Ideologically, communism has triumphed.
Ethnically, Jews rule the roost, wielding unchecked power. Everybody serves them—whites, blacks, Mestizos, Muslims, mongrels, everyone.
This dual victory is not surprising. Jews and totalitarianism go together like bread and wheat. You can have freedom or you can have Jews, but you can’t have both.
We have Jews, and therefore unfreedom. The totalitarianism of the synagogue, the ghetto, and the shtetl has been magnified, exteriorized, and imposed upon the entire world.
But didn’t Communism “collapse”? Didn’t it “fail”?
As an undergraduate, I took an upper-level course in Scandinavian politics. The professor was a Left-wing Scandinavian American who maintained a summer house in Norway to which he repaired each year. Recently, I observe, King Harald V appointed him Knight First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for his promotion of research and university collaboration between the United States and Norway.
One day we fell into a discussion about whether Scandinavia was communist or not. Already by that time I maintained it was.
He said it was not. Why? “Because the means of production are privately owned.”
Well, if that is your definition of communism, arguably communism did not triumph.
But a realist must ask himself at what point oppressive regulation and the power to interfere, tax, condemn, seize, and destroy property nullifies the very concept of private ownership.
At any rate, my label of “communism” is not dependent upon such a highly formalistic definition, but rather on the Orwellian essence of totalitarianism as brilliantly explicated in the novel 1984, whose world is an imaginary amalgamation and extrapolation of the Soviet Union and Socialist Britain.
Unsurprisingly, a Jewish hate publication tricked out as a “scholarly” journal once investigated whether George Orwell was “anti-Semitic.” The academic hack who wrote the piece claimed to have found no evidence of anti-Semitism in Orwell’s background whatsoever, which seems miraculous in light of what he wrote.
Sam Francis’s concept of “anarcho-tyranny” is a useful adjunct to describe the weirdness of the contemporary world but, suspiciously, the “anarchy” always promotes specific groups and behaviors, and at any rate is enabled by communists (e.g., the ghetto riots and burning of US cities in the 1960s, Muslim and colored riots in Europe today).
“Democracy” is a farce, in which massive social changes like universal surveillance, wholesale violation of civil liberties, and replacement of indigenous European populations through replacement migration are swiftly rammed through as massive bills without discussion or debate. Legislators, mere rubber stamps—never mind the public—are treated with contempt, and not consulted.
As a consequence, lawmakers have become ambitious placeholders, members of parties without a dime’s worth of difference between them, selected by a tiny clique of oligarchs, monitored closely by the controlled media and “watchdog groups,” and set against one another in periodic dogfights called elections. If a candidate says anything politically incorrect, he’s out.
Pundits, the media, and the populace get very excited over these events, which are as exciting as NFL games. The presidential race is akin to the Super Bowl.
Traditional forms of Communism—Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, Maoism—still thrive, especially in pockets of academia. Every traditional sect retains more social, financial, and intellectual backing, more respectability and vigor, than do white nationalism, “anti-Semitism,” “racism,” “xenophobia,” “male chauvinism,” and “homophobia” all rolled into one.
Perceptive observers will note that after the “fall” of Communism no mass brainwashing/persecution akin to de-Nazification took place; there were no show trials or hangings; no camps, mass starvations, or ethnic cleansings; no media campaigns, ritual denunciations, reparations, or trials against Communists such as are still conducted against Germans and Germany.
“Ex”-Communists remain ensconced in the global ruling elite, in the UN, the EU, NGOs, transnational organizations, as heads of state (Vladimir Putin) and other top-level government officials, academics, and journalists. President Obama has a well-known “ex”-terrorist friend. In South Africa, Rhodesia, and South West Africa, the black ruling class is comprised entirely of “former” Communists and terrorists.
Communist bloc Jews poured into the West thanks to enablers like US Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D.-Wash.), and immediately occupied top-level positions in our universities, government, and businesses (e.g., Sergey Brin of Google). They also arrived as oligarchs and mobsters.
Today, Left-wing totalitarianism holds unchallenged sway over both state and society.
An Iniquitous Religion
Jewish-run societies, communist societies, are thoroughly “religious,” dogmatic, fanatically anti-scientific, and anti-empirical. But it is religion turned on its head. Good is “evil” and evil “good.” The ruling class is saturated with hate.
When Venezuelan Mestizo Hugo Chavez in 2006 said to the UN, after ostentatiously crossing himself, “Yesterday the Devil [George W. Bush] came here. Right here. And it smells of sulphur still today. Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the Devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world,” he was of course telling the truth.
But Bush was only a mouthpiece for Jews and the Left, something Chavez, also a religious communist, would never admit. Consequently, he effectively attacked the “white” United States instead, a fiction.
Furthermore, Chavez, his friend Fidel Castro, and the United Nations are, like Bush, of their father the Devil. They were murderers from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in them. Chavez’s cavil was a dispute between gangsters.
In a piously iniquitous society such as ours, one cannot help but laugh at the antics of contemporary “atheists” like the late Christopher Hitchens or evolutionist Richard Dawkins, who, in attacking Christianity, posture as brave crusaders against prejudice while bowing reverently to the real idols of the day—Jews, the Holocaust, “anti-racism,” etc. They are as superstitious and benighted as anyone who ever lived. Such noisy charlatans would spontaneously combust if freedom of speech suddenly materialized.
“Atheism” amounts to little more than anti-Christian bigotry. It is not really anti-religious. It is eminently safe (safety is a sure tip-off as to what transgresses, or does not transgress, the Party line). Any religion that opponents can freely kick and maul to a bloody pulp while winning fame, fortune, and plaudits for doing so has no power.
Moreover, “Christians” and their institutions worship the same idols as atheists. They long ago abandoned their precepts and God, and openly humble themselves before Jews.
Jews, by contrast, wield true power, so “atheists” and Christians alike keep their mouths tightly shut when it comes to serious criticism of Judaism.
One of the few principled atheists I’m aware of was Revilo Oliver. He did not worship Jews, and his atheism was not hypocritical.
As noted, communism is the antithesis of freedom. Jews and the Left hate freedom and systematically crush it.
Jews, the Left, and government limit freedom of speech to the State, Jews, Left-wing exponents, pornographers, and huge media companies. (Actually, speech is tightly monitored even on the local level.)
The last-named are an interesting case study in so-called freedom of speech and thought.
Media companies, including those on the Internet, are in reality great public utilities or common carriers monopolizing the single most important forum of modern life—access to facts and the formation of attitudes and public opinion. We are told that they can censor anything they like because they are “privately owned.”
To make matters worse, the power to censor is effectively delegated to a tiny handful of tax exempt ethnic/religious entities such as the Jewish ADL which monitor content and tell businesses what to forbid, supply key boilerplate passages in terms of service contracts relating to freedom of speech, impose governmental “hate speech” laws via their powerful lobbying arms, compile and furnish lists to media and Internet companies, software filtering and anti-virus firms, and government agencies, including the police and secret police, of ideologically, politically, racially, and religiously “forbidden” websites, publications, organizations, and individuals who allegedly express “dangerous,” “hateful,” “racist,” or “anti-Semitic” views.
Upon the enormously distorted public discourse that results democratic politics depends. Social issues as immense as the destruction of races, replacement migration, obliteration of overseas nations, and the elimination of civil liberties are removed completely from democratic discussion or debate.
All because media firms, too many of which are owned and staffed by Jews and Leftists, are “private” companies.
Well, your business or residence is also private, but you cannot sell them to whomever you wish. Nor can you refuse to do business with whoever you choose, or hire whoever you want. No private club, organization, or even religious institution, unless it is run by Jews or some other favored group, can limit its membership in the manner of its choosing.
“Private,” thus, only matters in law when it benefits Jewish or communist interests. Otherwise it does not.
Westerners have no right to speak or associate in any way not sanctioned by Jews or the State, for that is “hate.” Jews and the Left, on the other hand, are free to hate anyone they choose.
The Apparatchik’s Peril
The biggest danger for ambitious Establishment politicians, bureaucrats, academics, journalists, or “artists”—any pious hewer to the Party line—is that, thanks to the elimination of free speech, association, democracy, and legal protections, they will run afoul of forbidden thoughts themselves, and the blade may one day come whistling down on their own politically correct necks.
Many a goodthinker died under Communism or rotted in concentration camps thanks to the inevitability of this happening. The circle of permissible discourse shrinks continuously, and ideological transgressions, or alleged transgressions, become weapons in intra-elite power struggles.
Such is the way of the Left. Such is the way of power. Once law and tolerance have been tossed overboard, the list of enemies expands. After whites and Arabs it is Christians, after Christians milquetoast conservatives, after conservatives, mainstream liberals, then “deviationists,” and on and on. Communism is fueled by hate and an unbridled lust for power.
It is remarkable, even amusing, how surprised politically correct victims invariably are by this inevitable turn of events, despite their thorough knowledge of and eager participation in so many previous purges, mass killings, assassinations, tortures, frame-ups, and so on.
This can’t be happening to me! It is all a ghastly mistake. If only Comrade Lenin . . . Trotsky . . . Stalin knew, I would be exonerated. I’m loyal! I’ve always been loyal!
It is comical to see this happen over and over again. Life, or freedom, comes to an abrupt end even for many who joyfully harmed so many defenseless people.
Such occurrences, though large in absolute numbers, are too few to be redemptive. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Nevertheless, it is the only thing communism gets right, even if only inadvertently.
This feature of Left-wing totalitarianism, though as predictable as the rising of the sun, never affects the thoughts or behavior of acolytes in the least. Even in the dock they remain uncomprehending, bewildered.
But blood must flow, corpses multiply, and torture chambers echo with the screams of luckless victims.
Leftism itself compels it!
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After reading this, I feel compelled to say that Andrew Hamilton is one of the very best writers on our side today, and one of the reasons why Counter-Currents merits support.
Yes. I think CC should consider collecting AHs essays into a book.
Yes, he is our most prolific essayist, and our most versatile. Andrew, let’s put our heads together RE an anthology of your writings.
I think that Akribeia would probably be interested in publishing a French translation of a collection of Andrew Hamilton’s articles. They’ve published translations of writings by authors such as Kevin MacDonald, William Pierce, Robert S. Griffin, and Irmin Vinson.
I think an anthology of Andrew Hamilton’s articles would be in order, for several interrelated reasons:
1. Hamilton’s articles are radical, informative, and challenging essays that need to be carefully read and pondered if their insights are to be properly understood and assimilated.
2. A collection of Hamilton’s articles would put the themes and ideas of his work into sharper focus. Read individually, his articles are impressive. Read collectively, they are awesome.
3. Hamilton’s articles ought to be available in a more durable and readable form. It’s easier to read from the printed page than from the screen.
Ezra Pound once wrote: “Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one’s hand.” A collection of Hamilton’s articles would be such a book.
There are many things I admire about Hamilton and his work: his indefatigable industry, the intelligence and learning that illuminates his work, his thorough research (although his articles are not scholarly in a formal sense, a great deal of research has obviously gone into them), the range of subjects he addresses and the skill with which he addresses them, and the courtesy with which he responds to commentators. He comes across as quite modest despite his talents. I think that someone who sees things clearly as he does, who realizes the danger that we are in, knows that vanity is wholly inappropriate.
Alright – what’s the solution – how do we combat this? Will the author write a follow-up article on ending this so-called communism?
I think we can infer the answer. The are two keys to winning, and by winning I mean surviving, securing collective self-defense, then going on to fix the culture: a mass political movement based on white racial consciousness and opposition to the Jew. Of all the taboo ideas in this society, those are the most taboo. Those ideas taking hold in the white mind are what the Jews and their supporters fear most. All of their efforts at suppression are geared toward ruthlessly suppressing those two things. So a politics that is explicitly white and opposed to the Jew is the answer in broad strokes.
What we have in the world today is not “communism”, but Super Jewish Monopoly Finance Capitalism. As Kerry Bolton brilliantly points out, The Plutocracy used communism as a tool to get peasant societies to industrialize rapidly, then to convert them to free market capitalist states. (Russia, China, Vietnam, etc). As far as Christianity is concerned, the great Revilo Oliver has stated that the adoption of this Jewish “slave religion” by the men of our Race has been the greatest tragedy in history.
I tend to agree with this. Marxism lives on within the capitalist system, which has a better chance of economic survival than hard-line communism, but still has the aim of ultimately destroying all nations, cultures, and races-except for the Jews who will run everything. Albeit in a covert type way.
Straight, basic White Nationalist Conspiracy Theory – we must never leave it behind. We can move onto other truths, but without this they will just delude us.
And yes, it’s Communism 2.0 with the fruits of production being socialized instead of the means – turning us into de facto serfs. But a very strange kind of Communism with big Companies and Banks making huge profits. Conspiracy Theory explains that as well saying that Communism was always a plot of the Bankers against the World Order, be it Aristocratic or the Republics. And this is explained away by the True Believers who say, “Look, how much more needs to be done!”. Their wiser cadres smile and just nod, knowing that Communism is a perfect instrument for keeping dissidents in line. The situation is always an Emergency calling for the blood of the Capitalists and Racists. The former are becoming scarce but of the latter there is no end. Meanwhile the Union bosses dine in luxury with the Managers and Stockholders.
“As far as Christianity is concerned, the great Revilo Oliver has stated that the adoption of this Jewish “slave religion” by the men of our Race has been the greatest tragedy in history.”
From the standpoint of the ongoing genocide, and the morality of white survival opposed to it, Jews are our misfortune. Viewed in light of the Pareto principle (the 80-20 rule), Jews are the greatest tragedy in history.
Accepting your own premise (for purposes of argument), had there been no Jews there would have been no Christianity.
Ergo, Jews are the greatest tragedy in the history of our race.
Jews played a key role in the corruption and downfall of both the Roman and Persian empires, which were racially Aryan in their origins, but not Christian.
Judaism uses all the ideologies created by itself in order to dominate the world. The analysis of Andrew is quite correct: the modern world is communist, of more precisely, marxist. The premises are the same: politics subordinate to economics, man as a producer/consumer unit, etc.
But this communism is not completely ‘political’ in the straight sense of the world (after all, we do not live in the world of Orwell’s 1984 -yet-); but also cultural, as Alain de Benoist said. But beyond the terms, the essence remains: we live world build by the judaism in every aspect.
Adrian Salbuchi, argentinian who wrote a very insightful book about the power scheme of today’s world (not in english, but you can check the website and some podcast in youtube), arrives to the same conclusions that Hamilton.
The world today is not Communist or Marxist or totalitarian in the old fashioned sense. It is something different: a form of soft liberal totalitarianism, implementing soft, liberal genocide against our race. There is not a hard Communist totalitarianism or Marxism lurking behind the mask of the current system. Marxism is dead, if it was every really “alive” in the first place — “alive” meaning a sincere philosophy rather than merely a tool of Jewish subversion, dropped when it was no longer of use. There is no deep, hidden truth about politics in the world today. There is simply the open fact of Jewish hegemony over all aspects of life that are important to them.
If I picked up anything reading Kerry Bolton’s “Stalin, The Enduring Legacy,” it’s that the Marxism that reigns in modern America (liberal totalitarianism, cultural-Marxism whatever you want to call it) very much originates in a Trotskyite/communist-dissident diaspora.
In effect, America and the West took in Marxist refugees ousted from both fascist nations (Frankfurt school in Germany) and Stalin’s Russia (Trotsky’s flee to Scandinavia and then Mexico)
So not only did the West have to absorb communism, we had to absorb the dregs of communism. Lucky us.
The biggest danger for ambitious Establishment politicians, bureaucrats, academics, journalists, or “artists”—any pious hewer to the Party line—is that, thanks to the elimination of free speech, association, democracy, and legal protections, they will run afoul of forbidden thoughts themselves, and the blade may one day come whistling down on their own politically correct necks.
A quick point.
The Old Left wanted to own the means of production.
The New Left wants to control it, having control without ownership, the most effective hidden tax of all.
This article should be kept as a “sticky” on the front page. Excellent work, Mr Hamilton.
Although I’m an atheist, I agree with Andrew Hamilton’s remarks on Judaized atheists like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. They’re not in the class of atheists like Revilo P. Oliver, Louis Rougier, H. L. Mencken, and Gustave Le Bon — or the “reactionary left” examined by Marc Crapez which united atheism, racism, anti-Semitism, nationalism, and socialism. The “reactionary left” addressed the Jewish problem in explicitly racial terms and some of its members were active in the Paris Commune. I like what one of them, Gustave Tridon, wrote about the Jews: “The Semites are the stain in the picture of civilization, the bad genius of the earth. All their gifts are pests. To combat the Semitic spirit and Semitic ideas is the task of the Indo-Aryan race.” Unfortunately, as Eugène Gellion-Danglar wrote, “The influence of Semitism in the world has been and continues to be immense. Despite its indisputable superiority, the Aryan spirit has been profoundly obscured and soiled by the Semitic spirit.” One could go back even further and find pronounced anti-Semitism in some thinkers of the French Enlightenment, notably Voltaire and the Baron d’Holbach. (I have read that some editions of Voltaire’s works have been expurgated to remove passages that offend Jewish sensibilities.)
Jean Soler, a contemporary French atheist and scholar of religion, has reportedly been labelled as an anti-Semite for demolishing Jewish myths concerning the history and pretensions of their odious cult. Reviewing Soler’s latest book, Qui est Dieu? (Who Is God?), Michel Onfray writes:
“The accusation of anti-Semitism, of course, is the one that most often accompanies his research. It is is the most effective insult to discredit the work of a lifetime, and the very being of a man. In effect, Jean Soler destroys the Jewish myths: their god was one among many others, then became one only under opportunist pressures (ethnic, tribal, nationalist). According to Jean Soler, monotheism has always been a weapon of war tardily forged to enable the Jewish people to be and to endure, whether this was to the detriment of other peoples. It presupposes an intrinsic, intolerant, annihilating violence, which has lasted until today.”
Soler appears to make some concessions to the dominant ideology (such as with regard to National Socialism and his belief in the exterminationist thesis), but he appears to be somewhat better than the “new atheists.”
William Pierce summed up the essence of Jewish monotheism when he remarked that Yahweh is a god for the Jews and a god of the gentiles.
Andrew, I totally agree with you that Jews are the greatest tragedy in the history of our race. As you say, “without Jews there would be no Christianity”. However, if there was no Christianity, there would be no Communism. The Jews have managed to subvert and destroy every institution religion, or philosophy devised by the genius of the White Race, but in foisting Christianity upon our people they have managed to destroy even our will to exist as a Race. Such suicidal teachings as, “Love your enemies”, “Turn the other cheek”, and “Sell what thou has and give to the poor” have totally emasculated us and have set the stage for other destructive Jewish ideas such as Liberalism Communism, and Cultural Marxism.
An excellent article, and some great comments as well. The Western world has most certainly become a de-facto Jewish manipulated Golem, and is descending into a degraded, interracial disaster of bolshevik proportions.
Strabo-“These Jews have penetrated to every city, and it would not be easy to find a single place in the inhabited world which has not received this race, and where it has not become master.”
Francis Parker Yockey-“The Jewish-American entity is Jewish as respects its head, American as respects its body… [It] will not surrender, since the very existence of Jewry is at stake, and the whole United States and its population is there to secure the existence of Jewry.”
Media companies, including those on the Internet, are in reality great public utilities or common carriers monopolizing the single most important forum of modern life—access to facts and the formation of attitudes and public opinion. We are told that they can censor anything they like because they are “privately owned.”
To make matters worse, the power to censor is effectively delegated to a tiny handful of tax exempt ethnic/religious entities such as the Jewish ADL which monitor content and tell businesses what to forbid, supply key boilerplate passages in terms of service contracts relating to freedom of speech, impose governmental “hate speech” laws via their powerful lobbying arms, compile and furnish lists to media and Internet companies, software filtering and anti-virus firms, and government agencies, including the police and secret police, of ideologically, politically, racially, and religiously “forbidden” websites, publications, organizations, and individuals who allegedly express “dangerous,” “hateful,” “racist,” or “anti-Semitic” views.
Upon the enormously distorted public discourse that results democratic politics depends. Social issues as immense as the destruction of races, replacement migration, obliteration of overseas nations, and the elimination of civil liberties are removed completely from democratic discussion or debate.
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