When I was a child in the early 2000s, my elementary school would do a food drive each year, usually around the holiday season. Students in our class would bring non-perishable food items to school and place them in a large cardboard box in our classroom. After a couple of weeks, the item our school had received from students would be donated to a local food bank, a charitable organization which offers free food to those in need. (more…)
Tag: replacement migration
Peter Sutherland, a UN champion of Third World migration who was a member of every sinister globalist institution you’ve ever heard of.
4,804 words
The concept of “The Great Replacement,” which holds that there are shadowy forces at work trying to dispossess and indeed obliterate physically the European peoples through the use of immigration, has been widely disparaged as a “far-Right conspiracy theory.” Paradoxically, this “conspiracy theory” is regarded by Establishment commentators as itself a “conspiracy” by the “far Right” to scapegoat immigrants and to scare-monger. Conspiracies do not exist — other than when they are “far Right.” (more…)