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Will future historians look back at 2020 and proclaim it the year America died? Maybe. But that’s for future historians to decide. My thesis is different. For me, and for many other patriotic white Americans, 2020 definitely felt like the year America died.
Yes, the corpse of America is still shambling around on the world stage. In this respect, the presidency of senile Joe Biden and the speakership of taxidermized ghoul Nancy Pelosi are perfect symbolism. But the spirit of America has fled. Something different, something alien is animating America’s corpse.
White Nationalists, of course, have known this for a long time. But now millions of patriotic Americans know it too. They see it. They are also looking for explanations and alternatives. This is a wonderful opportunity for our movement.
This volume is offered as food for thought, but I also hope it stirs up some righteous indignation and cements your resolve to do something constructive. It consists primarily of short, polemical commentaries on recent events from a White Nationalist point of view.
The essays in this volume were mostly written in 2020, although some were written in 2019 and 2021. That’s because 2020 was a long year, just as historians speak of the “long nineteenth century” that ended in August 1914. I have also included a piece on the 2018 US midterm elections, just for context.
At the beginning of 2020, America was a very sick society, rotted by globalization, multiculturalism, and cultural decadence, and riven by a deep cultural and political polarization between the historic American nation—i.e., white America—and the American cultural and political establishment, including the rising tide of non-whites the establishment is championing to demographically swamp and replace white Americans.
Then, in 2020, America was hit by three crises. First, the Covid-19 pandemic killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and inflicted untold billions in economic damage, both directly and through bad political decisions. Second, an explosion of black and far-Left political violence in hundreds of cities and towns across America killed dozens and inflicted billions of dollars in damage to public and private property alike. Finally, Donald Trump was ousted in a blatantly fraudulent presidential election that has deepened political division and encumbered the Biden administration—and the whole political establishment, which either promoted or acquiesced to the fraud—with the stench of illegitimacy.
None of these crises is unprecedented. America has survived similar and worse problems. But America was younger and stronger then, and three crises at once might be too much for even a strong society. Will these crises be the end of America as we know it? It is too early to say. But we do know two things with certainty: Nothing lasts forever, and systems built on false principles and unsustainable practices are far more vulnerable to crises than systems founded on truth and sustainable practices.
These crises are by no means over, either.
Even in the best-case scenario, the American economy may take a long time to recover from Covid, if ever, and there are bound to be consequences for the orgy of Covid relief spending. And if Covid-19 is followed by Covid-21, Covid-22, ad infinitum, all bets are off.
Black Lives Matter and Leftists will continue to riot, which means that people will continue to die, cities will continue to burn, and crime will continue to soar. As Covid declines and travel opens up, prepare for mass exoduses of productive, law-abiding citizens from crime-ridden cities. Such depopulation will have enormous economic and cultural impacts for many years to come.
The pretexts for the riots are black criminals having frustrating encounters with the police or armed victims who fight back. There will always be crime. Thus there will always be black crime. In fact, because of BLM, there’s a lot more of it. More black crime will lead to more frustrating encounters with police or victims. These encounters will spark more black rioting. Black rioting will lead to further decreased policing, which inevitably produces more black crime. Fortunately, this process cannot go on forever. It will simply continue until civilization collapses and every major city looks like Detroit.
Semi-retarded black criminals understand these incentives, which is why black crime is soaring. So it is impossible to believe that the establishment that promotes or acquiesces to such policies “know not what they do.” They want this. They feel immune to any of the negative consequences that the rest of us suffer.
None of these crises will solve themselves. We need government action, specifically intelligent government action. But even if our government were predisposed to intelligent action, a divided and illegitimate government will not make the necessary course corrections to solve these problems, so they will only get worse.
I can’t escape the conclusion that there is a great deal of suffering in store for America. It could have been avoided if people had listened to reason. But now the reckoning is upon us, and all we can do is make it count for something. These crises are an opportunity to loosen our enemies’ grip on power, awaken white people to the depth of our plight, and offer them a workable alternative: populism not elitism, nationalism not globalism, truth and justice rather than political correctness, and homelands for all peoples rather than rootlessness, alienation, and “diversity.” For a deeper understanding of what is wrong and what must be done, I recommend my earlier books The White Nationalist Manifesto and White Identity Politics.[1]
This book is dedicated to Derek Chauvin, Ashli Babbitt, and Kyle Rittenhouse. They deserve justice. When white people have a country of our own, they’ll get it.
August 4, 2021
[1] Greg Johnson, The White Nationalist Manifesto (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2018) and White Identity Politics (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2020)
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America died when my parents’ generation (b. 1920s) failed to respond positively and constructively to the black uprising of the 1950s and 1960s, and couldn’t find a way to resolve the Indochina crisis before the country was torn apart. (Granted, those were both devilishly difficult tasks.) All that the “conservative” counter-revolution that began in the 1980s did was dive deeply into globalization, which only poured gasoline on the fire.
I would like to recomend two reading materials that I believe are relevant to this. The first one is a book called “Civil War 2, The Coming Breakup of America” by Thomas Chittum. It is an older book, written in the 90’s. While parts of the book are debatable, some of his predictions of future racial strife are acurate. The book is inexpensive and you can read it or download it for free on a few sites. The second one is a religious tract. I’m not at all religious, nor do I endorse a religion. Anyway, you may have found these repent or perish in hell tracts left in public places. These were created by a religious zealot, Jack Chick. His tracts are called Chick tracts. He is dead, however the followers in his organization keep the enterprise going. His religious tracts have always been contoversial. One tract written in the early 70’s is called “The Poor Revolutionist”. It is about a leftist take over of the U.S. You can read it at the organizations website, chick.com. Just go to the tract section. Now, it’s not the religious message in that comic strip, that I’m stressing. It is how some of the events that happened last summer are similar to the story line. I also believe the story, although fiction, has some elements of a future scenario. The story is simple, however the Marxist are highly organized and secretive, and wind up eating there own. They even attack a police station. It’s a short read.
I purchased and avidly read the Chittum book when it came out around 1996. I still have it somewhere. It was a solid, pratical-oriented read by a no-nonsense type of guy (ex-soldier). No references to Evola or Heidegger or IQ or sociobiology. What I do recall was that he even made a prediction as to when the civil war would start: Cinco de Mayo, 2020! Wrong date, but damn close (3 weeks off)! Of course, he thought it would start with an out of control party/riot among illegal aliens in LA, as opposed to what even then he should have foreseen, given the recent ‘affair’ of “St.” Rodney King – black rage over a white cop’s killing of a black thug spiraling out of control. What he did not at all foresee (nor could I have, either) was the spectacle of millions of braincucked whites simultaneously genuflecting before thug-homies. You know who did foresee that even earlier (1989, I think)? William Pierce, in his pseudonymous novel Hunter.
Another thing Chittum correctly predicted in “Civil War 2” was how racial strife inside the U.S. military would undermine unit morale and cohesion, basically making them ineffective. He also predicted that large cities would basically become war zones. However, a lot of people have correctly predicted that as well, and for the same reasons.
This book is dedicated to Derek Chauvin, Ashli Babbitt, and Kyle Rittenhouse. They deserve justice. When white people have a country of our own, they’ll get it.
Indeed. … A lovely dedication.
Pardon for the placement of this comment. While not directly connected to the book, it’s quite within the spirit.
Local news in northern California where I live carried a story about “30 local students left behind in Afghanistan.” I was intrigued. What the h**l are California school kids doing in Talibanistan?
Turns out that the little tykes and tykettes are part of the “1400 Afghans” in the district, who go “home” each summer to visit family and culture.
My instant reaction: “Ah, good riddance.”
My query: Does that make me a bad person?
PS Just kidding. Good riddance.
No, you are NOT a bad person.
It makes you a “patriot”, resentful of alien invaders and the traitors who admitted them. Semper Fi.
Good catch,Dr Ex
I wondered about that too. War zone…civilian ‘Americans ‘? Mmm…it really didn’t parse. And of course the medis omitted to clarify.
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