I was reading some Antifa loon’s Twitter recently, and he was on a deranged rant about how fascism constantly needs to be expanding its list of enemies. You see, fascism can’t function without scapegoats. It’s the whole point of fascism. (more…)
Tag: originals
Inclusivity has always been a central feature of Sesame Street. Part of this, nearly from the beginning, involved an established couple in an alternative lifestyle. At the time, that made it the most cutting edge children’s show of all in terms of diversity. That makes it all the more problematic that a recent effort to conspicuously keep pace has fallen short of delivering the most progressive messages to a young audience. (more…)
Part 1 of 3 (Part II here)
Part I: COVID-19
Not long after 2020 began, most of our lives were deeply disrupted. I had been following rumblings from China about a fast-spreading and potentially lethal virus for over a month before the first case was announced in the United States in late January. Several weeks after that, my last semester of law school was cut short by an early Spring Break in early March, and then a move to virtual classes for the remainder of the term. (more…)