Greg Johnson, David Zsutty, and Angelo Plume (aka Pox Populi: Telegram, YouTube) convened on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss Tucker Carlson’s controversial interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, and also answered listener questions. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: Giambattista Vico
The following is reprinted from the Imperium Press Substack.
Neema Parvini
The Prophets of Doom
Societias, 2023In polite circles today, you have two choices: You are either a progressive, or a complete reprobate. This is because “progress” is one of our foundational myths. You’re allowed to question the American Revolution or the Norman Conquest; you’re even allowed to question your own biology. (more…)
7,419 words
Part 4 of 7 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Enlightenment Consolidation of the Idea of Progress
One of the great philosophers of history of this era would seem to have retrogressed away from this developing idea of progress with his cyclical view of history — that is, Giambattista Vico, author of Scienza Nuova Prima (1725/1744). First, it needs to be recognized that this book offered a very original and profound perspective on history: the idea that we can only understand cultural practices by studying history, which spoke to the improving historical consciousness of Europeans. (more…)
March 28, 2023 Alex Graham
Johann Gottfried Herder o hudbě a nacionalismu
2.220 slov
English original here
Johann Gottfried Herder
Song Loves the Masses: Herder on Music and Nationalism
Translated and edited by Philip V. Bohlman
Oakland: University of California Press, 2017Johann Gottfried Herder byl německý filozof, teolog, překladatel a kritik, který žil v 18. století. Zabýval se velice rozmanitými tématy: politickou filozofií, filozofií ducha, filozofií dějin, metafyzikou, lingvistikou, filologií, uměním, náboženstvím, mytologií nebo hudbou. (more…)
2,376 words
Note: This essay is occasioned by the new Imperium Press edition of Sorel’s Reflections on Violence, which is required reading.
Like Jack London, Georges Sorel (1847–1922) was a Left-wing writer whose primary influence today is on the Right. Sorel’s most influential book is Reflections on Violence, written in 1905–1906. (more…)
The second half of last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio was a solo Ask Me Anything with Greg Johnson, and it is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include:
00:45 On doxxing
01:36 What do you think about the fact that the mainstream Right is adopting our positions?
11:35 Did you watch Lauren Southern’s recent video?
21:45 What edition of Giambattista Vico would you recommend? Also, what about Frederick Copleston’s A History of Philosophy? (more…) -
You can buy Georges Sorel’s Reflections on Violence from Imperium Press here.
You can buy Georges Sorel’s Reflections on Violence from Imperium Press here.
161 words / 1:24:58
Host Greg Johnson welcomed Mike from Imperium Press back to the show on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss Georges Sorel’s On Violence, which was recently published by Imperium, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
01:02 Who was George Sorel?
07:33 Why did Sorel, a Marxist, hate progressives?
11:42 Sorel also criticized the working class (more…) -
Greg Johnson was the guest on Academic Agent‘s Cigar Stream recently to discuss the importance of the Italian Enlightenment philosopher and historian Giambattista Vico, and it is now available on Counter-Currents’ Odysee channel. (more…)
Host Greg Johnson was joined by learned Counter-Currents writers Stephen Paul Foster, Mark Gullick, James J. O’Meara, and Kathryn S. on the last installment of Counter-Currents Radio to share their lists of five essential books every educated person needs to read — plus, of course, answer YOUR QUESTIONS — and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:05:00 Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War (more…)
The latest convocation of the Counter-Currents Brain Trust is now available for online listening and downloading. Greg Johnson was joined by two Counter-Currents writers, Mark Gullick and Stephen Paul Foster. Since all three have doctorates in philosophy, it was an opportunity to discuss some really DEEP QUESTIONS. (more…)
5,462 words
5,462 words
“Socialism” is intrinsic to the “Right.” When journalists and academics refer in one breath to “liberalism, neoliberalism, and the Right-wing,” that attests to their ignorance, not to the accuracy of any such bastardization. Even at its most basic level of understanding, it seems to have been forgotten that in Britain there were Tories and Whigs in opposition. Now, Toryism has become so detached from its origins (more…)
4,535 words
Part 1 here
The Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Present Age
Not only does Strauss claim that historicism is a healthy reaction to the intellectual bankruptcy of the modern world, in the next section of his essay, he also attributes this bankruptcy to non-historicist causes.
First, Strauss talks about Max Weber’s Learning and Science as Vocation. He specifically objects to Weber’s claim that reason cannot speak about the ultimate aims of life: (more…)
5,481 words
Author’s Note:
This is the transcript by V.S. of my speech “Vico and Modern Anti-Liberalism,” given at The London Forum on Saturday, September 27, 2014. I have heavily edited it, rewriting it in places. I want to thank Jez Turner and The London Forum team for a memorable event.
Today I’m going to talk about a topic that’s somewhat esoteric. (more…)