Waking Up from the American Dream
A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans
Gregory Hood
Do you get it yet?
Look, I know you probably despise us. You’ve been told your entire life—by your schools, your churches, and your heroes of sport, stage, and screen—that there is no greater sin than racism. You wanted to be a good person. Heck, you are a good person.
So you treated everyone with respect, no matter where they came from. You figured everyone should have an opportunity. You believed in playing by the rules. You believed in freedom. You believed in America. You thought that what makes this country great is that everyone, from whatever background, can make it together. You may have even voted for Obama that first time, despite some policy disagreements, because you really wanted to believe that race is irrelevant, that skin tone doesn’t matter, that the only colors we need are Red, White, and Blue.
You’re a conservative, maybe even a libertarian. But you don’t want to make “arbitrary” distinctions between people. After all, we’re all children of our Creator. So you gave Obama a chance.
Unfortunately, instead of hope and change, you got a national health care program that frightened you and increased your health care costs. You got more racial division, not less. The economy didn’t improve—in some places, it got worse. There was a huge stimulus program—but you can’t say what all that money was spent on. And because you care about your country, you worry about the debt, and federal spending, and fiscal responsibility.
So you supported Mitt Romney. Perhaps you even participated in a Tea Party rally or two a few years ago, careful to stick to fiscal issues rather than divisive social concerns. You were embarrassed by how white the rallies were and did your best to bring in racial minorities. You liked Herman Cain. You liked Allen West. You wanted to get blacks off the Democratic plantation.
The economy was collapsing so you supported a campaign focused on growing the pot for everyone. You said a rising tide lifts all boats. You talked about jobs, about growth, about making America proud again. You talked about how blacks are hit more than anyone else by the bad economy, how Hispanics in Nevada have been devastated by crushing unemployment, how a culture of dependency is taking root in entire communities. And you believed the conservative pundits that told you that America was rising, as one, to bring about real change.
And because you’re a patriot, you felt justified in being angry. You felt your blood boil when you read how Americans begging for help as terrorists stormed into our embassy were contemptuously ignored for hours. Your heart broke when you read about the mother of the Navy SEAL crying out in anguish that “Obama murdered my son” and a grieving father at his son’s funeral treated to our buffoon of a Vice President joking about testicles. Your jaw dropped when Bill Clinton gloated that the military is “less racist, less sexist, less homophobic” now that Barack is in charge. You watched in disbelief as the President of the United States palled around with interviewers on hip hop shows like the “Pimp with a Limp” on the anniversary of 9/11 and used former crack dealers turned rappers on the campaign. You knew something was wrong, but come Election Day, we’d “Remember in November,” and America would be America again.
And then this.
So you’re probably in a state of shock. They all lied to you. It wasn’t even close. Ohio, Pennsylvania, even Virginia—Virginia!—the great Southern state of Washington, Jefferson, and Lee. All went to Barack Obama. And as you watched the gloating on MSNBC, the victory parties in the major cities, the undisguised loathing for you at the likes of The Huffington Post, or Gawker, or Slate, you had a sick feeling in your gut that something was deeply wrong.
Mitt Romney won the same share of the white vote as Ronald Reagan. It didn’t matter. You worked your butt off with your church, your charity group, your neighbors. It was undone by some Somalis who can’t speak English that the Democrats bused in and told to vote “Brown all the way down,” and they weren’t just referring to the Democratic candidate’s name.
Take a good, hard look at those Obama victory rallies. They are celebrating your dispossession, your displacement from the country your ancestors built. They don’t even disguise their hatred. And even though you don’t think in terms of race, they do.
Michael Moore called it a victory over hate. Howard Fineman gloated that America was turning its back on tradition, and thank God. Twitter erupted with black voters screeching in triumph, bragging that America belongs to them now.
Even the President of the United States said “voting is the best revenge.” Revenge for what? Aren’t we all in this together? Doesn’t this country belong to all of us?
Do you get it yet? It’s revenge against you—for existing. It’s revenge for “racism,” for conservatism, for success, for being strong and proud and accomplished. It’s vengeance against the America that once was. They have their revenge for the fact that your country existed. Barack Obama is President of these states united, and was re-elected because, not in spite of the fact that he despises everything America was.
Look, I was like you. I was a patriotic, normal Republican. I knocked on doors for city council. I wanted Colin Powell to be President, because “a black Republican will help everyone get beyond race!” I was there too.
And then I started looking around.
It doesn’t matter if black unemployment is skyrocketing and their communities are devastated—they vote black. It doesn’t matter if Nevada has the worst economy in the country—they vote Hispanic. It doesn’t matter if candidates are running for re-election from the Mayo Clinic, or Congressmen think islands tip over if too many people are on them, or if blacks are worse off, by every measure, when African-Americans are in charge. It simply doesn’t matter.
There are vast swaths of the country where elections, policies, and good government simply no longer matter. Camden, NJ, Detroit, MI, Birmingham, AL, and other once proud metropolises are shattered wastelands, and they are lost—forever—regardless of how bad they get. Let’s make it perfectly clear—George W. Bush was probably the last Republican President this country will ever see. Once you go black, your country doesn’t come back.
Perhaps you think it will all be OK if the GOP just wins the Hispanic vote. After all, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove tell you they are socially conservative and patriotic. Unfortunately, they favor Obamacare even more than they favor unrestricted immigration. They have their problems with President Obama—because he doesn’t support immigration enough. If you want to win the minority vote, you have to become more liberal on economic issues. Even the Beltway conservatives know it. And despite what your ministers and priests tell you about “Christian Hispanics,” they have higher rates of illegitimate births and abortions too.
Well, c’est la vie. America is still America. Government isn’t everything right? You can still have a decent life in this country, right?
You probably have a kid or two. Do you have any illusions about what he is learning in school? He is being taught that white people are uniquely evil, that he is the recipient of unearned “privilege” because he was born, and that to be a moral person, he has to turn his back on his ancestors—i.e., you. If you’re a Christian, you’re faithfully taking your child to church once a week—and five days a week he’s being taught about the glories of homosexuality, or the wonders of Islam, or how black people single-handedly built Western civilization. None of it makes sense—except that it is all targeted against you.
Let’s say you send him to college. Well, he can look forward to paying off student loan debt for the rest of his life. It would be great if he could get free money for college on account of his race, but he’s white, so no one cares about him. This assumes your child can even get into a decent school, as every major school in the country fiercely defends anti-white racial preferences.
What will he learn there? Well, he will be carefully taught to despise you, that your religion is nonsense, and that his heritage is evil. Professors admit this is their job. But the fiscal crunch will cut the fat, right? Actually, schools are cutting mathematics and serious programs, while shoveling more money to anti-white programs. The school will pay tens of thousands of dollars of your tuition money to bring in guys like Tim Wise, who will gloat that “CONSERVATIVE WHITE PEOPLE, yr nation has left the building.” And all these professors, and anti-racist guest lecturers, and professional “activists” for causes you’ve never heard of will make more money than you ever will—and you’re paying their salaries.
Now that you’ve bankrupted yourself and burdened your child with student loans, it’s time for him to get a job. Unfortunately, there are few to be had. The government is still hiring, but unfortunately your “white privilege” doesn’t extend to having a job.
You know who else defends anti-white racial preferences? Corporate America. The 1% is actually pushing for diversity even more than the universities. Walmart, McDonald’s, Microsoft, and all the great “job producers” that you’ve been defending? They despise you, give money to your enemies, and discriminate against you because you’re white. When your right to be treated equally went before the Supreme Court, sixty-eight Fortune 500 companies filed amicus briefs to make sure you and your children can’t get jobs. Those are the people you want to give tax cuts.
Want to have a small business? Better not try to do anything with the government or with federal funds—those are set aside for minorities. Also, any of your non-white competitors get special financial benefits for operating, so good luck competing. Incidentally, Barack Obama is going to dump some more regulations and taxes on you, especially through Obamacare. The Secretary of the Treasury doesn’t have to pay taxes, but, well, you do.
Well, maybe you want to be a cop or a fireman then. You can’t. Those jobs are set aside for minorities, even those who can’t pass the test. Especially those who can’t pass the test. Remember those heroic NYC firefighters on 9/11? Well, your government sued them for being too white and racist. Even dying for your masters doesn’t get you anything.
Let’s say, against all odds, you manage to get a job. Well, better keep your head down. You never know when a co-worker will accuse you of racism or sexism. There doesn’t need to be a reason—it could just be out of spite. Or because you’re Republican. Or because you reported them for stealing or incompetence. If anything, count yourself lucky they don’t shoot you—the media will report that you, as a racist, had it coming. Every moment of every day, you are on the brink of professional and personal destruction, because you are white.
At least you can come home to a loving family right? Well, if your children watch television, they are being carefully instructed to disregard anything you teach them. Even children’s programming executives laugh about how what they do is a “fuck you to the right wing.” When they grow up, they’ll worship celebrities of dubious talent who mock and despise you. You’re surrounded by filth—you can’t go to a restaurant or a store without background music from some bimbo relying on autotune to “sing” about S&M or threesomes.
Of course, that’s assuming your kids aren’t another victim of “random” crime by “youths.”
As a father, sitcoms portray you as an idiot. As a husband, commercials mock you as sexually undesirable because of your race. As a white man, movies openly call for you to be killed. And if by chance you do something admirable, why, Hollywood simply changes your race.
And what about your wife? Of course you love her. But what is the culture telling her? If she leaves you, she gets your kids, your money, and any future earnings. The culture tells her she has no obligation to you or your children. The law rewards her if she abandons you. The media tells you the real problem is a “war on women.” Maybe you’ve got a great girl, but just take a glance around the broken families and shattered men around this country, and ask yourself if the United States is a fit place for decent men and decent families.
Starting to get it yet? Every moment of every day, you have to bend the knee. Then, maybe, they’ll let you have your job so you can pay taxes to sustain people who hate you. Maybe you’ll have the privilege of working long hours to pay the mortgage, which costs you more because you’re white. Maybe you can spend a few years with the children that the entire society is trying to turn against you. Maybe you can have a dinner with the woman you love and hope that she can ignore the culture telling her she’s a traitor to her sex by staying with you. Maybe you can avoid the doom that hangs over your head every second.
And then, you can die. In fact, hurry up and do it. The Democrats are becoming bolder in just telling you these things.
The worst part is you’ll have it easy compared to your kids.
Then, when it’s all over, your life wasn’t nothing. It was less than nothing. You actively contributed to your own destruction. Despite your surrender and respectability, you’ll be remembered as a racist, a relic of an evil society.
Want to change this? Well, you will never have the possibility of Republicans fixing the problem for you. Ever again.
This isn’t Network. I’m not going to tell you I don’t know how to make things better. I’m not going to tell you to get angry. I know you’re angry, and it hasn’t done a damn bit of good for you or anyone else.
I’m going tell you what the solution is.
Everything you loved about what used to be your country came from one group of people. It’s the group you belong to. It’s the white race. And it’s not an accident that the same people who hate your country, your religion, and your family hate your race more than anything.
You’re a white man. “American” doesn’t mean anything anymore. If anything, citizenship is actually a burden. As a white American, you are a second-class citizen in jobs, education, and government benefits. No one cares about you, and no one ever will. Those in power will deny that your suffering even exists. So why are you fighting for these people?
The nation you loved is still there. But it’s not in the flag of a government that hates you or in the guns that serve people who don’t care about you. It’s in the faces of the white people that built this country and that sustain it today. That’s what you have to fight for.
You need to fight for a country of your own. We need revolution if ordinary people anytime, anywhere are to have anything even close to a decent and happy life. And it makes more sense than spending your rapidly diminishing days shuffling through this horrifying nightmare that used to be your country.
You aren’t alone. We’re fighting for it right now. I can’t force you to join us. I don’t know where you are in your life.
But I want you to know one thing. You can’t pretend you don’t know anymore.
You can’t kid around with talk about “taking back the country,” or “freedom,” or “liberty,” or the “Real America.” This is the Real America now. This is freedom. This is what it led to. This is the only thing it could have led to. What happened to the American Dream? It came true. “Equality” is being taken to its logical conclusion—and all you can ever hope for is serving the people who hate you.
You can’t pretend this is still your country or that you are a free man. You aren’t.
You can’t pretend that you can keep playing by the rules and somehow win. You won’t.
I’m not saying you need to drop everything. I’m not pretending I know exactly what to do. But I’m saying you need to remind yourself each morning that you are a slave, and people who hate you rule you. I’m saying you need to recognize that America today is a filthy lie, the most vile and despicable fiction ever foisted upon decent people. I’m saying everything good and generous about you is being used to kill you. I’m saying there are people out there like us who really care about you and want to help you. Your government and your society do not.
You can ignore me. Wave the American flag and pretend everything is going to be OK. But it won’t be. Turn on the TV. Listen to the radio. Look—really look—at the culture that surrounds you. I think you know it too.
Do you get it yet? America, your America, is finished. But you don’t have to be. It’s time to fight for what comes next. It’s time to fight for a country of our own.
It’s time to stop being Americans. It’s time to start being White Men again.
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This might be the best piece I’ve ever read on a white nationalist site. Excellent!
I have some relatives I think I will be forwarding this to.
Amen. Maybe CC should have a classics sidebar for certain important pieces.
It feels like Greg Johnson and others were right, and that Romney’s defeat is key for us. I expect our ranks and visibility to grow.
Exactly as I had predicted during pre-election talks with a few of my close associates, the anti-white factions that have been permitted to gravitate into the Republicrat Party, i.e., these mostly jewish neo-cons, their elite white race traitors allies (RINOs) , and these miniscule numbers of token Hispanics and blacks – no sooner than the election was over, began to immediately scream that it was time for the GOP to hit the ‘flush’ handle on their entire White Conservative base, and to start sucking up to non-whites who stubbornly refuse to vote for the GOP under any circumstances.
So, let’s examine the census statistics, which can be found here:
These statistics appear to be from July 2011, so I might wish to point out that the numbers of Whites who’ve been killed by black flash mobs or by mestizo gangs since then are not factored into these numbers.
Total US Population – 303, 847, 465
Total ‘White’ Population percentage – 79.96%, but since the sneaky jews have included within this percentage the category of ‘Hispanic’ so as to try to conceal the evidence of their illegal and criminal scheme to engineer the racial and cultural genocide of White European descended Americans, we need to subtract from this percentage the 15.1% that is also cited for ‘Hispanics’, which is a broad range category which consists of mostly mestizos, Asians(huh?), blacks, Cubans, and a tiny number of European Spanish. Thus, the real total White Population percentage can be adjusted to 64.96%.
313, 847, 465 times 64.96% = 203, 875, 313.264 and this is the approximate total number of White Americans alive as of July 2011. Subtracting this figure from the total population number reveals that we have 109,972,151.73 non-Whites in our nation’s population. 98.99% of whom are hardcore, life-long committed Democrats and full time, committed parasites and leeches.
I would estimate that of the total White percentage of 64.96%, if one can deduct the 59% White vote total that Romney received – we see that hardcore, Communist and Socialist liberalism, anti-White self-hate, anti-White racism and race treason is only popular with about 5.96% of White European people. Thus:
203,875,313.264 times 59% = 120,286,434.82576 which becomes the approximate number of White European descended Americans who consider themselves to be conservative, but who probably are dumber than a box of rusty hammers about what a traditional conservative is versus one of these despicably evil ‘neo-conservatives’ (google Trotskyite Communist).
What is the purpose of this 8th grade math lesson? Simple. These anti-white cancer tumors who are festering inside the GOP are now demanding that the GOP leadership must throw 120 million, 286 thousand, 434 White conservative voters into the garbage bin of history, and transform the GOP into a party that is basically a mirror image of the Democrat Party.
For those slow on the up-take, this means: Both mainstream political parties need to ignore 120, 286, 434 White conservative Americans and disenfranchise this massive number of people from our electoral process and then join together to steal every last dime earned or saved by those same people and use it to try to out-bid each other for the votes of dark skinned parasites and bloodsucking leeches.
Just this week, the day after the election in fact – Puerto Rico, an island that is basically nothing more than a floating third world parasite infested appendage of the USA and a major financial drain on the rapidly shrinking White middle class tax payers announces that it now wants to become the 51st state. With a population close to 4 million, the vast majority of whom are either non-white or a mongrelization of multiple races, these will be immediate new Democrat voters.
Remember the 1975 movie, ‘Jaws’? Remember the scene near the end where the character played by Robert Shaw had lost his footing on his boat and the Great White Shark called Jaws had managed to crawl up on the back of the tilting, slowly sinking boat – and Shaw slips and slides down into the open, gaping jaws and razor sharp teeth of this Great White Shark?
Well, White Americans – we are Robert Shaw, but that Great White Shark sure as hell isn’t White. White Americans are going to be literally devoured by these swarms of parasitical non-whites who are being allowed to flood into our native homelands. Already, we see these anti-White racist elements within the GOP demanding that the GOP abandon 120 million plus White Conservative American voters. With the Democrats already feasting on our flesh from the left, if Whites do not wake up and decide it’s time to kill the GOP as a national party and start a new party that is specifically constructed to defend and advance our ethnic specific interests – and to intentionally prohibit any infiltration by these anti-White enemy moles – we are going to find ourselves being feasted upon from both the left and the right, because that is exactly what anti-White racist clowns like Marc Rubio and Jeb Bush and their RINO / neo-con ilk want to engineer.
Good comments, Colt.
I’m always amazed to see WNs, of all people still parroting the old 80% figure. Some simple math, as you show, suffices to correct this false belief, but like all rumors it dies extremely hard even in the face overwhelming empirical proof, i.e. seeing darkies and half-castes just about everywhere we look except northern Arizona, Utah, and rural Washington.
I don’t have the exact notebook to hand, but a while ago I arrived at a slightly higher sum than yours — ca. 150,000,000 non-whites and growing. I reckoned every subgroup departing from white: blacks, mixed race, Jewish, Asian of any sort, Middle Eastern, Hispanic (including Cubans), Pacific Islanders, and whatever else. In a parallel column I added some other figures for Russians / Eastern Europeans and Germans (who aren’t our people either, after all). Raised the initial sum somewhat.
Point is that I believe white Americans are now slightly less than your 64%. If not now, in less than ten years, as the old populations of Florida and Maine, especially, continue to check out. As far as the numbers go, there is absolutely no reason for optimism. Voters count but already we’re nearing 50%, and it isn’t as though some force will intervene and preserve whites from becoming a true statistical minority. There will still be more total whites than any one subgroup except latrinos, but that won’t matter, for social proximity — half-caste grandchildren, best friend’s black boyfriend, friendly black/gay/Arab neighbors, etc. — will have resigned everyone to peak kwa, as indeed they more or less are already.
At that point we will begin to see some more shootings, more attempts at expatriation (puzzled that Greg cops a whiter-than-thou attitude about that below), more miscegenation, still more desperate accusations of privilege and racism, etc. Eventually, racialist or HBD ideas will make their way into the heads of Jewish female bloggers at Slate and the like, and thus become slightly fashionable — for some broads who can afford to isolate themselves from the morass.
Good morning from wet n rainy London. I have to say what a fabulous article. We have very similar issues over here,and the same apathetic complacency from the indigenous population. As a nationalist and card carrying member of the British national party I feel your anger your frustration and your fear for your childrens future. You are not alone! All the best with your struggle.
This is excellent. Excellent. This is the sort of EXPLICIT message that needs to get out there, to start the balkanization process. Not implicit, explicit. I’ll explain again, in practical terms, why it has to be explicit.
Let’s say you are out there, handing out fliers about illegal immigration (*). By golly, that’s the sort of implicit message that’ll bring in supporters! But then, the Republicans nominate some nice Romney-like candidate who thunders against illegal immigration in the primaries. All your potential supporters drift over and join the campaign! Of course, in the general election, the candidate will mutter about supporting “reform” and “Dream Acts” but once committed – due to YOUR implicit leaflets, the supports will still vote for him in November. Let’s say he’s elected – hooray! – a victory for implicit whiteness! And then he turns around, betrays his supporters, and grants an amnesty. Will all those leaflet-readers then turn to WN in disgust? No, they will not. For implicit whiteness is a feel-good addiction, making people think they are “doing something” while avoiding the painful issue of race. So, in four years, there you will be, handing out more implicit leaflets about affirmative action this time, and a GOP candidate will thunder about quotas in the primaries and take your potential supporters with him, and these numbnuts won’t blink an eye when the candidate, if elected, expands racial quotas.
The beauty of EXPLICIT is that there’s no real turning back for any candidate. Once a political candidate or party or leaflet or whatever crosses the racialist Rubicon, that’s it. That’s “racism” and there’s no where to go but forward. Once potential supporters accept explicit arguments, they will no longer be fooled by GOP flim-flam. The challenge is to make explicit arguments without the usual “movement” freakishness, and this “memo” does it well.
Let’s go back to the illegal immigration question. Of course, focusing on illegal immigration will bring out the “it’s not about race, I just don’t like people breaking the law” nonsense. So, when everyone is legalized (see * below) and the borders are flung open, what then? What happens to the implicit then? If you base opposition to immigration to include legal immigration as well, doesn’t that ultimately have to be about race? And, hence, explicit? The longer we wait to become explicit, the more difficult it will become.
*The issue may become moot soon enough, when the entire world is “legalized” and become potential American citizens. And corporate Republicans will be there, supporting this with gusto.
Great summation of a great article. Yes, explicit Whiteness is the Rubicon, the Mark, the Sine Qua Non of any Party or Candidate who would lead us now. They Enemy never forgives or forgets – neither should we but rather make it a thing of Pride.
Another image from history: William the Conqueror burning his ships. No retreat possible, the only possibility is Onward to either Victory or Defeat. And if we lose, at least we really tried and can emmigrate to Siberia or Mars with our hearts at peace.
Live for nothing or die for something.
*They* believe in race or tribe.
They only said it was about equality and diversity and anti-racism to con you out of your country.
This MUST be mainstreamed!
The White community is ready for it.
A very good article Greg!
The accompanying tied up sheep image is also well chosen. Very symbolic of the the average White, and also the not so average White, the ‘intellectual’, ‘educated’, White.
Ignorance of what’s really going on with regard to jewish (and their collaborators’) scheming against us is so widespread that the situation looks hopeless. But, it is not hopeless because we have a real truth that exists amongst a sea of lies. Thoughtful Whites seeking answers will learn much from your essay.
“It’s time to stop being Americans. It’s time to start being White Men again.”
Absolutely. America currently belongs to the jews and their tools.
They have destroyed the country like termites, eating away at all and every pillar that makes America something of value. White Men need to put these jews in a special chosen place.
Why are you talking about putting “jews in a special chosen place”? Really, please tell me what you think sharing this fantasy of yours accomplishes. Because for the life of me, I can’t come up with any other explanations than that you’re A) an anti-White who wants to make this appeal ineffective, or B) you’re a Jew-obsessed moron who has trouble distinguishing the difference between being pro-White and hating Jews.
A meme just for you.
>Why are you talking about putting “jews in a special chosen place”? Really, please tell me what you think sharing this fantasy of yours accomplishes.
Don’t you worry, I wasn’t referring to a repeat of the fantasy that you believe in. You know, that thing about Germans and gas. They just need to be expelled from White countries.
>Because for the life of me, I can’t come up with any other explanations than that you’re A) an anti-White who wants to make this appeal ineffective, or B) you’re a Jew-obsessed moron who has trouble distinguishing the difference between being pro-White and hating Jews.
What about C) someone sufficiently pro-White that he’s willing to name the White hating jew. Our number one enemy, wouldn’t you say?
As for making Greg Hood’s appeal ineffective I think you are doing a damn good job. Of the dozen comments you have made in this thread almost all of them contain insulting or snarky remarks. Way to go, eh?
My frank feeling and firm belief are that the Jews deserve stern, unforgiving and unrelenting punishment, after so many wrongs and destruction they have deliberately and purposely unleashed on White societies . They amply deserve that. Thus it’s not enough just to send them packing or ship them away from the White homelands to his aboriginal native habitat (where is it?), they got to be dealt severely and punitively proportionate to the damages, crimes and corruptions they have unleashed on the White race, our life and our culture, going unabated and uncountered since 1950s at least, or there will be no justice, no principle, no self-dignity, and no ultimate conviction of a vital and enduring life force of our side. Of course, we have no need to manifest that point for the time being and for a foreseeable long time from now considering the hardness and strenuousness of our fight, it only needs to remain a tacit yet convinced inner awareness deep in the depth of our mind until the day we finally overpower and vanquish them and regain the mastery of our own fate in our own land.
Very well said. I think this is the kind of calm, sincere appeal that can work, in a way that scathing denunciations of “fools” who vote Republican cannot. Not many people are going to join someone’s camp if they’re being called fools.
It actually appeals to and engages with potential allies, instead of saying broadly that “We’re better off without them,” which leaves no one left.
That said, I think there still may have to be some kind of bridge position between disillusioned Republican and separatist. It’s just a leap too far for most people. You’re asking them to rid themselves of feelings of patriotism and loyalty they’ve had for their whole lives.
Reach out to fools, condescend to fools, make fools comfortable, and you will . . . create a movement of fools. But why would one want to clone the Republican party?
I don’t doubt that there are good people who have been deceived by Republicans. This outreach is directed to them. But the average Republican operative and cheerleader is a person of low intellect and bad character. We don’t want people like that.
Greg, I agree as far as movement leadership, activists, and advocates, but we’re going to need a support base. If our movement’s support base doesn’t resemble the higher quality portion of average Whites (i.e. the mildly above-average in intelligence and quality of character) than I don’t think we’ll ever have the numbers to get a White Homeland. I’m not referring to Counter-Currents here, which is obviously aimed at attracting Whites suited for a different role in our movement but to our movement as a whole.
Masterful summation of our plight.
Nice, but no mention of the J E W Marxists running all of it..
Yes, because we are all obviously in league with them. Go back to VNN. You are not tall enough for this ride.
The first thing I thought of when I saw your comment.
Not sure if you’re an anti-White who wants to make this appeal ineffective, or if you’re a Jew-obsessed moron who has trouble distinguishing the difference between being pro-White and hating Jews.
Either way, the anti-Whites would like to thank you for your contribution.
This is my first posting in response to a WN article, though I have lurked for a while on the ‘net. The time has come for me to accept the fact that this is now taught as truth and believed by many: Down is Up, Hate is Love. Blacks invented everything worthwhile in this world, and whites are just in the way of “real” progress now. Only whites are racist and have no real interests as a group. My ancestors won’t look or be like me, and I am to be thankful for that.
Nope. Too many lies for me to swallow. Once you have seen, you cannot unsee the seemingly orchestrated genocide against whites, worldwide, but especially in the US. I am not a racist, having no desire to rule over any group, and am no longer fearful of being name-called. Wake up, white man. You have valid interests, just like any other racial group, and needn’t be a racist to realize that differences exist. Sincerely, a newly-minted member of stormfront (joined a few hours ago, where this article is linked-to from here: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t924238/ ).
Make sure you take the time to write down everything about your awakening that you can remember ASAP. Mine was so slow I can’t remember how I got from point A to point B to point C to point G to point J.
Excellent suggestion! Especially getting to point J. Probably the hardest for most people as it involves such deep de-programing.
This is the most excellent thing I’ve read about the election… too bad it won’t be read by anyone because this site focuses too much on nonsense like refighting WWII. You have to realize that a lot of the whites you need to reach will not like to give up on many of their personal narratives about how their granddaddy was a hero in WWII… etc.
I am sorry this article was wasted on you.
No here is trying to a “re-fight WWII.”
If you haven’t figured out by now that the inability of whites to assert themselves is linked to the moral narrative of WWII, then you can’t be the sharpest knife.
If you do realize there is a serious connection between the idea that we “stopped those racist Nazis” and “multi-culturalism is good,” I don’t know why you fault Counter-Currents for trying to rectify this error in thinking. Counter-Currents does not need to “mainstream” itself. There is plenty of that appeasement, already. The part of the white mainstream that has any courage and conviction needs to come to this site. It is high time.
I liked this article, except that you forgot to mention to the republican stand in that while his own nationality was being deconstructed and diversified, the main focus of his party has been to support Jewish nationalism and Israel, which of course is expressed in the most cruel, hypocritical, oppressive, bloody, deceptive and expensive way imaginable. This is what will cause the most ruefulness and head shaking for this type when the day of reckoning finally comes.
I think a lot of people must imagine that the zionists would not do to them what they have done to the palestinians if they were at all in their way. Soon people will start to understand that this isn’t so.
I disagree. He didn’t forget to mention the Israeli double-standard, he left it out intentionally because that would have made it less effective. The more taboos you break the more your positive reception decreases, exponentially (I forget the name of this law). This piece was intended for “White Male Republicans,” as the title states. Hood is trying to convince (semi-)average white men to see reason and abandon their loyalty to the traitorous Republican Party which despises them and replace it with a loyalty to their people, and a movement that actually cares about and advocates for them and their interests.
Now obviously it would be retarded for a website like Counter-Currents to deal singularly and solely with the taboo of race, but this appeal’s audience was not intended for the average C-C reader, except in the, “spread this around to White male Republicans” way.
Always remember to ask yourself who the intended audience is, what would be most effective to them, and whether or not it serves our movement as a whole. Don’t criticize a piece aimed at one audience using the criteria of what’s appropriate for another.
What a joke this article is. Stop being so darn racist and get a LIFE!
This is actually the first comment we have ever received by someone this stupid. I guess we are reaching the mainstream.
You can instantly gauge how limited someone is by the fact he attempts to convince his enemies they’re wrong with hostile and emotional one-liners on their very blogs. That’s the sure sign this one thinks with his limbic system, and expect everyone to be like him. Hominidae gifted with frontal lobes usually don’t bother addressing their enemies at all, knowing the limits of the Logos and the relativity of morality.
N.B: Greg, I didn’t understand at first why you adopted a liberal stance on moderation for this article, but it is probably the right choice to allow the masses to express themselves on articles addressing them rhetorically. For those of us who have ruptured contact with them long ago by weariness and misanthropy, it is in any case a memory-refreshing “descent in the streets”.
wow this is not about being racist it is about the way that whites have been treated as a whole since the civil rights movement. the fact is that if a white man and a black man both apply for a job who are equally qualified for the position the law dictates that the employer has to hire the black man, and they have the gall to call it equal opportunity.
Bravo, Gregory Hood! My thoughts exactly.
Didn’t name the Jew. Still in the Conservative ghetto. Maybe he graduated from Kahnservative. Still evolving, like myself. Takes a while.
People do not believe this article. This guy is nuts. This is called fear mongering.
Nice to see that this article is circulating widely enough to bring in even brain dead zombies.
I’ve already forwarded this piece to all family members who are still not “awake”. If this doesn’t do it, I give up on them. It is also going out to many non-family people.
This essay is the “Official announcement of post-America”.
I’ve never seen a better job of doing that. Bravo!
No, you don’t give up. You keep hammering them. Haven’t you learned anything from your enemy? He’s kept at it for decades. He did not give up.
Thanks Michael.
Anyone who hangs out here, and is “with” what C-C is doing, has no possibility of “giving up”.
America is doomed. It’s collapse is unavoidable at this point.
They aren’t immigrants. They’re our replacements, and it’s already done. No use even talking about it. Might as well beg the weeds in your yard to stop growing.
Great piece.
The Rational Elites had pushed Ron Paul to get the deficit spending issue out there.
Later they told us to vote for Romney if we were in a swing state. Apparently they thought a second Obama term would be dangerous.
With a Democratic senate Bill Ayers or Richard Cohen of the SPLC can now be named FBI director. The current director Mullers legal term ended over a year . Get that? The head of the secret police will now be a virulent anti-white.
conveniently, the director of the CIA just resigned under dubious circumstances
but there is no need for them to attract attention like that when there are a hundred no-names who actually have FBI/CIA experience who are every bit as anti-white as those people
White American conservatives are a lost cause. They’re unintelligent and take pride in all the wrong things, like America’s glorious “victory” over NS Germany. These people are Christians, and Christians take orders from the jews who hate them. Time to abandon America to its fate.
I hope Greg Johnson allows this comment through because I want to say that this is truly an outstanding summation of how things add up today. (Sounds like me during a drunken tirade trying to convince coethnics that the way things are going today is utterly ridiculous and the main — even sole — reason we sign off on it is fear of the hated Teuton.) There’s a very real sense of “the wise man does first what the fool does finally” to the whole thing, which, really, has been true of racialism or nationalism, or whatever one name one wants to give it, for the longest time. Indeed, it could perhaps be said “the white man does finally what everyone else does at one,” although it wouldn’t be exactly true. (Other races certainly care much more about racial belonging, but nowhere on earth is there a regime truly dedicated to racial belonging and racial existence. While most are much better, the effect of their policies is merely to postpone — albeit by hundreds of years, given the numbers in play — complete racial transmogrification — as in the case of India a couple thousand years ago given Ayran migration theory — but even there the end result would be far less drastic than the transmogrification white countries today are slated to undergo.)
The content of this piece would be perfect for something like a “spoken word” performance set to music. I don’t think this is the correct terminology but perhaps an example of what I mean would suffice, something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLkQMFVg8V8 The theme there is a man allowing the feeling of love to set him at peace with the world so it’s not the best example but something similar with the above subject matter (and more appropriate musical accompaniment) I think would work very nicely. There was a leftie protest “song” like this which became wildly popular some ten years ago whose name I can’t remember for the life of me which would be a much better example.
Americans can set me right if they think the following is too much but from my assessment of matters I think this sarcastic play on the Pledge is rather apt: “I pledge indifference to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stood; one nation under ZOG, divided beyond repair, with liberty and justice for all (but the progeny of the founding stock whose posterity it was intended to secure).“
Yes, Patrick Willis should do a voice on this essay.
Find some of his work here:
and at http://www.smokingmirrors.com
Excellent article. I agree with almost everything you said. I have known it now for many years. Only problem is that you are preaching to the choir. Virtually every white republican man I know and some republican women as well know what you say is true. But t strikes me in having read this site for over one year that you guys have written off the white republican male and not vice versa.
Where the problem lies here is that the WN sites have given no vision, no structure, no direction to follow. You are all fragmented and as balkanized as the country is. Sorry to be critical here but there is little time left. You all voted for Obama, by default if in no other way. I understand why. I cannot disagree with your principles, but your subversive strategy is going to blow up in your face now. Obama is going to leave you hulking in your back yard with a shotgun just to defend the vegetables you may be growing to feed your family.
If you look at the distributions of voters across the country you will see where your targeted people are and where your potential allies are. I and other Republicans are as dissillusioned as you and we know that the world we sought to defend may very well be finsished now.
I do not want to argue with you all. I want you to win…I think. There are many parts of what I read that appeal to me but in the end I want Liberty and not totalitarianism which is a fear I have about the WN people, not to say it is in total your goal but it just may be an outcome.
I think it is time to join forces, pound out a vision and very possibly pull together and even start a secessionist movement. Pull the red states out of the union and start over with those people. They are your natural allies.
What we all saw in this election is an empirical example of what goes wrong with democracy. The lowest elements win, and the low being the majority force the better to submit to their wishes. It is not tenable to remain in this mess. Maybe joining the League of the South and working towards secession is the thing to do. We no longer have the evil Abe Lincoln around anymore to fight with us….I know you are trying to wake up the republican male and it is a worthy goal but do not think that most of us do not get it.
The fact that you apparently believe that electing Mitt Romney would save us from a scenario in which we will be “hulking in [our] back yard with a shotgun just to defend the vegetables you may be growing to feed your family” compels me to conclude that you really can’t fully agree with Hood, because you can’t really understand him, which means that “joining forces” with you would be about as useful as joining forces with the Republicans or the Tea Party or Ron Paul or the WN mainstreamers who recommend such strategies.
There are all kinds of factors that explain why people think the way you do. In most cases, the problem will be rectified by more time, more experience, and more thought. Others, however, lack the intelligence and/or the character to get off the sinking ship and actually become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I know it sounds all mean and vanguardy, but anybody who comes from the conservative movement, or its racially conscious fringes, needs to prove to me that they really are men of intelligence and character. The Republicans can keep the rest.
You’re that milquetoast chap from The Spearhead.
Of course you’re afraid of totalitarianism.
But guess what, bro? You’re already living in one. So here’s the question: a totalitarianism of us, or them?
Think hard now. Sacrifices would have to be made. Just as you make now, today, in this regime. They allow you conveniences for your fear of what we would disallow.
To tweak a phrase, you might be afraid of totalitarianism, but totalitarianism is not afraid of you.
Charles Martel in blockquote:
They wrote us off, and will continue to do so, until they can at least accept Whitaker’s Mantra. Seeing how the national leadership of the republican Party treated Dr. David Duke when he was on the verge of winning a statwide political battle, it’s fair to say they are “amti-White’ to a man…or woman.
We are developing the metapolitical foundations for a vanguard.
Why try to raise the Titanic? As for working within The System, look at how meticulous Ron Paul was with that approach, and how he was cut off at the knees at the national convention. Or, look at A3P, and see what good lambs seeking the approval of lions did for the lambs.
Thw “WN sites” are, essentially, with the exceptions of BUGS, Covington, and counter-currents, the senescent Children of Movement Past. With their driving madly forward, with both eyes firmly glued on the rear view mirror, they stay in the warm, soft, comforting world that never really was.
Our goal is not “shotguns, and Victory gardens.” That is too much a result of the closed system thinking of Movement Past, of blindly accepting the false choices placed before them. Our goal is a Racial Homelands for our Posterity to establish a colony on Mars, on the path of the day they walk Among The Starts. (HT: Kevin Alfred Strom)
To us, Obama is, ultimately, a ripple on the waters of the Mississippi. We can shift a few drops, here and there, and harness the motive forces of the Mississippi to build something better.
Our “subversive strategy” is not “subversive,” per se. It is Transformational. Simple “subversion” allows the Opposition to define the agenda to their satisfaction. Is our problem “illegal aliens?” Their solution is wordistly simple: make them legal.
“‘(You) and other Republicans” have supported every move of the Democrats, and their Owners. With token resistance, usually merely verbal, you and the other Republicans acted to conserve the Democratic policy shifts, voting to fund their bureaucracies and their appointments to political office at all points.
Define “winning.” You claim to want “Liberty” – for the illegals? – and to fear “totalitarianism” as an unexpected outcome of our proposals. Funny. You were silent on every chance to shift the national discussion concerning national control systems, and even voted, entusiastically to fund them. You fear the open, iron heel totalitariansism. Yet, as we have discussed here, the soft totalitarianism, where you carry your jail inside your Mind, is far more effective, and far more at work. I suspect the Newspeak Dictionary (11th ed.) will define “Liberty” in such a manner as to be functionally equivalent to soft totalitarianism.
Please. Our secession is a secession of the Mind, and of the Spirit. The last time the red states attempted secession, they were played for fools by the advocates of such, playing right into Lincoln’s hands, and had their title changed from “State of” to “Military District#.”
Let the “republican male (and female)” remain blissfully asleep. Any attempt to wake them from their slumber will only get us treated like MSNBC treated Pat Buchanan, and that is if we are lucky.
We see the United States of America as only one cultural moment in the outworking of the process of Western Civilization (but I repeat myself), the process of the White Race fulfilling its unique Duty to its unique Destiny.
The closed system thinking of Movement Past hopes the South will rise again.
I can assure you, if it does, it will be speaking Spanglish.
We have a more important Work before us.
Obama is going to leave you hulking in your back yard with a shotgun just to defend the vegetables you may be growing to feed your family.
Long term trends that Obama didn’t start and that he has no control over might very well do that. Obama himself and the plain vanilla Democrat policies that the true money powers will let him enact won’t . Why do you say this? There are no facts to support a statement like this. I don’t mean pile on here as I think CC can benefit from sympathetic people with different perspectives weighing in, but your comment sounds like something one would read on propaganda sites like Free Republic or Red State.com.
If you read conservative media, do yourself a favor, get your head out of conservative media. Don’t even look at it. It’s trash. All of it. Conservative media had some smart racial commenters thinking we were about to see a Romney landslide.
Joe Sobran said conservatism as a con. We saw yet more conclusive proof of this in the weeks leading up to Tuesday. The conservative pundit Michael Barone (law degree from Yale I think) predicted a Romney landslide based on fallacious polling. Michael Barone is not that stupid. Whatever he might be, he can’t be that stupid. He was feeding bullshit to people who are that stupid or who just don’t have time to figure things out for whatever reason.
I’ve argued on other dissident blogs, mostly Occidental Dissent, that Barack Obama has done more for working and middle class white folks than George W. Bush, the Republican presidents, and Republican Congresses have ever done. If you take away Eric Holder’s lawsuits against the states and his refusal to prosecute black flash mobs, basically except for Holder’s policies, Obama has been a decent president for white interests by mainstream standards, especially their class interests.
The things Obama has done (or will do) that greatly harm white interests are things Romney and Republicans would have or will do too (amnesty). Republicans and conservative media are drooling over the prospect of cooperating with Obama on amnesty.
What people in countries like America need is an intelligent “reconstruction of conservatism” such as that provided to the post-war Germans by Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner, Armin Mohler, and Karlheinz Weissmann; that is, a reformulation of conservatism into something that is neither a “status quo ideology” or a “reactionary” ideology, but rather a kind of “evolutionary traditionalism” which upholds identitarianism. When one compares conservative thought in America to that in European countries like Germany, it is hard not to notice just how impoverished American “conservatism” actually is, intellectually speaking. The closest thing Americans have to being worthwhile is “paleoconservatism” as expressed by Paul Gottfried, but even that doesn’t seem to match what Europe has. Work needs to be done.
I will seriously consider using this article for Intro to Sociology, with the question, “Is this article racist? Explain why or why not?” I have already shown the students “A Conversation about Race”. A teaching format I started using this year covers a subject in two parts i) lecture using standard chapter on “family”, “gender” “race”…then ii) article from a paleo/new right view, including short video clips like “group polarization and the fad of ethnomasochism”.
I teach in a region of Canada still very white although the university has been bringing masses of international students, and the administration is pushing diversity like there is no tomorrow. Just this year they brought an “Officer of Human Rights” to lecture on multiculturalism, etc. But many classes are still white; yes, majority females, but white, and they are very receptive. I tell them they will be getting the only alternative view at the university on these questions. The standard sociology taught across Canada and the Western world is super anti-white. It really angers me what they do to whites; in big cities like Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver whites are humiliated on a daily basis in front of numerous non-whites, and they don’t have anyone speaking for them.
Same thing in remote White America – places like Wyoming and Montana. The enemy is moving to soften them up before they start shipping in the “immigrants”.
Great idea! And I really applaud your efforts!
God, I wish I could have been in a class like yours…we could have played off each other and woken up at least half the class.
Do you ever pose the question of what exactly “racism” and “a racist” even is? There isn’t agreement among “credible” sources. Even the OED and Merriam-Webster offer very different primary definitions.
I think asking what the definition of “a racist” even is, is a good question because most students won’t ever have been asked or thought about it. It allows them to think of the seemingly unending multitude of people who have been accused of “racism” and labeled “racists,” and what they have in common (they’re White and have an opinion on race/culture that isn’t genocidal towards their own).
You could also consider presenting your students with the assertion supported by many academics and academic institutions that ALL White people are racist. You could show them the document from the University of Delaware that supports that assertion as an example (the document is attached at bottom of the page from The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education linked above).
The anti-White establishments hatred for all White people really shows through with that assertion, and White people, even most brainwashed university students, get very uncomfortable and defensive when this is presented. I saw proof of that last week.
This makes everything very clear. It’s commented on and linked here:
Thank You. We need to unite today. I am with you my ONLY white brothers. Go to hell America and what you have become. Today is a new day. A day that begins and ends with the triumph of the White man. I am now a PROUD WHITE RACIST. And will never apologize for it ever again. The question is, what do we do now?
Thank you for not being a spineless coward and running from words that are only meant to silence you.
As someone already mentioned, there is no true definition of what racist/racism is. It’s not a negative word like rapist, where there is a specific negative denotation contained in the word itself—Rape. Racism has no such denotation. Physiologically and racially speaking, you can’t race someone to death. Race-ism is nothing but an ever-changing, all-encompassing connotation that has no boundaries, other than being reserved almost exclusively for White people. You move left, it moves left… you move right, it moves right… you speak up, it attacks you… you stay quiet, it becomes embolden and attacks you more. It will stop following you the day you give up your Whiteness, and not a day sooner.
There’s as much of a chance to touch a black hole and escape its gravity than there is to try and keep your White heritage and culture intact and not be called a racist. So if all White people who wish to remain White are essentially racists, then why not be proud Racist?
Why are you a racist.
Can you not be just a Proud White Man?
A “Proud White Man” who wishes for a majority White nation is a racist.
A White person who doesn’t accept the lies and manipulations that are the foundation of multiculturalism is a racist.
That’s all there is to it. People that still believe Racist is a dirty word either need to go ahead and admit their anti-White leanings, or they need to man up and accept the fact that White does not exist in Multycultyland without being the go-to whipping post.
Somehow or other, we got to get white Conservatives, Libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, Infowars followers, David Dukes to work together as one. The only think that ties those whites together is race, SO, it’s no good talking about who’s best about finance, the New world order, the trans texas corridor, these are still very important issues, but the one thing of importance that must be put into their awareness is their own racial consciousness, an awareness that if they do not wake up and take action, they are to be exterminated.
It’s obvious and very simple, the one thing that must be put in front of every persons eyes is Demographic reality, natural survival instincts will do the rest.
The problem, however, is that our instinct survival as a group has become muted.
When human beings get too comfortable, their instincts start fading because they’re not being used in the artificial environments most of us now inhabit.
This is an excellent, Excellent, EXCELLENT and entirely accurate article.
We need to formulate ways to awaken the survival instinct in the herd around us.
What we get now are Pavlovian responses to stimuli.
I once gingerly commented on the large nonwhite presence in a local school; the comment was made mundanely in a pleasant sidewalk conversation. For merely noticing the demographics, I was immediately denounced with the word “racist.”
That is what we’re up against.
We cannot successfully educate the masses. We are beyond that stage; we must move on to the next stage.
The question becomes: What is the next stage, and how do we actualize it?
They are too stupid to perceive their approaching extinction and to feel endangered.
Greg, can you please insert the word “for” between the words “instinct” and “survival” in the first sentence of my posting? I was typing too fast and left it out. Thanks.
It is already too late for “positive thinking” and luncheons and polite conversations. We have run out of time to save ourselves that way. The “system” is presently too corrupted and fubar to work through it anyway.
We intuitively know these things. And the alternative then becomes……?
Does anyone really have the stomach for that as an option? Isn’t it possible such a cure would be worse than the disease? I am posing these questions because I’m curious as to how people think we can get out of this corner we’ve painted ourselves into.
The disease is white extinction. No cure, even a botched one, could be worse than that.
For anyone looking for a REAL first step, who feels lost and doesn’t know quite how to proceed, I present to you Bob Whitaker, Bobs Underground Graduate Seminar and the Mantra.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
I use Whitkaers mantra almost every day.
absolutely appalling racism.
Has the blood really retreated from your dusky cheeks? How would we even know?
Ben meant to write:
“Absolutely appallingly ACCURATE.”
A good introduction for recruits and a good summary even for old hands.
There are lots of terrified, frustrated and really pissed-off “color-blind conservatives” out there who are implicitly white and know whites are being screwed. If they didn’t know it before, they sure as Hell know it now. This blog post is a good ice breaker, door opener for further discussion with “colorblind conservatives” or any other willing white person.
How do we grow our numbers? Well how about picking out a likely friend, acquaintance, relative, in law, or whatever and taking them to lunch or having dinner or drinks or whatever, and making an introduction something like this: ” “Non-whites are openly working for our dispossession and demise because they’re organized to destroy us and we’re not organized to defend ourselves and our children. We need to come together as white people for white fellowship, first casually and informally as friends and willing ears, and then as we grow as members of white communities that will ultimately come unify as is appropriate when we get our numbers up and consolidate our strength. The first step is our just getting together and experiencing white fellowship.”
See how it goes, and agree to get together once a month just to experience “white fellowship” and talk about white affairs, white podcasts, web sites, etc. Low pressure. Non-judgmental. No hounding. No high pressure. No salesmanship. Just education, information and fellowship.
Take it from there. Imagine 50,000 racially aware whites taking another potential racially aware white to lunch, dinner or whatever, and doubling those numbers in two months. I envision White Fellowship groups having informal monthly meetings and reading, studying, becoming better informed and preparing for explicit white activism. Being alone and isolated is the most paralyzing, frightening thing there is. Just by being together, we can bring in our people. Our people are looking to be led. They’re looking for friends, for support for answers….and ultimately for an organization and organized pro white activity.
“Non whites are organized to destroy us and we need to organize to defend ourselves and our children. ” Informally at first in casual white fellowship. More formally after we get our numbers and our confidence up.
It all gets down to what we’re willing to do to grow our numbers and save ourselves.
Are you willing to take another white person to lunch? That’s all this approach requires you to do give it a try and get it started. How hard is that?
This is an excellent idea. And if you have kids who are old enough to listen to and appreciate grown up conversation, bring them along too.
Yes, I like that, Fellowship. Like minds, interests, and values. Small groups, say a White chess club on campus, White student union like Towson U. Business, a White rotary club or a White chamber of commerce. Purpose? Share in like minded fellowship whist discussing issues affecting our ethnic identity, discrimination in school admissions, employment, ie.. affirmative action, diversity, exclusion from specialty government contacts, etc..
I find it unlikely to acquire mainstream numbers under present circumstances but when/if a national economic collapse emerges, White Nationalism could be positioned to proliferate.
HI Rick. Thanks for your kind words.
A white chamber of commerce? Sounds good to me. The problem with openly explicitly white organizations is that they get shut down pretty quickly. Still, go for it if opportunity presents itself. The non-whites have their support groups and it’s nothing more than “malice toward whites” that we can’t.
My proposal, however, was for less formal, less visible White Fellowship Groups (“WFG”) where white people can meet and talk and not paste a bullseye on themselves. I have already started my WSG and I have three “color blind conservative” types who are anxious to just get together and commiserate. That’s where it’s going to start. A hand shake. A pat on the back. A smile. A friendly voice. White Fellowship. White support. White brotherhood. White sisterhood.
People have seen the Newsweek magazine cover proclaims that Whites are “History” and it’s beginning to sink in that the muds hate us and want us dead. It’s that simple. I expressed these views to a politically active “color blind conservative” woman who is shell shocked by the election and the open hatred of whites. She has rebuffed my pro-white opinions in the past, very contemptuously actually. Now….as we spoke, tears started streaming down her cheeks and she began weeping uncontrollably. She said she had not slept well since the election and that she is “beside” herself and has lost all hope. I made it clear that it would be a small group, no high pressure, no sales, no fundraising, no selling, no name calling, totally non- judgmental …just white fellowship. Whites coming together and saying what we really think without fear or reproach.
I have never had people react so demonstrably to a pro white message as now. People are in physical and emotional distress. Strike while the iron is hot. Our people need us. They really do. And we need them.
Sadly, I think it’s over. Their birth-rates versus ours, legal immigration, illegal immigration, the high rate of inter-racial unions in some areas, the indoctrination/social engineering of our youth in school and by the entertainment industry–I see no future here for white people. Me, I’m learning Russian and thinking of immigration. Sure, it’s not ideal, however I think that Russia will remain white long after America and Europe isn’t. Btw, I enjoyed the article–very good!
Typical American white flight. Americans brag that they “fight for their freedom.” The truth is they just run away for it. That’s how most of our ancestors ended up in the Americas in the first place.
Well put!
The essay by G. Hood is powerful,vivid image that touches the white person and shakes his soul.It asks us why we have allowed all this to happen ?We should feel guilty.Many of us have been aware for many years the direction the country is going and yet when it is so poignantly and pictorially presented to us it tears our flesh and pierces our soul.
I want to believe that many educated middle and upper middle class white people will see clearly that they have been deceived.Some of them sincerely believed liberalism and universalism.It may sound strange to many but I have more hope in more educated and more intelligent people.-
Greg, outstanding article, a joy to read.
An excellent article! My only suggestion is to remove ‘white nationalist’ from the title in order to reach a wider audience. It’s a case of “don’t tell me, show me” and the article articulates white nationalism implicitly without have to use it in the title. I say this because many, if not most, Republican white males are so indoctrinated that the words “white nationalist” automatically trigger mental associations with Nazism, Skinheads, and the Klan, ie people that respectable society doesn’t associate with. I know this may sound trivial but some of these men are going to have to have their hands held, like small children, and led out of the wilderness of political correctness. An appeal to their identity as white males is a good start. I, for instance, would like to show this article to my boomer Republican father who was visibly shocked and distraught that Romney didn’t win. He has always been the “moderate” and “reasonable” we need to all get along type but this election loss has radicalized him. He told me that he doesn’t consider obama his president and refuses to watch any state of the union addresses or importants speeches he makes. Still, I think my dad would be put off by seeing ‘white nationalist’ in the title.
“Waking Up from the American Dream: A Memo to White Male Republicans” has a far more effective look to it in representing this powerfully prescient essay.
You’re kidding me, right?
If you cannot understand my point, then that’s fine. I just assumed that the target audience of the article was White Male Republicans, most of whom, even in the Age of Obama, are put off by a phrase like ‘white nationalist’. I mean, their minds close like a steel trap. And about that, I’m not kidding.
To be honest I think what he says makes a lot of sense and that was my instinctive reaction too. This essay *really* deserves to go “viral”, as you call it, and the “White Male Republican” will be radical enough of a phrase to intrigue the prospective audience, yet not so radical that it will make them not click the link, which I fear “White Nationalist” will. Perhaps one should ponder what the intended audience is: prospective newcomers to “our thing”, or the church choir? If the first, then luring them to us should be our main priority, which is why I hope people really go about posting this on their facebook profiles, their various forums and so on. They can easily see enough of ‘White Nationalist’ in the article itself, but by then they’ll already be reading it and I predict unable to stop. Think about how deep that self-destructive seed is sown, it takes time to break a lifetime of lies: we would be silly if we deny ourselves the chance before we take off.
Otherwise: wonderful article! I for one feel so full of positive energy and plans for the future I can’t even express it. My brain overbubbles with it. Thank God for this Obama-victory and the affiliated victories in elections in Europe, where the non-European vote also made the “Left” win various elections. Let’s start pulling in the same direction and this time do metapolitics for real. Reading ‘New Culture, New Right’ and not to mention Counter-Current’s very own ‘North American New Right, volume 1’ will set you on the right path. Follow that up with ‘Revolt Against the Modern World’ by Evola and ‘Why We Fight’ by Faye, and you’ll be all set to fully grasp the world and start rocking the cultural boat that will eventually set us free. Simply put: let’s do this, guys, and a big WELCOME to all the newcomers; I suspect Counter-Currents will see a big spike in their number of readers the coming years. I’m in this thing to win, for one.
It’s not a bad suggestion, and it’s even a pretty good suggested title. I don’t doubt that some people will see the phrase “white nationalist” and read no further. It probably would get a broader readership with a different title.
However, the strength of the title is that the article disproves the white nationalist = crazy meme that is widespread in society. I’m sure there are people who will read it and not like it – we see some of them in the comments section – but it’s pretty hard to claim that this article is some completely illogical rant based on ignorance and hate. Just the opposite is true – it’s likely to make a lot of people uncomfortable precisely because they recognize the truth of the argument and that it runs contrary to everything they have been taught to believe. The title may be shocking to some, but it’s going to start a lot of people thinking that maybe they didn’t really know what white nationalism was like and it’s time to start considering what white nationalists say…
By the way, Gregory Hood must have found a stash of Odin’s Mead of Inspiration. The past few articles he has written about the election and its aftermath have been brilliant. I hope he can keep it up!
“White Nationalist” has to be in the title, otherwise the “us” in the first line has no referent.
Beyond that:
1. Is there really anybody who would not read this piece because “white nationalist” appears in the title? Come on! It is not “Nazi”! How many people even know what the term means, much less that it is bad and they should not read further?
2. I’m not sure I should be too concerned about such people even if they do exist. If they are that squeamish about the title, the contents will surely put them off more. And do we really need people who are that squeamish? I’d prefer they stay with the Republicans for now. We’ll catch them later, when and if they grow a pair.
3. This level of hand-wringing about semantics communicates weakness and lack of conviction to our enemies, and to our potential friends, for that matter.
4. Part of our task to to redeem terms, attitudes, and policies that our enemies have stigmatized. We can’t do that by always playing within the discursive boundaries they have created for us. If we want to live as free white men, then let’s start acting like them today.
I don’t think the term “White Nationalist” has to be in the title, but do what appeals to your particular friends. I personally think it may be enough to just appeal to “whiteness” hence the word “White” would be enough.
I have a comment to this post about WFG”s , i.e. White Fellowship Groups and I”ve already got three people (“color blind conservatives”) who have agreed to meet. I haven’t even shown them this memo. They seemed so relieved to be able to talk frankly about their anxieties and not worry about being called a “racist”. Different approaches work well with different people I suppose. I will probably use the memo exactly as it is. I have made it plain to people our group is not “formal”, no member list, no files, no high pressure. We’re fighting for white survival and thanks to this week’s Newsweek magazine cover (Whites are “History”) and other outpourings of hate against white people I’m encountering a level of acceptance I never experienced before.
I think the most important thing is not whether you call it “white nationalism” or whatever….just be up front: We’re about white survival. The blacks and Hispanics hate us and want us dead . We’re under seige. We’ve been targeted for extinction. Join me and other brave white people in white fellowship. UNIFY OR DIE.
Hood keeps slammin’ ’em outta the park. I bet this will go viral. It sounds pleasing to the ear, very conversational, and would work well as a podcast, maybe even some kind of voice-over video with appropriate imagery (Tim Wise, unemployed Whites, the Obamaphone woman, etc.).
Yes, a Video! A short film, compelling, evocative, overlayed with a poignant, powerful, and haunting soundtrac of the essay. Yes.
Audio podcasts are okay, but limited in appeal.
Make a compelling video of this piece, with articulate, friendly-but-firm narration. That will greatly help deliver the message.
Scrolling through the previous comments, I see that someone anticipated my suggestion about a podcast.
Try to get Patrick Willis to do the voice:
The real first step cannot be taken until “the lights go out”. When America finally collapses, it will be anarchy. People will be starving in the streets … no electricity, no running water, no law and order. Hell on Earth. Whites can start to form small groups, and from there, larger groups. The dollar will collapse within our lifetime, so be ready.
Some amusing comments here. It’s hard to know where the comments from well intentioned but ill informed people begin and the trolling begins.
Yes, I know. I hope people will forgive me if I err on the side of caution.
Great piece!
I thought about writing something like this after reading Ted Sallis’s recent (and excellent) piece on C-C, but I realized I am not the right person for the task. Not only did I grow up a liberal (albeit in a very “conservative” area of the country), but I’m also liberal by nature. I’m not a liberal in the classical or modern sense, but my nature is not conservative, and I still, even after my years in libertardian circles, feel like an outsider among conservatives. So I decided not to write an appeal, and low and behold, I find this!
I think I will save this in a word file and print it out (with a different title) and give/send it to republicans I know. Or email it to them.
I have only two criticisms. My main one being that “White Nationalist” is in the title. An explicit approach is necessary but a term like that in the title will 1. cause many whites to disregard and not read it, and 2. immediately cause almost every white person who reads it to view it with suspicion and look for points of disagreement. You don’t want to turn someone off before they even hear what you have to say. Again, I’m not advocating even an implicit title, but just one that doesn’t use the same terminology.
My second criticism is that this is not the appropriate website to send (ex-)republicans who are just becoming racially aware. Although I think it would be ideal to introduce whites to pro-white politics via the ideas and approaches of the (North American) “New Right,” Counter-Currents is not someplace for the “uninitiated.” That being said, I think it was great to publish it here for the C-C readership to see and forward to conservative friends/family members. I just think it should be published somewhere more friendly to prospective pro-Whites too.
…which really gets me thinking how much I would like to see a NANR website for new/prospective pro-Whites.
Anyway, maybe someplace AmRen would suffice for now? I’m sure they’d love to publish this.
You and others make some very good points. This is a message that has to be finessed rather than pushed. In essence, these whites have been conditioned through media and academia to literally kill themselves off and cheer while it’s happening.
There is a saying… “One does not get places politically by changing minds, but by articulating and channeling sentiments that already exist.”
I think this essay does a good job of that but there needs to be some reach out effort and softening on the part of those who are already on board towards those who are just beginning to see this movement (the truth) as a viable alternative to the idiotic GOP.
This is a perfect summation of why Republicans are losers and why, when their ship goes down and their politicians and pundits start swimming toward ours, we need to pick up our oars and stave them off. Republicans might look like decent white people, but they are carrying the plague. We can’t let them bring their sickness to us. God knows we have enough recovering Republicans to nurse already.
The 5000 views didn’t come from disenchanted Republicans who all of a sudden googled ‘white nationalism,’ they came from people like me who found the link on AmRen or OccidentalObserver.