I recall September 11, 2001 as clearly as the proverbial “where were you when Kennedy was shot?” Never have I had such a feeling that justice was being dealt to a bully of world-straddling proportions. As the old Chinese proverb goes, or might go if it exists: “Don’t spit into the wind, or you will get your own back.”
Naturally, I am well aware that this was probably a false flag scenario instigated by vested interests other than those of the Jihad or, more likely, that the event was – like Pearl Harbor – known of in advance but allowed to take its course. However, despite the way that 9/11 is used to justify the “global war on terrorism” — a neo-Trotskyite/neo-con version of “permanent revolution”[1] — as a euphemism for the de jure[2] establishment of the Judaeo-American Imperium by force of arms, it created a ferment among Islam that might be — despite the contrived “Arab Spring”[3] — a force unleashed, that is impossible to control. While neo-con strategists such as Ralph Peters talk of “constant conflict”[4] as a means of world domination, to what extent can the US afford to stay in this a continual state?
A society that is based on pluralism — or pleurisy — and debt-finance, cannot endure in a permanent state of tension. While the recent European colonial empires fell more by conspiracy than degeneracy, to pave the way for the US world empire, the latter is based on greed rather than any higher Idea, and contains its own negation. The historical analogies are the Greek and Roman empires that collapsed through over extension and inner decay.
Conflict with Islam Stems from “Western Duplicity,” Zionist Intrigue
Arab friendship with the West could have been cultivated and maintained from World War I onward. There is no reason to think that that friendship would not have endured to the present. The roots of conflict between the “West” (in its cycle of decay, where “West” means anything and everything but “Western”) and Islam go back to “Western” duplicity instigated by Zionist interests.
The manner by which Zionists pushed the US into war in Europe in 1917 in return for support for a Jewish state in Palestine, and the way the Arabs were betrayed while they were fighting for the Allies, is documented by one of the principals of the backroom machinations, British War Cabinet adviser James A Malcolm, whose family were close to the Sassoon dynasty.[5] T. E. Lawrence wrote of this betrayal and of his shame at British duplicity in his Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
Clash Between the Fellaheen and the Diseased
What emerged in the 9/11 aftermath is not a “clash of civilizations,” but the last gasps of two historically-spent forces: one that entered the Fellaheen stage centuries ago, and one that is in the process of doing so. The danger is that while both tumble across the world like psychopathic clowns they are destroying what vestiges remain of the “West.”
It is possible that, without Zionist machinations, Anglo-French duplicity, and American toadying, the Fellaheen might have come into a genuine “Arab Spring” (in the Spenglerian sense); it is probable that if the Zionist and messianic Judaic sinkhole had not been imposed in the middle of Islam, the Mad Mullah would never have been awakened and, on the basis of what T. E. Lawrence had cultivated, Islamo-Western friendship would have endured.
Can anything be salvaged from this, in regard to a “Western Spring”? It would seem reasonable that so far from Judaeo-American hegemony being secured globally, Ralph Peters’ scenario of “constant conflict” will catch up with America on its home soil, like toadying to Israel caught up with the US on its home soil when the Twin Towers of Babel were hit.
The result might be what W. B. Yeats referred to in a broader perspective: the center cannot hold; everything falls part under the dead weight of debt, and a depraved system that is reliant on a populace whose stamina has been broken by decades of multiculturalism, liberalism, hedonism, egotism, banality, and “the ethical syphilis of Hollywood,” i.e., “American culture.”[6]
A state as organically diseased as the US, which was never established on organic foundations to begin with, will fall apart given a sufficient poke at the right time and place and will Balkanize, the latter having been suggested by Russian scholar Professor Igor Panarin.
Every Civilization that has collapsed through internal decay and/or an “outer enemy” has been the prelude for the rise of another Civilization. The question at this historical juncture is what might succeed “The American Century?” Russia? China,[7] Eurosiberia…?
1. K. R. Bolton, “America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy,” Foreign Policy Journal, May 3 2010, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2010/05/03/americas-world-revolution-neo-trotskyist-foundations-of-u-s-foreign-policy/
2. As distinct from de facto world domination, that has usually been more discreetly exercised via cultural and economic subversion. The de jure announcement of the Judaeo-American Imperium was made by President George H. W. Bush to US Congress on March 6, 1991, in his “new world order” speech.
3. K. R. Bolton, “Tunisian Revolt: Another Soros/NED Jack-Up?,” Foreign Policy Journal, January 18, 2011, http//:www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/01/18/Tunisian-revolt-another-sorosned-jack-up/all/1/K. R. Bolton, “What’s Behind the Tumult in Egypt?,” Foreign Policy Journal, February 1, 2011, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/02/01/whats-behind-the-tumult-in-egypt/all/1
K. R. Bolton, “Is Egypt’s Labor Movement Being Co-opted by Globalists?,” Global Research, February 21, 2011, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23305K. R. Bolton, “Post-Qaddafi Libya’: On the Globalist Road,” Foreign Policy Journal, February 26, 2011, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/images/fpj_banner.jpg
4. R. Peters, “Constant Conflict,” Parameters, US Army War College Summer 1997, pp. 4–14. Online at: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3011.htm
5. James A Malcolm, “Origins of the Balfour Declaration: Dr Weizmann’s Contribution,” p. 1; reprinted in The Barnes Review, Vol. VI, No. 1, January/February 2000, pp. 20–31.
6. Francis Parker Yockey, “Program of the European Liberation Front” (5).
7. The current rapport between Russia and China is inorganic and will fall apart through geopolitical pressures such as control of water resources. See: K. R. Bolton, “Russia & China: An Approaching Conflict?,” The Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2009. China as the “outer enemy” might result is the re-alliance of Russia with Europe and the formation of a new Russo-European civilization and geological bloc. Peripheral states aligned to such a bloc might include the Arabs, India, and Pacific and Asian states dubious about the rise of China in the Pacific region.
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“The manner by which Zionists pushed the US into war in Europe in 1917 in return for support for a Jewish state in Palestine, and the way the Arabs were betrayed while they were fighting for the Allies, is documented…”
The machinations to maneuver the USA into World War I went all the way up a US Supreme Court Justice, national broadcasters, and presidential politics. But don’t forget there is another side to the WWI debacle, and that is the role played more or less simultaneously by Jewish descendants in Salonika to overthrow the imperial government of the Turks which had the effect of placing all the provinces into play, especially including the one known as Palestine.
Crushing Germany in WWI was only part of the overall effort. Overturning the Turkish Empire had the explicit advantage of freeing up Palestine Province to Jewish adventurism and settlement. Without the collapse of the Turkish Empire, malicious interference in Europe would have been meaningless.
@ “I am well aware that this was probably a false flag scenario instigated by vested interests other than those of the Jihad…”
So you’re a “truther”?
“while both tumble across the world like psychopathic clowns”
From a CNN review of Starship Troopers [the only good part of a stupid review]:
For a while there I thought they were gonna keep wasting our time on stupid stuff, like “Spawn,” in which a vengeful mutant roams the Earth accompanied by an insane farting clown from hell.
Image: http://dontwannahearit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/movie_clown_2.jpg
911 was a false flag operation conducted by rogue elemenets of the CIA and Mossad. ZOG didn’t just allow it to happen. It MADE it happen.
@ “911 was a false flag operation conducted by rogue elemenets of the CIA and Mossad. ZOG didn’t just allow it to happen. It MADE it happen.”
Wrong. Read the latest issue of Skeptical Inquirer (photo here): the journal that taught me how to think critically about extreme claims, including claims of the paranormal and conspiracy theories.
“Never have I had such a feeling that justice was being dealt to a bully of world-straddling proportions.”
With friends like Kerry Bolton, we don’t need enemies.
Either you know absolutely little of recent history, or you conflate American interests with White interests.
Asterion: For what it is worth one of my first reactions, as I recall, was that the suicide pilots were Serbian patriots taking revenge on Clinton’s NATO for establishing the first Muslim state in Europe.
Hey Asterion, Don’t you have more pressing concerns? The Israeli embassy in Egypt is burning.
Asterion in blockquote, Kerry Bolton cite in italics:
“Never have I had such a feeling that justice was being dealt to a bully of world-straddling proportions.”
Your true friends tell you of your weaknesses; your enemies tell you your weaknesses are really your strength, and use them to destroy you. Does the phrase “Diversity is our strength” sound like anything other than something right out of Orwell’s “1984”?
Kerry Bolton does us a favor by showing us, in part, how the rest of the world sees us. This section speaks volumes as to what we cannot stand to see in the Freudian mirror:
A society that is based on pluralism — or pleurisy — and debt-finance, cannot endure in a permanent state of tension. While the recent European colonial empires fell more by conspiracy than degeneracy, to pave the way for the US world empire, the latter is based on greed rather than any higher Idea, and contains its own negation. The historical analogies are the Greek and Roman empires that collapsed through over extension and inner decay.
“Inner decay” is defined by “debt-finance.” “Extension” is taken care of by a nation that becomes a self-sustaining republic, which then collapses into the extension called Empire. Empire collapses republics, as the hidden costs of expansion are masked unto the bill becomes due, and the republic reforms as a pale shadow of its once great self. Empire is favored because it allows you to take what is not yours, at what seems to be little expense to the nation, and great benefit to the favored few.
There have been several Americas, culturally speaking, each solving the issues created by the overextension of the instrument of expansion of the preceding America. In roughly seventy year cycles, we see the formation of the First America, with the ratification of the Constitution. The Second America resolved the conflicts inherent in the formation of the First America, defining a new Constitution when Lee surrendered his sword. The Third America formally defined America as an economic union. The new technology of radio fostered the cultural welding of the people. The Fourth America is seen as something not yet formed, as the collapse of the Interent bubble, and opportunities for new investments based on organic values were overwhelmed by 911, and the transformation, and de facto liquidation, of the economy of the Republic to serve the Empire. This is a schizophrenic state, as the Empire’s economic gains, on behalf of the Owners, are at the direct expense of the citizens of the Republic. It is from the ashes of the Fourth America that the Northwest Republic will be formed, must be formed, as the only organic metasolution that is temporally possible for the Race to survive, and flourish, in the fulfillment of the metapolitical project.
This point can not be overstated. The modern nation-state is a very recent event in human history, and the dynamics of republic and empire – ORGANIC systems of the organic nation – well precede what might well become a temporary event in human history.
In microcosm, we can see the foundation of the Northwest Republic in the formation of intentional communities, micro-states reflecting the nation organizing intentionally, and organically, in defense of the Race, with Race being the living bridge between Family and Culture.
One important distinction might be developing.
In the archaic, failed, economic models that govern current policies, we worship at the altar of efficiency, which is always defined as a number, while its counterpart, effectiveness, is acknowledged – deliberately – without being clearly defined. Yet, such efficiencies are inherently very brittle.
I think a major definition of economic effectiveness will be the opposite of the brittleness of efficiency. It will be resilience, in support of the Family. This resilience will take its Form at the national level in a nation which has, at its very foundation, the issue of Race as the primary and foremost organizing principle of social action.
And, if that is a rather long-winded commentary and defense of Kerry Bolton’s position, my apologies. The unique strength of counter-currents is that it defines problems in terms of the metapolitical project, and offers solutions consistent with the metapolitical project. This is an example others would do well to emulate.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
“Your true friends tell you of your weaknesses; your enemies tell you your weaknesses are really your strength, and use them to destroy you.”
Anyone who, upon learning of the slaughter of hundreds of my countrymen, feels his heart swell with the sensation of “justice…being dealt” is emphatically not my friend. Friends may tell you of your weaknesses, in order that they may help; enemies may do the same, to gloat and discourage.
Even assuming friendliness on the part of the author, I find the article unpersuasive, even when I charitably ignore the silly “truther” suppositions.
Peace between East and West, were it not for the perfidious Jew? Sure, Lawrence of Arabia was a stand-up guy, but “Islamo-Western friendship would have endured” to this day, on account of his wartime heroics? Counterfactuals are notoriously hard to prove or disprove, but remembering the Suez Crisis, the nationalization of oil, the partition of India, and the War of Algerian Independence should make anyone rethink that rosy scenario. And anyway, Islam, it is said, has bloody borders: certainly with the West, but also with India, with Christian/animist Africa, with the Philippines, etc. You don’t need Zionism or the utterance of the phrase “new world order” to drive the jihadists to violence.
Two final points:
Sure, T. E. Lawrence fought for the Muslim Arabs. But in doing so, he fought against the Muslim Turks. Maybe if the West had maintained good relations with the former, we’d be assaulted by terrorists from Anatolia instead of from Arabia. Would that be an improvement?
Finally, I have to argue that the U.S. does have an “organic” foundation; as a predominantly Anglo-British nation-state whose first settlers arrived on this continent five generations before its political independence. We are a nation, and not just a lump of people who happen to be here.
Anyway, I have more pressing concerns. The Israeli embassy in Egypt is burning.
Very well said, Kerry. With all due respect for the innocent dead of 9/11, the aberrant U.S. Moloch was paid back in its own coin, and didn’t like it one bit. Strident bullies generally don’t. U.S. napalm, cluster bombs & cruise missiles, liberally dispensed worldwide, do more than “collateral damage” to those on the receiving end. Who, among today’s duplicitous Anglo Americans, now weeps for the hundreds of thousands of Whites immolated in the very real holocausts of Hamburg & Dresden by the “greatest generation”? These blow-back disasters are going to continue as long as the self-defeating, White American population continues to allow itself to be misused as a Jewish Golem.
Proof that despite all the flag waving bullshit far right racists are actually deeply and profoundly unpatriotic and anti American
‘Proof that despite all the flag waving bullshit far right racists are actually deeply and profoundly unpatriotic and anti American’
1.) I have never waved an American flag in my life. So am not sure where you are getting the idea that ‘we all do’
2.) Yes I am unpatriotic and anti-American. Why on earth would a White Nationalist be Pro-American when a Negro is President?!?! It is called ideological consistency.
Here is a good piece that outlines many issues with American ‘Civilization’:
It seems that everything you know about us “far right” types seems to come out of things you have seen on t.v. Furthermore, your statement suggests an immense amount of ignorance about American foreign policy as it has been for the last 100 years.
There’s no flag-waving here.
Cary – I assume you are referring to the so-called ‘young turk’ revolt; as you indicate, comprised of bugger all Turks; an example of the bastardous Freemasons at their finest?
Bryce – I would hope that most of the readers of Counter Currents put loyalty to Western Civilisation above loyalty to any nation-state; especially the one that leads the opposition to traditional cultures in ways far more subversive than anything the USSR could have conceived. As for the flag waving far right, presumably you’re getting confused with the post-trot-neocons.
In the 9/11 attacks, mostly White civilians were incinerated.
It seems to me — and if there is an error in my logic here I am open to correction by anyone who cares to speak up — that in order to strike a blow for justice against a bully it is necessary to actually strike the bully.
In what way was the true bully, the US government, struck in NY on 09/11/2001?
The people who died had no say over what the US government did or did not do in the decades leading up to 9/11.
How many options do you think powerless people have in stRiki-Eiking back? Obviously the Twin Towers were chosen for the symbolism. I do not rejoice in the suffering of innocent people, no matter who they are, but the methods of resistance to Muslims and others are very limited.
When the military might of the USA is used to yob about the globe for decades, slaughtering Serbs, Iraqis and any others who get in the way of psychopathic power-mongers with a messiah complex, is the world supposed to collectively bend over and reply: ‘please sir, can I have some more’?, and when a few have had enough and stand up – there is great moral outrage and a disbelieiving wail of : ‘but oh, what have we done wrong? Does not the world love us?’
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