13 Reasons Why, a novel by Jay Asher and now a Netflix original series, follows the trail left behind by the late Hannah Baker, a high school junior who committed suicide. She leaves behind thirteen tapes – each dedicated to a specific individual at her high school, each of whom served as the building blocks to her suicide.
The show has many messages one can take away, both good and bad. Some of those could better society, and some could make it worse. We’ll examine the negatives first.
A Race-Mixing Agenda
We’ll begin with the most obvious element: its multiracial theme. Given how far Hollywood, and many Jews, have pushed race-mixing, this show made it as casual and nonchalant as possible. Race wasn’t even mentioned at all, despite how much race-mixing was going on. It was the perfect image as described by ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who once stated:
The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st Century.
It’s not a choice, it’s an obligation. It’s imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems.
We MUST change; therefore, we WILL change. We are going to change ALL at the same time. In business, in administration, in education, in the political parties. And we will obligate ourselves as to results.
If this volunteerism does not work for the Republic, then the State will move to still more coercive measures.
The challenge of racial interbreeding that France has always known. And in meeting the challenge of racial interbreeding, France is faithful to its history.
This show provides many examples, like when the main character, Clay Jensen (portrayed by Dylan Minnette), who is white, kisses a black girl in his bedroom while doing “homework,” or when Hannah Baker’s character (Katherine Langford), also white, decides to go out on a Valentine’s date with a very mocha character. When that falls through, Hannah seemingly becomes the target of an Asian character, Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler), who seems to have rather honorable intentions, as befits his race. There is another character, Jessica Davis (Alisha Boe), who dates the character Justin Foley (Brandon Flynn), who is white. Jessica’s mother is white, her father is black, and she herself actually appears to be mixed. Whether or not that’s intentional (which I doubt), it certainly plays into the narrative being pushed by multiculturalists and those who seem to desire this evolution of the species into one, blended type. There is even a female Asian character (a closeted queer; has two gay dads, but the show emphasizes that this had no effect on her sexuality whatsoever), Courtney Crimsen (Michele Selene Ang), who gets drunk and kisses Hannah Baker’s character in a moment of weakness. And finally, to add even more fuel to the fire, you have a gay Hispanic character, Tony Padilla (Christian Navarro), who is also dating a white character. According to a TeenVogue headline, “13 Reasons Why Made Tony a Gay, Latinx, Catholic Teen – Here’s Why That Matters.”
And that’s the point, isn’t it? To represent everyone. And it continues to build until you have ABC’s Modern Family featuring a transgender child while all of Hollywood praises its “modern” approach. And it’ll only get worse.
This criticism of race-mixing isn’t a stab at those who genuinely fall in love with someone from another race, but I am pointing a finger at those who push this onto people of European ancestry. This can be seen in pop culture as well in politics, on a far more serious scale. Take New Zealand, where the Minister of Business, Innovation, and Employments (MBIE) suggested that New Zealanders are not mixing enough with migrants. The President of Auckland’s Ethnic Council, Dinesh Tailor, seemed to think there had necessarily been a decline, but that “there should be . . . more awareness and more education required on both sides, including the New Zealand community, and including the ethnic or the migrant community.” This sentiment, of course, is foolish. People of the same heritage, more often than not, prefer their own folk.
Jared Taylor’s book, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 12st Century, is a stunning book which documents not only how whites, but blacks, Hispanics, and Asians as well, all have a preference for being around their own, and that diversity is not a strength but a weakness. Those who push diversity, and those who ignore the signs of racial tension and violence (California jails and high schools being good examples), are actively endangering people and are in some way responsible for the pain of those who have lost a loved one due to ignoring the reality of race. The book is highly recommended and is full of statistics that completely counter the “diversity is our strength” nonsense slogan.
As was reported on White Rabbit Radio back in 2015, on the blog of a French media outlet, Nouve L’obs, a doctor wrote an article entitled “Impregnate the Women of the Front National,” in which it was said that any woman who votes for the Front National has a “reptilian brain” and should be raped and impregnated to produce “multicolored descendants.” The article went on to describe a vile sort of cruelty commonly advanced by Cultural Marxists, Jewish academics, and the antifa. And with pop culture really starting to crank out the race-mixing agenda, anyone who goes against it will be publicly shamed, shunned, and have to worry about the threat of violence.
The following examples alone show that not only are they pushing race-mixing, but that they are using the power of the media, film, TV, pop culture, and anti-white race-baiting in order to manipulate the natural flow of nature and steer it in their direction. The recent Disney disaster, Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, had two black and white mixed-race couples, set in a multiracial French village set in a time so far back that it was ridiculously unrealistic. Likewise, ABC’s American Housewife features a character (portrayed by Katy Mixon) who allows her daughter to date a black boy. In recent months alone, CMT’s Nashville (formerly of ABC) features the daughter of Rayna James (Connie Britton) dating – you guessed it – a black boy. These casual, nonchalant, unrealistic portrayals are getting even more common, and it seems recently that many white women are, in fact, dating black men. Is this by natural choice, or due to a slight manipulation?
This is all a building block to a multiracial society devoid of actual diversity, but one which many Communist-minded fools truly believe would lead to greater peace.
13 Reasons Why introduces multiracial interactions in a way I’ve yet to witness in any other TV series or film, and it is completely unrealistic in terms of how the world actually operates, yet it is still portrayed as healthy and normal. For some, yes, a multiracial society many very well fit their lifestyle. For the rest of the world, however, it’s annoying, exhausting, and dangerous because of how it is foisted onto the rest of us.
Sexual Assault
One of the major themes throughout the series is rape. Two women are raped: Hannah Baker and Jessica Davis. Toward the end of the series, one of the main characters, Clay Jensen, confronts a black high school counselor about the time Hannah Baker came to visit him to try to open up to him about the experience, only a day before she killed herself. The counselor recalls an interaction he had had with Hannah which is depicted as follows:
Counselor: Did he force himself on you?
Hannah: I think so.
Counselor: You think so? But you’re not sure? Did you tell him to stop?
Hannah: No.
Counselor: Did you tell him “no”?
Hannah: No.
Counselor: Maybe you consented and you changed your mind.
Hannah: No, it’s not like that.
Counselor: Should we involve your parents or the police?
Hannah: No!
Needless to say, the situation is never resolved between these two characters or the rapist himself. Though it is true that one should know simply from common sense when someone wants sexual contact or when they don’t, this show’s setup plays into the third-wave feminist agenda, most visible on American college campuses, which holds that if a female sexual partner at any point says “no” or “stop,” you can later be accused of rape, even if there is no proof that she actually said these words. This leaves the door open for any woman who later regrets having sex with someone, possibly because she feels like a slut, to later accuse any man with whom she has sex of rape.
According to Breitbart, regarding Rolling Stone’s University of Virginia rape hoax:
The story about Jackie’s rape set off a firestorm at the university and in schools nationwide. Eramo received hundreds of angry letters and emails calling her the “dean of rape,” among other things, and faced protesters outside her office. The story crumbled after other news outlets began asking questions and police found no evidence to back it up. The article was officially retracted in April 2015.
Over the course of the more than two-week trial, the jury of eight women and two men watched 11 hours of video testimony, heard from a dozen live witnesses and examined nearly 300 exhibits. At issue were three statements made about Eramo in the article and several comments Erdely made about the “university” and “administration” in media interviews before the article was retracted.
Among the statements in the article that Eramo claimed were defamatory was one in which she is quoted – through Jackie – as saying that the university doesn’t publish all of its statistics about sexual assault because “nobody wants to send their daughter to the rape school.” Eramo says that was fabricated by Jackie.
This is, and indeed should be obvious to any halfway intelligent person, not an endorsement or encouragement of the automatic dismissal of any female, or even male in certain cases (primarily in regards to prison rape), who comes forward with sexual assault allegations. In 13 Reasons Why, the characters of Hannah Baker and Jessica Davis are legitimate rape victims, but the show’s underlying message is that “regret equals rape.” It does not. But many male students have faced accusations of rape and had their lives ruined at the hands of angry women concocting false claims. If one truly does not want sexual contact, saying “no” or “stop” is a big help.
Standing against Real-Life Bullies
The overall theme of the series in summation is to stand up to bullying, be a good person, and do the right thing. It’s a mushy sentiment propagated by this series, yet seems to be fueled by hypocrisy. It talks of sexual assault, but where is Hollywood when Islam forces women to cover their faces or causes acid to be thrown on them? Or when women under Sharia law are caned for going out without a male family member? Or how about honor killings, many of which take place in Muslim-dominated parts of the world, where a rape victim can be killed because they brought dishonor upon their family . . . for being raped? For that matter, why do they never discuss the many rapes perpetrated upon Western women by immigrants? All of this sounds far worse than bullying – because it is. And yet, as gloriously self-righteous as Hollywood and the entertainment industry are, they remain silent on these matters.
They’ll poke fun at Christians for being backwoods-dwelling flat-earthers, or mock Donald Trump supporters for being racist rednecks, or even stoop as low as Fox sports reporter Pete Blackburn, who tweeted, “Baron Trump has killed no less than 100 small animals.” Harmless, right? Well, Katie Rich, a writer for NBC’s Saturday Night Live, tweeted, “Baron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.” Imagine if it had been the other way around. Then again, why would the real bully care about hypocrisy, right?
What about when 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger was raped and drowned by an Afghan refugee? Where was the outcry? Both rape and murder. Far worse than bullying, no? What of Ebba Akerlund? She was eleven years old and was cut in half by a Muslim invader in Stockholm. And yet no matter how many women have suffered at the hands of refugee invaders, whether they’re raped and have it livestreamed on Facebook, raped and drowned in a ditch, cut in half by a truck, it doesn’t matter, because Hollywood actively works against anything that could be construed as Islamophobia. Where are those victim’s TV shows and movies? Why haven’t media figures or A-list celebrities posted about it on social media, which could potentially reach millions worldwide? Because they are hypocrites. And they do not fucking care.
On a Positive Note . . .
Despite all these flaws, 13 Reasons Why still has a high-quality cast, fantastic acting, and builds to a climax that is emotionally stunning and which paints an honest depiction of teen suicide and its effect not only on the parents, but those at school and others who you may not have even thought of. It is a beautiful and tragic story, and despite the Cultural Marxist propaganda, it remains a show worth checking out.
And there is something anyone could take away from the show, despite its mushy sentiment: try being less dickish. You really never know what’s happening in another person’s life. And you could be the only person to help them in a moment of pain.
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Why do you recommend watching a show that you admit is brainwashing our children into race mixing? The Trojan horse here is the quality production. All television that seeks to undermine civilization should be shunned. At this rate, in ten years, white girls will be ashamed of even thinking about dating a white boy.
This show sounds like Hollywood garbage. I won’t be watching it.
When was the last time a muslim person harmed you in real life? What exactly are you trying to promote? It’s a religion, and in case you don’t know Turkey, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia, Chechnya, and other territories near the Russian borders are Islamic or Muslim. That’s easily perhaps 250,000,000 white muslims right there. I agree forcing people to race mix or anything is wrong, but it seems your article is focused on denigrating Islam. I question your motives.
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