Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 370 Greg Johnson, Mark Gullick, & Stephen Paul Foster Ponder The Deep Questions
Counter-Currents RadioThe latest convocation of the Counter-Currents Brain Trust is now available for online listening and downloading. Greg Johnson was joined by two Counter-Currents writers, Mark Gullick and Stephen Paul Foster. Since all three have doctorates in philosophy, it was an opportunity to discuss some really DEEP QUESTIONS. Topics discussed include:
00:04:00 Moral arguments for ethnic nationalism
00:41:00 Books that influenced you in college
00:51:00 Schopenhauer or Nietzsche
01:01:00 The best history of philosophy book
01:10:00 Was Vico a true Catholic?
01:15:00 The Robert E. Lee statue
01:22:00 The best Nietzsche books
01:29:30 Best candidate for USA 2024
01:54:00 Physical and moral courage
To listen in a player, click here. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.”
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- Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 370 Greg Johnson, Mark Gullick, Stephen Paul Foster Ponder The Deep Questions &body=%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A">
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That was rather stimulating, and you guys gave me a shout out which will increase my swag in the community! Also I appreciated Greg’s comments on Celine last podcast. If that sort of symbolism is in his books, I want to prioritize reading them all!
another “principled villain” is Molly from the movie Charlie Varrick. In fact I think molly was the inspiration for Chigur in no country. That was a very influential movie, also on Tarantino and lynch.
Lots of really interesting thoughts here but please can someone tell Mark to calm down and stop blurting out every thought that enters his head, his interruptions were very jarring.
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