White people have always been a global minority, but in the past that didn’t impede them from ruling the globe. Not so long ago, it was astounding what whites — despite their national, religious, and ideological differences — were able to achieve merely by viewing themselves as a unique racial group that was distinct from the world’s other races.
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Clearly this didn’t sit well with the world’s other races, and over the past century, the smoldering embers of non-white resentment have been successfully stoked by convincing the world’s non-whites that, despite all their differences, they are united as one makeshift race merely by dint of not being white; they are one happy, global family known as “People of Color,” which leaves whites isolated by implication as people without color.
We’ve been told . . . no, we’ve been lectured . . . actually, we’ve been threatened . . . that there’s really no such thing as “white people,” that it was all a cruel, anti-scientific fantasy concocted to help white people — even though they don’t exist — abuse, rape, roll over, and dominate the rest of the world. So whites must never be permitted to think of themselves as a group again, lest they resume their sick and inhumane cycle of abusing, raping, rolling over, and dominating.
In what has to rank as one of history’s most successful propaganda campaigns, the whole non-white world has been turned against whites.
Even more impressively, half of the white world has been turned against the other half.
As majority-white countries are flooded with non-whites who are poised, eager, and openly encouraged to breed those nasty and perfidious whites out of existence, keeping whites divided against one another will remain a tactical necessity until it’s far too late for white people to stop the cresting wave that’s ready to drown them.
Divide and conquer is the oldest political trick in the book because it is the most effective. What has seemed to escape nearly everyone’s notice is that as the West burns, whites have been played like fiddles against one another. Their differences, no matter how microscopic, have been magnified and used to distract white people from ever noticing that the world is one big prison yard and the rest of the inmates are rushing toward them with knives.
There are countless ways to divide white people. If you were planning to get them at one another’s throats in the service of robbing them of power and influence, here are some great fault lines to exploit:
Young v. Old
Don’t let them ever focus on the fact that they are different iterations of the same breed, different temporal manifestations of the same protoplasmic blueprint. Instead, hammer away at the notion that they are different generations, and pretend that these generations have scientifically verifiable goalposts. Imbue the young ones with simmering hostility toward their elders. Encourage them to blame their progenitors for their own aimless misery. Fool them into thinking that older white people — purposely, in tandem, and as a monolithic group — engineered this disaster. Delude them into thinking that most members of any generation have the agency and power to make decisions that change the world. In turn, encourage older people to shrug, walk away from these snotty little clueless ingrates, and leave them to the wolves.
Male v. Female
If you’re trying to engineer a shortage of white males and females, play them against one another like natural-born enemies who refuse to ever kiss and make up. Use the sexes’ innate differences as a wedge and drive it like a freight train between them. Encourage women to think that they don’t never need no man, no how, no way. Applaud them for mocking, belittling, and demonizing men. Persuade men that their own failures and shortcomings in finding women who are willing to have sex with them, or even to spend five minutes alone with them, is entirely women’s fault. Turn the battle of the sexes into a never-ending war of attrition.
Rich v. Poor
Convince the rich that all their wealth was earned, that it’s a fundamentally just world, and that there is no such thing as ill-gotten gains. Prod them into looking down with disgust at those with meager means, to shit and spit on them, to jeer and sneer at them, and to view them as genetic debris who deserve every last morsel of their suffering. Persuade the poor that the rich only acquired their wealth through luck, malevolence, or dishonesty. Keep both groups’ eyes diverted from the fact that if the economy were to suffer a major collapse and food riots, water riots, and pill riots sprouted up everywhere, you’d all still be white in the hungry eyes of the enemy tribes.
Believers v. Nonbelievers
Convince a significant faction of whites that Christianity is more important than race. Failing that, insist that Christianity must be part of the package rather than a completely separate topic. Set Catholics against Protestants and both groups against atheists, agnostics, and pagans. Make them forget that Christianity’s founders were all Asians rather than Europeans and that Christianity is a majority non-white religion globally. Make them focus on the hereafter and the unseen rather than the here and now and what we can see with our own eyes. Keeping their heads in the clouds will make them forget that the enemy is approaching on the ground.
Left v. Right
Do anything you can to distract them from the fact that by obsessively splitting ideological hairs, they are actually splitting biological heirs. Hoodwink them into thinking that the only meaningful divide is between blue and red rather than white and non-white. Have them barking at one another over tradition v. modernity, monarchy v. anarchy, piety v. libertinism, capitalism v. socialism — keep them focused on anything other than “us v. them.” Even though in a street fight no one screams, “Kill the libertarian!” and no one gets a bottle smashed over his head for his stance on capital-gains taxes, make their mantra “don’t punch right” instead of “don’t punch white.”
Dissidents v. Normies
If you’re trying to push the message that there’s nothing wrong with being white and that developing a group consciousness among whites is the primary goal, make sure you come across like a tone-policing, moralfagging cult member who’s purity-spiraled himself into a dark, moldy corner. Be a pompous twat who calls himself a “dissident” and uses “normie” as a putdown, just like trannies use “cisgender.” Indulge in squirrelly esotericism and a nutty compulsion to smear everyone who doesn’t follow every last tedious dictate in your rulebook as a federal agent. Engage in endless speed-freak infighting, backstabbing, and unmedicated schizophrenia. Pretend it’s a private club with secret passwords and complicated hand signals rather than a natural order whose only qualification is being born white.
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I’ve now found multiple opportunities to share why I have not sent my son to college: they are all teaching that white men are inherently bad. I have not gotten one ounce of push back yet. I do get looks that imply shock that I would say it out loud and/or it’s the first they’ve ever thought of it. But NO pushback at all. I’ve even launched into this with people I know are liberals, as long as they are white. Maybe one way to fight divide-and-conquer is to find a common gripe about the other side. There really are so many.
That’s awesome of you to do that. Sometimes it really is just a matter of being audacious enough to speak up, to be an iconoclast.
The truth is, the people you’re describing are not stupid people, they’re religious people. They are devotees of the National Religion. But since we aren’t, it is our role to show them that they worship profane gods who are not worth their time, don’t love them, and are harming rather than helping them and everyone/everything they hold dear.
Deep down they know their gods are shams and that showing obeisance to them is pathetic, but doing so is so pervasive and not doing so is so forbidden. Therefore, they say the words they must and prostrate themselves, all while biding their time and hoping that they’ll somehow, someday, be delivered from it all without having to suffer too much for walking away from the faith they’ve followed all of their life.
In light of that, Jim’s Left v. Right and Dissidents v. Normies points are especially applicable.
Any person denigrating a so called normie should be reminded that they were once one as well. Fifteen years ago, I was reading books by Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage and now I’m a paying member of Counter-Currents(my donation is coming soon Greg, I promise). The way I see it, a normie is at least a third of the way to seeing the world as we see it. Ostracism is never a good strategy to attracting more people to your cause.
“White people have always been a global minority”
I truly never understood this statement. All races are less than 50% of the global population. And as recent as 1900, whites were 35% of the world’s population. In 1950, less than a human lifetime ago, whites were still 25% of the entire earth. They even outnumbered blacks worldwide at that time. The high number of blacks on the planet today is a very recent phenomenon, and only because whites endlessly help them, past and present. They would otherwise die off like unfed goldfish.
It’s really only East Asians/Mongoloids who have always been a large number of the earth’s inhabitants.
Whites only being 9-12% of the earth today is also a recent phenomenon. And if you want to get super technical, there are more white people alive today than at any other time in history. Our percentage only went down because the other races have grow so much in the last 50+ years.
So yeah, I really don’t understand what people mean when they refer to whites as a global minority
It makes perfect sense if you look at it in us-versus-them terms; to us, it doesn’t matter that other races separately don’t occupy as large a percentage of the world-population pie chart as they do collectively. That’s because there is us, and there is the other, whatever the other looks like in any of its forms.
Using your numbers, 9-12% of the world-population’s space being invaded — which inevitably reduces that already small percentage by even more via miscegenation, lower birthrates, violent crime, suicide from despair, etc. — becomes even more clearly unacceptable than it already clearly is.
Very good points! Thank you for breaking it down.
And Jim is also correct that all non-white races, particularly when they reside in a majority white country, unite as if they are a de facto one “people if color.” Then it becomes two battles of whites versus colored, as you pointed out.
It’s like Dr. Johnson said in one of his videos earlier this year. That while whites certainly have to increase their fertility rate back to replacement levels, the even bigger problem is how many non-whites live I white countries — making it more so about there’s too many of them, not too few of us.
Allow me to help. There’s a word between “majority” and “minority,” and that word is “plurality.” That’s the largest group under 50%.
Depending on how you define an “Asian,” they are either a majority (4.5 billion people live on the Asian continent, more than half the global population), or at least a plurality if you want to start subtracting immigrants to Asia, consider Middle Easterners to be a separate race from East Asians, etc.
Whites have never been a majority nor a plurality, so they’ve always been a global minority. This statement checks out 100%.
And majority-white nations will slip down into plurality status before they become a minority.
When I was born in 1943, the entire planetary population was 2.3 billion. N0w, just 80 years later, it has recently passed the 8 billion marker. That is nearly a quadrupling in population in just 80 years. Whites, I am told, comprise about 800 million, or just 10% of the population worldwide. And we’d be laughed off the planet if we ever asked, “Please help the poor, starving, white babies in Europe and North America”. I say we are a ‘Rare Breed’ and we had better step up into our place in Humanity, as well as stepping up to increase our lot.
I’m sorry to have to pour some icewater on your comment, but whites are not close to 800 million today. Not sure we ever were. According to the late, esteemed British historian Geoffrey Barraclough, in 1900 whites were approx. 30% of the (much smaller, as you note) global population. I’m not sure there have ever been 800mil whites. One might think so due to preponderant white historical achievement until one reflects how relatively unpopulous Attic Greece was.
There certainly are not 800 million Europeans on Earth today. The 2020 Census has the white pop. of America, the largest bastion of whites on Earth, at about 204mil. I question how accurate that number is. For example, there are mixed race people, even today, who count themselves as “white”. I knew a Latino who did so, and while he was plainly more European than anything else, merely visually, it was clear he had ‘mixture’ in his bloodline. And even counting, as I do, Old Stock Americans with traces of Amerindian blood as ‘white’ (and many are very white visually, as well as super-white culturally), there are all sorts of other groups that get counted as ‘white’ (eg, Levantines of all kinds, Jews, Iranians, sometimes even super-dark Hindus) that are not what most or any of us here would consider “white” (again, of pure European descent). [On this note, I wonder if Nikki Haley self-classifies as ‘white’?]
France banned racial census taking in 1978, undoubtedly to facilitate race replacement (by not alarming the indigenes about the scale and demographics of mass immigration).
Britain has maybe 50 million whites at the outside. Germany has maybe 60 million whites.
We could go through the whole planet, trying to estimate how many true whites there are (eg, I consider President Milei of Argentina to be white; same with Bolsonaro of Brazil – but not “Lula”, who clearly is mixed, albeit with considerable ‘white’ in him). I doubt you could find more than 500mil who are truly white (eg, Trump, Biden, Bush, Greg Johnson, Jim Goad, etc). And that number is disproportionately old, rapidly declining (esp. once my Boomer generation is mostly dead), and filled with the inherently race-leftist and easily indoctrinated.
Life for whites generally, and prowhites especially, is set to become simply horrific on this already shrinking planet on which we’ve pathologically stupidly allowed our white territorial and political defenses to be so widely and massively breached. I suspect that within 1-2 decades (just when I shall be looking to enjoy a nice retirement …) there will start to be mass die-offs of whites – noticeable at first, then becoming a tsunami.
Whites need to start thinking about mutual aid and self-defense networks now. Instead, we suffer wokester traitors in our ranks, whilst ‘conservatives’ worry about minority abortions (ie, voluntary self-depopulation of future enemies).
We’re no longer a serious race. And the fate of the unserious is enslavement and extinction at the hands of stronger tribes.
Germany also has over 60 million Germans, not white people, who actually number over 70 million.
Europe has 740 million people or so, probably about 650-700 million are white. It’s way above 500 million, that’s for sure.
Then in South America, with a little less than half of Brazil, half of Chile, and majorities in Argentina and Uruguay being white, that’s about 150 million people.
So, there are about 800-850 million white people between those two continents.
Then add 230 million whites between Canada and the US and another 20 million from Oceania.
We’re looking at over 1 billion white people, not including white minorities in Africa and Central America.
I’m not going to argue the point, except to say your numbers, esp for North America, are so far off as to be laughable. I believe the most recent number for all “whites” (which includes not only Jews, but Levantines and many other Near Eastern peoples – and who knows exactly how many Latinos and Amerindians who identify as “white”) in the US was 57% (and of course, the Census is notorious for undercounting nonwhites, esp in ghettos). Between the US and Canada there are not 200mil whites. Your general number for Europe is equally preposterous. Russia gets included in “Europe”, yet it contains tens of millions of nonwhites. What percent nonwhite is France – 20%? The Netherlands? New Zealand? etc.
And I’m trying to ascertain the real number of “objective whites”. Prowhites are a small minority of that.
I deeply question the 1990 census. It claims that the country was 75% white, 12% black, 10% Hispanic, and 3% Asian. I’m willing to bet that whites were already less than 70% of the USA by the early-1990s.
I was born in 1987, so I primarily grew up between the late-80s to 2005. Even back in the 90s I didn’t feel like the country was 3/4 white (that’s not a supermajority, anyway). I saw lots of Muslims, south Asians, Africans, Mexicans, etc in the malls, Walmarts, and Sam’s Clubs during those years, and any time I went to a major city, whites were almost nowhere to be found. Television and movies were very diverse, and any soccer team, Boy Scout group, or church Sunday school/youth group I was a part of, always had token blacks, Asians, and middle easterners in it.
One question about your last sentence regarding the fate of the unserious. The stronger tribes of the world are all less intelligent, less creative, less successful, etc, than whites. Do you truly believe that lesser races who simply happen to be more United and understanding of race could execute such a future for whites? Part of me feels like they’d be too dumb and helpless to literally enslave us and/or mass murder us to the point of literal extinction.
Not the Chinese. Not the Jews. Not “progressive” whites, who in their racio-evo-defective sickness would aid the enslavers. Whites won’t be enslaved, let alone exterminated, all at once. This is a gradual (but, over my 62 years, noticeably accelerating) dispossessionist trend. And note: the end will come slowly, then all at once. Or, put another way, this is gradual (but intensifying) white racial devolution set to culminate in very rapid nonwhite racial revolution.
And it’s all happening far more quickly than anyone predicted. You mention year 1990. I distinctly recall reading a TIME magazine article right around then about America’s “inevitable multicultural future” {of course, there was nothing in the least inevitable about it: it was wholly the product of an immigration policy designed to race replace white Americans}, in which the date by which America was projected to become “majority-minority” was 2075. At that time, still in my 20s, I said “No F—– Way!” It would happen well before 2050. Sure enough, another decade or so later, the new “m-m” target date became 2042. Mark my words – the 2030 Census will reveal the country to be “m-m”. There will be great rejoicing among the demons, aliens and morons.
[Indeed, factoring in the 35million or more illegal alien population, the US may already be “m-m”. CA did not formally get recognized as “m-m” until 2000; but the actual “m-m” transition date was 1996.]
There are days when I wonder if I’ll have to leave the country altogether. There’s the usual fears of having to learn another language, get used to a different way of life and government, etc. I also don’t have any strong job skills and I’m 36 years old, so I don’t know who would honestly take me.
I definitely wouldn’t go anywhere in Europe, Australia, or Canada.
Part of me thinks that only an Asian country would be truly safe from being taken over by Jews, so that would likely limit my options to places like Japan, Taiwan, or Singapore. Asians countries are known to be very xenophobic and strict with immigration, and I’d definitely be made to feel like a foreigner who doesn’t belong, but I really don’t know how to protect myself going forward
The “global majority” thing is just sleight of hand, lumping all other races together despite having nothing in common besides being non-White. Cultural Marxists are both majoritarians (as seen with this) and minoritists, changing their argument to arrive at a pre-determined outcome, which in this case is their anti-White agenda.
Yes, and I implied that in this passage:
the smoldering embers of non-white resentment have been successfully stoked by convincing the world’s non-whites that, despite all their differences, they are united as one makeshift race merely by dint of not being white; they are one happy, global family known as “People of Color,” which leaves whites isolated by implication as people without color.
First they came for the nazis, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a nazi.
Then they came for the “white supremacists”, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a “white supramacist”.
Then they came for the january sixers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a january sixer.
Then they came for the palestinians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a palestinian
Then they came for anyone of european descend, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a racist.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me, – by now it would be an antisemitic hatecrime to do so.
To divide White people, teach rich Whites that they want cheap non-White labor, imported in the largest numbers possible, or at least they want to offshore production to non-White countries.
Thus far my favorite Jim Goad article.
Looking forward to the film version.
Jim has a really good reading voice too
Christianity was a political, as much as a religious movement, which acted to allow both European petty nationalism and European cohesion as well as to suppress Jewish power which pagan Roman rule had not managed to do. I would favour reviving the church (de-emphasizing the OT) and the reverence for the old pantheons of Europe with an overarching pro-white mythos, much as national socialism in Germany attempted. A complex society needs a mixture of the heroic and the slave morality but the alpha and omega must be pro-European and in my opinion should honour the beliefs of our ancestors.
When I consider Mandela and MLK it makes me believe that Jesus must have been truly awful in real life
The Roman Catholic Church was able to incorporate the old pagan religions by basically creating Saints who fulfilled the role of the old gods. It worked for a while.
Christianity was a political, as much as a religious movement….
Yes, Christians brought ‘Roman’ style rule to Europe. I don’t consider this a good thing.
[Christianity] acted to allow both European petty nationalism and European cohesion….
It was not successful at this at all. But it did manage to destroy indigenous White spiritual culture.
[Christianity acted] to suppress Jewish power which pagan Roman rule had not managed to do.
Christianity never existed to ‘suppress’ jews. The jews have always been very good at suppressing themselves via embrace of their own alieness. The one group that Christianity successfully suppressed what Whites. Christianity successfully destroyed nearly every vestige of indigenous White spiritual culture. All while leaving the jews intact. Christian collaborated on the jewish project of destroying White culture. It wasn’t an opponent.
The failure of Rome to deal with the jews is no surprise. As an empire, Rome expected to rule over diverse people and one way to do that was to allow some of these racial aliens to rise and have access to corridors of Roman power. The jews (as always) responded to this generosity with treachery.
I would favour reviving the church (de-emphasizing the OT) and the reverence for the old pantheons of Europe with an overarching pro-white mythos, much as national socialism in Germany attempted.
I don’t see how you can ‘revive the church’ while at the same time promoting a ‘reverence’ for the fragments of indigenous White spiritual culture that Christians systematically destroyed.
Until Christians can admit that what they did was wrong, I don’t see any reason to trust a project such as you describe.
A complex society needs a mixture of the heroic and the slave morality but the alpha and omega must be pro-European and in my opinion should honour the beliefs of our ancestors.
I agree with this. But in order to do this, first there as to be an admission of having done wrong to Whites and an apology. You’re assuming that all is forgiven without actually asking for forgiveness.
“Make them forget that Christianity’s founders were all Asians”
In the 19th century, an ‘Aryan Christ’ theory was advocated. It’s not completely impossible, if we recall the curious incident of the Three Magi bearing gifts at the nativity. They are assumed to have been Persians (now ‘Iranians’ = Aryans), so Mary’s conception could have involved the esoteric ambitions of a mystery-religion cult.
Where’s Dan Brown when you need him?
(Yes, I do know that Persia is in Asia, but the inhabitants are Indo-European, not Semitic.)
The psychological motive for the Aryan Christ proposal must have been that Christ had to be The Perfect Man, and Nordics were seen as the crème de la crème of humanity.
As much of a stretch as this is already, I’ve never heard of anyone who considers the Three Magi to be “Christianity’s founders.”
If a would-be father was suspected of shooting blanks, it was not unknown in the ancient world for his wife to visit a temple for a (very) private audience with a priest. Any child born was seen as especially favoured by the gods.
It was more a pagan thing (hence the Persians), but if that happened to Mary, it would have been an ‘Aryan’ who was Jesus’s father.
We know it’s a stretch, but not so big a stretch as claiming a virgin was impregnated by The Big Guy.
In addition to permanent ones, there are also temporary splitting lines associated with specific and temporal political events, like
Pro-Putinists vs. Anti-Putinists.
Pro-Israelis vs. Pro-Arabs.
Everything formulated in the spirit of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” or the “Allen Dulles Plan.”
” Indulge in squirrelly esotericism and a nutty compulsion to smear everyone who doesn’t follow every last tedious dictate in your rulebook as a federal agent.”
Also, make a point of signalling your dislike of popular culture – music, film, TV, literature, etc; avoid spending time in the company of ordinary and boring people that perhaps may not fully understand just how “special” and “important” you actually are; not enjoying in moderation things that most other people like, such as visiting restaurants and bars etc; Assert your misunderstood individuality by not observing simple social requirements like wearing clean and sensible clothing – and if you’re feeling especially under-appreciated and unrecognised, deliberately ignore basic personal hygiene and the social boundaries of others WHO DO NOT WANT TO KNOW either yourself or those crackpot ideas you carry around in order to purposefully inflict upon unfortunate others.
Ah yes, but…
The US is a plutocratic gerontocracy in which Jews hold a preponderance of power. Money, age and ethnicity matter. These matter amongst whites and they matter in relations between whites and other groups.
The psychological chasm that lies between those born before about 1960 and everyone else is real and cannot be wished, waved or worded away.
And as the kids say, or used to: Don’t NAXALT me, bro.
Of the handful of outliers in that generation who were unpersoned by Jews for being ahead of the curve in the 90s, most are now clearly behind it. You cannot win a war if you are afraid to name the enemy. Whether they won’t or can’t is now irrelevant, as irrelevant as they themselves have become. Their tone policing is now become tone deafness.
I suggest that they should buck the pattern of their generation and and actually withdraw from public life. St Patrick B has done just that. Maybe hand over their positions to others before they are decrepit. Maybe write their memoirs with an eye not on self-justification but on posterity, with an emphasis on regrets, errors, and lessons learned. Then leave their estates to C-C, TPC and a legal fund.
When we win, we will name the spacecraft we use to reach Mars after them.
You cannot win a war if you are afraid to name the enemy.
You DEFINITELY cannot win a war if you’re so afraid of the enemy, you fear naming yourself.
“Make them forget that Christianity’s founders were all Asians rather than Europeans“
Utterly false. The apostles were sent to preach exclusively to Europeans.
“that Christianity is a majority non-white religion globally“
Totally irrelevant.
It’s rather amusing that in an article highlighting the counterproductive nature of infighting and divisions among whites, you proceed to unironically create division by portraying that particular point of contention as exclusively the fault of Christians (while lying no less).
The apostles were sent to preach exclusively to Europeans.
Someone’s conflating “founders” with “targets of the founders’ evangelizing.” If you can name a single apostle that was European, let me know. A better case could be made that the outreach to Europe—which was not “exclusive”—was an attempt to undermine indigenous European religions with one that was entirely conceived in Asia.
Regarding “sent to preach exclusively to Europeans”…
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” —Matthew 28:19
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” —Mark 16:15
“ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” —Acts 1:8
Regarding Paul’s epistles: the Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Hebrews were not Europeans.
Thanks for accusing me of lying. But nothing I said was incorrect. You were wrong, but I’m gracious enough to say that maybe you’re just sorely uninformed. Or maybe you’re lying. But definitely wrong.
Regarding infighting: You could have just accepted my premise that race and religion are two entirely different things, and peace would have reigned throughout the land. But instead, you decided to stumble half-blind into an argument. Rather amusing indeed.
I agree with your reply and would add that the apostle Thomas is traditionally said to have reached South India, founding the church which still thrives there. The Ephesians, Galatians and Collosians of Asia Minor were likely of Aryan and Jewish descent at that time, albeit they were geographically Near Eastern. Asia Minor was a posession of Aryan regimes until the 11th century AD. It’s loss was a catastrophe. Prior to the settlement of the Americas and the victory of Jan Sobieski at Vienna in 1683 our range had contracted for a thousand years following the Arab expansion. Contraction recommenced in 1942.
Jim, there is one big problem with your world view: immoral Whites are more likely to Sell me out and HAVE than Non-Whites IN YOUR OWN CIRCLES.
This is why morality will always Trump Race for Whites. Because unlike the Sub-Saharan Apes, morality actually does MATTER to Whites.
And we people in your racial circles are simply GARBAGE….you don’t get to say to me “but we are all White.”
I don’t GIVE A SHIT.
You sound extremely moral and coherent.
Race is morality. There is no morality other than tribal morality. You worship non-Whites so you accept their flaws as unimportant but since you despise Whites you see their flaws and egregious.
If you really prefer non-Whites to Whites, just say so.
But you’re not going to pull off the idea that your Darkie Worship is morally superior to a pro-White moral position.
Too many people here know better.
Rant elsewhere.
When there are so many GARBAGE PERVERT DUPLICITOUS SCUM in your circles from top to bottom, you don’t get to say to me, “But we are all White.”
I’m sorry it doesn’t work like that Jim.
I know I would have your back in a dark alleyway. Or I would hope so. But I have NO SUCH CONFIDENCE that you would have mine ESPECIALLY after what I have experienced repeatedly from people in your circles.
This is for Lord Shang, as our thread has ended. Even if I’ve over-counted, there are definitely over 200 million whites in North America.
Also, I’m not counting all Russians. Russia itself has over 100 million ethnic Russians, plus it has some small white minorities.
I took into account non-white minorities.
And I think you should take into account the “flight from white” as Steve Sailer calls it. If anything, the number of whites has been undercounted in various countries because there is no advantage in identifying as white. No Native American would identify as white unless they were unaware of their heritage. A bunch of French Canadians in my province started calling themselves “Métis” because their great-great-great grandfather slept with a Cree woman.
Tnis new phrase about white people, ‘global minority,’ is just a troll replacing ‘ethnic minority,’ at least in the UK, to remind white people that there are far more non-white people round the world than there are white.
It’s a hardly-subtle racist piece of swill phrase, meant to bring to mind the whole rest of the world hating and overpowering and replacing us, if and when they get the chance. It’s basically a barely-diaguised threat. It’s disgusting, and pathetic. As usual.
Interesting that back in the 1990s, in ‘The Redneck Manifesto‘, Jim was arguing, as I recall, that race divisions were being used to ‘divide and rule‘ poor people, and that poor blacks and whites needed unite together.
Meanwhile, now he’s arguing that class divisions are being used to ‘divide and rule‘ white people, and rich and poor whites need to unite together.
An interesting evolution. I suspect there’s some truth in both claims.
ZOG has a “whigger problem” and we ain’t in the Dying ZOG together.
Like I point out, both ZOG and ourselves have a whigger problem.
This is especially the problem during this Late ZOG Age Collapse. Whiggers seeking theys’ own way will be the death of ZOG and that is a good thing.
For example, after the Flood, Noah’s worthless spawn Ham — who married the Sethite/Cainite Naamah and spawned Canaan the father of the jews/Canaanite also like the dog, the raven, and himself had sex aboard the Ark, and later cornholed Noah and stole the Garments of Power the artifacts given to Adam and Eve made out of the skins of the Beasts of the Field (the lions, tigers, bears, niggers) giving dominion over such and gave them to his Nephilim giant demon-spawn named Cush who was the father of Nimrod/Gilgamesh who built Babylon. Like Cain who was the First Mayor and spawn of Satan the jews, these garments gave power over the non-white huemanoids, which was why Nimrod was able to be a mighty hunter. Later the Hamites conquered the Japhetites who were not under dominion and enslaved them. It was YHWH who divided and put an end to Babylon by confusing the tongues of the 70 Adamic nations under the Rule of the Watchers and thus separating the nations for the next 7,000 years.
Likewise the latter-day ZOG/Babylon is having problems with godly division. It was the Southern states that sought to separate off from ZOG but they were forced back in. Today ZOG is at war with the rest of the world, especially the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans who do not want to be under ZOG/Babylon. The sooner that ZOG is divided and collapses the better. Just as under the First Civil War, at least a third of the nation wanted to go theys’ own way and were forced back in, today shall see the end of ZOG through division and de-centralization. Aryan Nations political policy is splitting the ZOGling whigger mighty Evil Empire into less than 20-60 million feral ex-whiggers ruled by local theocratic military dictatorships which I call The Ten Thousand Warlords. This is inevitable by using prion-poisoning, chernobyling blue hives and theys’ ancient ailing nuclear power plants, as well as a determination for each of us to go our own way.
This isn’t the first mighty evil empire to collapse. In fact dark ages and post collapse times last longer than an empire does at its peak. Right now the Ohio and South Dakota korts have given the jewlatto ZOGbot Bryan Reo my South Dakota inheritance to where I would gladly hunt down every single pig, lawyer, judge, and politician and give them the same treatment that Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky dished out to safeguard the Russian Revolution. A second American Revolution which destroys ZOG/Babylon could save Whigger ZOGlings and free them from the predations of jews and niggers. The Nordic nations had their Ragnarok/Gotterdammerung endings of the world before things improved and Christianity has the Books of Revelation and a Great Tribulation before Christ returns, Satan is bound, and a New Heaven and Earth comes, so of course Aryan Nations with its belief that jews are the Spawn of Satan, that non-whites are soulless Beasts of the Field, and that Satan is the god of this world has not a problem with violence, civil war, and destroying this Satanic regime and form of government in favor of what is best for whites — not whiggers. Rather than form above-ground organizations which lose when fighting with ZOG/Babylon, it is safer and easier to simply remain under the radar and ungovernable, which is what most of us are doing now.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
This article should be essential reading for every single person in this sphere. I think every one of us is guilty or losing sight of the big picture at some point, but it is so crucial to not get lost in these often petty divisions.
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