The Counter-Currents 2018 Fundraiser
Fundraiser Update & November Newsletter
Greg Johnson
Dear Friends of Counter-Currents,
First a brief update on our 2018 Fundraiser, then our November Newsletter.
Since our last update, we have received 3 donations totaling $1,125.00, for which we are enormously grateful. Our goal this year is to raise $70,000. So far, we have received 282 donations totaling $64,897.87. So we more than 92% of the way to our goal, with only $5,102.13 and nearly two weeks to go.
But there’s more good news. Another donor has come forward with a $5,000 matching grant. Like the last one, this is an all or nothing grant with a hard deadline: December 31. An all or nothing matching grant means that we have to raise the full $5,000 or the amount will not be matched. And we have to do it by the end of the year.
The grant was offered over this past weekend. Thus far, we are $2,650 toward meeting that grant. Which means that we have $2,350 to raise before the end of the year, at which point our matching donor will put us over the finish line.
I know we are in the gift-giving season, when there is intense competition for your generosity. So please bear Counter-Currents in mind. Like most dissident journals of ideas, Counter-Currents depends upon donations to survive. If you want Counter-Currents to thrive, make a donation today.
If you want to send a non-tax deductible donation to Counter-Currents Publishing, you can make two different types of donations:
- A single donation of any size.
- A recurring donation of any size.
I want to make a special pitch today for recurring monthly donations. Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. We still have not recovered from the loss of monthly donors after being deplatformed by PayPal in August of 2017, in the moral panic whipped up after Unite the Right in Charlottesville. Let’s rectify that right now. Please use the secure online form below.
You may also send check, money order, or credit card payment by mail. Just print out our donation form in Word or PDF. Our address is:
PO Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122
Counter-Currents also takes a variety of crypto currencies:
Our Bitcoin address is: 1ChE5DZVVZJpv8mnJ3fRrtSDrTikBh7uFL
Our Etherium address is: 0x6cB1fd85326739bABf48B80B82a4E8470F98Db7C
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Also, as we first announced in October of 2015, you now have two possible destinations for your donations: Counter-Currents Publishing and the Counter-Currents Foundation. The Counter-Currents Foundation is a US 501c3 educational corporation. Donations to it are deductible from US federal income taxes. The purpose of the Counter-Currents Foundation is specifically to promote scholarship and translations connected to the European New Right and allied movements. If you wish to earmark a donation to the Counter-Currents Foundation, or to discuss a particular project you would like to support, please contact me in advance at [email protected].
Please give generously!
Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your loyalty and support.
The November Newsletter
November was another strong month for Counter-Currents. We added 65 pieces to our webzine and more than 30 pieces to our YouTube channel. I also appeared on three YouTube shows and gave two lectures, one in the Netherlands for Erkenbrand, the other at a private gathering somewhere in central Europe. But most of my attention was focused on promoting The White Nationalist Manifesto. Our top 20 articles and full stats are below.
1. Top 20 Pieces (with Number of Reads):
- Richard Houck, “The War Against Whites in Advertising,” 10,190
- Greg Johnson “What is the Alternative Right?,” Part 4, 5,903
- Buck Daniels, “The Enemy of My Enemy: Vox Day’s Jordanetics,” 5,162
- Greg Johnson, “The 2018 US Midterm Elections: A Near-Death Experience,” 4,665
- Spencer Quinn, “Some Indecorous Thoughts on the Impending Demise of Ruth Baader Ginsburg,” 4,147
- Greg Johnson, “Freedom of Speech,” 3,887
- Michael Walker, “In the Valley of the Fat and Impotent,” 3,508
- Morris V. de Camp, “When the Jew Began to Hate the South,” 3,347
- Grégoire Canlorbe, “Libertarianism, Cosmopolitanism, and Indo-European Tradition,” Part 1, 3,336
- Spencer Quinn, “Identity and Tribalism,” 3,137
- Quintilian, “Christianity and White Nationalism,” 2,977
- Thomas Weber, “Thoughts on McGregor vs. Nurmagomedov,” 2,858
- Trevor Lynch, “Jodorowsky’s Dune,” 2,800
- Julius Evola, “The Jew Disraeli and the Construction of the Merchants’ Empire,” 2,757
- Hewitt E. Moore, “The Tyrannical Essence of Liberalism,” 2,683
- Eordred, “Zwarte Piet: The Face of National Resistance in the Netherlands,” 2,637
- James J. O’Meara, “Evola’s Other Club,” 2,560
- Jean-Marie Le Pen, “A Voice in the Wilderness,” 2,535
- Buttercup Dew, “Attack of the Bugmen: Heinlein and Verhoven’s Starship Troopers,” 2,493
- Margot Metroland, “Father Coughlin, Ralph Ingersoll, and the War Against Social Justice,” 2,487
Six new writers were in the Top 20 in October: Buck Daniels, Grégoire Canlorbe, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Thomas Weber, Hewitt E. Moore. Congratulations, gentlemen, and thank you! Greg Johnson had three articles in the Top 20, plus a Trevor Lynch review; Spencer Quinn had two. Counter-Currents mainstays Michael Walker, Morris V. de Camp, James O’Meara, Julius Evola, Buttercup Dew, and Margot Metroland each had one.
2. Our Readership and Web Traffic
Month | Unique Visitors | Number of Visits | Pages Viewed | “Hits” | Bandwidth |
November 2018 | 139,255 | 289,998 | 1,568,158 | 1,708,499 | 44.97 GB |
October 2018 | 142,051 | 302,916 | 1,683,473 | 1,828,443 | 48.32 GB |
September 2018 | 149,035 | 298,321 | 1,541,361 | 1,692,787 | 44.29 GB |
August 2018 | 156,580 | 318,127 | 1,605,425 | 1,760,728 | 49.59 GB |
July 2018 | 151,710 | 287,323 | 1,495,087 | 1,541,056 | 43.60 GB |
June 2018 | 150,307 | 280,625 | 1,420,234 | 1,371,897 | 38.62 GB |
May 2018 | 151,739 | 287,032 | 3,990,878 | 4,140,772 | 38.36 GB |
April 2018 | 150,833 | 286,365 | 1,535,115 | 1,676,785 | 37.94 GB |
March 2018 | 169,686 | 327,589 | 2,589,786 | 2,733,787 | 54.08 GB |
February 2018 | 145,761 | 268,300 | 1,370,626 | 1,511,087 | 32.71 GB |
January 2018 | 150,378 | 297,511 | 1,575,368 | 1,715,849 | 37.82 GB |
December 2017 | 152,616 | 279,822 | 1,611,341 | 1,721,470 | 36.28 GB |
November 2017 | 206,887 | 369,476 | 1,447,593 | 1,558,599 | 34.12 GB |
October 2017 | 185,568 | 357,742 | 1,305,421 | 2,674,026 | 84.44 GB |
September 2017 | 167,887 | 316,974 | 1,174,706 | 5,018,519 | 59.75 GB |
August 2017 | 197,961 | 402,333 | 1,571,545 | 5,147,275 | 72.50 GB |
July 2017 | 143,298 | 291,003 | 962,966 | 4,321,260 | 54.73 GB |
June 2017 | 146,466 | 314,232 | 991,487 | 4,496,358 | 56.48 GB |
May 2017 | 144,005 | 316,576 | 975,281 | 4,304,712 | 56.36 GB |
April 2017 | 146,149 | 314,996 | 1,141,489 | 4,307,589 | 63.78 GB |
March 2017 | 187,296 | 372,483 | 1,247,545 | 4,226,147 | 67.70 GB |
February 2017 | 176,470 | 349,663 | 1,203,798 | 4,112,379 | 63.50 GB |
January 2017 | 168,633 | 354,483 | 1,274,174 | 4,538,574 | 70.39 GB |
December 2016 | 166,356 | 343,155 | 1,237,884 | 4,459,628 | 70.60 GB |
November 2016 | 149,973 | 327,184 | 1,211,464 | 4,578,555 | 54.19 GB |
October 2016 | 143,274 | 334,172 | 1,384,218 | 4,686,132 | 49.46 GB |
September 2016 | 135,699 | 329,894 | 1,523,606 | 4,773,361 | 60.16 GB |
August 2016 | 140,362 | 316,443 | 1,505,438 | 4,334,119 | 71.48 GB |
July 2016 | 122,622 | 343,826 | 1,756,815 | 4,071,905 | 58.92 GB |
June 2016 | 123,901 | 351,467 | 1,664,032 | 4,237,552 | 57.88 GB |
May 2016 | 134,345 | 360,069 | 1,663,686 | 4,578,071 | 59.79 GB |
April 2016 | 121,779 | 327,150 | 1,514,605 | 4,525,313 | 59.50 GB |
March 2016 | 119,288 | 343,090 | 1,586,158 | 4,385,429 | 55.58 GB |
February 2016 | 121,361 | 342,891 | 1,269,478 | 3,865,233 | 52.09 GB |
January 2016 | 112,680 | 312,399 | 1,279,265 | 3,808,315 | 56.32 GB |
December 2015 | 118,438 | 327,974 | 1,270,504 | 3,756,303 | 59.09 GB |
November 2015 | 130,264 | 341,885 | 1,212,556 | 3,825,700 | 62.43 GB |
October 2015 | 118,247 | 320,680 | 1,226,301 | 3,599,419 | 62.65 GB |
September 2015 | 124,342 | 325,517 | 1,266,197 | 3,653,818 | 65.50 GB |
August 2015 | 103,769 | 264,613 | 1,082,267 | 2,992,773 | 52.13 GB |
July 2015 | 103,188 | 281,469 | 1,263,504 | 3,307,479 | 55.38 GB |
June 2015 | 119,264 | 288,620 | 1,289,808 | 3,439,675 | 57.42 GB |
May 2015 | no data | no data | no data | no data | no data |
April 2015 | 79,251 | 144,783 | 666,989 | 1,576,493 | 14.12 GB |
March 2015 | 86,251 | 173,236 | 749,068 | 1,545,146 | 14.21 GB |
February 2015 | 76,322 | 148,894 | 526,666 | 1,208,728 | 10.92 GB |
January 2015 | 86,263 | 171,544 | 612,211 | 1,348,105 | 13.35 GB |
December 2014 | 78,658 | 152,838 | 538,903 | 896,560 | 9.73 GB |
November 2014 | 86,254 | 172,786 | 678,026 | 741,633 | 7.93 GB |
October 2014 | 85,852 | 174,240 | 678,119 | 748,061 | 8.15 GB |
September 2014 | 61,485 | 121,651 | 448,701 | 505,472 | 8.92 GB |
August 2014 | 62,415 | 127,630 | 438,270 | 501,703 | 8.62 GB |
July 2014 | 63,223 | 149,786 | 456,117 | 536,178 | 8.79 GB |
June 2014 | 58,147 | 116,084 | 327,309 | 366,568 | 7.16 GB |
May 2014 | 59,321 | 116,293 | 321,397 | 363,432 | 7.08 GB |
April 2014 | 56,511 | 110,621 | 318,831 | 367,018 | 6.91 GB |
March 2014 | 65,619 | 117,881 | 335,592 | 380,785 | 7.89 GB |
February 2014 | 55,805 | 100,271 | 300,207 | 346,026 | 6.18 GB |
January 2014 | 82,567 | 209,131 | 1,130,149 | 1,224,623 | 98.64 GB |
July 2013 | 82,106 | 200,961 | 1,619,899 | 1,813,531 | 124.29 GB |
June 2013 | 80,409 | 197,258 | 1,730,633 | 1,884,016 | 103.77 GB |
May 2013 | 95,667 | 221,260 | 1,758,299 | 1,897,099 | 103.67 GB |
April 2013 | 81,328 | 192,910 | 1,528,169 | 1,634,540 | 91.16 GB |
March 2013 | 83,303 | 189,545 | 1,477,001 | 1,778,006 | 94.98 GB |
February 2013 | 81,999 | 185,688 | 1,396,374 | 1,498,502 | 75.33 GB |
January 2013 | 100,054 | 208,004 | 900,577 | 1,012,979 | 40.81 GB |
December 2012 | 109,265 | 224,793 | 926,117 | 1,143,248 | 37.53 GB |
November 2012 | 107,956 | 199,912 | 584,115 | 755,419 | 29.95 GB |
October 2012 | 81,739 | 157,152 | 410,096 | 416,362 | 16.36 GB |
September 2012 | 66,719 | 132,503 | 455,938 | 493,856 | 17.73 GB |
August 2012 | 41,616 | 96,314 | 305,729 | 329,353 | 12.23 GB |
July 2012 | 52,304 | 108,340 | 367,589 | 373,470 | 12.52 GB |
June 2012 | 55,112 | 110,246 | 400,141 | 404,162 | 13.66 GB |
May 2012 | 56,323 | 111,533 | 400,243 | 404,483 | 15.70 GB |
April 2012 | 56,772 | 110,029 | 421,446 | 428,678 | 16.08 GB |
March 2012 | 55,572 | 106,029 | 441,170 | 475,719 | 16.36 GB |
February 2012 | 53,345 | 99,607 | 376,288 | 411,915 | 14.43 GB |
January 2012 | 56,633 | 107,644 | 408,373 | 433,736 | 21.38 GB |
December 2011 | 49,845 | 97,223 | 337,881 | 344,210 | 13.65 GB |
November 2011 | 44,445 | 88,824 | 330,664 | 339,521 | 14.22 GB |
October 2011 | 45,590 | 90,444 | 337,137 | 468,197 | 17.78 GB |
September 2011 | 45,427 | 88,782 | 422,902 | 481,909 | 11.67 GB |
August 2011 | 40,002 | 81,012 | 502,282 | 2,083,593 | 53.18 GB |
July 2011 | 30,186 | 66,093 | 416,309 | 1,952,047 | 71.23 GB |
June 2011 | 28,629 | 57,920 | 264,928 | 1,004,128 | 22.78 GB |
May 2011 | 36,596 | 78,103 | 274,841 | 1,334,472 | 47.59 GB |
April 2011 | 20,091 | 58,037 | 223,291 | 2,729,449 | 54.65 GB |
March 2011 | 29,768 | 62,077 | 220,053 | 2,485,001 | 52.21 GB |
February 2011 | 29,737 | 61,519 | 213,121 | 2,081,558 | 40.13 GB |
January 2011 | 28,583 | 60,005 | 198,249 | 1,736,067 | 34.06 GB |
December 2010 | 26,161 | 50,975 | 192,905 | 1,101,829 | 27.79 GB |
November 2010 | 26,054 | 48,336 | 171,833 | 915,553 | 26.39 GB |
October 2010 | 17,848 | 35,921 | 140,365 | 611,367 | 17.93 GB |
September 2010 | 17,063 | 34,510 | 147,051 | 580,550 | 16.39 GB |
August 2010 | 12,174 | 22,348 | 93,379 | 333,614 | 10.17 GB |
July 2010 | 9,387 | 17,329 | 119,254 | 348,172 | 10.01 GB |
June 2010 | 6,145 | 10,328 | 70,732 | 200,824 | 6.08 GB |
Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right
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