nearly everything except a patriotic American:
I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise. . . . I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at age 36 I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be. I am tired of feeling like I’m supposed to apologize for the space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my effort, my brilliance. I am proud of me, full stop.
The CIA has a long and unblemished track record of fighting racial hatred. It’s not as if they recruited ex-Nazis in programs such as Operation Paperclip and Operation Bloodstone. It’s not as if they used the Vietnam War as a proxy for exploiting the “Golden Triangle” to cultivate heroin and fund covert operations. It’s not as if the Iran-Contra affair was used to run guns to rebel groups in Central America and to inundate America’s cities with crack cocaine.
The CIA has every right to be furious at the sight of a noose. Those 3,446 black lives that were lost to lynching from 1882 to 1968 mattered — far more than the tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or possibly millions of black lives that were lost or ruined through heroin and crack and gang wars and wars of empire.
Since its founding in the aftermath of the Second World War, the CIA has an unblemished record of honoring human dignity in all of its manifestations. Whether waterboarding suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, enabling Central American death squads, experimenting on unwitting subjects with LSD, assassinating foreign leaders, overthrowing democratically-elected governments, or issuing torture manuals that encourage such severe sensory deprivation that they “induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist,” the CIA’s mission has always been to insure inclusiveness and safety. Its main goal has never been raw, psychotic, naked power for those who own the US government and direct world affairs, and anyone who suggests such a thing is clearly a terrorist who deserves to be driven to the point where they are drooling, incontinent, and can’t even remember their own name.
This is the same CIA that sponsored Operation Mockingbird and fed propaganda to hundreds of major media outlets to the point where former CIA director William Colby boasted, “The CIA owns anyone of any significance in the major media.”
Clearly, we can trust anything the CIA tells us. When they say that maybe something that kind of looked like a noose was perchance spotted in the vicinity of somewhere that the CIA potentially has an office, we are to take this as evidence that white-supremacist terrorism, rather than demoralizing disinformation campaigns in which we pay our government our hard-earned tax dollars to gaslight us until the day we die, is the biggest threat currently facing us as a nation.
As Martin Luther King so sagely reminded us, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends to the point where Allen Dulles transitions into Jussie Smollett.
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One can only laugh at the travails of a woke CIA. Of course, the torture, targeted killings, disinformation and subversion aren’t going anywhere.
Of course the best part of the intelligence agencies is their operations compromising powerful people with occultism and child abuse. Can’t forget about that either. Please everyone look up ‘The Finders’ and the 1987 events related to that cult.
That’s nothing. I recently came across a rock and it was fairly obvious to everyone that a white supremacist planned on throwing it at a person of color when they get a chance. It was only seven miles from a minority-owned crack house. I reported it and authorities quickly rounded up anyone who looks like they might be into Skynyrd.
A “possible noose” is a big deal to the New York Times. Talk about RACE BAITING.
There were about 3,000 blacks killed by nooses (how many deserved it?) over 75 years.
In the past 20 years there were about 100,000 blacks murdered BY blacks.
If the New York Times is scared of a possible NOOSE (inanimate object, used many decades ago) how much more so by a black man.
Should the next article be POSSIBLE BLACK MAN SEEN IN NEW YORK CITY?????????
This is a good point. Blacks have very little to fear from whites, so they pretend to fear inanimate objects and symbols that trigger memories of the bad old days when whites were scary, all with the collusion of the media. Meanwhile, whites have much more to fear from animate black men rather than blacks have to fear from inanimate objects, yet will the media report the truth about black criminality?
That’s funny, I was thinking today that the order of concern about crime in our society is roughly the precise inverse of the order of actual size of the problems:
1) white on black crime: rare, single digits or low double digits, but the media has cities being burned to the ground over the issue; everybody thinks it’s a big deal
2) white on white violence: does exist, but rare; in coded form(referring to the IT, or whatever) a prime concern of the media and all elites; not really a societal problem, probably much less if we fixed certain things
3) black on white crime: at least an order of magnitude larger problem than the first two, most people are very aware of it at least at an implicit level and shapes the civilization, but the media assiduously erases and suppresses any mention, so that explicitly few really see it as an issue
4) black on black violence: probably an order of magnitude again larger than all above, but the media ignores it, and no one really cares, sadly. Not that anything can really be done about it, other than walling it off
Why, surely the CIA must have some double agents responsible for this! They’ve had a problem with that since the very beginning. If only they knew, they’d clean house with a steel brush and leave no stone unturned. I bet whoever did that noose stunt was a loose cannon on deck, but someone they’ll suspect the least.
Mr. Goad’s links show that blacks on the verge of being fired have a propensity for finding nooses at their workplaces. These people are not subtle.
However, Bubba Wallace takes the cake. That imbecile thought a garage door pull rope was a noose.
Oh, man. I’d forgotten about Bubba Wallace. I can remember all the pseudo solemnity surrounding the need for more inclusivity at NASCAR events.
Concerning blacks represented at the top of the U.S. intelligence ‘community’ was Hollywood lying when it gave us James Earl Jones as the Admiral DNI in the Jack Ryan movies twenty-five years ago or the black man who was Deputy Director of F.B.I. in The X-Files at the end of the nineties? Or indeed Carl Weathers in Predator (1987) who was ex-special forces comrade of Dutch turned CIA spook?
Dutch: “What happened to you Dillon? You used to be someone I could trust.”
Dillon: “I woke up.”
I support full affirmative action in the CIA. The agency has been lagging behind in terms of diversity for a long time. For instance, the Director is just an another white male and not even an Early Lifer, which raises questions regarding President Biden’s commitment to diversity and combating white supremacy. At least 50% BIPOC employment would be a good start, especially among field operatives.
The noose has been likely planted by Russian agents, intending to sow racial discord and to intimidate the agency by demonstrating knowledge of their secret site.
You know, that’s very true. In fact, if the CIA were all Black, then dreadful incidents like the noose threat would never happen again at their facilities. Besides, it would be a wonderful way to make up for their historical lack of inclusiveness, an injustice that demands correction at long last.
OT: Matt Forney is groveling and pretending he didn’t mean all that alt-right stuff.
Hope the door doesn’t hit him on the butt on the way out. Boia chi molla.
I won’t deny that it was fun to piss people off…Additionally, as I mentioned above, much of the writing I put out in my twenties was motivated by a desire to shock and troll people and not out of deeply-held belief
My definition of 4-star, double barreled, card carrying assholery.
I never would have heard of this guy if it wasn’t for Goad getting into a pissing match with him… causing a mini-‘Streisand effect’. It’s possible he will soon be angling to get book deal or mainstream media coverage by exalting himself as ex-ALT. How to deal with trolls and pests is tricky. When they are down on their luck or have a relatively empty life we want to avoid them developing a single minded new purpose to be a begrudged annoyance.
Back in elementary school we used to show each other how to make nooses using twine. We associated them with hanging cattle rustlers and outlaws since that’s what we saw on TV and in the movies. It was a simpler time back then.
But this brings up an interesting point. Of the 3000+ blacks who were allegedly lynched between 1882 and 1968 how many were actually guilty of the crimes they were being accused of? If black behavior was anything like it is today virtually all were “innocent”, I’m sure.
That’s what I was thinking. These so-called “nooses” they try to foist on us today don’t even vaguely resemble a proper noose of olde. Jussie Smollett’s noose sucked. It looked like it was made out of clothesline.
Smollett would have caught a lot of crap from my 3rd grade class for that lame noose. They wouldn’t have believed the rest of his story either.
Country Living Magazine, a publication enjoying a 99.99999% white readership, and Ebony Magazine, a publication enjoying a 99.99999% black readership, once ran a survey, as follows:
Name the three things in this life that terrifies you the most.
For Country Living, they were…
A nuclear, biological or natural disaster
A nuclear, biological or natural disaster, in which you lose your loved ones.
A nuclear, biological or natural disaster, in which you lose your own life.
For Ebony, they were…
Registered Mail
Lol, god they are scared of ghosts. Did you know Forrest got the idea for the clan when he saw some white boys donning sheets like ghosts and scaring blacks!
That reminds me of this video of a dude dressed up as a zombie scaring the shit out of the fellas in black neighborhoods.
This incident clearly touched a nerve with Mr. Jim to get the bile flowing. I’m still stunned every time I hear the CIA recruitment ad for the generalized anxiety cisgender millennial who CIA old timers might be remembering ‘my brilliance’. Are we sending a message like this to the world to disarm them. Enemy agents are exploring tactics to combat such an agent… “Just cough and tell her you never had a covid vaccine. She’ll faint before she has a chance to call for backup”.
On a more sober note, the government social justice coalition building noted in the Greenwald essay is still alive in kicking the way the media covers the Russia-Ukraine war and Roe v. Wade. Dramatic stories about African students stuck at the airport, rape as a possible weapon in Ukraine, and LGBTQ fleeing the war. Hoping to get as much November election turnout as possible, the overturning of the Roe decision had led to stories worried that this is going to affect interracial marriage, people of color, and rights of LGBTQ (who you would think are generally the lowest at risk of getting pregnant).
The CIA says:
“Our values and our vital national security mission demand that we uphold nothing less than the highest standards of inclusiveness and safety.”
I realize we’re all used to non-sequiturs of this type, but in this case they get it precisely backwards. The more vital the mission, the less safety and inclusivity matter.
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