The ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict has been a tragedy of global proportions, not only for the combatants but the United States as well. (more…)
Tag: Arabs
October 28, 2022 Morris van de Camp
Poslední velká válka starověku
English original here
James Howard-Johnston
The Last Great War of Antiquity
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021První světová válka je konflikt v mnoha ohledech podivný. Znepřátelené strany se modlily k témuž Bohu, jejich královské rodiny byly blízkými příbuznými a národy byly dosti svobodné a blahobytné. Skrze své kolonie ovládaly většinu světa. Stačilo, aby postupovaly společně a zlatý věk, v němž žily, mohl vydržet dlouhá léta – katastrofálně v této situaci ovšem neuspěly. (more…)
Czech version here
James Howard-Johnston
The Last Great War of Antiquity
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021The First World War is a curious conflict. The belligerents prayed to the same God, their royal families were closely related, and their nations were free and prosperous. They ruled most of the Earth through their empires. They only needed to cooperate, and the golden world in which they lived could have lasted for a long time — but they failed to do so. (more…)
The following essay originally appeared in Antelope Hill’s anthology Why We Fight, which presents the work of the winners of their first annual writing contest, and is being republished here at the request of the author.
C was one of those elementary school friends with whom I’d always expected to reconnect at some point in the future. We’d diverged in adolescence, as is so often the case, but as boys we had been so close. (more…)
August 20, 2021 Morris van de Camp
نظرة في الثمانينيات على اللوبي الإسرائيلي
English original here
موريس فان دي كامب
بول فيندلي
إنهم يجرؤون على الحديث: الناس والمؤسسات يواجهون اللوبي الإسرائيلي
ويستبورت، كونيتيكت: لورانس هيل وشركاه، 1985
كان عضو الكونغرس الراحل بول فيندلي (1921-2019) عضواً جمهورياً في الكونغرس من إلينوي. مسقط رأسه كانت جاكسونفيل. مثل العديد من سكان الغرب الأوسط الآخرين، كان أسلافه مزيجاً من اليانكيز وسكان بنسلفانيا الذين أنشأوا حضارة في البرية. (more…) -
Arabic version here
Paul Findley
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby
Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Company, 1985The late Congressman Paul Findley (1921-2019) was a Republican Congressman from Illinois. His hometown was Jacksonville. Like so many other Midwesterners his ancestors were a mix of the Yankees and Pennsylvanians who created a civilization on the wild prairie. (more…)
Ever have one of those moments that make you question everything? Sometimes things get so confusing that up seems like down, day seems like night, and you find yourself revisiting some of your most fundamental principles. Of course, I’m talking about the Jewish Question. (more…)
7,971 words
Twentieth Century Studios is threatening to release a remake of Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile (1937). And if Kenneth Branaugh’s previous outing as the Hercule Poirot character in 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express was anything to go by, best to avoid it. (more…)
Albert Camus
Trans. Joseph Laredo
The Stranger
London: Penguin, 2000 (1942)“I love my country too much to be a nationalist.”
— Attributed to Albert Camus (more…)
A popular argument is that terrorism is fundamentally a reaction to US foreign policy – that even if Islamic terrorists couch their anger in religious sentiments, indeed even if they believe that the US is in fact a “Great Satan” (more…)
1,420 words
As universal as pop music tries to be, there are some songs which cut into profit margins by drawing distinct lines between large groups of people and cast aspersions or judgment across those lines. And depending on how sanctified or protected the victim group is — or how known or unknown the singer/songwriter is — the song might actually become popular. For example, Mick Jagger made a career out of doing this to women, and Bruce Springsteen to the wealthy. But very rarely does pop music draw lines along racial barriers. (more…)
1,654 words
French translation here
T. E. Lawrence was born in North Wales on 15 August 1888. He was the illegitimate son of Sir Thomas Chapman, an Anglo-Irish baronet. His mother was Scottish. He became a legend in his own time as Lawrence of Arabia — a brilliant active life which ended in a motorcycle “accident” when he was only 46. (more…)
2,432 words
English original here
T. E. Lawrence naquit dans le nord du Pays de Galles le 15 août 1888. Il était le fils illégitime de Sir Thomas Chapman, un baron anglo-irlandais. Sa mère était écossaise. Il devint une légende de son vivant sous le nom de Lawrence d’Arabie – une vie active et brillante qui prit fin dans un « accident » de moto alors qu’il n’avait que 46 ans. (more…)