One of the most bizarre moments of Kamala Harris’s shockingly inept campaign was when, speaking at a church in Philadelphia, she began screaming in the voice of a black preacher, “Joy cometh in the morning!! The path may seem hard, the work may seem heavy, but joy cometh in the morning!!” Then, inexplicably, she cried “Church morning is coming!!” This was one of several moments late in the campaign where it seemed that the pressure was really getting to Kamala, and that she was about to crack. (more…)
Tag: Gregory Hood
CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz with retired basketball star Earvin “Magic” Johnson. (Image source: Twitter/X)
CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz with retired basketball star Earvin “Magic” Johnson. (Image source: Twitter/X)
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Every waking hour, every moment of the day, everywhere we look, whether it’s breakfast cereal boxes, pop-up advertising dross, or sportsball team group photos, we are bombarded by Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity — the DIE machine. It is so all-pervasive that we seemingly pay it no mind, but unconsciously we are alarmed by the presence of the hostile other. Even though it is in our faces all the time like a leering, ubiquitous transgender version of Big Brother — picture Michelle Obama posters the size of teetering skyscrapers — we often have the option of scrolling away, clicking to dismiss, or turning the channel. (more…)
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There was a time when I thought migrants were potential vectors for disease, and they are; however, I am convinced that characterization does not go far enough. Migrants are, in fact, biological weapons.
According to the United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs, these weapons are defined as follows: (more…)
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A vast majority in American society remain confident in so-called First Amendment values. (more…)
Portrait of Gabriel Nicolas de La Reynie by Pierre Mignard (1670). (Source: Wikipedia.)
Portrait of Gabriel Nicolas de La Reynie by Pierre Mignard (1670). (Source: Wikipedia.)
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Like many social-media junkies on the Right, I find it incredibly entertaining to read and respond to posts on Twitter/X written by grievance-mongering liberals or delusional Africanists if only because it gives me the opportunity to pounce on at least some of the half-baked idiocy that passes for thinking these days. These “ratios” are, if futile, quite satisfying nonetheless, at least as much for me as for the original shit-poster who banged out nonsense on his or her keyboard just because. (more…)
Liz Collin
They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd
Paper Birch Publishing, 2022The Fall of Minneapolis (2023)
Directed by J. C. Chaix (more…) -
I was down in the dumps last weekend when I headed once more to the annual American Renaissance conference. This year was a significant milestone for the organization, founded by Jared Taylor in 1990: It was the twentieth such conference. I was hoping that spending some time with fellow haters would perk me up — and indeed it did. Let me tell you why. (more…)
This year, Counter-Currents is raising $300,000 to sustain our work. We have raised $48,613.30, leaving $251,386.70 to go. Please give today to ensure our operating expenses are met and help us meet our goals. (Read more here about what we’re up to this year.)
On June 10th and 11th, we at Counter-Currents celebrated our birthday (more…)
This is a continuation of the debate on one white state or many between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood. Greg Johnson’s opening statement is here. Gregory Hood’s is here.
Dear Greg,
I decided to collect into a single document my responses to your debate statement together with some afterthoughts and treatments of issues we did not have time to deal with during the debate itself. (more…)
The following is the text of Gregory Hood’s opening statement in the “Ethnonationalism vs. Imperialism” debate with Greg Johnson that was held at the recent Counter-Currents Spring Retreat. Dr. Johnson’s opening statement, which preceded this one, can be read here.
It’s not a question of whether you want to live in an imperium or not. You’re going to live under an imperial rule of some kind. The only question is whose it’s going to be. (more…)
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JOIN US TODAY! Counter-Currents is celebrating its 13th birthday and launch our annual fundraiser this weekend. This weekend, a select group of Counter-Currents writers, donors, and friends will be gathering for a celebration.
Anyone in the world can join us this evening to participate in one of the highlights of the weekend: a debate between Greg Johnson and American Renaissance’s Gregory Hood on the topic: Imperialism or Ethnonationalism? Which way to victory?
So none of you miss this historic occasion, we are streaming the debate live TODAY Saturday, June 10th, on Odysee (here) and DLive (here) at 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern, 7PM Central European time.
Greg Johnson introduces the topic here:
One of the fundamental divisions in the White Nationalist movement is between ethnonationalists and imperialists. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Wilmot Robertson makes the case for ethnonationalism in his book The Ethnostate, whereas Francis Parker Yockey presents the case for imperialism in Imperium. Other advocates of imperialism include Sir Oswald Mosley, Jean Thiriart, and Guillaume Faye.
Read Greg Johnson’s defense of the Ethnonationalist position here: “Against Imperialism.”
Read Gregory Hood’s fresh statement on the Imperialist position here: “The Challenge Ahead” “What I want is a united Western Civilization-State that will ensure the physical survival of our race.”
Everyone can participate in the live chat. Send a superchat to ask a question to our participants! This is going to be a lively, interactive event, and we want to hear from all of you!
A lot has been said about Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho as well as Mary Harron’s screen adaptation. Many in our sphere love this story for a multitude of reasons, and many more dismiss it. Both sentiments have their merits, but I’d like to add yet another take: Patrick Bateman is what you get when you fully embrace the modern era’s decadence and status quo. (more…)
March 16, 2023 Gregory Hood
Enoch Powell, poslední tory
English original here
Enoch Powell by nesjpíš v roli vůdce britského nacionalistického hnutí působil jakoby nepatřičně i v lecjaké alternativní historii. Oddaný voják Impéria, příslušník establishmentu, osobitý klasický učenec a nepředvídatelný, byť poctivý student politické strategie Powell totiž rozhodně nebyl žádný pravicový radikál. Byl to konzervativec až do morku kostí, podle vlastního vyjádření „se jako toryovec už narodil … jako člověk s neotřesitelnou vírou v instituce. (more…)