Luke Ford interviews Greg Johnson on his new book, In Defense of Prejudice. Click here to listen. Topics include:
- Induction and prejudice
- Greg’s intellectual journey to White Nationalism
- Greg’s intellectual journey on the Jewish question
- Learning how to write
- J. Philippe Rushton
- Kevin MacDonald
- William Pierce
- “White Extinction”
- “Irreconcilable Differences: The Case for Racial Divorce”
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That was great. I love hearing about Greg’s intellectual development. That mirrors my own awakening. I always believed our tenants at some level, but after point, about the time I turned thirty, they gathered focus as the most important thing in life. With me, it came from reading a Patrick Buchanan 2008 book which showed me the problems going on right around me were more or less problems happening in DC! Or shared a common origin…
I believe that Pierce and certain of the other people you mention were being persecuted by Jewish groups to a degree that they were unable to continue in a normal life and resorted to radicalism. Their vitriol against Jews was in other words the result of a personal axe to grind. The same was most likely true of Ezra pound and the chess champion Fischer. Would you regret your stance if this were the case?
The conversation reminded me of Hillaire Belloc’s rambling but insightful book from the 1920’s, “The Jews”, which I came across through Andrew Joyce’s “Occidental Observer” review and later read for myself.
An orthodox Catholic who identified Europe and The Faith, Belloc was clear that the Jews were an inherently theological and cultural Other. Hoping to avoid the patterns of the past (violent expulsion or false assimilation), he pushed for a frank recognition that the Jews among Europeans could never be anything other than Other and that it would benefit both sides to make that a clear and legal frame. The Ford/Johnson discussion echoed it in some respects.
This, of course, before WWII, the subsequent state of Israel as a Jewish homeland and the virtual disappearance of Christianity from most of Europe since then. What is left of the post-Enlightenment Christian Church, at least in Western Europe and the Americas, now pathetically trails along in the wake of Holocaustian “ecumenism” and the globalist ethos of repentant “hospitality” to the invading savages of the Third World. We have gone from Pius V at Lepanto to Francis I at Lampedusa. An once unimaginable plummeting from sanity to madness.
My own awakening to the JQ was not unlike Greg Johnson’s. But even later, with greater resistance, and probably more personally uncomfortable, to the moment of this writing. As the Amish proverb says, “Vee grow too zoon old und too late schmart.” Or as the Greeks knew, “Mathein Pathein.”
I note admiringly that one of GJ’s techniques in interviews is to remain calm and civilized and so let the other side finally show its true self. Some of Ford’s remarks about his continuing belief in Jewish supremacy (even with the very rare self-critical elements) and his language about the goyim were bracingly revealing.
I started to wake up when I was investigating Wicca. It was full of Jews distorting all our myths from Greek, Roman, Celtic and Norse and cleverly inserting the holocaust.
Rhondda, can you elaborate on these matters?
There is an effort to universalize all pagan deities in Wicca and that they are interchangeable. I first noticed this is Starhawks work which just did not resonate with me. She also makes a big deal about being banned from Israel for her permaculture work. ( yeah right) Then there is Margot Adler who also is Jewish. The one which really got to me was Deena Metzger who was regarded as some high priestess. She wrote a book called Writing for Your Life and it turned out to be all about the holocaust and I could not figure out what that had to do with paganism. It is also full of ex Christians who bring that universalism to it and at the same time deny they are doing so. So you have Pagan Quakers, Pagan Catholics (the saints are regarded as interchangeable too) etc. They preach tolerance like good lefties except when someone disagrees with them. The Dianic Wiccans (feminist lesbians) were against allowing trans people into their group and the rest of the pagan community ganged up on them. There are others too who bring Lilith and other Jewish Goddesses into it and I just thought it was getting very bizarre. I came to the conclusion that they wre just a bunch of hedonists with no actual principles except do as thou wilt. I could go on but it was a number of years ago and I have not bothered with them since The people into Witchcraft, however are different and I do not know much about them. I have heard that some Heathen groups too have been infiltrated with this kind of leftist universalism.
I probably should add that I came to Counter-currents because the site I was reading trashed the Tyr journal and I started to look for it. I had read that people go to sites that conform with their world view and I was in the mood to find another world view. I landed on counter-currents six plus years ago and was gobsmacked.
It seems the Jews are up to their mischief everywhere.
If one believes that gods are interchangeable, one can believe the same thing of peoples and cultures. That, of course, is presumably the very message of the ersatz paganism you describe. Although it wouldn’t be surprising to find survivals of Christianity in paganism, just as survivals of paganism can be found in Christianity, the kind of universalism you describe is quite incompatible with paganism.
I think it’s likely that many people have become at least partly aware of the Jewish problem because of the frequency with which they run up against Jews and their agendas. They might have had no interest in the Jews, they might have had no animosity towards the Jews, but they have been awakened to the Jewish problem by the frequency with which Jews turn up in a particular milieu and the manner in which they promote their particular agenda (“offer a Jew a ride, and he throws you out of your own wagon”). As Gaston Bergery remarked:
“I cannot better explain this reaction of the public [to the Jews] than by quoting the remark made to me by one of my friends who is beyond suspicion of anti-Semitism but who, returning from some offices where he had been sent from Rosenthal to Rosenfels and from Rosenfels to Blumenthal, told me, ‘A Jewish Frenchman is a Frenchman like any other, but if one goes to see ten Frenchmen and they turn out to be ten Jews, they are no longer Frenchmen like any others.'” (Cited in Zeev Sternhell, Neither Left nor Right: Fascist Ideology in France, trans. David Maisel [Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995], p. 263.)
Or as Adolf Hitler wrote:
“I set about learning something of the people who wrote and published this mischievous stuff [Marxist propaganda]. From the publisher downwards, all of them were Jews. I recalled to mind the names of the public leaders of Marxism, and then I realized that most of them belonged to the Chosen Race — the Social Democratic representatives in the Imperial Cabinet as well as the secretaries of the Trades Unions and the street agitators. Everywhere the same sinister picture presented itself. I shall never forget the row of names — Austerlitz, David, Adler, Ellenbogen, and others.”
If one were to take a close look at the porn industry in the United States, one would have a similar experience. I recall that When Victims Rule cites Luke Ford’s writings on this matter: Jews are greatly over-represented in the porn industry. They’re not exactly “a light unto the nations.”
The comments about academia may apply to the humanities but do not apply to STEM. In the latter, people actually work full time. Granted, many of these are Chinamen and Desis and Jews….
Yeah, but it can still be very Cush compared to The normal private sector. I knew some people work 80 hour work weeks, and others who did virtually nothing for years and still got to academic posts. granted, all this requires a certain level of intelligence.
It would be fun and I think at some level useful if we had a thread where everybody gave their “Finding themselves” story regarding white nationalism.
I think it’s really a question of what you make it. Those people who are after tenure-track positions at Harvard really work their tails off. Less ambitious people can game system for many years.
I was surprised to see this appear in my YouTube feed only moments after you finished your discussion with Woes. Haven’t listened to this one yet, but your lack of despair is uplifting.
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