When Israel resorts to extreme violence against its neighbors, the fallout is felt throughout the world, especially in the United States and the wider West. Iran, for instance, will activate its terror networks in Europe. (more…)
Tag: Jewish neoconservatives
Elizabeth Dilling
The Plot Against Christianity: The Jewish Religion and Its Influence Today
Lincoln, Nebr.: The Elizabeth Dilling Foundation, 1964Many prominent Americans attempted to keep the United States neutral during the Jewish-led push to embroil the country in the Second World War. (more…)
December 14, 2023 Morris van de Camp
Ba’athism & Saddam Hussein
A System that Worked, Part 2Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
The Rise of Saddam Hussein
In 1968, the Ba’athists returned to power in Iraq after a relatively bloodless coup. President Arif was deposed and exiled along with his family to London. The fact that the coup was bloodless shows that Ba’athism had won Iraqi hearts and minds and was widely seen as legitimate. Saddam Hussein was still in the background at this time, and like Stalin, he focused on creating a security and intelligence service that was loyal to him. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a number of stories appeared which alleged Israeli involvement. Personally, I haven’t paid much attention, since thus far I’ve heard little along those lines that passes the Occam’s Razor test.[1] Although I can’t deny that Jews have a regrettably high trouble-per-capita ratio, I’m not in the habit of assuming everything bad in the world was something they did. (more…)